Can There Be Peace Ch. 12


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"No Mistress," Baby Girl said softly.

"Good, let's get back to the club... Knowing my luck it has burned down." Karen said. She went to the bathroom with Sandy following and flushed the toilet.

"I thought you said it was trapped."

"I did," Karen replied. When they got up she went to the hidden stairs and retrieved the two claymores that she had set just inside the door. Handing them to Baby Girl she led the way back into the house so they could be replaced and she could put the pistol away. Turning to Sandy she said, "She and more importantly you had to believe I would kill us all rather than let her escape." She paused, "Still want to go free her? The way is clear and I'll even give you the key."

"No Mistress," Baby Girl thought about for a second. "You know you will have to kill her don't you?"

"I was thinking of either selling her down at the red door or letting her live in the underground house alone." Karen paused, "It all depends on what Doll wants when she realizes she never had a twin." She looked away, "Did you ever see her use the dagger?"

"No..." Baby Girl replied softly. "How did you make it disappear?"

"Sleight of hand. I hit her butt first and palmed it. However, she believes it is there even though she can't see or touch it." Karen paused and said, "I think the shotgun needs to go into the vault tonight. Please grab it would you?"

She went into the kitchen and waited. Hearing the door open and close a minute later she made sure her back was turned as she sipped a cup of coffee. "So have you decided if you are going to shoot me yet?"

Not hearing a reply, she turned to see she was alone. A minute later Baby Girl came back and said, "I put it away and no you rode close to the edge but didn't fall." She stepped forward and said, "However..." she slapped Karen and hissed, "You can do about anything you want to me Karen. But if you call me a stupid cunt again I will leave. Your mother used to call me that all the time and I refuse to take it from you."

Karen rubbed her cheek and looked down, "I'm sorry it was uncalled for."

"Forgiven," Baby Girl said. She paused, "May I ask what spell you cast? I didn't recognize any of it."

"I didn't it was gibberish," Karen said with a laugh. "I may be close but I still know that once I take that step we are all fucked." She sobered and added, "Now all I need to do is keep your sisters from completely losing it on Joyce when they find out she mind fucked them. Doll will be the worse, though I expect Lilly and Eva to run a close second and third. How do you vote?"

"Kill her, it's the only way and yes before you speak I know I am damning us all." Baby Girl said.

Karen shook her head and together they headed back to the club. Although it was a Monday night the place was busy. "I'm surprised at the crowd," Karen told Jane at the door. "I thought Mondays were dead."

"It would be, however just about every sister, as best I can figure is here along with friends," Jane replied. "What was the deal with the girl you escorted out?"

"Low level mind controller who mind fucked the girls and set her sights on me." Karen laughed, "She had no idea what she fucked with."

Jane shook her head in wonder as Karen followed by Baby Girl looking subdued followed. Going to her booth Karen found Sherry hip deep in papers. Sitting down she poured herself a drink. She handed the glass to Baby Girl and drank from the bottle. "Let me guess he has been fleecing the place blind."

"As far as I can tell he was honest other than a sloppy manager," Sherry said looking up finally, "What's wrong Karen?" she asked alarmed by the look in Karen's eyes.

"Baby Girl would you get all of your sisters, I would like to do this once," Karen commanded.

"Do what?" Sherry asked alarmed by Baby Girl's lifelessness as she walked away.

"Joyce is not Doll's twin. She is a low level mind controller who mind fucked you girls and then turned her attention on me." She looked at Sherry, "Needless to say it didn't go well with her. Forgive me but I have to remove what she did to you." She dove into Sherry's mind and only found that instead of Sherry whipping the girl with a broad tail whip, Joyce whipped her.

"Son of a bitch, no wonder my back hurts," Sherry growled while blinking.

Little Bit, Darkstar and Doll came over first and Doll said, "You sent for us Karen?" she looked around and then added, "Where's Joyce?"

She dove into their minds and removed Joyce's commands and influences from the three and said, "I have dealt with her." Karen noticed Doll's hands balled into fists as the girl realized how much Joyce had mind fucked her.

"I'll kill her..." Doll said softly. "Kill her slowly...."

"Be at peace Doll. I know and the temptation to hurt her runs deep. But do we really want to dive head first into madness?" Karen replied. "We will discuss this further tonight and each of you will get a chance to make your case for punishment or death." She patted the seat next to her, "Sit Doll." As the girl sat down, Karen asked, "Sherry could you see if you can get a glass of ice from the bartender for me?"

"Of course Karen," Sherry said standing.

The moment they were alone Doll said, "No wonder she always showed up. I told her beforehand." She lowered her eyes and added, "Sister, I want to hurt her so much it scares me."

"I know love," Karen replied hugging the girl. "I want it too, but I think you will approve of what I have done so far."

"What did you do?"

"Took her to the edge slowly, branded her a bad girl, salted her wounds and used her as a blood offering before locking her in the box," Karen replied in a cold emotionless voice.

"Blood offering?" Doll asked with wide eyes. She wanted to hurt the girl but a blood offering was as dark a magic as you could get. The coven had never performed it but they knew of it.

