Can There Be Peace Ch. 11


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"Cat, and I," Baby Girl replied.

"Before you invite her to visit, Baby Girl is going to take everyone out and check them on driving the truck. It's different than a car, it accelerates slower, turns wider, and stops slower. Everyone here, needs to be able to drive it in a pinch." Karen paused, "Now there are several other things we need for the winter so find out and order them now. A big assed propane generator comes to mind along with a large propane tank." She looked at Baby Girl again, "Remember that winter we lost power?"

"Yea two weeks of freezing my ass off while holding a kerosene lantern. All the time your mother berated me for the lack of power as if I did it somehow." Baby Girl said.

"Darkstar, it's up to you to find the things, feel free to ask anyone for help. We will also need a plow for the truck." Karen said.

"Why not use the tractor like your father did?" Baby Girl asked.

"Good point," Karen replied. "Scratch the plow... you girls can clean the parking lot of the club by hand."

"On the other hand, a plow might be nice," Cat said.

"It's up to you." Karen paused and looked around, "Sisters, while I try to look at the big picture, I am not perfect. With that said let me continue; with the exception of Cat, Lilly and Eva, all of you have lived here and you know what the winters can be like." She paused and then added, "You have to realize we are about twenty-five hundred feet higher than town. Rain down there means snow up here." She paused, "Plan ahead. I would rather spend money and not need something other than in the winter. Because, sitting up here in the dark and cold for a couple of weeks without power after a winter storm hits us really sucks."

Karen paused, "Next topic is how to deal with drunks and problems that will arise." She looked around, "Cat you are too nice. You have to be hard as nails. You show that you are tougher than they are. Only then can you talk someone down." She singled out the three waitresses, "If you are close then deal with issues before they get out of hand. However, if I hear of one of you three taking on a drunk singly you will be punished. Leave it to Sandy, Marie, and Lilith. Red, you and Eva are floaters watch and help when and where needed."

"What about you?" Cat asked.

"I'll be the one in middle dealing with it. While you girls learn," Karen shot back. "In case any of you get a feeling about wanting to be punished," She looked at Little Bit, "What was that first night like?"

Little Bit whimpered, "It was awful... nothing worked and I wished I would just die."

"Marie remember when I wanted to experience your and Sandy's obsessions. What happened?"

"I had a hard time putting a cloths pin on you. And then lied about why," Cat answered not meeting Karen's eyes.

"Why sister?" Eva asked.

"Because I couldn't say what was in my mind Eva. I couldn't say..." She looked at Karen, "How dare you ask me to hurt you. Mistress wields the whip not the other way around." Cat looked at Eva, "It's not how it's done."

"Since we are playing out it," Karen looked at Sandy, "Baby Girl what was your reply when I said what about me? What about my needs?"

"I said I would do what you needed because I know and understand you. But I didn't know if Cat would ever get past her preconceived notions. In short it sucks to be you." Baby Girl replied. "But she got past it Karen..."

"She changed her mind after she was put into isolation for a few minutes and saw I could be her sister," Karen replied. "Did she ever put you in the box?"

"No Karen," Sandy said looking away. "But I saw you when she pulled you out one time. That was bad enough." She looked at her sisters not really seeing them, "She was beaten black and blue and completely out of it. Her mother jerked her out of the box by an arm and I would bet anything she dislocated it in the process." Her voice became soft "After she sent her up she turned to me and said that if I ever gave her any back talk she would bury me alive in that box."

"Dad popped it back in for me. That's when I told him I was going to kill that bitch or die trying," Karen replied. She stood and looked out the sliding glass door, "He laughed and wished me luck." Not turning back, she said, "Do you want to know why I was in the box?"

"Why?" Eva asked when no one else dared.

"Because while getting whipped with a broad tailed whip she made the mistake of asking if I had enough." Karen laughed coldly, "I told her, I could take anything she did to me. Give it your best shot bitch and we'll see who is left standing." Karen turned and looked at Eva, "That's when she got a broom and broke the handle off and used that on me." Her eyes turned cold, "Nothing throws fear into a person as to when you give it your all and your victim stands on her own two feet and stares hard at you." She looked at Baby Girl, "In that moment, she knew I stronger than her. She knew she was living on borrowed time." She looked at Eva, "I was in the box because she didn't dare leave me free to move about."

