Cutting Loose Ch. 02


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Madeline rolled her eyes. "One of those, huh? I swear, some men think a gun is an extension of their pecker. It makes them feel big, even when they are small." She smirked as Eileen and Jillian laughed, and Roy Lee blushed scarlet.


"I'll tell you what, son," said the big, beefy man behind the desk the next day. "If you had come in six months ago, I'd have given you a handshake, a pat on the back, and wished you good luck in finding a job. But you have good timing. This is the busy season for us. Most everyone has finished bringing in their crops, so they are getting their trucks serviced before the real bad weather hits."

"Crops?" said Roy Lee, surprised. "I thought most of it was ranching, out here."

The man leaned back and put his feet up. The nameplate on the desk identified him as Ashley J. Williams, owner of Williams' Towing and Body Repair. His nodded, his dark eyes shrewd in a red face topped by black hair going gray at the temples. "Most of it is, not all. We have dairy farmers. And sheep. This used to be a big wool shipping point, years ago. But we have dirt farmers, too. Wheat, mostly. But there's beans, as well. And sugar beets. Basically, anything that doesn't take a whole lot of water. We get a lot of snow in the winter, but we're dry in the summer."

Ashley glanced over the application, finished with the agricultural lecture. "What about your previous employer? Can I give him a call for a recommendation?"

"Well, you can, sir. But I doubt he's going to tell you anything good about me. I didn't give him much notice when I quit."

That was an understatement. The last e-mail Roy Lee had sent before he closed out his old account had been a letter of resignation to Rollie Stebbin. He didn't think a call was going to do much good. The old ingrate was probably foaming at the mouth right about now.

"Hmmm. Well, you're honest, at least. And you impressed Jason when he showed you around this morning. He watched when you helped put the alternator in that old Sunbird. He says you're good with your hands."

"My girlfriend used to say so."

The big man grinned wide. "Funny. What about snow, southern boy? You ever do any driving in it?"

"No, sir," said Roy Lee, determined to stay polite. "But I hear it's cold and white."

Ashley laughed. "You've done your research, then. Ever drive a tow truck? Know how to handle one?"

"A few times at my old job. It was supposed to be a used car and repair place, but more than half of it was a junkyard. I've brought in cars that were too busted up to drive."

"Well, kid," Ashley said as he stood up. "Considering that it's the busy time of year and I'm short-handed and desperate and you're exactly what I'm looking for, I guess I have no choice but to give you a chance. You start at sixteen-fifty an hour. Three months' probation, then you go up to eighteen. You work eight to five, Monday through Friday, one hour for lunch. You can pick up overtime on the weekends if you want and if we have jobs that need doing. If you want to, I can have you certified on the tow truck and the wrecker, any time you get feeling ambitious. When can you start?"


"Sounds good. And kid?"


"Call me Ash."

"Yes, sir. Ash."



Saturday morning. 8 AM.

"Get up, Roy Lee."

"Go 'way."

Jillian grinned, tugging at the thick quilt which encased her son from head to toe. "Come on, kiddo, get up. I'm taking you and Eileen shopping today, remember?"

"It's too early," Roy Lee whined, and snuggled deeper into the embrace of the couch. "Come back tomorrow."

"Suit yourself," Jillian said, and walked away. Roy Lee closed his eyes. For a minute, he thought his cunning plan had succeeded. But just as he was drifting back to sleep, the quilt was pulled down and an ice-cold can of soda was pressed between his shoulder blades.

"Ack!" he screamed. His body seemed to defy gravity. He rose, flopping spasmodically, above the couch, then crashed on his side on the floor. He looked blearily over the edge of the quilt, still wrapped around him.

"You're a bad mommy," he said accusingly.

His mother and Eileen, meanwhile, were in a state of near hysteria. Jillian was bent over, her arms clutched around her stomach, as peals of laughter escaped from her mouth. Eileen was in little better shape, chuckling in muffled snorts.

"Come on, Sis," she said. "Let's unwrap this burrito." They walked over and pulled the quilt away, leaving him sitting on the floor in a t-shirt and flannel sleep shorts.

He leaned back against the couch and wrapped his arms around himself. They were pebbled with gooseflesh. "Damn! It's cold this morning!"

"Six above outside," agreed Jillian. "And the wind-chill is eleven below. Which is why we're going to the store today. I know you two have been run off your feet the last few days, and we haven't had time to go. But you're going to need proper clothes when winter hits."

"All right," he grumbled. He picked up a pair of jeans, boxers, and a clean t-shirt. "Do I have time to take a shower?"

"Sure, honey. I'll have breakfast ready when you're done."

Roy Lee stumbled off towards the bathroom. As he did, Jillian's eyes followed him avidly.

