Becoming a Cuckold Ch. 06


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"I was thinking, the auction organizers might wonder how I got two slaves already. I think the story I'm going to tell anyone if they ask, is that Marnie was loving my cock and not fucking you anymore. The only way you could have sex with your wife again is if you both submitted to me so I'd tell Marnie to fuck you. I insisted on full submission, so you're essentially my slaves. Marnie will do anything I want if I'll fuck her, and you'll do what I want so I'll let you fuck her. I'm going to be really crude about it if I have to tell someone. I just wanted to let you know, I don't really mean it and I care for you both."

"Uh, okay, sir," I said.

Marnie turned to kiss him, then turned back to me.

"Also, if anyone inquires, I'm looking to start my own stable, get into management instead of the worker side. That's what we're doing there. Looking for girls to put into operation, not personal use."

"That makes sense. How many slaves could you even own."

"Exactly. I don't know how many women three million will buy, but I've got to want them for something other than personal use. It's a lot of money to spend even if I have a fetish for popping cherries."

"Did you ever think of doing anything other than being a sex worker, Master?" I asked.

"Like selling drugs or joining a gang?"

"Like going to college, getting a regular job, sir?"

"Look, my mother was a junkie, which kind of turned me off to the drug shit. I'll smoke reefer, maybe take a little E for a trick, but that's it. I had no clue who my father was. I barely finished high school because I had to hustle to survive. I had no money for further schooling. What I was blessed with, was a big dick men and women loved to fuck. I'm not even like a street walker, where I have to depend on my looks. As long as my dick functions, I probably have a steady career; to maybe fifty-five or sixty. I'm saving money because my expenses are low. I live in cheap housing because most of the time, my dates are buying food and taking me to a hotel. Shit, if I start living in your crib, I probably double my income, plus living in Manhattan means fucking richer people. The gang bangers I was around when I was younger; twenty-five percent are dead, forty percent are in prison and the rest are living meaningless lives. I'm almost thirty now. Even if I started going to college, what the fuck would I study and who's going to hire a thirty-four year old, by the time I graduate, ex-prostitute with a criminal record. I think the course of my life is pretty well set. I'm not bitching about it. I enjoy fucking. I'm good at it, and every so often, I meet people I like. Even this thing were doing, sounds kind of fun"

"You don't think it's dangerous, Master?"

"Hey, I'm just going somewhere and buying women. I don't think anyone is going to realize we're shooting footage out of your assholes. Unless we should have to testify, and I don't see that as being realistic, because we would all make lousy witnesses, no one will ever know we were doing anything there."

"Why aren't we good witnesses, sir?" Marnie asked.

"Credibility. Sex worker with criminal record, two people who like to go naked and get spanked by a Dominant. You're going to a slave auction with cameras in your asses and sucking my cock so you can get good photographs. Defense attorneys would love to have us as witnesses against their clients."

I started to laugh. Marnie and Andre soon joined me.


We were back in full Dominant/submissive mode the following morning. Master fucked Marnie's cunt as she and I sixty-nined. I was getting very accustomed to seeing his big black dick sliding in and out of my wife's cunt at close range, his dangling balls rolling over my forehead. More than anything, Marnie loved this position, having her husband licking her clit while her Master fucked her. I'd have to say that despite the number of orgasms she was getting, she did an excellent job of sucking my cock. Of course, I had clean up duty when Master finished inside of her. I don't think Master liked anything more than his male slave licking their combined cum off his cock and out of my wife's snatch. When he finished inside her, his cock was white with their combined juices. Nothing else made me feel more submissive; not even wearing a cock cage or frilly panties or getting my ass paddled.

Marnie and I made breakfast. Master put Marnie's in a shallow bowl on the floor and made her eat it by shoving her face in it. Me, he sat in his lap and he fed me. He frequently kissed me as he did, and remembering we were portraying an owner and slave who had to do anything his Master wanted, I enthusiastically kissed him back. He'd also stroke my cock, keeping me hard throughout the meal. When we'd eaten our food, he tugged my cock until I ejaculated all over our food plate, set it on the floor and made me lick it up beside Marnie while he took care of the rest of the dishes.

