Blackmailed Bride Ch. 03


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I dropped them off at their hotel around 10:30 and went home. Two more nights and I would be Mrs. Tanner Mason. I was excited and it took some time before I finally fell asleep as I considered all it entailed; newly joined and never to be set asunder. To finally know what it was to share my body with another. Sleep may have taken it's own sweet time claiming me, but I slept soundly with pleasant dreams.


I met Mom and Dad for breakfast the next morning. I took them to the Sun Dial Restaurant at the top of the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel. The Sun Dial is famed for revolving around so you could see the entire city without moving from your table. It's the fifth tallest building in Atlanta and you could see Stone Mountain on a clear day. While we caught up on things, I would point out things as the restaurant turned; Tiffany's condo, the building where Tanner worked, CNN headquarters, the general location of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library.

"What are you going to do with your girlfriends tonight, honey?" Mom asked, while she rested her hand on mine, patting it.

"They're going to talk to me about what to expect on my wedding night," I admitted. "I'm a little nervous about it. I want it to be perfect."

"You and Tanner haven't...." Dad's voice trailed off as he realized what he was asking.

"No, Daddy, we haven't. I still remember what you told me when you and Mom gave me 'the talk.' How beautiful and special it would be if I waited for the one I truly loved and wanted to marry. Momma always told me she wished she hadn't been so eager to find out what sex was all about and having me as an unwed mother. How much she regretted you were not her first. I wanted Tanner to be my first and I wanted it to be on my wedding night."

"You could have talked to us about it instead," Mom said.

"Do you know how difficult it is to talk about sex with your parents? Did you talk to your parents about sex?"

"Not enough, apparently," Mom smiled, "which is why I had you."

"I'm surprised you waited, darling," Dad said. "Most young people don't."

"What you told me made an impression on me, Daddy. What you both told me did. It's been hard sticking to my ideals, especially the last six months. Tanner has been frustrated waiting and heaven knows I've been dying to finally know what it's like to share myself with the one I love. The hormones have been raging a number of times and it was with the utmost difficulty I was able to stop in time. Knowing I'm with the man I love and having to stop has been real hard."

"How experienced is Tanner?"

"He's been around the block a few times," I admitted. "At least one of us will know what the heck we're doing."

"The first time might be a little more difficult for you, Brooke," Mom said, "and it might not be as magical as you imagined. I suppose it will depend on Tanner; how eager he'll be, how gentle, and how willing he is to prepare you. That's not to say it won't be wonderful, but sometimes there's pain the first time. It will become easier and better each time afterward. By the end of the honeymoon, you'll probably feel like a pro, but the first time might be hard."

"Hence the talk with my girlfriends. I'm going to try to take advantage of their experience. It will be easier talking to them than talking to you, but I still want to know what to expect."

"Okay. We understand. It's good to have someone to talk to," Dad said.

"What's Tanner doing today?" Mom asked.

"Well, his best man lives here in Atlanta and works with Tanner, but the other three groomsman all live out of town and just got in Wednesday night or yesterday. Tanner is spending the day catching up with them. I believe he met them all in college, but they all live in different parts of the country. I'm meeting Tiffany and the girls tonight after six and I'm going to spend the night at Tiffany's with Taylor and Yvonne. We have to leave for the hairdresser's tomorrow morning at 7:00 so they can get us all in. Mom, we've arranged to have your hair done at the hotel. They have a salon on site. Your appointment is at 9:30. Dad, your tux will be delivered at eleven and a limo will come pick you both up at 12:30. They'll have you at the church by one. We'll have a few minutes to speak again before I have to get ready."

I spent the rest of the day with them, walking a little in downtown Atlanta, some in Piedmont Park near Tiffany's and some more at their hotel. I was able to eat lunch and dinner with them and catch up on all the news that was the news in the small town of Perdido Beach, Alabama, where they lived. They brought me up to date on what some of my high school friends were still doing; the ones who never left town. After supper, I had a few more minutes to talk to them before I left.

"I know I'm probably pushing my luck here," Mom said, "but have you and Tanner talked about children yet?"

"We have," I said, laughing. "Thinking about your first grandchildren already? We both think three would be the perfect number of kids to have. Tanner wants me to stay home and take care of the children. He makes enough money he doesn't believe I need to work at all."

