Can There Be Peace Ch. 12


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It wasn't until they were driving back home that Sherry asked, "Mistress, why did you give in?"

"Because even though Tom is greedy and can be cold blooded. He was a good friend to dad and didn't deserve mom killing his wife to strike back at Dad. No one deserves that," Karen replied. She smiled, "Anyways, I need to be on his good side because sooner or later he will come in handy."

"If you say so Mistress," Sherry said unsure.

Reaching the house Karen made sure Red was seated in her easy chair with an ice pack on her ankle. "Give me an hour more or less and then I want everyone to come down." She looked over the worried girls and said, "I would rather be raped and beaten again than hurt you girls. This is harder on me than it is you so please wait until later to give me shit or shooting me."

Going down to the dungeon she saw that Doll's sister was bound to the wall and crying. Walking over she grabbed a riding crop and hit the girl across her ass. "Silence!" She walked over to the box which was sitting off to one side and opened it. Releasing Lilly's wrist to ankle restraints, she motioned her to stand and put a finger to her lips. Returning to the girl bound to the wall she said, "My name is Mistress Karen. You will address any who talk to you by Master or Mistress depending on the sex. If they give you a name, you will address them by their title followed by their name. You will only speak in third person." She grabbed the girl's hair and tilted her head back, "Fuck with me little girl and I'll kill you." She let go of her hair and said, "Do you understand me?"

"I wanna go home," the girl whimpered.

"Wrong answer," Karen replied. She hit her with the crop again and then grabbed the hooked whip. "Try again or you will find out firsthand what pain really is like. Do you understand the instructions so far?"

"I... a girl understands Mistress Karen," Joyce replied through tears.

Returning to Lilly, Karen slapped her as hard as she could, "Lilly if you step out of line again I will kill you. I won't play first, I'll just blow your brains out and send you to mother to deal with." She took a breath and continued, "I prayed for her to take you back; instead she disowned you and left me holding the bag." She looked down and said softly, "I would rather be raped by dad again and beaten by mother than what I have to do." She raised her eyes, "I hope you understand the cost of your folly." In a louder voice she said, "Go to the wall, hands over your head and facing it."

She hurried over and stood against the wall with her hands up over her head. While the porcupine seared her soul, and the slap hurt. Karen's words about what she would rather have done to herself really affected Lilly. Silently she prayed, "Mother how do I make it right. I hurt her so much it's killing me."

Meanwhile Karen said mentally to Cat, "Everyone join us and not a fucking word." She went over and bound Lilly's hands up over her head next to the girl. Mentally she said to Lilly, "Ham it up. It will hurt but I will swing lightly."

"Please forgive a bad girl, Mistress Karen. She wasn't thinking..."

She didn't reply as she picked up the scourge. Walking to the girl she thrust it before her and said, "This is a scourge, it's the evilest whip there is. It's what the Roman's used when they whipped Jesus Christ thirty-nine times. You get to listen to what it sounds like before it's your turn." Turning she looked at her sisters and closed her eyes for a moment opening them she said, "Your sister has been a very bad girl and must be punished." Turning to Lilly, Karen said, "Ten strikes."

"One," Karen swung and twitched the whip towards her leaving several deep cuts. "Two," again she swung and this time Lilly screamed in pain. With each hit Lilly screamed loudly and begged forgiveness through tears. Reaching ten Karen swung with full force and Lilly's scream was long and drawn out. Turning to the others who stood wide eyed she said, "The next time I have to truly punish, I will put a bullet in your brain and bury you in the woods." She paused and then said, "Cut her down, salt her wounds, and dump her in the driveway, I'll finish her punishment up there alone."

She looked at Doll before turning to the girl and casting the arousal without release spell on her. Looking back at the others she said, "The last two times I gave you a chance to prove yourselves, you failed me. Don't fail me again." She pointed at Joyce and said, "Whip her front and back with a wide tailed whip. You have..." she looked at her watch, "Three hours. Eva will go first." She looked at the girl and commanded, "Eva, Come with me."

Karen led Eva up the elevator. She stopped beside the tractor and asked, "What would you do next to your bad sister?"

