Can There Be Peace Ch. 11


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Entering the bedroom, Karen saw her guest sitting front of a makeup table and had she not known who it was would never have guessed. Looking at her dressed in an adult schoolgirls outfit, she didn't see a schoolgirl thinking about sex, she didn't see a slutty schoolgirl, no Karen saw a slut dressing like a schoolgirl to attract older men. While looking at the girl, she entered her mind and erased every other thought other than fucking older men and needing a daddy to take care of her.

She turned Carol to face her and crouched down so their eyes were level with each other, "It's time for you to live your dream and let your past go." Karen paused and smiled, "A good trailer trash slut like you needs a better name... A name like Candy. You love your new name, it fits with your makeover and lifestyle. Don't you agree?"


Without turning her head, "Red could you get a dildo for Candy to play with while she is waiting." She took Candy's hand and moved it between her legs, "But we all know a hand is better than nothing right Candy?"

Candy giggled, "Right," as she started masturbating.

Standing Karen motioned Baby Girl to follow her. "Satisfied?" she asked when they reached the living room.

"Yes Karen," Baby Girl replied looking down. She raised her eyes and added, "You made me promise to do what needed to be done if you ever fell. Please don't get mad when I do everything I can to keep from shooting you."

"I'm sorry love," Karen replied bending in to kiss Baby Girl tenderly. She smiled, "I'll give you a choice, sit outside with Candy and I while we wait for Tom, or you can have a special gift from me. One your other sisters wanted and Red is dreaming about having." She tilted her head towards the kitchen.

Baby Girl went in and saw all seven girls going crazy with need as they masturbated. Going back to Karen she asked, "What was your gift?"

"You loved it as much as I did Sandy. You wanted to be the one on the table and me in mom's place."

"Yes..." Baby Girl whispered.

"You fought giving yourself to Lilith because you knew you would fall." Karen's voice became as soft as Baby Girl's, "You knew I would do what we both wanted so long ago. That's why you fought."

"Yes," she whimpered as Karen seemed to lay her very soul open.

"My gift is an improved porcupine. Instead of you using it, it fucks you except when you remove it to drink my essence." Karen reached out and caressed Sandy's face, "Love, the next move is yours. Kill me before I go any deeper or give in..." She looked at Red and smiled, "Will you take Candy and her gift to wait out on the deck for us?"

"Can I have my gift when you come out?" Red asked with bright eyes. She looked at Baby Girl, "Sister, you must have faith in Karen. She hasn't failed us yet." With a glance back at Karen she hurried down the hall.

"You know we are all deeper than you are Karen. Please don't." Baby Girl replied.

"Okay dear," Karen replied pulling Sandy close into a hug and deep kiss. The moment the woman moaned into her mouth and clung to her, Karen's tail darted in and slammed into Baby Girl's cunt and began fucking her roughly. The tip broke off and wiggled deeper as she released the girl, "The choice is yours. Remove my gift or give into the painful pleasure."

Baby Girl fell to her knees and looked up at Karen. She tried to grip the porcupine but it kept wiggling free. After a few seconds she mewed and her hands moved to rub her clit and pinch her nipple.

Crouching down Karen said, "You can cum anytime you want, or you can wait for my command. You know a Mistress commanded orgasm is special."

Baby Girl looked at Karen and whimpered. "We're fucked..."

"No love, we're playing. Remember she hated everyone, I love you and your sisters without measure. That is what will save us." Karen replied. She ran her fingers through Baby Girl's hair and added, "Now you will crawl into the kitchen, assume the mind fuck position and feel me making rough love to you, just the way you always dreamed we would."

"Yes..." Baby Girl mewed with bright eyes. She mewed in pleasure as she crawled towards the kitchen.

"Be sure to share the vision with your sisters. I want to see all of you with asses up in the air when I come back." Karen said.

Going out back she saw Candy kneeling with open legs and working the dildo in and out slowly with a look of bliss on her face. Red stood off to one side watching her. She smiled at Red and made a come-hither motion from inside the living room.

Red hurried forward with a big grin, "I am ready High Priestess." She tilted her head, "Karen, may I ask a question?"

"Ask away, Red," Karen replied.

"Once you do me you will ascend. Will we still be your sisters or will we become your daughters?"

