Bikini Blues

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The beach changing room wasn’t as private as Alexis thought.
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Author's Notes: All characters depicted therein are 18 years or older.

Warning, this story depicts themes of non-con.

Alexis is a straight edged prude with a hard time letting loose and having fun. Her friends know all too well her lack of self-confidence and decide a day at the beach is what the doctor ordered. Of course the small bikini they made her buy at the store drove Alexis' anxiety through the roof. Delaying the inevitable by taking her time in the changing room backfires as a voyeur revels in her snail's pace of changing.


Bikini Blues

Bikinis: Thin, small, and revealing. Minimalist pieces of cloth hung by thin pieces of string. It's the drapery of choice by girls wanting to show off their supple skin. The car full of eighteen-year-old girls that had just arrived clad in them were liable to shut down the crowded beach as they showed off their dainty swimwear. Each had a certain pride about it, an over swollen sense of confidence displaying so much of themselves. This confidence oozed in the way they carried their bodies so pridefully, shaking their hips with each step as the sea breeze caught their manes of beautiful hair. From the depression of their belly button to the dimples in their back they knew exactly what their sexual appeal was about, and were not afraid to flaunt it.

All except for Alexis, the odd one out in her beach-going group. While she trailed behind the gaggle of four bikini-flaunting classmates, the auburn-haired girl timidly tiptoed through the sand in her capris and T-shirt. Ironically she was a very pretty girl, her eyes bright with well-kept auburn hair. Though it was hidden under her clothes she had a body just as fantastic as her friends.

Despite this, she didn't carry the same pride. Instead, she exhibited a timidness in flaunting her body. Alexis couldn't quite wrap her head around wearing clothing even smaller than underwear in a public place. All the men her friends drew attention from looked so hungry in the worst way as they passed, how could they stand it? Alexis' heart raced as she thought about the possibility of the same eyes looking at her.

It was not for lack of experience or understanding on her part, Alexis knew her birds and bees. She had even partaken briefly in such activities before. But all the knowledge of human sexuality didn't quench the anxiety surrounding the bikini in her bag that her friends made her buy just minutes ago.

"Alexis, the changing rooms are up there, go get changed." One of her friends pointed up the dune to a small structure and sternly ordered her.

"Yeah, Alexis you're gonna get a weird tan line." Another chimed in as she looked back at her friend and popped her cute hip to the side. Their bodies were all unique, ranging from curvy to petite and flat.

"Guys... I really... common..." she blushed hard as she thought about it. A group of older guys in the distance were ogling the other girls hard. Alexis wasn't comfortable with that sort of attention, it gave her weird butterflies. Her friends always told her that's what she was supposed to feel. That she was supposed to get that sexy feeling when being undressed by a man's eyes. But Alexis hadn't come to terms with being a sexual object. Despite having a body many girls would die for, full of youthful sensuality and with a fit shape, flaunting it was not her thing.

"Alexis... loosen up" her sleeved arms were clenched in the firm grasp of her friend Zoe. She was amazingly beautiful and confident in her own skin. Her bikini straps were pulled high above her hips, leaving her sides bare and her bikini bottom wedged between the cheeks of her small ass. Her large chest was squeezed into a bikini top a size too small, leaving Alexis to wonder if Zoe did it on purpose or if she was still growing in that arena.

Regardless, Zoe always carried herself with supreme confidence. Something Alexis envied and endeavored to emulate. They had been close friends for a very long time, but somewhere amid high school, Zoe managed to feel far more comfortable in her own skin than Alexis could manage.

"Remember what we talked about..." her voice was low and soft so the other girls would not hear. Zoe was respectful of her friend's insecurities, and often was the one trying to push her boundaries.

"... be confident, you're going to college in a few months. You have to grow up fast and get over your insecurities." She rubbed her friend's shoulder comfortingly.

"Go in there, put on that sexy little bikini on." Her finger booped Alexis' nose as she gave her friend a devious smile.

"Or I am going to make you parade in front of those boys twice as much."

A few meters away a group of older guys were admiring the backside of one of their friends, Anna. Anna was conveniently bent over at the hips to "pick up" her glasses she "dropped" but ensured to point her bikini-clad mound directly at them as she fumbled with the sand below her.