Eva was shell shocked. She didn't think she could ever get the sight or sounds of Lilly being whipped with that whip out of her mind. It was one thing to live Karen's old memories and another to watch from the other side. She looked up at Karen, "Forgive her, sister. Lilly has suffered more than enough for getting carried away." She knew she was treading close to the edge but a bullet through her brain would be a blessing at this point. When Karen did nothing more than to gesture for her to leave, Eva returned to the basement.

She was outside waiting when they dragged Lilly to the driveway and dropped her. As they turned to go, Sandy looked at Karen before dropping her eyes. When they were alone Karen said, "Lilly, you are supposed to be a role model to your sisters. I'm so disappointed in you that words fail me. Heal yourself and come inside." She turned away and went inside.

Once Lilly entered Karen looked down at her and said, "I'm telling you now. and you can pass on to your other sisters that I will blow my own brains out before doing that again." She paused and then added, "I'm going to lay down, wake me in three hours."

'Yes Mistress," Lilly whimpered. Holding herself and kneeling with lowered head as she cried silently. It wasn't the whipping. It was Karen's disappointment with her that cut to the bone. As the others came up, Eva first and then the others in a group, she ignored them as she wallowed in sorrow. She was still kneeling in the same position three hours later when it was time to wake up Karen.

Lilly crawled to the bedroom to find Karen clinging to a pillow and crying. "Please don't cry Mistress. I'm sorry I failed you, please give me a chance to make it right," she said from the floor.

Karen sat up and wiped her eyes, "I'm sorry too, I over reacted and hurt you. Please forgive me."

"I do and deserved much worse," Lilly said looking down.

Karen crawled out of the bed and hugged Lilly tightly. "Let's call it even. We both screwed up and suffered from our folly." She kissed Lilly hard, "Even though you were being punished, you loved the whipping didn't you. I could feel your excitement."

"I did..." Lilly replied softly.

"I know, so did I," Karen replied. "That's why next time I will kill myself first. I don't dare fall into mother's trap." She said. Getting up she went out to the living room to see everyone kneeling. "I have forgiven your sister her failings. She in turn has forgiven me for over reacting." She paused to let them digest it before saying, "What you don't know was I told her to react strongly even though I lightly hit her. Only the final stroke was real. The other thing you might not know was that both of us loved our roles even though she was being punished and I was punishing her."

She looked at Red, "I refuse to fall into that trap. Play hard is fine, but punish like that again. Not only no but hell no. I will eat a bullet before I do that again." As Lilly came in and kneeled with the others Karen said, "Doll what do you want to do with your twin? Do you want her turned into a pain slut, a sexual toy for others, or do you want her kneeling beside you here? Her fate is in your hands."

Doll looked down at her hands, "I don't know Mistress." She looked up to meet Karen's eyes, "I thought I wanted to hurt her for the last two years of her making my life a living hell. But after Lilly's punishment and our whipping my sister, I find my heart's not in it. Please guide me because I feel lost."

"Anyone else want to take a swing at it before I speak up?"

"Not a toy or pain slave," Baby Girl said. "Carol was one thing, this girl is more like Tiff when she came, just young and full of herself." She looked at Darkstar, "No offence sister."

"None taken," Darkstar replied. "Karen, sister, like me she needs a strong hand guiding her. If not you, then some other kind Mistress and owner."

"May I speak?" Lilly asked softly.

"Of course, sister," Karen replied surprised.

"Keep her for a few days, let her see what her twin's life is like. As you said to her a few days?" Lilly stopped, "A life time ago, all it takes is for her to walk a mile in your shoes and she will truly understand the joy you feel." She looked down and then suddenly raised her head to look Karen in the eye, "Sister, I know what you cast on her. It seems to be your favorite spell to use. No matter what you do, she will, like Little Bit did, do anything including renouncing her god to kneel below you." She looked at her sisters, "Our older sister talks often about the end game, she knew what was going to happen before she texted me." She turned back to Karen, "Am I right?"

"No, I knew before I sent them to get her, just as I knew you would be bad Lilly. After an eternity of no rules, words are cheap, action is what counts. I knew you would fail and I would have to punish you harshly. Mother knew also, I had to make you understand the cost and prove to myself I could hurt you of all here without losing myself." Karen looked down, "Fuck with me is fine, hurt one of your sisters even by slight and I will kill you without hesitation." She looked around before focusing on back on Lilly, "That's why I was so mad at you."

