Casey's Fall Ch. 19


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Amelia was the first to come over.

"Well done, you," she congratulated as she took Casey into an embrace. Amelia was confused and astonished by her friend's recent behaviour but wanted to be supportive if this was what she truly wanted.

Casey noticed Cassandra standing with her friends, staring at the scene with her mouth open. She suddenly met Casey's eyes and stepped towards her smiling.

"Yeah, fuckin' awesome!" she congratulated while giving Casey a high five.

"Well done, babe," Greg added while putting his hand on Casey's shoulder.

"Proud of you, sis," Jolene contributed. "Ok, let's celebrate! I have drinks and nibblies inside. Enjoy!"

Everyone went back inside, and the party proceeded. Casey poured drinks for Greg and Amelia, and they chatted about what had been happening at Tech while she'd been away. The other girls stuck together as a group, but Cassandra kept glancing weirdly across at Casey. Jolene just kind of milled around.

"So what made you take the leap to go nude anyway, girlfriend?" Cassandra suddenly blurted out across the room.

"Casey has been an exhibitionist her whole life," Jolene answered on Casey's behalf. "Even when she was little, it was a tough job keeping clothes on her. She'd just toss them off and you were forever trying to run after her and get her dressed again."

Casey gave Jolene a look, then attempted to set the story straight. She didn't like them thinking she was an exhibitionist. A naturist maybe, and not a totally willing one at that. She wanted them to know that at least on some level she didn't have a choice about registering, and had done it for logical reasons, but now that it had happened, she was ok with it. Anything else would make her look too slutty.

"Well actually, as I'm sure you're already aware, when I got arrested at Tech last Friday, I was facing a pretty serious charge. The only way out of it was to register as a nudist, but my parents wouldn't approve it. Then Jolene stepped up and worked out that if I indentured to her, then she would become my legal guardian and could approve it for me. And here I am," Casey explained.

"But what were you arrested for, Casey?" Jolene asked, raising an eyebrow again.


She had her there. Casey had no response. Only an exhibitionist would have performed a public striptease to music. Her hope to pass off her behaviour as something natural wasn't going to wash after all.

"Yes, our girl doesn't just like being nude, she likes performing as well," Jolene continued, obviously not content with Casey's attempts to explain everything as a consequence of perfectly innocent behaviour. "That little striptease that got her into trouble was just the tip of the iceberg. She's been working as a cam girl for weeks now, and I don't think it's just about the money, is it, Casey?"

What the fuck!!!

Casey was completely gobsmacked that Jolene could tell them that. Mortified and lost for words, she could only hang her head.

"The fuck, girl?" Cassandra piped in. "What you been doin' on a webcam?"

Casey looked up and saw all eyes in the room were on her. She scrambled to think of something, anything, to say. She was backed into a corner and knew the only thing she could do was to admit to it, or Jolene would probably next be showing them all recordings of her webcam sessions or something equally hideous.

"Um... well, I perform on camera and people give me money for it," she reluctantly confessed, trying to make it sound like it was just about the money.

"And quite a lot of money too. Our girl here is a rising star, and you don't get that kind of attention unless it comes from the heart," Jolene added, not letting her get away with the money angle either.

"What the fuck?" Greg asked in shock. "Have you been having sex with other dudes this whole time?"

"Oh no," Casey assured him. "Nothing at all like that. It's just me. I've never been with anyone else other than you."

"Then what do you do?" Greg asked.

Casey scrambled to come up with some way to explain the things she did in front of the webcam that would play down how graphic it actually was.

"Ok, um… well I wear this thing called a Lush, which is a Bluetooth vibrator. I put it inside me and then people give me tips and it makes it vibrate," Casey replied sheepishly.

"Why don't you show them what it looks like, Casey?" Jolene suggested. "It might help them understand that it's really not a big deal."

"Um... ok I guess."

Casey went to her room and got it, hoping that Jolene would be satisfied with her just showing them all what it looked like.

"What the hell is that thing? Howzit work?" Cassandra asked.

"Well, the fat end here is the part that vibrates," Casey explained. "It goes inside you and the other end is an antenna. When people leave a tip, the computer makes a noise, and it responds to it by vibrating."

Greg and Amelia stared at Casey with their mouths open, while Cassandra's posse grinned sadistically.

"Damn, girl! I wanna see it in action!" Cassandra demanded, her eyes shining.