The other girls were already beginning to subtly wave and flirt with them. No doubt Zoe would make her sit right in the middle of the gaggle of 20-somethings to further dislodge her prudishness.

"Fine." Alexis brooded.

"Good girl." Zoe smiled and slapped her on the shoulder.

Admiring Zoe's magnificent golden tanned skin while she strutted back to their friend group, Alexis contemplated if her own lack of color would make her stand out. Though her awkwardness was sure to be enough to do that.

Pausing before ascending the dune to the changing rooms, she looked towards her friends who so easily melted into the crowd of men and wondered.

Would she have to wear her bikini bottoms high up like Zoe?

Show a little camel-toe like Phoebe?

Tan with her straps undone in the back like Stacey?

Bend over suggestively like Anna?

As Alexis began to walk towards the blue brick changing room she doubted that she could do any of that. It was hard enough wearing a two-piece for her. But she knew deep down Zoe was right, she needed to grow up. Pretty soon being the only girl at college still clothed at the beach is not only going to be uncool it was going to be a huge red flag. Alexis' mind descended into a vortex of paranoid thoughts about herself: Who wants to be friends with the fully clothed girl at the beach? What is she hiding? Is she sick?

This had to end, she had to do this. If it took her walking out of this changing room with her bottoms tucked into her ass and top hanging on by a thread, she was going to lose the persona of the prudish goody-two-shoes.

Eyes avoiding the glare of the sun as she approached the door of the women's changing room, she balled her fist and muttered "it ends today".

Inside the changing room, Alexis shivered. It wasn't cold, but there was something about going from the hot sun to the partially cooled changing room that made her prickle. Further, there was an unsettling feeling she was not alone.

There were two stalls in this building along with a few other benches and lockers for those who felt comfortable changing in the open. Alexis was pushing herself far enough today, why not enjoy the comfort and security of a stall? It seemed by the looks of a bag on the floor someone was using one already. Alexis gave a respectful nod to that, at least others valued their privacy.

Without delay, she slipped into the blue stall and hung her bag on the hook. Her hand brushed the stall lock closed as she found herself in front of a floor-length mirror. For a long moment, she stared at herself. Alexis didn't feel ugly by any means, but whether she was on par with her bikini-clad friends was another soul-searching question. The girl she saw in the mirror fully dressed as if she was going to some sort of new-age church service was not the girl she wanted to be. Looking deep into her own big green eyes she endured one final gut check.

"Ugh, fuck you Alexis." She blurted self-hate to herself as she scrunched her nose in disgust at her reflection. A small shift in the stall next door reminded her she wasn't alone, her hand tapping her mouth as she realized she sounded like a crazy person.

"Sorry." She muttered apologies to the unknown neighbor. But there was no response in turn.

Alexis simply shrugged and took a deep huff before returning to look at herself. Her mind was spinning with the anxiety of flaunting her body like her friends and all the self-doubt she carried inside of her. She was so preoccupied she didn't notice a small portion of her neighbor's bag crossing underneath the partition of the stall. Nor did she see the camera hidden inside of said bag set to record.

A long silence took the bathroom. Even the preoccupied Alexis thought it too quiet, wondering if her neighbor was ok. But she didn't have much time before Zoe would come to twist her arm about getting into her bikini. Without delay, she reached for the waist of her jean capris and unbuttoned them. Her ass was conveniently in full frame of the hidden camera. Her hands guided her capris to the floor, a stunning reveal of her taut legs and pink panties treating the secret audience.

Stepping out of them she bent at the hips some, her ass just feet from the lens as she struggled to get her capris off her legs. The camera caught the outline of her mound in perfect HD. Had her panties been any less opaque it would have been easy to see her slit through them. But for now, the silent cameraman was content to enjoy a view Alexis rarely shared with anyone.

Kicking her capris to the other side of the stall, Alexis stood up straight and tried to admire her form. While she could find the sex appeal of her friends easily, her bare legs and ass didn't seem to compare. Even if objectively she had a superior figure. She pointed her ass towards the mirror, jiggling it back and forth to emulate her friend's movements as the camera captured it all.

