Blackmailed Bride Ch. 21


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"May I leave now, sir?"

"I'm not quite done," Oliver said. "I'd still like to fuck your cunt today, but a little later after lunch."

"May I use the pool again, sir?"


"Where did you put my sunglasses?" I asked. As if I didn't know.

"In the living room."

I went and found them, putting them on before going outside. I probably couldn't leave them the same way I did last week. Outside, I look up at the window overlooking Oliver's pool. The houses aren't that close together, so it isn't like every detail would be visible, but cognizant there could be someone there, I'm somewhat cautious of where and how I sit. I start doing laps, continuing until Oliver calls me to lunch, a chef salad. I eat, glad to eat something which doesn't taste of ass. After we're done, Oliver has me suck his cock again. Outside, where I might be seen. He doesn't cum and when he's hard, he bends me over one of the lounges and fucks my cunt. I cum for him.

"I want you to come over on Wednesday evening, so cleanse yourself again," he said. As he draws closer to finishing, "I won't see you this weekend because you have a busy day ahead of you on Election Day. So big, I don't want to risk you becoming sore on the weekend. Cleanse yourself and be here at seven AM, prepared to go to the Club once more."

I orgasm again, hard and long, thinking of my last trip to the Club. My cunt contracting over his cock, spasming in ecstasy. I was such a fucking slut. Oliver climaxed too, filling my pussy with his thick cream. We finish and he tells me to clean his cock. I do so, out by the pool, licking our mutual cum off his shrinking prick.

"Am I done, sir?" I ask, feeling his cum run down my leg.

"You're done."

I go into his house and since he's remaining out by the pool, I put my sunglasses on the floor and slide them under his dresser. There is a small gap beneath it. It's dark enough and the glasses are far enough back he might easily miss them there, and tilted up, the camera can see half of the room anyway. Half is better than none. I take a shower and dress, leaving without saying goodbye. Another week and a half and maybe I'm done. Before Thanksgiving. If Tanner comes home, I intend to confess my crimes to him. I'm no longer the person he married and he deserves better than me.


On Sunday, Jolene came over and she brought something she wanted me to hear. She hugged me gently when she arrived, saying she was sorry. I knew she was referring to my sex with Oliver and the unknown woman yesterday and my having to suck the cum from her ass. My life was such a shit storm right now, literally as well as figuratively. After we hugged, we sat together on the couch and I listened to a recording she'd made from the bugs planted in Sydney's bedroom. It was Sydney and we could tell she was fucking someone. The sounds were unmistakeable. I was embarrassed to be listening to them.

"I don't need to hear this," I said.

"Yes, you do," Jolene insisted, so I kept listening.

I heard a male voice. It sounded like Tanner's voice, like he was in the room with her. He was in Osaka. They talked about this and that, nothing I wouldn't hear from any other two siblings, but it was so clear.

"It sounds like he's in the room," I said. "She isn't talking to him on a loudspeaker while she's fucking someone is she?"

"Wait," Jolene said, "here's another voice. Who does this sound like?"

I listened for another couple minutes. "It sounds like Geoff Short, Tanner's best friend," I said.

"Did you know that Sydney was having sex with Geoff?" Jolene asked.

"No. It's a new one on me. I didn't know she liked him any better than the rest of us did. Perhaps I only assumed so, since she never really commented, but she has known Geoff longer than the rest of us. Geoff and Tanner have been friends for years. I suppose she could like him more than the rest of my friends did."

"If you think Geoff was a possible instigator of your bachelorette party picture; Sydney could have been the one to take it at Geoff's insistence. We need to get a camera in her room; find out how close she is to him. Can you get a camera in her room? Like you, I'm surprised she would be fucking someone while on speaker phone with her brother."

"I suppose. The bugs were easy enough to get in there. Might depend if she's home or not. What other cameras are available?"

Jolene pulled out a selection from the bag. I glanced over all of them. One of them looked like one of those magic eight balls you'd ask questions of before turning it upside to read the answer. Answers like "Outlook Good", "Reply Hazy, Try Again", and "My Sources Say No". I could swear Sydney had one of those in her room, so it would be perfect. It even worked like one with the answers popping up if you turned it upside down. I asked it a mental question, "Will Oliver use me again?" The answer was "You may rely on it." What did the Eight Ball know? Of course, I knew the answer was true unless I died first. Just in case I was mistaken, I also grabbed a couple smaller cameras that looked like knickknacks, less obvious than an Eight Ball.