Karen turned away once more, "How long was that before I killed her?"

"About a month Karen," Baby Girl said softly.

"For that month, she stayed as far away from me as she could. I didn't have my toys, she boxed them up and put them away. But she knew the storm was about to break." Karen voice said, "She knew the day I came down and you were on the table that I was going to kill her. I saw it in her eyes, I saw her fear the moment she saw me walking towards you two."

After a moment Karen turned and looked at Baby Girl, "You saved me, you and your nasty coffee. I was cold and dead inside. But you and how hard you tried brought me back from the darkness that was consuming me." She smiled, "You made me realize I have people who care about me. You and the squad became my family. Before then it was just a group of people under me live, die, it didn't matter to me. But your god-awful coffee snapped me out of it. Go figure, a little pee in my coffee changes my whole view of the world."

"You peed in her coffee?" Sherry asked with wide eyes.

"It was a joke so I wouldn't ever have to make coffee again. But Karen said she liked it so I always got her coffee in the morning and peed a little in her cup." Baby Girl said with a giggle.

"Go try a cup, it's so wrong it's funny." Karen replied.

Sherry went into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. She took a sip and gagged, "God that is nasty."

"Add some sugar, it will grow on you," Cat said.

Little Bit said, "I thought the same thing until I realized it was something Mistress loved. Since she loved it I knew I would too. Now I find it divine." She looked at Baby Girl, "You ruined regular coffee for me sis."

Sherry looked at the coffee and then up at Karen. "She loves it so must I," She said to herself as she took another sip. While it was still nasty, she got a throb of pleasure from the act. Little Bit was right; she knew she would always drink coffee with a few drops of pee in it because Karen loved it. "It grows on you," she finally said aloud taking another sip. The porcupine which had not moved while they were talking wiggled and she mewed in pleasure. "Yes it really grows on you."

"I know you won't listen to me but I want you to relax while I run a few laps." Karen said.

"Laps on what? The driveway or the trail of doom," Baby Girl asked.

"I figured five on the driveway and then hit the trail at first light," Karen replied. "I know you plan on coming and don't want you to get hurt running that at night. That's why the driveway laps for me first." She started getting dressed and said, "I'll be good, I let you know before I hit the trail."

"Think you can keep up this time sister," Little Bit asked Karen.

Karen laughed, "I can only try if you're up for it dear."

"Give me ten minutes and I will be," Little Bit said getting up.

"If it were me I would go to bed, get a few hours sleep before morning. But you do as you wish." Karen said looking at Little Bit's retreating form. "I'll take a break between the two paths so you can get up and have some coffee first." She watched as the others started to get up, "Cat, please just relax and let me run alone. Please sisters," Karen begged. "Little Bit runs all the time and I need solitude." She finished tying her boots and went outside.

She was almost to the bottom when Little Bit came bounding by with a wave and passed her. After that the girl stayed about twenty feet in front of her instead of leaving her in the dust. By the time she finished the sun was just coming up and she slowed to stop at the house behind Little Bit. "Thanks," she said.

"Your welcome sister." Little Bit turned to face Karen, "I know you think you are sinking and alone Karen. But you have your family, your sisters to hold you up. Please don't push us away. It hurts us being pushed away as much as it hurts you albeit in different manner."

"I'm not pushing you away little one. I just don't like seeing you suffer from my memories." Karen said tenderly.

"They are our memories too Karen, I remembered the murderess rage I felt the whole time in the box. I was going to kill her and eat her heart the first chance I got or die trying." Little Bit said softly. She met Karen's eyes, "I wanted her dead in the worst way and damned myself when I took unholy joy killing her slowly." She paused and said, "Don't worry about dragging us down. If you look you will see we all are ahead of you. The rest of the world can go to hell, the only thing that matters to me is you and my sisters."

"Us against them," Baby Girl said softly coming up.

"Us against them," Karen intoned. "Family takes care of family."

"Damn straight," Red replied walking up.

She watched as the others came out, "The point is to finish. Don't hurt yourself and mind the rocks on the scramble section." She paused, "If you catch up and want to pass someone, say loudly, passing and then the side." She looked at Little bit and moved in behind her, "For example...Passing right." As Little Bit moved left she walked in front of her on the right side. "Then say thanks when you are past."