"Red am I your sister or your Mistress? Am I your high priestess or am I your goddess?" Karen took a breath, "It took a while to figure it out. Depending on how you look at it, I am all those already. Each is just a label, just like Staff Sergeant is." She paused and then said, "The bottom line is that I will always be your sister, your dominant sister and you my little submissive sister." She smiled and said, "Now little sister, do you want my gift or not?"

"Of course, I want it Karen. I loved Lilith's porcupine and will love yours even more."

Karen's tail entered Red and after pumping a few times it broke off and wiggled deeper into the girl. "Not until I allow and I want you to crawl to the kitchen and assume the mind fuck position. Then close your eyes and envision me taking you on a ride and melting your mind."

Red smiled and hurried to the kitchen as fast as she could crawl while being fucked.

Karen formed fatigues on her body without thinking went over to one of the two chairs and sat down. She thought about messing with Candy but left her alone. If she needed, she could do something with her later. She was still milling it when she heard a car pull up and went around the side of the house to find Tom. She waved at him and then retrieved Candy. Leading the girl back around she said, "Tom, this is Candy." She looked at Candy, "Candy, this is Tom, your new daddy."

She giggled as Candy launched herself at him and dragged him back into the car. "Yes, that worked out just fine," she said going back inside. She walked into the kitchen, poured herself a cup of coffee and looked down at nine asses raised up and hips thrusting against the cocks fucking them. "Cum once and then come into the living room sisters." Sitting in her easy chair, Karen drank her coffee while thinking. When she looked up nine sets of eyes looked at her hungrily from the floor before her.

Crawling down to their level she said, "I can see behind the lust that is burning in your minds, the fear that I have fallen and dragged you nine down with me." She paused and then said, "I once asked one of your sisters, that if I asked her to go to the wall so I could play and take her to the edge, what would her reply be. She replied please no." Again, she paused and met Sandy's eyes looking at her, "But now, I bet if I offered now, any one of you would rush to be the first while the rest would orgasm in pleasure while wishing it was her being played with." She smiled slightly, "Am I right Baby Girl?"

"Yes Mistress," Baby Girl replied.

She looked at Little Bit, "You would ask me to take you to the edge of death, if you thought I would say yes wouldn't you love."

"God yes Karen," Little Bit replied mewing in pleasure.

"So, who will drag who down Red?"

"We will and in the end you will give in because you can't refuse us." Red said looking at her sisters and then Karen.

"Does this mean we are damned Karen? Is it so hopeless?" Lilly asked.

"No! Because while my mother was evil and hated, I love. Anything I do with you is based on love not hate." Karen replied. She turned to Cat, "That will be what saves us in the end. Assuming someone doesn't lose her head and shoot me first."

"She means you sister," Cat said looking at Baby Girl with a smile.

"Anyways back to our talk," Karen took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Some of you know this but let me pass it on again in more detail. Doc and Tom were Dad's best friends. After the rape, their marriage which was on rocky ground fell apart totally. Both used me as a chess piece to strike at the other. Mom went one better and captured Doc's wife and mind fucked roughly and turned her away from men. I was bound to a chair with posture collar and my eyelids taped open so I couldn't close my eyes to it while Sandy pleasured me. By the end of the night, I loved what she was doing to Mary and wished it were me doing it to Sandy."

"At the same time, I was wishing Karen was doing it to me. We three were mind fucked that night." Baby Girl said softly.

"You see sisters, no matter how much I fight it, Mom left land mines in my mind for me to discover to help my fall." She crushed the heels of her hands into her eyes, "My dreams are as dark as she was and I have to fight to keep from tossing my morals away and diving headfirst into her madness." She gave her head a shake to clear it and sipped her coffee. "If that wasn't enough, Doc told me he knew I killed mom and where she was buried. She spoke of the talk they had and said, "So all these years he kept quiet but today in the privacy of my own home he felt he could finally tell me."

"Darkstar, I wasn't there so I don't have any proof, but I believe, as does Doc, that mother mind fucked your mom and she killed herself in an auto accident rather than continuing on. I don't think she killed her directly otherwise your mother would have just disappeared. But I will bet anything she had a hand in it."

Darkstar sobbed once and got it under control. She looked at Karen, "I knew mom was going to have a girl's night out with a few friends and that by morning she had wrapped her car around tree. I always thought it was because she was drunk."

"God damn it," Cat exclaimed. "I said it before but I'll say it again, that is one woman I would kill on sight and damn the cost." She moved over and hugged Darkstar tightly, "I'm sorry baby."