"How soon do you think?"

"Mom, please give me a little time to get used to married life before I start having kids."

"Take as long as you need, but how long do you think?"

I laughed. "At least a year; maybe more. I'm going to play it by ear."

"Okay. As long as I have some before I die."

"Mom, you're forty-two. I doubt you're going to die anytime soon." I hugged them both tightly. "I want you to know I'm so thankful you were my parents. I feel so lucky and blessed you raised me to be the person I am."

"Oh, honey," Mom cried, "you were the best girl ever. I never had to worry about you."

"Daddy, I can't thank you enough for coming into my life when you did. I'm so proud you'll be giving me away tomorrow. I know I've never said it enough, but I love you both so much."

"We love you too, honey," Dad said. "We wish the very best for you and Tanner. May God smile on you both always."

"I know you do. I'll see you both tomorrow."


I got to Tiffany's a little after seven. Taylor and Yvonne were already there. Tiffany put a glass of wine into my hand.

"I thought we weren't going to drink tonight," I said, taking a sip.

"I said we weren't going to drink as much," Tiffany said. "We're not going to talk about sex without having a little bit of alcohol. No more than two glasses, I promise, so drink it slow."

"Okay. How are we going to do this?" I asked.

"With visual aids and show and tell," Taylor said. "You said you'd never watched any porn before, so you're going to watch some now with us while we clue you in. I got a DVD of a movie that will show you most of what you want to know for your marriage night without giving you all the bullshit. There's a couple scenes which show more than you need to know, but we'll fast forward through it. The rest you'll figure out on your own. Part of great sex is discovering things all by yourself."

"Okay. I'm game. Let's do it."

We all went into Tiffany's den which was set up with a giant flat screen TV and premium sound system. Tiffany turned on the TV and changed the source to her Blu-Ray player and popped the disc in. The title page popped up with a revolving set of three scenes; one of the actress sucking a huge cock, one of her lying on her side with her leg being held up by her partner while his penis pushed into her vagina from behind, and one of a thick cock sliding into her rectum. I hoped the last one was one of the scenes they planned on skipping through.

"The story doesn't make any difference," Yvonne said. "Most of them are bullshit anyway and just a way of tying together scenes of fucking and sucking as many people as possible, both men and women. We won't even have the sound on so we can explain what the hell they're doing without the distraction of all the moaning, which always strikes me as being phony anyway."

Tiffany started the movie playing and sped through the introductory segment which showed a fairly good looking couple lounging around a pool at a beautiful house. The woman obviously had augmented breasts. They were ridiculously huge considering how perky they looked. They started kissing, he took her top off squeezed her big melons. After kissing for a few seconds as we were speeding through it, the guy started pushing her down on her shoulders and she dropped to her knees and pulled his swim trunks releasing a rather big cock. Tiffany slowed the movie down to normal speed and we watched her engulf his organ.

"Let's watch this for a minute or so," Tiffany said. "Try to pick up some pointers."

"What is it about men and blow jobs?" I asked. "What's so special about them anyway? Why are women so eager to suck the same thing he pees out of?"

Tiffany paused the movie, his cock halfway down her throat. "For one thing, if you can truly suck a man's cock, you'll own his ass. Men love a good cock sucking and if you can do it well, he's not going to be tempted to stray. Despite the fact you may be on your knees, you have a lot of power in this position. In addition to having his cock between your teeth, you may have his balls in the palm of your hand. One little squeeze and you can put him on the ground begging for his mommy. He surrenders his trust to you. At no time is he more vulnerable as when you have his Johnson in your mouth."

"If you watch this scene," Yvonne said, "you'll see her taking all of his cock down her throat. This actress is famous for being able to deep throat even larger cocks. There's a trick to it. You have to overcome your gag reflex and it's not easy. I still can't do it yet, though I'm getting closer."

Tiffany started the movie again and sure enough, the actress took his massive penis down her throat, slowly working it in and we could all see her throat bulging as his organ tickled her tonsils.

"Ugh, how does she do that?" I wondered aloud.

"You're about to find out," Tiffany said, pulling out a glass dildo and pausing the movie again. "It's time to go to the show and tell portion of our program."