Karen turned to face them, "No playing on the side trail today. That goes for me too, we have other things to get done." She looked at Doll, "I know she ruined your life for a few years. I want you to think about what punishment you want her to suffer through and finally the end game." Karen paused, and then said, "We will be working with others on behavior modification. I know it, and you know it. But before we start with anyone, you must know what you want in the end. Each time you failed, you lost sight of the end game."

She looked at Darkstar, "I knew the night before you would become mine. Even with your faults I saw a young woman needing guidance and love. Not someone who needed to be turned into a fuck toy. Cat realized it when I stopped her from whipping you. Right Cat?"

"Right, then in hindsight I realized you had set us up," Cat said softly.

Karen looked at Baby Girl, "You knew it from the start."

"Yes Karen," Baby Girl replied simply.

"Why didn't you tell us," Red asked.

"It was not my place to speak. Anyways you saw the same signs I did. I mean after the big buildup about how she was going to do to break Tiffany alone and that she needed to be cold and hard as her mother. Like that would ever happen." Baby Girl laughed. "Then she turned around and said, we can get our licks in first. That's when I knew for sure that Karen couldn't hurt Tiff and we would have a new sister." She smiled at Darkstar, "And here is our little Darkstar, a vision of dark seduction and beauty."

"She is at that," Karen replied with a smile. "Little Bit since I know you will leave me in the dust, feel free to start in front." She gestured towards the path.

Like a gazelle, Little Bit bounded off. "Watching her run is poetry in motion," Karen said as she followed at a slower but steady pace. Not five minutes later the rest of them passed her in a group apart from Baby Girl who hung on her tail the whole way. Slowly one by one she and Baby Girl passed the other girls until only Lilly, Red and Little Bit were still ahead of her. They were nearing the end when they caught up to Lilly and Red walking arm and arm together. Slowing to a walk Karen asked, "Ankle?"

"Red hit a root when I passed her and went down," Lilly said.

"Can you walk or do you need a stretcher," Karen asked getting on her knee to check Red's ankle. "I don't think it's broken but you will go with Sherry and I to Doc's and get it checked out."

"I'm fine Karen really. I just twisted it." Red said.

"Take a few steps so I can see," Karen replied.

Red took a few steps but when she turned she went down and clung to her ankle crying. Karen looked at Baby Girl and Lilly, "Hall ass up the trail get a blanket and the saw. Whoever is fresher, bring them back, the other move the truck to the end of the trail. Now Go!"

She stroked Red's face as the pair raced down the trail, "I need you to stand so I can carry you."

"I'm fine Mistress," Red said wiping the tears away. "I can finish on my own."

"Like hell, you may but will tear up your ankle. Now do as I say sister, I have more experience in this than you do. I saw it many times in training." Karen replied. She stood and pulled Red to her feet and picked her up in a shoulder carry. Slowly she walked towards the end of the path. At her pace the others caught up to them and each asked about Red and offered to carry her. Karen only shook her head. Once she was alone with Red on her shoulder, Karen said, "Family takes care of family. Even during the ambush, I had to save my family and your brother. Oh Red he was shot up bad and it broke my heart to drop him inside and go after the others rather than doing first aid on him." She couldn't help herself as she started to cry.

Through her tears she said, "He saved my life over there. We went into a town and a little girl holding flowers came towards me with a big smile on her face. As I got to my knees and smiled back at her, Tommy blew her brains out." Karen sobbed, "The flowers were wired to a vest she was wearing filled with explosives. If I had taken them like she wanted, I would have died. She dropped to her knees, "He came to be my best friend next to Sandy. Oh Tommy! I miss you so much," She cried.

As Karen let her go, Red moved so she could hug her broken sister. "He loved, no worshiped you Karen. More than anyone he said you kept them alive. You were mother and sister to them the whole time." She caught sight of the others running towards them and shook her head no. They skidded to a stop and looked on as Karen clung to her crying. "Just let it out sister, you'll feel better." With a hand she made little shooing motions.