"You know," Master said, putting the other dishes in the dishwasher as we licked our plates, "I don't think I can have either of you sucking my cock all through the auction. I'm going to need to consider other ways we can get the filming done. I've got some ideas. I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I will."

We dressed only long enough to walk to William's house. As soon as we were back in the playroom, we were stripped again. Both Marnie and I were given four more welts to add to our collection. Master attempted to avoid breaking skin again, though there was some inadvertent skin breakage where welts crossed one another. Master applied the cream to both of our asses and applied our aftercare.

"The whole experience at the auction is going to be one intense scene," Bill said. "There can't be any aftercare delivered at the auction. A slave owner wouldn't give a shit. You won't be able to put cream on any new welts inflicted. Again, an owner wouldn't give a damn about your comfort. You'll need to tough it out as much as possible, although the two slaves can offer comfort to each other, Andre can't. He has to remain indifferent to your pain."

"Yes, sir."

William and Master discussed the nuances of Dominance, the differences to be expected in ownership, while Marnie and I stood with our arms around each other, staying off our buttocks for now. William had us demonstrate the silent safety gesture we'd chosen for ourselves. Over the course of the rest of the day, Marnie and I had to randomly give it so see how quickly Master noticed us use it.

Around noon, the FBI agent, Winston, called and said he'd be there in an hour. Bill told his slaves to ensure they were dressed and bring food to the dining room as it was a good time for a break.

Master told us we'd be remaining naked when the agent came to continue with the rigid owner/slave structure we were going for at the auction tomorrow. I looked at Marnie and she looked as nervous as I was to be naked in front of a federal law enforcement officer. I had to admit, it was enforcing our submissiveness. A little after one, Evelyn brought the agent to the dining room. He was a well built black man, taller and heavier than Master. He noted our nudity nervously, unsure why we were nude. Apparently, Mrs. Ward-Greenbriar hadn't shared everything with him.

William explained the situation to him. "Congresswoman Ward-Greenbriar initially asked me if I could get inside the slave auction, but I'm too well known. My Personal Assistant, Richard Farber suggested an alternative plan. He and his wife are exploring the possibility of a Dominant/submissive relationship with Andre and he suggested Andre go in as a slave owning, potential buyer. Since they could be naked as slaves at a slave auction, Andre is going to bring them to the auction, and strip them. They will have hidden video recording devices installed in butt plugs. We won't turn the devices on until they are well in the building and past any anticipated bug sweeps.

"Both Richard and his wife, Marnie have allowed themselves to be punished similarly to how a real slave might be punished. They have been in deep submission to Andre to prepare for their roles as his slaves, to the point that they're remaining nude in your presence and would have sex with you if Andre ordered them to. They will engage in sex at the auction as needed in order to pull this off."

"Does he have the money to get in? I wasn't able to cut through the red tape to get the government to fund this operation fast enough," Winston said. "It's 50 grand to walk through the door, and a minimum of ten million in your bank account to get approval to walk through the door."

"I deposited ten million in his account yesterday. He has the funds to get in and I've authorized him to spend three million to buy as many slaves as he can to free them before they're further violated."

"Who is he?" Winston asked.

"I'm a sex worker, a male prostitute," Master said. "I'm not going to beat around the bush. I'm not in the world's most glamorous profession, but it has given me an in to some pretty sleazy business. It should give me the street cred to get into the auction. As to how I have so much money available to me, we've cooked up a story I've blackmailed a rich client to get it, and I want to leave the working man side of my business and get into management, which is why I need some female bodies."

"You trust him with that amount of money?" Winston asked.

"Despite his profession, I find him to be quite honest," William said. "The Farbers trust him enough to allow him to inflict the welts on their asses that they're currently sporting and possibly enter into a long term submissive relationship. That calls for an immense amount of trust. I know he's got clients who wouldn't want their relationship with him to ever be exposed and they never have been. I wondered if he'd blackmailed anyone, but there has never been any deposits larger than what would be accounted for by his earnings as a sex worker."

"I trust him," I said. "He's never done anything we didn't expect him to and given us advice when we might have engaged in riskier behaviors where his knowledge of the sex trade was helpful. At this point, I consider him to be my friend and my potential Master."