With another dissatisfied huff, she grabbed at her t-shirt, hoisting it up above her head. There was a noticeable gasp in the next stall. Alexis paused for a second with her shirt still on her arms, a curious expression on her face as she wondered if everything was alright. But the silence took the changing room once more and Alexis continued disrobing unbothered. Her shirt found the same home on the floor as her capris. Her pert side-set breasts were held up by a beige bra, of which Alexis fussed with the straps that dug into her shoulder.

The camera now enjoyed a supple eighteen-year-old girl in her underwear, silently observing herself in the mirror. Though Alexis herself was not enjoying it, evidenced by her dower expression as she bent down on her haunches to rifle through her bag.

Where she squatted was just inches from the camera, but slightly out of frame. The misplaced shot would soon be corrected as a subtle nudge from the other side of the partition aimed it right to her, lower back and pink panties front and center now.

Viewers would admire the feminine valley down her spine and matching dimples above her ass. There was a subtle curve into her rear that held tight with hardly any jiggle. It was clear just because she was a prude didn't mean she failed to look after herself.

After a long and secret display of her backside, Alexis found what she was looking for. In a plastic bag branded with red and white from her retailer of choice, she produced a blue 2-piece. The bottom was tie-side and the top two triangles and strings. Grasping it in her hand she stood once more, this time right above the camera. Another nudge from next door and the lens was looking straight up her legs, either thigh flanking a small strip of pink between. The view was very picturesque.

Alexis stared at the blue fabric for a long moment, holding it in her hand. This was it, she was going to change into this and be outside with all this skin showing. She knew she was being dramatic but the butterflies in her stomach felt very real and painful. As she held the bikini in her hand she realized how much more skin she would show than her current set of underwear.

"Common Alexis." She muttered to herself once more as she stood frozen in the mirror. A bead of sweat trickled down her hip and between her legs, its descent captured in HD by the camera.

"Damnit, why do you have to be like this." She continued to verbally spar with herself.

"Errrgghh..." she growled before shaking her head. After much delay, she draped the bikini over the door so she could finish disrobing. Another long silence took the room, the camera eagerly awaiting the final reveal as Alexis' trepidation gave way.

Straps loosened from her shoulders and hands slipping behind her back, she slipped her bra down her abdomen. Disappointingly the camera could only see her well-defined shoulder blades from behind. But before too long she spun it around to bring the clasp to the front to undo it. Her bare back now teased the recording she didn't know she was a part of. Her breasts hanging free pointed away from her secret admirer.

Draping the bra next to her bikini she reached for her panties now, fingers inside the waistband for a long moment as she looked at herself topless in the mirror. A puff of air from her lips sent an auburn bang upwards. It was a dramatic gesture before she slipped the cotton panties down her ass, perfectly above the camera as they nearly fell into her neighbor's bag.

Bending once more at the waist she allowed a close-up inspection of her goods. Her tight pink bits were the main focus of the frame as her pussy hung just inches above the lens while took her panties from her ankles. A juicy slit nicely adorned the space between her sweet thighs. Pink flesh was covered in a thin layer of auburn hair that ran across her lips and into a less than neat landing strip across the front of her mound. It had clearly been a few days since she had tidied it up, Alexis being the type of girl who rarely cared to show it off.

For a long moment, she struggled to take the panties from around her ankle, giving an even longer scene with her blushing labia. With each small movement of her legs, her lips seemed to have their own murmur to them. They slightly opened and closed with a moist stickiness as her neatly kept cunt and tight hole were shown off. It was rather ironic how well Alexis was allowing the camera to know her, her prudish nature would explode if she knew how her lips moved and blushed on the silver screen. The camera was drinking in the full view of this from behind until she finally came to her feet again.

Once there Alexis nearly folded her panties and placed them in her backpack. The camera was still placed between her legs at a distance safe enough to not be noticed. The naked girl stood there preparing to don her bikini for a long moment. It was long enough that a small nudge of the camera let it shift to see the mirror, a full view of the beautiful young woman in all her naked glory. From tit to ass she was a sight to behold, her insecurities certainly unfounded as every inch of flesh was soft and sweet looking. She let her hand run from her chest to the space between her legs. Alexis was trying so desperately to love herself as she felt her body. But by the frustration of her expression, it was evident she was completely dissatisfied with her likeness.