"Be at peace little sister," Karen replied seeing the others coming over. "Go tend your tables and think of what you want for her once I am finished playing with that bitch."

Karen looked at Cat, Eva, Lilly, and Red as they came from the back of the club. "How's the cleaning going?"

"It will be ready by closing Mistress," Cat said. She noticed Joyce was not around but didn't worry about it.

Just as she had before she dove into each mind and removed the girl's influence from them. One by one their eyes got large and then narrowed in anger. "Before you start ranting and raving about what you want let me say I took her to the edge, branded her as slave, pain worshiper, and finally a bad girl. Then I performed a blood ritual, salted her wounds, and locked her in a box."

Red took a step back, "Oh sister what have you done?" She like Doll knew all about a blood ritual and the idea that Karen had performed it troubled her greatly.

"Karen, sister, you didn't perform it, I would have known," Lilly replied. She looked at Eva, "Did you feel it?"

"No Lilly," Eva said. She looked at Karen's aura and saw while it was still golden, it was darker. She bowed her head, "Sister, you are close to the edge but you either messed up the ritual or..." Her eyes got large, "Mother gave her blessing..."

"Mother gave her blessing?" Lilly asked not believing what Eva said. "She's never blessed it before..." Turning to Karen she said, "Oh sister, what price did you pay?"

"Nothing," Karen replied levelly. "Think about what you want done with her. She will not be staying with us when I finish. You may return to cleaning." As they turned away she added, "Red come rest your ankle for a few."

As Red sat, Karen caught Sherry's eyes and she nodded. A moment later Sherry returned with a couple glasses of ice. Taking one of the glasses she poured the girl a drink, "For the record Baby Girl was there and watched me work the whole time." She smiled, "So, how do you think I got the Great Mother's blessing little sister?"

"You couldn't sister, that would have damned you and your offering for all eternity. I don't see the Great Mother saying go for it no matter how much you want her too." Red said slowly. She looked at her drink, "You did it... But you're not damned... You got a blessing for something that you can't be blessed for doing." She took a drink and looked up, "You did it for real but as far as everyone else knows you faked it. That's why she gave you her blessing. You asked permission and showed her what you wanted to do. I know what and how. I even know why you told Baby Girl afterwards it was faked. But why break cover now? With Sherry and I here, why?"

"Because you would have figured it out the moment you saw her and Sherry is an accountant," Karen replied. She looked at Sherry and winked, "Sherry knows how to keep secrets."

"But won't Eva and Lilly also know?" Red asked.

"Yes and they are discussing it with the others now," Karen replied. "Ahh here comes the first round now," She said seeing Baby Girl and Cat coming towards her. "Time to go back to cleaning for you Red and Sherry can go make sure she orders the right things for our unhappy bartender. Meanwhile I get to deal with our bat shit crazy sister and an angry cat." She paused, "Anyone want to trade?'

Red looked at the pair marching over and shook her head. Sherry looked at them and moved to stand before Baby Girl, "Sister, don't let your anger blind you." As the woman went to go around her she stopped her, "No Baby Girl, Sandy... Listen to me, let it go and trust Karen."

"She lied to me, not once but several times," Baby Girl said blinking back tears. She looked at Sherry and cried, "Why would she lie to me? Why sister?"

"I don't know but I trust Karen," Sherry pulled Baby Girl into a hug and added, "She had her reasons. But you need to be calm sister to hear them." She took Baby Girl's hand in hers and said, "Come help me with the bartender. I need your help... please?"

Baby Girl felt herself being led away from Karen and looked at her with hurt in her eyes. At least Karen dropped her eyes guiltily. That gave her a little hope that things would be okay between them in the end.

Cat sat down and didn't look at Karen as she said, "What the hell Karen?"

"Marie, it has been a long and very trying day so if you could get to the point I really would like to hear it." Karen paused and then added softly, "Today is not a good day to fuck with me Marie. If you think Sandy is close to the edge, think what it was like having to bobby trap the playroom and carry a pistol to keep her and that fucking bitch under control."

"What did you really do?" Cat finally asked. Karen was right, she was about to totally lose her shit and she would catch it all.

"I took Joyce close to the edge, branded her with the slave and pain worship marks. Then used a branding iron in the form of a circle with a line through it just above her pubic bone. Finally, I performed a variation of the blood ritual with the Great Mother's permission." Karen replied watching Baby Girl instead of Cat.

"What is the blood ritual and why is both Eva and Lilly flipping out?"

"The blood ritual is a blood sacrifice where you cut the living heart of your victim out and crush it beneath your heel in defiance of all save the dark lord," Karen said turning to look at Cat. "Many know of it, but few know the spell you cast as you remove the heart to keep the person alive to the very end."

"What was the variation and more importantly why did the Great Mother agree?" Cat looked down, "I don't understand any of this Karen."

"Catherin, I offered her to the Great Mother first, then with mother's help, created an invisible and untouchable dagger and drove it into the girl's chest. If she tries to control anyone ever again it will cut her heart apart. I could only mute her power not remove it. As for why, she knew of the spell but not what it entails so I used her lack of knowledge against her." She paused and then asked, "You think if I took her down to the red door, Lady Sally will be able to sell her?"