That might be the best case of morning wood I've ever seen, she thought. Good thing he didn't fall on his cock. He might have drilled a hole in my nice wood floor. She bit her lip, trying to drive away the surge of lust. It's a good thing Eileen was here with me. I would have given him a good-morning kiss. Or more.

She blinked, and realized her sister was looking at her. Had Eileen noticed the hunger in her eyes?

"Young men," Eileen said. "They are something, aren't they?"

Jillian nodded, unsure whether her sister was alluding to how they had gotten Roy Lee up, or how he looked when he was up.

Oh, he was up, all right...

"Roy Lee is..." Eileen paused, searching for words.

Fantastic in bed. A great fuck. Magnificently endowed. My lover.

"...a good man," she finished weakly. "And a good-looking young man," she continued. "We're going to have to find someone for him."

"He won't have a hard time of it up here," Jillian said, amused, as she led Eileen into the kitchen. She started fixing breakfast. "I don't know what it is in the air, but the girls hereabouts ain't exactly shy about letting men know how they feel. If Roy Lee doesn't watch himself, some sweet young thing is going to trip him and beat him to the ground."

"With her legs wide open, as well," Eileen guessed.

"Of course," Jillian replied with a smile. She pulled a pack of bacon out of the refrigerator and started setting slices on the griddle. As she spoke, Eileen heated water for oatmeal. "They all have round heels, that's for sure. And it runs both ways. You wouldn't believe some of the offers I had when I first moved into town. Or some of the rumors I've heard. The folks around here certainly get themselves up to some mischief, that's for sure."

"Small towns," Eileen said with a shrug. "And long winters. People have to make a lot of their own entertainment. And what's more fun than sex?"

"Not much," Jilly sighed. With her son and sister in the house, she was beginning to feel her lack of a sex life more and more strongly. What had been something she could live with had become a vast, empty ache in the last few days. Indeed, she had been giving her vibrator a nightly workout before she went to bed. And also in the mornings. But even the lingering effects of her recent orgasm had a hard time competing with the overwhelming virility of her son.

No. I am stronger than this. No matter how sweet it might be. She shuddered in frustrated longing.

"No one in your life right now?" Her sister's voice was soft and sympathetic.

Jillian shook her head. "Not since me and Paco broke up. No," she said, catching Eileen's horrified look. "It's not like I haven't had sex. Like I said, menfolk around here ain't shy. All you got to do is go up to someone and let him know you're interested. You'll be able to haul home a man who's randy, ready and willing.

"But I want more than a quick fuck these days, Elly. Christ, I turn forty-two next month. I want love, not just a roll in the hay. And that isn't as easy to find."

"I know," her sister answered. Her expression lightened. "But Promise doesn't have any idea what it's in for. The Coulter women are in town."

"Damn right."


The bitter wind off the Ruby Range knifed through Eileen's thin jacket as they walked across the parking lot towards Hendrick's Farm, Home & Ranch Supply. She tucked her chin into her chest and stuck her hands into her pockets in a vain attempt to keep warm. A quick flurry of snow wove sinuously across the blacktop. She shivered, and pulled her borrowed stocking cap further down over her ears, which were rapidly growing numb. Beside her, Roy Lee looked almost as miserable as she was. Jillian, on the other hand, looked positively cheerful, her cheeks red and rosy in the cold.

What am I doing up here? she thought, abruptly so homesick her eyes teared. Or maybe it was the frigid air. Two thousand miles from home. Sleeping with my nephew. Living in a borrowed room with my sister. How the hell did this happen?

The front doors loomed in front of her, cutting off her dreary thoughts. She stepped into the brightly lit and blessedly warm store, and her eyes widened.

"Good God," she said to Jillian in surprise. "This place is huge."

The immense space proved the truth of her words. The building would have put any cut-rate superstore back home to shame. Signs on chains hung from the high ceiling, reading "Tools," "Plumbing," "Lumber," "Men's Clothes," "Women's Clothes," and more. The floor was brushed concrete, but clean. Roy Lee looked around, his nose taking in the faint scents of leather, wood, cloth, and metal.

"It has to be," Jillian said, responding to his aunt. "They supply the town, the outlying farms, and a lot of the other small towns around here, like Glendale and Puma. I've seen people come from as far away as Butte to shop here. If they don't have what we need, they can order it for us.

"So, who should we do first?"

"Was that an offer, Jilly?" Eileen husked in a raspy voice. She strutted over to her sister, her hips swaying. She folded her in her arms, her voice teasing. "Yes, do me," she giggled.

"God, you're the worst," Jillian laughed, pushing her sister away. She tried to hide her burning face, and the way her blood had heated at her sister's touch. You need to get laid, girl, her mind told her. If your own sister is turning you on, it's about time you drag someone home and do the naked pretzel.

Uh-huh. With my son and sister in the house? GREAT idea.

"Might as well get Aunt Eileen out of the way," Roy Lee interrupted her twisting thoughts. "I'll take a look around some of the winter wear and meet you in women's clothing."