They all joined in the hug and when they broke apart Karen patted her lap for Darkstar to rest her head on. She caressed the girl's face tenderly and said, "I love you so very much Tiff, I would die if something ever happened to you." She looked up, "To any of you. You girls are my world, my family and come hell or high water we will stick together no matter what mother throws at us from beyond the grave."

"Amen," Baby Girl said.

"I want to do something," She looked at Lilly. "Please allow me to muddle through on my own sister." She looked at Red, "And let me work into it at my own pace." While Lilly looked confused Red smiled widely. Still caressing Darkstar, Karen said mentally, "Mother, I know you think they are not worthy or ready but I disagree. Each of these women is worth fighting and dying for." Aloud she added, "Yes even the bat shit crazy one." She laughed and looked at Baby Girl. "While ceremony is proper and has its place, you are my family and I would like to think we are past such things when together. Even so this should be serious. Sit up baby."

When the girl sat up, Karen took her head in her hands and kissed her deeply. "I return to you that which you once had, your immorality."

"Thank you, High Priestess," Darkstar said wide eyed.

"No, just your dominant sister granting her little sister's wish with our mother's blessing." Karen replied kissing her again. She looked at Red, "Since you have been waiting quietly, your next dear." Like she had before she kissed her tenderly before returning her to succubae. She turned to Sherry, and held her hand out. Once the girl crawled forward she kissed her, "I know you think you aren't worthy Sherry, but I would rather have you walk beside me then behind me." She kissed her and turned her also. "As your sisters can tell you, your powers have been blocked up until you, like them, can learn control. This just allows you to not have to sleep and makes your reaction times faster." Karen kissed her again and looked at Cat, "Remind me, that while you girls are finishing my tat, for me to talk about handling drunks."

She did the same with Little Bit and Cat before stopping at Doll, "Sister, once we finish up, take Red and Little Bit and talk you sister into coming to visit. Cat will drive." Only then did she change the girl with the pair of kisses. Next was Baby Girl, "Even mother, the Great Mother thinks you're bat shit crazy. She kissed Baby Girl tenderly and said softly, "But you're just right for me." She changed her and then kissed her again.

"As long as you're happy Karen," Baby Girl replied.

She looked at Eva and Lilly, "Sisters, I know you know how to temper the desires that will run through your minds and not go crazy in a feeding or bloodlust frenzy. However, I want you to follow the same path as your sisters." "Eva will you follow my wishes?"

"Wow, that's a no brainer," Eva replied laughing. "Sister, you know what is best for us."

Karen kissed her tenderly and returned her immortally to her before kissing her a second time.

"Let me guess, mother said not only no but hell no," Lilly said.

"If she had I would have told her to go to hell. Lilly, you have to fight in what you believe in no matter the cost. Eva did it though granted she was afraid of loving it. Baby Girl did it even after mother told her to shut up and soldier. Even Red, once everyone else was ass up in the kitchen stopped me to make sure I wasn't falling into darkness." Karen kissed her tenderly, "Don't worry sister, you'll learn in time." She returned her to her immortal form and kissed her again. "Each of you are faster and immortal now. However, you cannot influence humans any more than a normal person can. Nor can you feed from their emotions. You still have to eat human food though if you can ever get it out, the porcupine will give you something to drink."

Karen paused, "If you rather, instead of doing tats tonight and helping Doll's sister to see the light. Would you rather take turns riding. You still need to learn to enjoy yourselves."

"Only if you go too," Cat said. "It's only fair sister. You need to let go sometimes too."

"Okay," Karen agreed. "But let's make it interesting. Ether you ride a porcupine or suck on it as it feeds you pure aphrodisiacs and ride the normal dildo."

"Agreed but you have to ride the normal one while we take turns feeding you," Baby Girl replied.

"You just want to see me lose it," Karen replied.

"Well yea.... there is that," Baby Girl giggled.

She made a big production of stripping and folding her fatigues while Sandy pulled the half drum with phallus out. Sitting down on it she put her hands and legs back so the girls could strap her in. "Set the level for all of us Sandy and it had not better be a ten."