"What we need from you, Agent Thatcher, is what information they need to collect in order to bring prosecutions against the people involved in this. We've been led to believe you're especially interested in the two men from the photos Richard took at a charity event last week, an Assistant DA and Deputy Police Chief, plus any other higher ups."

Agent Thatcher pulled out official photos of the two individuals they were interested in.

"I know this man," Andre said, looking at the Deputy Police Chief. "Although I knew him as a Precinct Captain. He's a client; well, client is a poor word, because he never pays for his sex with money. He's just helped me out a couple times when I got arrested so the charges got dropped. Essentially, he ends any protection I might have unless I give him what he wants, which are blow jobs and ass fuckings, things his wife won't do for him. The fact you're interested in him is a bonus in my book. He's a bigger sleaze than I thought he was and my opinion wasn't that high. If he's running security for the slave auction, I've probably got a bigger in."

Agent Thatcher was a lawyer and explained the type of information we'd need to for successful prosecutions.

"Try to do any prosecutions without our testimony," Andre said. "Defense Attorneys can make us look pretty bad if we have to go on the stand. Start by breaking weak links in the chain and use their testimony."

Winston pulled up the dark web information on the slave auction and Master used his new found wealth to pay the entrance fee, with two slaves in attendance. After the fee was paid, Master got a receipt that promised an address in Manhattan an hour before the auction, which started at one PM.

"How are you getting there?" Agent Thatcher asked.

"I think it would be best if they all took a taxi there," William said. "If anyone is suspicious, it doesn't give them a vehicle to mount a tracker on. Because Andre is going to be buying product, I'm going to have a bus to pick up all the slaves. It won't arrive until the auction is done. I want Richard and Marnie on that bus. I'm also going to have a couple security guys and an Arabic interpreter on the bus as it's my understanding most of the ones we want to purchase will speak Arabic. Marnie says she speaks French and Richard Spanish, so we cover the most likely North African languages. We've been warned not to share any information with Interpol. The Congresswoman believes there's a leak there to the human traffickers.

"Andre, take a taxi when you leave the auction and go to Tavern on the Green which is right across the street from here. Have yourself a good meal, a couple drinks, see if anyone seems to be paying attention to you. If they are, head home. If you feel safe, come back here. The bus will pull into my garage and I'll have a doctor, nurses, more interpreters, and a psychologist here to deal with anything you or the slaves you purchase will require. Eventually, the government will take them. Congresswoman Ward has made special arrangements for them, but they might be here a couple days while they get interviewed and debriefed by Agent Thatcher and anyone else he trusts. For now, I'm trying to keep this off New York Law Enforcement radar because we don't know how far the rot extends if a Deputy Chief is involved and an assistant DA.

"Buy what you need for clothing tonight or tomorrow morning, Andre. Whatever you think they'll need to accept you as an upper level pimp. I would think that covers it."

Evelyn came to the door. "William, someone left this package for you at the door, said you were waiting for it."

"I believe I know what it is. Could you please bring us some lube?"

"Of course."

I imagined Marnie and I were getting our new anal plugs. William opened the package and pulled out two plugs, plus another gadget that was a receiver/recorder. It could hold up to a day's worth of digital video from both plugs and had a range of a half mile from our cameras. Evelyn returned with the lube.

"Once you know the address, I'll have Robert, my chauffeur/bodyguard, bring this to within a half mile of your location. He won't turn on the cameras until you've been in the building a half hour."

"Let's test it out, make sure everything is working properly," Agent Thatcher said. He hooked up the recording device to his laptop computer.

Master had me bend over, lubed me and the plug, and inserted it in my rectum. He told me to stand at display. Next, he did the same thing to Marnie.

"Turn everything on please, Bill," Master said.

Bill turned everything on. A split picture appeared on Winston's screen showing the floor and Marnie's and my feet.

"What good is that," Winston said. "You can't see anything but the floor."

"Richard, be a good boy and suck my cock," Master said.

"Yes, Master."