"I'll go to Tanner's parents house tomorrow night and put it in there."

We hugged again before she left, Jolene patting me on the back, encouraging me to hang in there. What choice did I have. After she left, I thought about the recording I heard. If Sydney was the one who betrayed me, why would she do it? She seemed to get along with Tanner, why do something to hurt him so bad? And why would she be fucking Geoff while talking to Tanner? How rude and disgusting. Then I remembered Oliver make me speak to Tanner while he was licking me. Was Geoff the same, taking perverse pleasure in fucking Tanner's sister while she talked to him on the phone? I could easily see him getting off on it like Oliver did; the fucking weasel. I still had a lot of questions that kept me awake a couple hours after I went to bed.


After posing for Suki, I went to Sydney's. Tanner's dad opened the door.

"Brooke, lovely to see you again. How are you?" He hugged me, one of his hands uncomfortably close to my ass for a father-in-law. His hand didn't linger, so I didn't make a deal about it.

"Fine, thank you," I replied. "Missing Tanner though."

"Honey," he called out, "Brooke's here."

Mrs. Mason came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on her apron. Must have caught her cooking supper.

"Brooke, darling. So good to see you." She hugged me as well and damned if her hand didn't pause a moment over my buttock like her husband's; family tradition?

"How can we help you, dear?" Mrs. Mason asked.

"I was hoping Sydney was home," I said. "I wished to speak to her."

"Yes, dear. She's upstairs now, getting ready for a date. I'm sure she'd love to see you. Why don't you run up and say hi?"

"Thanks, I will." Damn! This would be so much easier if she wasn't in her room now.

I went upstairs and knocked on Sydney's door.

"Come in," she called out.

I went inside and Sydney was naked in front of her closet, looking through her clothes. She looked good. Not quite as tall as I was, she was nevertheless, slim and trim. I could see why Geoff would want to fuck her.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were naked," I said.

"Don't worry about it," Sydney said. "I've seen you naked, or almost so anyway."

"Where was that?" I asked, confused.

"At your bachelorette party, silly, while you were trying on your gifts."

"Right." How quickly we forget.

Turning to me, Sydney held up two dresses, one to either side of her naked body. "Which one of these two dresses will get me laid tonight?"

One was an almost transparent red dress which would show a lot depending on what she wore with it, the other was black, short, and had a plunging neckline that looked like it would go below her navel. Both of them were appropriately slutty if you wanted to get fucked.

"Either one should do the trick," I said. "Most men would be eager to rip off either one. It's just a question of whether you want a little bit of mystery or lay it all out there. I like some mystery, so I'd go with the black."

She stared at both for a few more seconds, then hung the red back in the closet. "Poor dear. You aren't getting fucked now that Tanner's out of town, are you?"

More than you, I'd bet, I thought to myself. "No, not at all, though Tanner and I have phone sex when we get the chance."

"Not the same thing, is it?"


Sydney put on a sheer black g-string below and nothing above before putting on the black dress. Her breasts were perky and didn't need any support, so I guess she was good to go.

"Who are you going out with?" I asked, curious if she'd tell me.

"No one you know," Sydney responded.

"What's his name? Is it getting serious?"

"His name is Sam," Sydney said, "and only serious enough to fuck. Nothing more."

I was right about the eight ball in Sydney's room. I picked it up and asked, "Will Tanner be home for Thanksgiving?" I turned the ball over. 'Better not tell you now'. The story of my life.

"What did it say?" Sydney asked.

"Better not tell you now."

"Ask one for me. 'Will Sydney get fucked tonight?"

I asked and turned the ball over. "Without a doubt," I read the answer off.

"Just the answer I wanted to hear," Sydney said. "Ask another one. 'Will he suck the cum from my ass?'"

It was shocking to hear the question, especially after learning to lick cum from someone's ass this past Saturday. I blushed, but asked the question.

"Concentrate and ask again," I said.

"You obviously need to concentrate more when you ask the question," Sydney said. "Really think about it. Will Sam shove his tongue up my ass and lick and suck his cum from my asshole. Ask again."

Still blushing, I asked, "Will Sam shove his tongue up Sydney's asshole and lick and suck his cum from it." I started getting wet, thinking about it. I shook the ball and turned it over.