Standing Karen said, "Red and I will dress as we are, the rest of you in latex. Bring our guest up in a few. I want her in as high of heels as we can fit her in, hobble, ball gag, dog collar, leash, and arm binder. Once she understands the rules, I will remove the ball gag and feed her by hand." She didn't wait and walked down to the play room. Seeing Joyce's unmarked body, she made a mental note to talk to the girls about whipping her half-heartedly. Walking up to the girl she said, "Look at me... Don't you love my eyes," she said moving closer.

She felt like she was falling into the woman's beautiful emerald green eyes, "Yes..." It took her a moment to remember to add, "Mistress Karen."

"I know why you were so hateful to Janet. Your twin had what you wanted. A strong dominating woman controlling her." Karen paused and then continued, "In fact I can smell your arousal, your need. I even bet if you give yourself to me by word, thought or deed, you will orgasm. Each time you think of kneeling before me and begging to be mine, you will cum harder than before." She reached a hand down and began stimulating the girl's distended clit. "Cum now..."

Joyce mewed as her body responded to the woman's command. "Please make me yours," she said and a stronger orgasm swept through her. She envisioned kneeling before Mistress Karen and pleasuring her and the orgasm that hit caused her to pass out. When she woke she saw Mistress Karen take her hand and bring her fingers to her lips and taste her honey. The smile the woman gave her made Joyce's heart swell.

Karen smiled and said, "I know how much you loved feeling your soon to be sisters playing with my whips on your body. Admit it now, tell me you loved the stroke of their painful pleasure."

"I did... A slave did Mistress Karen. She loved it and wished it was you who was whipping her." Joyce said and orgasmed again.

"Joyce, I only take those who wish it. Even then only sisters who love the things I enjoy. Tonight I will give you taste of our life style. If at the end you wish to return to your old life, why is beyond me, you may. If on the other hand, if you wish to stay, your old world will no longer exist, you will do as I say, dress how I want and act accordingly." Karen moved in and kissed her roughly, "That's what you want, what you dream. Envision it and cum hard for me."

Joyce screamed in pleasure and her body thrashed around long after she passed out. When she came to she said, "A slave doesn't need a night to decide, please make her yours now Mistress Karen." She mewed as another orgasm swept her mind away.

Karen smiled and when the girl woke she instilled the obsession for latex, corsets, bondage, nylons and high heels. The girl already was suckered into needing painful pleasure. Finally, she released Joyce and said, "Come with me girl." She walked up the stairs and said, "You'll love walking on the gravel barefoot and doing my bidding. Your sisters say it's sublime."

Joyce followed her out and across the gravel drive. It took all she had in her to keep from passing out from each little orgasm that came with the painful steps. Even so by the time she reached the door, her thighs were thick with her honey.

Once inside Karen caught Little Bit going by, "Little Bit will you take Joyce to Cat and Doll to dress please and then get Baby Girl for me." She looked at Joyce, "Here you will speak in first person and address me as Karen. You may call the others as they desire, they will let you know what they want."

"Of course sister," Little Bit said. "This way Joyce," she said taking Joyce's hand and leading her down the hall. "Just call me sister or Little Bit," she said smiling back at the girl.

Karen sat on the couch and looked at Red, "I bet you anything you wish that you have another sister by morning."

Red laughed and said, "No bet." She paused and then added, "Mistress, sister of mine, can't you heal my ankle so I can dress properly tonight?"

"Of course," Karen replied. She went over and touched the ankle and healed it. "There, done. But I want you to wear the brace and low heels tonight just in case. Healing skin is one thing, that is something different all together. Go and get ready dear. However tonight you will spend at the table so you can wear a hobble and bring a towel."

Red grinned and got up. "Thank you, Mistress," she went over and kissed Karen deeply. "I love you so much,"

"I love you too dear," Karen replied.

Baby Girl came in and knelt before her with lowered head. "You sent for me Mistress?"

"Always look at me when talking Baby Girl. You should already know that one." Karen said.

"Sorry Karen," Baby Girl said looking up.

"Are we going to have issues over what I did downstairs?" Karen asked.

"No, I knew you were faking the whipping. Remember I saw the real thing and even the last hit wasn't real. You didn't pull it back properly after the swing." Baby Girl said. She paused, "May I ask a question of my older sister?"