"Yes! That's a brilliant idea I think, Casey," Jolene declared. "That way you can show everyone how much you love performing, and that it's not just about the money for you. Why don't you go pop it in and bring me your laptop."

No way! They can't see me with a vibrator in me! She's not going to make me cum in front of them all is she?

Casey gave Jolene a secret "please no" look, but Jolene just raised an eyebrow yet again. Knowing it wasn't just a request, and as an Indent she would have to obey, her shoulders dropped as she went off to do as Jolene requested. She returned shortly with the Lush's antenna sticking out of her vagina and handed Jolene her laptop while trying not to look at her friends or anyone else in the room. Casey hoped against hope that was all that was going to happen, but her worst fears were about to be realised as Jolene started tapping the keys.

"Ok, so when someone tips her, it makes this sound," Jolene began.


Casey's knees immediately buckled, and she grabbed a chair for support. Jolene had turned the intensity up to full again. The bitch! Casey looked around the room and saw all eyes were huge and jaws had dropped. Amelia looked slightly pained. Cassandra's goons were all smiling like it was Christmas morning.

"Holy fuck! Do it again!" Cassandra demanded with a look of sheer amazement on her face.


Casey's knees buckled again, and a moan escaped her lips.

"Oh my God! Show me how it works!" Cassandra added excitedly.

"You just click on this icon here to make the sound," Jolene told her while putting the laptop in front of her and pointing.

"This one here?" Cassandra asked while taking over the trackpad.

"Yes, that's the one."


Cassandra looked up in anticipation, just in time to see Casey buckle over and moan again.

With horror, Casey realised she could feel the animal part of her taking over again and her hand had automatically gone to her genitals. For a fleeting moment she realised all of her friends and frenemies alike were watching her, and she pulled her hand away again and tried to compose herself.

Ding, ding.

That was it. Casey dropped to her knees with her legs apart and started rubbing herself with a fury. Cassandra's eyes were wild with excitement. She was loving every second of it, and the more Casey lost control, the more it drove her on.

Ding, ding, ding.

That sent Casey over the edge, and she came loudly and uncontrollably. A distant part of her brain reminded her again who was watching, and she mustered the strength to reach down and pull the Lush out of her vagina, whether Jolene approved or not, but the orgasm still hadn't finished.

As she continued moaning and panting, the sound of Tina, Anne and Brigit giggling finally brought her back to full reality. She looked around the room in terror, closed her legs and flopped onto her left buttock, hanging her head in shame.

"What a fucking slut!" Brigit spat, finally breaking the silence. Tina and Anne both burst into laughter.

Cassandra did a double take at that, then she abruptly stood up and glared at Brigit.

"You shut your fuckin' mouth, Brigit!" she chided, seemingly quite angry at her friend all of a sudden. "That was fuckin' amazin'. She got more guts in her pinkie finger than you got in your whole body. Would you get naked right now in front of all of us and let me do that to you? No, I know you wouldn't. Well maybe you would coz you're spineless, but that ain't why she did."

"W-why did you do that?" Amelia asked Casey, completely bewildered by what she had just witnessed.

"I, I…" Casey began, not really knowing what to say. "I guess I am an exhibitionist."

"Damn right you are," Cassandra agreed. "And that ain't nuthin' you should ever be ashamed of. I ain't never seen nuthin' like that before. That was the most beautiful thing I ever seen. You didn't hold nuthin' back. You alright with me, Casey-girl. You don't let none of these bitches get you down. Anyone ever give you trouble you just come see me, ok?"

"Uh… ok," Casey replied to Cassandra, still not quite sure if what she was saying was the truth or if it was some sort of game she was playing.

Greg came over to Casey, helped her up off the floor and put his arms around her.

"I'm not exactly sure what I just saw," he began. "But what I do know is that was easily the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life! Don't listen to Brigit. You're no slut to me. You are truly beautiful."

"Bitches, we outta here," Cassandra announced. "You ain't fit to be around somebody like Casey. C'mon, grab your shit and get in the car. Now!"

Tina, Anne, and Brigit, now white-faced, obediently gathered up their handbags and made their way to the car.

"We're good here, Casey," Cassandra assured her. "Be seeing you around Tech come next week, ok?"

"Uh... ok," Casey replied, still confused by Cassandra, and still gathering her senses after the humiliation she had just experienced.