"What's it say?" Sydney asked.

"Outlook good."

"I love when someone does that to me," Sydney said. "Good answer. Has Tanner ever licked the cum from your asshole?"

"No." But someone else did. "Why would you want anyone's tongue in your ass?"

"It feels good."

It did feel good, but it was also disgusting. "It sounds gross."

"Ask another. Is Donald Trump going to win the election next week?"

I asked and the answer was, 'Signs point to yes'. I told Sydney, asking her, "Do you want Trump to win?"

"Why not? Hilary sounds like a frigid bitch to me."

"Trump sleeps around on his wife," I replied. "He doesn't seem to have much integrity or morality. Hilary stayed with Bill even after the Monica Lewinsky thing."

Sydney started putting on her make-up. "She stayed with him because she's a power hungry whore. Most men fuck around with other women while they're married. Do you think Tanner's remaining faithful while he's in Japan? Have you asked him?"

"I don't know. I hope so. I won't ask him, I don't want to know." I'd lost the right to know if he was being faithful to me, the whore of Atlanta.

"Why not? If you knew he was getting it on the side, you could get some too."

"What an odd thing to wish on your brother, for his wife to be unfaithful."

"I'm just a realist. If he's getting it, so should you. My father's slept around on my mother and vice versa. Everyone does it. Marriage is nothing but a convenience and a way to cut your taxes. I don't think we're meant to remain with the same person for life. The sex would get boring. Live it up. Fuck who you want."

Sydney was busy with her make up, so I slipped her ball in my purse and took out the camera ball. "One more question," I said. "Is Tanner remaining faithful to me?" I shook the ball and turned it over. "'Don't count on it'," I read aloud.

"Get it while you're young and amazing," Sydney said. "Listen to the Eight Ball."

I put the camera up on her shelf, the camera pointed at the bed. "I'll see you later, Sydney. I'll let you get ready for your date, or fuck, or whatever."

"Later, Brooke."


I'm still not talking to Jackson anymore. Too ashamed of all he's heard me do, maybe seen me do in the sunglasses camera. I'd never asked if he'd seen it and I didn't want to know. It was bad enough realizing Jolene and Mauro might have seen me. I'm not talking to anyone else either, so he knows it's not him. On Wednesday, by noon, Suki is finishing up.

"We're done here," Suki said. "I've got a couple touch-ups I want to do, but I can do them at home over the next couple days. It will be ready by the time Tanner comes back from Japan."

"Do you ever want to go back to Japan, see your homeland?"

"Nope. Traditional Japanese are not particularly fond of independent women, lesbians, or Japanese girls who date people of other ethnic origins. That's three for three as far as I'm concerned. I'd probably be shunned by most of my relatives. Even my parents are pretty rigid and they've lived in this country most of their lives. Erin is still barely tolerated by them. They're starting to come around, but it's taken forever."

"Do you think Tanner has fooled around while he was in Japan?"

"I don't know. The more important question is if you think he's fooled around? Do you want to know and would you care if he did? It's why I appreciate my relationship with Erin. We can be emotionally bonded with each other, yet still play on the side."

"Do you think monogamy is a dying tradition?"

"Maybe," Suki said. "It certainly works for some people, but I think the advent of birth control has opened things up for people to fool around more than they could in the past."

"What about Islam? Many of them seem more devout and faithful than in Western countries."

"They certainly expect their women to be faithful and modest, but are the men required to do the same. You never hear of men being stoned for adultery, though the women can be. I would think there'd be some men cheaters as well as women. Maybe they have a double standard? I've never looked into it. Aren't men allowed to have multiple wives. Maybe they don't need to cheat. They just marry another woman, get their variety that way. Anyway, if they martyr themselves, don't the men get seven or seventy virgins, something like that. Doesn't sound like the men have to be satisfied with just one in paradise. I've never heard if women martyrs get seventy studs to take care of them, or do they get seventy female virgins too. Maybe I should become a Muslim martyr."

I'd started laughing as Suki went along. She raised some interesting questions. Was I old fashioned to think marriage was forever, til death do us part? I'd never particularly been bored in my sex with Tanner. On the other hand, I was having lots of sex Tanner wasn't involved in. Would I have gotten bored if he was the only one I was having sex with? I mentally shrugged. Maybe I'd never know. The likelihood of Tanner remaining with me after I spilled my guts to him were remote and none. I only wished he'd never gone to Japan so I could have enjoyed as much of him as I could get before I lost him.