Instead of leaving Cat came up and knelt with them, "Just let it out Karen, it helps the hurt. She laughed slightly, "I know I spent many nights crying while waiting for you to show." She took Red's hand and gestured for her to get on the stretcher. As the others carried Red down the trail she stopped Baby Girl and shook her head. Crouching down to hug Karen she said softly, "Karen I need you to listen to me now. Can you do that Staff Sergeant?"

"Yes Major."

"This is not to go to the others, they would never understand." Cat said. "Staff Sergeant, the reason we three are still alive while the rest have gone on is that we are damned. We have not paid the price for our failures. I know what the Great Mother told you and I am not calling her a liar. I am just saying she didn't tell all the truth." Cat paused and took a breath. "Each of us in our own way is responsible for countless deaths. Until we make the scales right, we won't have peace." She looked at Baby Girl who looked back with wide eyes, "Yes little sister, even you. You could have said something the minute you realized she was a psycho. Karen could have spoken up, and I killed my command. Until the scales balance by good works, we won't have the final peace."

Cat stood and said, "Now you need to suck it up Staff Sergeant. I know you need time to cry and feel sorry for yourself, but while you have a sister with a broken ankle on your back is not one of those times." She paused and leaned down, "Be happy I don't have a pistol because my aim sucks worse than the Corporal's and I might shoot you in the arm by accident. Do I make myself clear Staff Sergeant?"

"Yes Major," Karen replied wiping her tears away. "I'm sorry it won't happen again Major Cat mam."

"Just see that it doesn't Staff Sergeant because if it does I will kick your ass for real and not back down like someone we both know." Cat said. She offered her hand and pulled Karen to her feet, "Seriously Karen, losing it while Red is hurt is something you know better than doing."

"I know, I just got lost in the past and how he saved my life. Remember the little girl Sandy?"

"Yes Karen, thank god Tommy was on the ball that day," Baby Girl replied. "I hate to sound like a broken record but please quit calling me by that name."

"I thought we resolved that," Karen said looking at her.

"We did, but you keep forgetting," Baby Girl replied.

"I'll take your request under due consideration," Karen said.

Baby Girl looked at Cat, "Every time any officer said that to us we knew we were going to get screwed."

"It's part of our training, to be diplomatic while saying no," Cat replied with a laugh.

"Speaking of being screwed... with every step you take, you will have a little orgasm. Each stronger than the last. You will keep up with me so we can catch up with the others." Karen said looking at Baby Girl. She turned to Cat, "You too Cat."

"Oh god," Baby Girl said.

"Yep got to love that due consideration line," Cat said. She gestured to the trail and said, "After you Staff Sergeant."

With a smile Karen started down the trail walking at a brisk pace. She hadn't gone a hundred yards before hearing someone fall behind her. Stopping she looked back expecting to find Baby Girl on the ground out cold. Instead it was Cat who was out cold and Baby Girl smiling at her. "I think I made my point. But to make sure, you can quit cumming and carry Cat the rest of the way." As Baby Girl grunted as she picked up the other woman in a shoulder carry Karen said, "How far could you have made?"

"As far as you wanted Staff Sergeant, I know better than to drop when you give me an order. The only way I would have gone is if I dropped dead. According to this heavy Cat I'm carrying, we aren't going to die anytime soon so I can last as long as you need."

Karen shook her head, "Go ahead and put her down Baby Girl." She waited until Baby Girl had set Cat back down before continuing, "Love, I know I keep slipping and calling you Sandy. Sometimes it is when the topic is important but often it's because I get lost in the past. Please understand I don't do it to upset you."

"I know," Baby Girl replied looking down.

"When Cat comes around the pair of you catch up. I'm going ahead to see how they are doing with Red." Karen said. Not hearing a reply, she turned and headed down the trail. She stopped after a few steps and turned back to say, "By the way, Cat your acting skills still suck."

Cat opened her eyes and looked up at Baby Girl, "Little sister, I know her calling you Sandy drives you crazy but she's closer to the edge than you are. Please be patient with her."

"Yea, well patient is not my strong suit," Baby Girl replied.

As Karen continued she was looking at the trail in a new way. It was fine for when she and her loyal follower would walk it, they walked single file. But passing would be a bitch, she saw that now. By the time she caught up with them she had an idea but really wanted the girls' input before she did it. "How are you doing Red?" She asked as they helped her into the back seat of the truck.