"Less talking more sucking sister," Cat said offering Karen her cum covered porcupine to suck on. Sucking it in Karen mewed from the idea of drinking her sister's cum and her mother's honey. "Please find me worthy mother," she intoned as she began. The power of the oily cum pumping into her was much stronger than she imagined it could ever be and soon she was flowing from one orgasm to the next. She lost track of how many times they traded places or the number of orgasms she had. The next thing she truly remembered was laying on the floor with her head on Baby Girl's lap and the girl's dopy grin.

"Oh my god... that was unreal," Karen said getting up slowly. "How long did I last?"

"One round, just under ten minutes," Baby Girl laughed.

"No fucking way," Karen shot back.

Baby Girl lifted her watch and showed Karen. She turned and grabbed her phone and shook her head. "Just wait until it's your turn... oh god..." she moaned as she laid back down. Louder she said, "Anyone who can beat my time gets to spend the night in bed with me."

"What if we all beat you?" Red asked.

"Then I will sleep of the floor and you all can pile in the bed," Karen laughed.

She turned her head and watched Little Bit fucking her face with her porcupine while bouncing up and down like crazy on the drum. From her vantage point she knew the girl was close to passing out cause all she could see was the whites of her eyes. True to form Little Bit slumped forward out cold even as her mouth continued sucking on the living dildo.

Cat looked at her phone, "That's one in the bed with Karen."

They released her and Doll got on next. As the girl ramped up quickly Karen said, "I bet Cat and you both lose Baby Girl."

"Only if you cheat sneaky sister of mine." Baby Girl replied.

"I don't know if it is called cheating if I say now. Is it Doll?" Karen asked looking at Doll. The girl whimpered and shook her head. "See Doll doesn't think me saying one word is cheating." What do you think Cat?"

"I think I am going to lose because when you say now, you only mean one thing and we all know it. I dare you to say it to Doll without making it part of a question and see." Cat replied.

"While that may work once, it won't work a second time because we will know it's cheating. So, what will you do to get me to lose?" Baby Girl asked.

Instead of replying directly Karen looked at Doll and asked, "Dear, may I use you as an example? You can go again."

"Yes sister," Doll said pulling the living dildo out of her mouth long enough to answer.

Karen smiled and just looked at her. She locked eyes with Doll and did nothing more than look at her. After a minute she smiled and in reply Doll screamed in pleasure and passed out. Turning towards Baby Girl she said, "Did I speak? Did I say now?" As Red got on she said, "Dear just enjoy yourself tonight. This is supposed to be about fun."

Karen watched as everyone went. Some of her sisters did well and lasted longer than her ten minutes, while Eva, Doll, and Sherry all lasted less.

Last to go was Baby Girl who looked at Karen and said, "I'm doomed."

"I'll be good sister and not do a thing," Karen said. She gestured for Eva to come over and whispered something to her.

Eva looked at Baby Girl and giggled before whispering to Doll. She in turn looked at Baby Girl and laughed before going over to Cat.

She watched worriedly as each girl whispered something to another and got giggles. Just as she got going it ended and her sisters, with the exception of Karen all turned towards her and began caressing and tormenting her body. She was on the verge of losing control totally when her eyes found Karen sitting off to the side with a smile on her face. Just as she was about to orgasm she saw Karen shake her head no slowly.

"Oh god..." Baby Girl whimpered around the porcupine which she was sucking on. Even with the torment of her sisters, and the porcupine pumping aphrodisiacs into her mouth, she couldn't orgasm. Only when Karen nodded a few minutes later did she finally orgasm. The next thing she knew she was laying on the floor.

Karen waited until Baby Girl got up before saying, "Sisters, today I will take formal possession of the club." She looked at Cat, "Yes, I know it is not a major money maker. However, I want a home for our sisters and brothers. A place they can worship and relax without worries." She paused and looked around, "Sherry, I need you to be focused when we do the transfer of ownership. While I trust Tom and Doc, I don't know enough about business to realize I am forgetting something until too late."

"Don't worry Karen, I'll make sure you don't trip and fall," Sherry replied.

"You and I will go in your car and stop by Doc's on the way. I want to check on Mary." Karen said. She tilted her head, "Should we have another sister go with us?"

"It can't hurt," Sherry replied.

"Lilly, you'll come with us," Karen said. She turned to Cat, "Cat when you order latex and corsets for you sisters, don't forget to order dress uniforms for you and Baby Girl." Looking at Doll she said, "I haven't forgotten your twin sister baby. Do what you need to do but I want her here when we get done." Karen suddenly looked at Baby Girl, "Who all has driven the truck?"