After Cassandra and co had departed, Amelia came over and sat beside her friend.

"Is this really who you are now, Casey?" she asked.

Casey just nodded sadly. There was no explanation or excuse left for her now. The people closest to her now thought she was an exhibitionist and a porn star by her own making. There was nothing left but to admit it. If she told them she was being forced to do it, it wouldn't change the fact that she would still have to live this life anyway. Jolene was right that it would just make them sad and angry, and they wouldn't be able to change it. The only way forward was for them to believe she chose it all.

"Ok, well I think I agree with Cassandra for probably the first time ever then," Amelia continued, wanting to be supportive yet more than a little shocked at what she'd just seen Casey do. "I'm not sure I want to see you have another orgasm in front of me again, but I respect you for what you did here tonight, and for what you're doing with all of this nudist stuff. You're living your truth, and if that makes you happy then I'm ok with that."

"Thanks, Amelia. That means so much to me," Casey replied, then wanting desperately to change the subject, "Hey, we've got all of these chips and drinks here. This is supposed to be a party. Let's dig in!"

Jolene put some pop music on and the four talked and laughed for a couple of hours. Finally, Greg and Amelia called it a night and departed, wishing Casey well in her new life and looking forward to seeing her back at Tech. Greg mentioned he had a game on the following day but would come see her again afterwards.

Soon the two sisters were alone again. Casey had definitely not forgotten the events of the evening.

"What the fuck, Jolene?" she demanded angrily. "Why did you do that to me?"

"Why do you think, Casey? I was doing what had to be done, which is what you told me to do remember? And it all turned out fine. Now your friends know the new you, and they accept you for it. Even Cassandra is on your side now."

"That was so humiliating! And it could have all gone so terribly wrong. You could have lost me my best friend, and my boyfriend, and made me the laughingstock of the campus!"

"I know it was hard for you, Casey, but none of those things happened, did they? You underestimate yourself. You have no idea of the power that a pretty girl has. People will accept pretty much anything from her if she's confident about it, and you still really don't know how beautiful you are both inside and out, do you? But everyone else does. I know it too which is why I knew it would work out."

Casey was speechless, but then started to calm slightly as she realised that Jolene was right, in that it had turned out ok. Well, apparently she was now an exhibitionist, and they knew about her porn career, but at least her dirty little secret was out in the open. All that remained was for them to keep believing she had chosen it.

Jolene helped Casey clear the party stuff and tidy up. Casey was still fuming as she went to bed. In what kind of crazy world could a girl parade herself around naked and rub one out in front of her friends and they'd be ok with it? What kind of bitch sister would make her do that? What kind of a slut would get wet thinking about all that?

This one apparently. Mmm… Fuck! What is wrong with me?

Casey's eyes closed and her lips parted slightly as her hand once again found its way to her sex.

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Shelscott45Shelscott45almost 3 years ago

I am liking Cassandra a little bit More now.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimalmost 4 years ago

You are caught twixt and between.

It’s neither non con or E&V.

I love both categories and now you’ve decided to switch I know she isn’t going to explode and rebel, which is a shame. She’s basically now a doormat resigned to her life. Shame as I love a good fight.

majapromajaproabout 4 years ago

well i like the Exhibitionist stuff, thank you :)

velcrofistvelcrofistabout 4 years agoAuthor

Thanks Carnalval. Yes, I agree. I think the pace is a bit rushed and I've missed opportunities to expand on some scenes. I think I was bit too eager to get through some chapters to get the story down. I might go back and rewrite some of those one day.

Sex scenes, yeah... That could be an issue. I try to do the first times something happens a bit of justice while still leaving room for imagination, but second and third times I just mention that it happened so it doesn't get redundant. I guess I'm a bit too worried about writing clichés, but I might just have to make an effort to write them better. I'll check out those authors you mentioned. Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
another 5 stars

I actually found myself sympathizing with Casey while burning the dress. I wanted to tell Jolene to f off. It was really well written. Also enjoyed her preforming in front of her friends as well as each ones reactions. AS someone else has said would like Amelia join her nudity. Somehow would like to see Casandra helping Jolene maybe the two of them can get a squad of nudist , after all Casandra already has some followers. Want to hear about what happens at school not with just students but teachers as well. What I am afraid of is that you will start doing squeals under different names and we will loose our focus. .

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