Time was running short. Alexis didn't want to delay the inevitable. Better to get it done with than let the anxiety consume her. Grabbing her bikini bottoms she would slide them on one leg at a time, raising her knees to do so, her pussy lips winking at the camera once more as she shifted. The beautiful auburn adorned slit was soon hidden beneath the deep blue bottoms as she tied them off. Reaching for her bikini top her breasts would soon be gone just the same way.

As Alexis donned the bikini reluctantly, her neighbor soon emerged from their stall with a metallic click of their door. She didn't pay much attention, surely they wanted as much privacy as she. But little did she know said neighbor enjoyed Alexis' illusion of privacy, until now when it was time for the charade to end.

As Alexis struggled to tie her bikini top above her neck, the other occupant of the changing room made their way for the front door. Alexis casually noticed they had not taken their bags, wondering if they had forgotten them. But the frustration of the small strings falling from her grasp each time she tried to tie them distracted her from asking any questions. Even as she heard a metallic click at the front door to the changing room she didn't stir but to try and loop the blue ties together.

"God damnit this stupid shit, why is it so complicated." She fussed.

However, her inattention would prove pivotal in the forthcoming events. Another metallic slide of a door

lock came, and this time it was hers. From the outside, it was unlocked with a magnet. Before she could notice and turn herself to face the opening stall door she was faced with a gut-wrenching sight, a naked man wearing a ski mask. With swift movements, he joined her in the stall.

It was everything Alexis could do to let out a high-pitched scream. But it was short-lived, the large man tackling her against the stall wall and clasping his hand across her mouth. It hurt her as she was pressed hard against the partition between the stalls, her whole body underneath his massive build. He was two or three heads taller than her, his body was large and overpowering. The worst part was she could feel his large stiff cock in the small of her back as he pressed against her, his ball sack rubbing against her ass through her blue bottoms.

As he caught his breath it wafted down her body. The warm air made her squirm in discontent as he gathered himself. He gave off excited grunts as he rubbed his lower half instinctively against her.

With a stiff yank of her head, he pulled her back. One hand around her mouth and the other grabbing at her bikini top.

"For a beautiful girl, you are looking way too sad." His hot exhales made her tingle, something about the feeling against her nape that weakened her at the knees.

She squirmed and fought as much as she could. But the small girl was no match for him, he held her so her legs could not get the momentum they needed and arms could not raise. Alexis whimpered and whined underneath his hand, begging to be let go as she cried.

His hand ventured south, grasping at her mound he rubbed her through the bikini bottoms. Alexis drew in deep breaths as he toyed with her, her womanhood zinging with pleasure as he initiated her moistening.

"But despite the sad face, you have put on quite the show missy." He pushed her head down to look at the bag protruding slightly under the partition. It took a long moment but Alexis finally saw the camera looking up at her. Her eyes widened and muffled objections increased as she tried to shove her assailant backward.

"No no no." He shoved her forcefully against the blue partition again, her face hitting it with a thud.

"You did an amazing job, you should be proud." He caressed her breast beneath the half-done bikini top. "I could hardly contain myself as I watched you, you are a beautiful girl." The cotton of his ski mask itched her face as he brought himself to her. He kissed her lightly on the cheek several times, then pecked at her neck as she writhed futilely.

"But there is something that didn't sit right with me. For a beautiful girl, you seem so... reluctant." He bent her neck back once more so she was looking straight up at him. Big watery eyes at his mercy.

"I didn't think that was right... 'fuck you Alexis' is what you said before?" Even through the mask, she could see a perplexed expression, despite an undertone of bemusement.

"Let's see for a second..." He untied the rest of her bikini top, loosening it from her bosom and pulling it away. Her perky tits now hung there, and the man didn't waste time enjoying every inch of them. His hand played them eagerly. Rubbing, squeezing, and pinching. Alexis tried to get her mouth free to scream but only exhausted herself.