I waved to Jackson as I left. They all knew I had to go to Oliver's tonight. I would once again be debauched and if my camera hadn't been found, it would be witnessed to whatever degree the camera's position on the floor allowed it.

Before leaving for Oliver's, I thoroughly cleansed my ass, giving myself four enemas before I was satisfied. Oliver was in his study when I arrived. Oliver told me to enter and remove all my clothes. The book with the hidden camera was still in his bookshelf, so I knew I was stripping for whoever was watching tonight. I removed my clothes, folding them neatly and laying them on a chair.

"I haven't cum since you were here Saturday," Oliver said. "I need you to take the edge off. Suck my cock."

"Yes, sir," I replied obediently.

He stood up and sat on the edge of his desk where I'd be on full display for the camera, not under his desk where I usually sucked him. Nothing to do but comply. I opened his zipper and removed his cock, already hard in anticipation and began sucking him. I used every ounce of skill I possessed to make my videoed shame shorter, swallowing every drop of his thick cream when he spurted down my throat.

"Much better," he said. "I needed that."

I wiped a drop of saliva from the corner of my mouth. "Will I be wearing a mask tonight, sir?"

"Yes, slut. Go to my bedroom and get it. Put it on and wait for me in the guest bedroom. I expect we'll get messy tonight and don't want to fuck up my bed."

I didn't know whether to be happy or sad about it. On the one hand, I didn't have a camera in the guest bedroom so nothing would be seen, on the other hand, I wouldn't be seen. It was a double edged sword. I got the mask, noticing my sunglasses were still dimly visible under his dresser. At least they were still on and able to capture anything in his bedroom. I brought the mask into the guest room and put it on, waiting for my fate.

About ten minutes later, the doorbell rang and Oliver let the mystery guest into his home, bringing him back to my room. He didn't speak; better trained or warned by Oliver ahead of time, I didn't know. I heard Oliver setting up the camera while the other man undressed, zippers moving and shoes striking the floor. There went my relief at not being recorded in the bedroom. Since Jackson was now in Oliver's computer, everything making its way onto it would eventually be seen by Jackson. Oliver had me kneel on the bed and I felt lube being smeared around my sphincter. Shortly afterward, a large cock pushed its way into my rectum. It felt huge, as large or larger than Tanner, and just thinking of him made my tears flow, thankful he couldn't see me now. Oliver knelt at the head of the bed and fed me his cock to get him hard again, once again spit roasted, the deluxe version, as Kathy would say, ass and mouth.

The man in my ass was considerate, given his size, and gentle enough, I felt my arousal rising with his long, deep strokes, down to the bottom of my ass, his hairy sack swinging against my cunt. His hand played with my clit, working the tiny button to help bring about my release. I orgasmed, shivering enthusiastically and moaning loudly around the cock in my throat. Oliver was getting larger in my mouth and I wondered if he planned fucking my cunt when he was hard, or if he intended to cum all over my face again, now he had an audience. I was mistaken on both accounts.

Oliver pulled out, but nothing changed for a few minutes. The man in my ass flinched suddenly and I felt the slapping of flesh against flesh, not my own, and realized Oliver was fucking him in the ass. His stroke was disturbed until he adjusted to the cock in his bum, then they found a beat that allowed them both to fuck comfortably in sync. I climaxed again. Another ten minutes went by during which I orgasmed once more, then the large cock in my ass swelled and I felt his hot cum fill my rectum. Oliver continued fucking his ass, and his cock remained hard and continued pushing into my bum in the same rhythm he was being fucked, almost as if Oliver was fucking me through him.

"Fuck me!" I moaned. "Fuck my ass you sodomite bitch. Fuck my ass while yours is fucked too." I climaxed again.

One final jolt of his cock in my ass and I could almost feel the cum spurting into his ass, his cock was so hard. Oliver was grunting behind him, emptying his balls. It was totally depraved and I'd cum buckets. His big prick finally pulled out of me, dribbling cum on my cunt.

"Clean his cock," Oliver ordered.

I obeyed, wondering if I'd cleansed my asshole enough he'd been so deep within me. I could feel his cock get hard again as I licked and sucked his cum covered member, tasting my ass on it, pungent and tart.