Don't delay, no hesitation, Richard. You're a slave now and you'll be punished if you're not prompt. I got down on my knees in front of Master, removed his cock and began sucking, my ass pointed at Agent Thatcher. His image appeared on the screen. His mouth was open. My face was probably red. It felt flushed.

"Marnie, come over here and bend over so I can play with your titties," Master said.

She obeyed, approaching our Master, bending over so her wet cunt and plugged ass was pointed at Winston as Master played with her hanging breasts. Her picture of the agent appeared on the screen.

"Any more questions?" Andre asked. "We'll have other ways for them to shoot. It won't always be them sucking my cock, but slaves spend a lot of time kneeling and on the floor. I don't think we'll have a problem getting you the footage you need. You can stop sucking my dick now, Richard. Put it away please."

"Yes, Master."

I tucked him back away. I believe it was the first time I'd ever sucked him where I wasn't cleaning him off, getting him ready to fuck Marnie or me, or to an orgasm. How refreshing.

We all agreed to meet again at nine AM tomorrow. The plugs were removed and Marnie and I dressed. Marnie went home and I drove Master to a store he knew about which would cater to a young, stylish black man. It took him an hour to pick out everything he wanted. It was a suit, which was surprising enough to me, but it was less traditional than a normal suit, and in a dark wine color with a narrow lapel. The pink shirt wasn't a typical Oxford, but had a stand up collar, almost like a Nehru jacket. The tie was skinnier than I'd wear, but went with the jacket and shirt. He looked handsome in it.

On the way home, he apologized to me for making me suck his cock in front of the FBI agent.

"Don't apologize to me again until tomorrow night, Master. No slip-ups. Besides, it got your point across."

He laughed. "You should have seen his face. It was priceless."

"I'm sure mine was nearly as bad."

Marnie was waiting in bed naked when we got home. She sat up.

"Master, I was wondering if you'd allow me to fuck my husband while you fuck my ass, and may we both please be allowed to cum?"

"Yes to the first part of your question. I'll consider the second part," Master responded.

"You won't need lube if you put your cock in my cunt first. I'm quite soaked at the moment."

I helped undress Andre, then knelt and sucked his cock until he was erect. I helped him put his cock in Marnie's pussy, watched him plunge into her cunt a half dozen times, then shifted his shaft until he was aimed at her pucker. He flexed forward and the head disappeared inside her back door with a little squeal from her. I waited until all of it had disappeared inside her before I pushed inside of her cunt.

"Please, Master, I'm begging you. I need to cum and I need your permission."

"I have to welt you again tomorrow morning. I might as well have a reason for it. One welt for every time you orgasm over three."

"What about me, Master?" I wasn't that far from cumming myself.

"Three welts for every orgasm over zero," Master said.

"Yes, sir."

Both Marnie and I earned three more welts in the morning. She had much more fun earning hers, cumming six times.


Master wanted something different in the morning. He wanted Marnie to peg him while he sucked my cock. I guess that was the difference between someone who enjoyed bisexual sex. I wouldn't have wanted to be in that position, but he enjoyed it. I noticed he wasn't as good as Marnie and I told him of that fact when he finished me off.

"You expect me to be as good at sucking cock as a trained sex slave?"

"Trained for a couple hours, Master. You've been sucking cocks for what, twelve years, sir. You're a paid sex worker. Experience should count for something. You've been relying on your big dick instead of skill."

"I don't specialize."

"Neither do we. I don't even like sucking cock, Master. Not yours, not anybody's. We can teach you if you're interested."

Andre laughed. "I said it before, I'll say it again, you got a set of stones on you."

"Thanks, Master. Coming from someone with huge balls like yours really means something."

Andre laughed again. "I'm going to order you two to fuck while I make breakfast."

We looked at him in surprise.

"And, you have my permission to cum. You won't get it the rest of the day, so enjoy it while you can."

I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. We fucked, then ate, before going back to Bill's.


Winston was there when we arrived. Master started by giving us three more welts, so we might be able to sit later, putting cream on when he was done. He broke skin once on me and once on Marnie. Agent Thatcher looked on in amazement as we allowed ourselves to be caned. We had another briefing reminding us of what we needed to record, lasting about a half hour.