"I thought you said you would never sell a slave, Karen."

"I guess I could just kill her instead," Karen replied softly. "Or kill all of you." She paused a long moment, "Cat, she suckered you, all of you to where you did anything she wished without a care in the world. If she lives close, then you must die because I can't afford to leave you alive for fear of you trying to kill me one night in my sleep. Even with my cleansing you're still tainted by her otherwise you wouldn't be questioning me like this." She looked away, "It's a good thing I made sure all the weapons are in the vault."

In that moment Cat realized Karen was over the edge and only her Mistress's self-control was stopping a blood bath with her to be the first one to go. "I'll just get back to cleaning," Cat said as she got up slowly.

Karen waited until Cat returned to the kitchen and walked up to the bar. Pulling out one hundred dollars she smiled at the bartender, "Guess what I want hon."

Wordlessly he pulled out a bottle of black label Jack and handed it to her. Compared to how she looked when she left Karen looked like she had faced death and gave him the finger. Her held onto the bottle for an extra second until she met his eyes, "Staff Sergeant, it will all work out. It always does, trust me."

"I hope so because this drama shit has got to stop," Karen replied shaking her head. She looked at Sherry talking to Baby Girl before turning back, "Make sure Sherry orders what you want. I would rather spend and get it right instead of buying crap that works for a week and breaks."

"I will," he said. "I have a line on a bartender that might work out if you're still looking. She's not real experienced but she is a hard worker."

"If you tell me she's your girlfriend I will be most unhappy. Well..." Karen paused for a moment, "If she works out I would even hire your girlfriend at this point."

"She's not my girlfriend...I mean she is a girl and a friend but not my girlfriend..." He realized he was babbling and shut up.

"I understand. Can you have her come with you to work tomorrow? I would like to meet her before I hire her. If not, anytime this week would be fine. Until I know she is safe to play alone, I want you working beside her." Karen tilted her head, "How much are you making an hour now?"

"Fifteen an hour, but I've been here a while."

Sherry, got a moment," Karen asked. Baby Girl followed her over and took the bottle from Karen. Looking at Baby Girl she said softly, "We need to talk, but not here and damn sure not now. Please give me a few more minutes' love." Looking at Sherry she said, "How much can we pay an experienced bartender?"

Sherry looked at him and then Karen, "It depends Karen. If he keeps all tips then no more than twenty-five an hour. If all tips are split between him and the wait staff, then twenty-seven fifty."

She looked at him, "Here's what I will do. I'll pay you thirty an hour but everyone's tips will be collected and split between you, the three waitresses, cook, helper, and bouncer." Karen paused and then smiled, "or you can keep making the fifteen an hour and have all your tips."

"That's a no brainer, I'll take the first one." He replied.

"Okay now that that is settled, tell your friend she starts at fifteen but if she works out she will be making twenty-two fifty by the end of the month. However, there is a dress code that you, and she will have to follow."

"I knew it was too good to be true," David said under his breath.

Karen leaned forward and said softly, "David look at me." She waited until he looked at her and pushed her hypnotic powers and said, "You love how the girl's dress don't you. Just wait until you feel latex sliding over your skin and making love to you all night. Trust me you'll love it."

"Love it..." he said softly. He blinked a few times and said, "It can't hurt to try some latex."

Karen smiled and turned to Sherry, "Snag Cat and have her come out. Then the pair of you order some yummy latex for David and for Jane. Think someone you don't want to fuck with look. Combat boots instead of heels for both." She turned back to David, "Can your friend come by so she can get fitted for her uniform." Looking at Sherry, "Sexy for her make sure she matches the girls so they all wear the same thing each night."

"As you command Mistress," Sherry replied without thinking.

"Does this mean I call you Mistress now?" David said with a smile.

"No, just Karen." Karen replied. Turning to Baby Girl she asked, "Care to go for a walk?"

Baby Girl didn't trust herself to speak as she nodded and clutched the bottle. She followed Karen out and to the truck. Instead of getting in the front, Karen dropped the tailgate and pointed for her to get in.

And now for my disclaimers which were inspired by JimBob44 and acup. Thanks for the inspiration.

Yes, I never met a comma or ellipse I didn't like.

Yes, it jumps around too much.

Yes, it's in the wrong category.

Yes, it's too long.

Yes, it's too short.

Yes, this is stupid shit.

If you want a perfect story go find one written by Mr. Data.

And, yes, I suck.

Go have yourself a warm and fuzzy day.

BTW, you only get to comment on spelling and grammar if you are volunteering to be an editor. Those comments and rants will be deleted, you've been warned.

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KaereniSisterKaereniSisteralmost 6 years agoAuthor

I'll never tell... Well, okay since you asked Lady Sith. Karen, her sisters and daughters use them as collectors and amplifiers of emotions.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Liking where...

This is going. Just one thing I’d like to know. Are Karen and her sisters going to use their wings for flight or are you sticking to the “use them as collectors” line of thought? I’ve read stories about succubi that go either way or even both.

Looking forward to lucky number 13...

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