"I really love to suck cock," Taylor said, taking the dildo. "I find I really enjoy the sensation of a fat cock filling my mouth. I do feel a surge of power when I'm sucking one. It's like Tiffany said, it's a position of power even though you're on your knees, plus it puts him in the mood to lick my pussy."

She began to demonstrate, sliding the glass prop deep in her mouth. She was pretty close to taking it all in. Only about an inch or two was left outside her teeth and it was about seven inches long. She pulled it out and handed it to Yvonne who started working it into her mouth, though she didn't get it as deep as Taylor did. Tiffany took a turn next and got it about as deep as Yvonne. She pulled it out and handed it to me.

"I'm using glass because it tastes better than jelly johnsons," Tiffany said. "Because it's so hard and inflexible, it doesn't quite behave the same as a real cock would. In that sense, it's a little impractical to use it to demonstrate. Having the real thing here though, might turn into another fiasco like your bachelorette party. So we'll have to practice with this."

I slid the glass tube about three inches into my mouth, then I started panicking and having trouble breathing.

"Don't worry about trying to get it all in tonight," Taylor said. "You'll get better with practice, and it will help to have a somewhat flexible cock to work with rather than this. There are some things you can do to make it more enjoyable for Tanner."

"Like what?"

Taylor stuck her hand out and I handed her the dildo again.

"Do you know if Tanner is cut or not?"


"Is he circumcised?" Taylor asked. "Wait a minute. Why am I asking you? You haven't got a clue what his cock looks like. Let's put it this way. If he's circumcised, the foreskin has been removed and his cock will look something like this dildo here." She waved it at my face. "The crown of his cock will be bare. If it is, the sensitive areas are mostly here." She pointed to the head and ran a finger under the flange of the cap. "Most of his nerve endings are around the tip and not lower on the shaft. Not that licking his shaft doesn't feel good to a man, but it's probably not what triggers his orgasm. Since you're new at this, you can concentrate on the end, the top one or two inches of his cock. Use lots of tongue like this."

She circled the bottom of the head laving her tongue all over the top.

"You can also use a little bit of suction, while doing the top of his shaft, like this."

Taylor started moving over the head like she had a candy can in her mouth and her cheeks hollowed slightly each time she drew upward on the shaft.

"Of course, while you're working the mouth on this part here, your hand or hands can be stroking the bottom of his shaft, especially if it's wet and you can get a good slide going."

Taylor demonstrated again. She really was a proficient penis pleaser.

"This graphic aid doesn't really have a set of balls, so it's hard to demonstrate, but you can use one hand to play with his sack while you're doing the mouth, hand thing up here. If you want to really ring his bell, see if you can take one or more balls in your mouth and roll them around with your tongue. You have to be careful, because it doesn't take much pressure for you to hurt him, so be gentle."

"What if he's not circumcised?" I asked.

"The whole head is a little more sensitive because it hasn't be desensitized by rubbing against his pants all the time. His cock will look a little more like this unless he's at full length." She wrapped her hand around the head until only the tip stuck out from her fingers. "You want to pull down on the foreskin to uncover the head before you start licking and sucking."

Taylor looked at the dildo for a second. "This shaft kind of curves up, which means it will feel real nice in your pussy and perhaps rub against your g-spot, but not so good for the mouth unless I turn it upside down."

She flipped it so the curve went down and raising her head about 45 degrees, slowly lowered it into her mouth, getting the whole darn thing down her throat. We could see her throat bulge slightly where the head reached the bottom of her throat. She raised and lowered the shaft a few times demonstrating her full deep throat technique. Yvonne and Tiffany were in awe, and I had to admit I was pretty impressed as well. She pulled it out, coughing briefly as it passed over the back of her mouth.

"How the hell were you breathing right then," Yvonne asked, "and how do you get it down all the way without gagging?"

"Quick breaths through the nose when my throat clears a little on the out stroke, and I'm not exactly sure about the gagging part. It bothered me at first, but at some point, it quit causing me to gag. I'm sure there's a trick I learned by accident, but I don't know how to explain it."

Yvonne took the dildo back and tried turning it like Taylor had and she got it farther down this time - about as far as Taylor did the first time - but couldn't get the last inch or so down without coughing and choking.