"You know you can," Karen said.

"Well I know you're stressed out and I didn't want to make it worse. But if you knew Lilly was going to fail, why did you not deal with it before hand? Why wait Karen?"

"She failed when she suggested that Mary get my gift. I was going to deal with it but then the nurse came in and I went to see doc. When I got back they were both gone and the problem escalated completely out of control." Karen said. "I completely lost it Sandy. Had I not had to go see Tom and had her in hand, I would have made her beg for death. Luckily for me, Tom tried to shaft me for an extra 80 k and I took my rage out on him."

"Good for you, I'd love to get my hands on that fucker. After all we did for him." Baby Girl replied.

"We settled on an extra 50k and let it go. Little does he know I am going to send him a bill for Candy's training that will total 80k at the end of the month." Karen said. "I'll pay the 50 but I want him to see what it feels like to be screwed."

"Can I deliver it?" Baby Girl asked with a smile. "Please?"

"We'll see," Karen replied. "So are you going to do my make-up or should I get Meowzers out here."

"What are you wearing? That?"

"I was thinking of wearing my natural form and let people see what they expect." Karen said. "What do you think?"

"I think you would be better off wearing a red latex body suit." Baby Girl replied.

"Do I have one?" Karen couldn't remember.

"Yes Karen," Baby Girl replied. "Would you like me to get it and dress you? Please?"

"I know you, you'll nuzzle and lick me all over just to make sure it slides on easy." Karen smiled back. "Get it and a pair of heels. Then you can do my makeup. Not like mom's this time, do something that should be my style not hers."

Baby Girl jumped up and rushed out. Standing Karen stripped and waited. She was still waiting when Sherry came out wearing a latex school girl's outfit, pink makeup and her hair in pig tails. "Damn you look beautiful Sherry," Karen breathed. "Tonight I want you to bring the laptop, and the account number of the business. While there we can order things that we want for the club. Or some things we want depending on the prices."

Sherry smiled at the compliment and said, "Of course Karen." She thought for a second and added, "Do you have an idea of how you want the club to look when you are finished?"

"No, I have a fuzzy idea of a place where our brothers and sisters can find a safe haven." Karen paused and then added, "I would love to get the feel of the grove there and an alter to the Great Mother under the mural of us. However, I want to keep the feel of a dance club at the same time." She threw up her hands, "Face it, I have no idea or end plan. I guess tonight I have to come up with one before we start renovating." She looked at Sherry, "Would it help to look at what other clubs are doing?"

"I think so," Sherry replied. "Karen, it all depends on what you want. Do you want people to come or do you want a place where our sisters can meet without hassle? Each has a different hook." She bit her lip, "May I recommend that tonight you think about what you want. Then tomorrow day we can figure how to get there."

Before she could continue, Baby Girl came in and dressed her before starting on her makeup. Nearly thirty minutes later she finished and smiled, "There, a meowzers special!"

"Let me guess... I look like a clown," Karen said laughing. Getting up she went into the bathroom and looked at herself. "Damn..." she breathed. Instead of looking like a hard-core dominatrix, she looked like herself." The only thing that would look better that if her hair was longer. However, she didn't trust her own opinion so went back out to ask.

Finding everyone waiting Karen asked, "While I like it so far, what about my hair? Longer and a pony tail? In a bun? Ideas?"

While everyone else was looking Joyce made nodding motions. When Karen removed the gag, she said, "If it were possible, I would go three inches below the shoulders and with waves or loose curls."

Karen closed her eyes and envisioned longer hair down to the middle of her back and loose curls. "Something like that?" she asked opening her eyes and spinning around.

While she was mind blown, Joyce nether the less said, "It's beautiful." She threw back her head and mewed in pleasure as a massive orgasm swept through her. As she lost balance Karen rushed forward and caught her. "Thank you," she said breathlessly getting lost in Karen's eyes again.

Karen just smiled and kissed her tenderly, as a lover would instead of a Mistress. She helped her up and looked at Cat, "Would you grab the laptop Cat and ride with Sherry, Red and I. She looked at Red, "I mean it, I want you off that foot as much as possible." She looked at Baby Girl, "Grab a nice thick towel for Joyce to kneel on under the table." She looked at Joyce, "BG has lots of experience under the table.