"I'm impressed," Tiffany said. "Other than porn movies, that's the first time I've ever seen anyone deep throat. Way to go, sister." She put her hand up for a quick high five with Taylor.

They turned on the movie again and we watched the actress doing the same thing Taylor had done to the dildo.

"What do you do when he climaxes?" I asked. "His ejaculate has got to go somewhere, right?" Tiffany paused the movie again, giving us the chance to pay attention to each other.

"The least messy thing to do is swallow," Taylor said. "Less to clean up afterward. But if you're feeling adventurous, you can let him cum on your tits or your face."

"Swallow!" I exclaimed. "Surely you jest."

"I jest not and my name's not Shirley," Taylor laughed.

"Do you all swallow?" I asked.

"It is the tidiest way to handle it," Tiffany said.

"I concur," Yvonne said. "Otherwise you must have a towel or something to clean up afterward, and you don't always have one available."

"What's the sperm taste like?" I asked.

"Primarily a little salty," Tiffany said, "but every man tastes a little different. I think it depends upon what his diet consisted of recently."

"Do you know how your pee smells different after you eat asparagus?" Taylor asked.


"Don't suck a man's cock after he's eaten asparagus. His sperm will taste a little like your pee smells. But other than that, it's not too bad."

"Except for the slimy factor," Yvonne said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's a little slimy. Kind of like eating raw oysters, but you should have no problem with it if you can get oysters down."

I had eaten oysters, kind of liked them actually, so if that was the worst of it, I suppose I might be able to get through it.

"Are you sure it won't taste like urine? A man does use his penis to pee."

"The two canals are totally separate, and don't merge until close to the head," Tiffany explained. "It's not like his semen is pushing a bunch of leftover urine in his cock into your mouth. Plus, men can shake their cock and get most of it off before putting it back in their pants, where their clothes will soak up anything that's left."

"Does it smell?" I wondered. "Being stuck in his pants all day, sweaty and whatever."

"If he showers daily, it's not bad," Yvonne said. "A little musky perhaps, but no worse than a man's armpits, which is also another sweaty spot. I'm sure you've smelled Tanner when he's come back from the gym."

"I guess."

"All I'll say is if you can suck Tanner's cock, he will appreciate the hell out of you," Taylor said. "Go slow and you'll find it's not as bad as you imagine."

Tiffany turned on the movie again and the man kept using her mouth until he orgasmed, shooting his sperm all over her tongue. She paused the movie again.

"This is called 'the money shot' and it's common in almost all porn," Tiffany said. "They need to prove to the audience it's not fake and there is real exchange of body fluids taking place. Instead of just swallowing his cum, the actor will either cum all over her tits or face, or squeeze it all over her tongue before she swallows it. When we watch some fucking later, they'll do much the same thing. The man will pull out at the last second and shoot his wad all over her pussy and stomach or on her back if he's fucking her from behind, in either her ass or pussy. If they don't show him actually cumming, they have to show her squeezing his cum out of her pussy or ass in a creampie shot to show he actually orgasmed. In real life, no one gives a shit if anyone climaxed and no one is going to want proof of cum. Just swallow it and be done with it or let him shoot up your pussy or ass and hope there's not much clean up afterward."

She started the movie again and fast forwarding to the next sex scene, the man going down on the woman, licking her to what appeared to be a screaming climax, though we had the sound on mute. The movie stopped again, his tongue tickling her clit. I was feeling a little moist myself.

"This is what you hope Tanner will be doing for you," Tiffany said. "First of all, tit for tat. If you're going to suck his cock, he should be willing to lick your pussy. You got nice and smooth for him so he doesn't have to munch any hair."

"A lot of women can't cum easily from just a cock being in you, no matter how big it is," Taylor said. "I don't have a lot of vaginal orgasms myself unless I've been really worked up before hand. A cock doesn't always rub against your g-spot which is where most of the nerve endings are in the vaginal canal. The clit is the magic button and the more stimulation it receives, the easier it is for me to cum. I cum more from a good cunt licking than all the fucking in the world. A lot of times, if the man isn't doing it already, I'll rub my clit while he's fucking me so I can cum easier."