"Sounds like a plan. Come on, Elly." Jillian grabbed her sister by the hand and led her away.

Roy Lee watched the two women saunter away. The sight of their sexy asses, encased in worn denim, made him erect in no time. Triggered by his aunt's teasing, his mind brought up an image of the two of them naked. He had to hold himself back from running after them and squeezing their delectable rear ends in his hands.

Gritting his teeth, he adjusted himself in his pants and quickly turned away.

And in the process, knocked over the woman who had been about to walk past him. His broad chest caught her shoulder, and she stumbled and fell on her back, her arms instinctively wrapping around the baby who was riding in a carrier on her chest.

"Oh, God. I'm so sorry!" The baby's crying complaint was shrill in his ears. He hurried over and offered her a hand up, but she stayed on the floor, her hands trying to soothe her child. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she said, her eyes warily amused. "And so is little Alan here. Aren't you, honey?" she said to the dark-haired bundle on her chest. Indeed, the baby's crying had quickly tapered off. He blinked and offered his mother a gum-toothed grin.

"I'm sorry," Roy Lee repeated. "I wasn't looking where I was going." This time, the woman took his hand. He helped her to her feet, his eyes widening in appreciation. She was a very attractive woman in her mid-thirties. Her chocolate-brown hair curled down her back, and her body, even hidden by thick clothes and the bundle of her child, was beautifully curved.

Christ, are all the women here this attractive?

"You aren't from around here, are you?"

He smiled. "My accent gives me away again. No, I'm from Alabama. I just moved up here this week. My name's Roy Lee McCoy. I'm living with my mother, Jillian, dang it. Jillian Coulter."

"Jilly?" the lady smiled. "I know her. She's a wonderful person. And good with animals. I brought my dog in to get his shots a few months ago. By the time we were done, I thought Smokey wanted to stay with her, rather than go home with me." She held out her hand. "I'm Rebecca Steinworth. I'm a doctor at the hospital, but I also have a private practice here in town." She ran an appraising eye over his body. "Feel free to make an appointment for a physical any time." Her tongue reached out and briefly ran over her lips.

"Thanks," he said. He glanced around. "I better go. I need to do some shopping, and to meet my mother. Sorry again."

"That's okay," she said, her eyes sparkling. She watched him hurry away.

So Jilly's boy finally showed up. Good looking young man, too. She shifted, the warmth of her son against her breasts intensifying her urges. With Marty away, her sex drive was without an outlet. I hope he makes an appointment soon.


Jillian and Eileen had filled up a shopping cart with winter clothes, and Eileen was trying on jackets when Roy Lee finally appeared. He was dragging not only a cart that held a thick winter parka, a leather jacket, gloves, a scarf, and a stocking hat, but also had a flat-bed dolly with a huge box on it. He was also, for some reason, wearing a Stetson on his head.

"Look," he grinned. "I'm a cowboy. Howdy howdy howdy!"

"You're a goofball," Jillian said mildly. "Take that silly thing off and let me see what you have here."

She was forced to admit he had made some good choices. The winter wear was all high-quality and durable. The leather jacket was quilted, with a removable lining which made it ideal for spring and fall. The parka... "You should take this back and get one that's a little bit bigger, honey. This is too tight on you."

"It fits perfectly," he protested.

"That's the problem. You want it to be a little loose. That way warm air is trapped between your body and the coat. If it's too tight, that layer is gone, and you'll get cold quicker.

"Now, let's get you some jeans and other things. Eileen, are you done?"

"I think so," her sister said. She spun in place, modeling a cropped jacket lined with wool that emphasized her trim waist and large breasts. "What do you think?"

"It looks great," Roy Lee said, as Jilly nodded her agreement. He cocked a sardonic eye at his mother. "But what about buying a little bit large? That thing is so tight it might as well be spray-pained on her."

"Don't be silly," Eileen said, rubbing her cheek into the collar. "Oh, that feels good. This is for looking good, not for everyday wear. I've got another heavy jacket and a winter coat under all that somewhere." She waved a hand at her cart, which was nearly overflowing. She reluctantly unzipped the jacket and pulled on the one she had worn into the store, following Roy Lee and Jillian.

Loaded up like an old-time wagon train, they hauled their carts into the men's clothing section. "Okay, honey, what size are you?" Jillian asked, as she headed over to a rack of jeans.

"I don't need any jeans, Momma. The ones I have are just fine."

"Bullcrap," she said. She eyed the faded blue jeans he was wearing. "How old are those? And where did you get them from?"

"These? Maybe...three years old."

"And did you buy them new, or from the Salvation Army store in Moulton, because you were pinching pennies and taking care of your daddy?" She let her hand slide down his leg, fingering the worn cloth. Her fingers tingled with a vicarious thrill as she stroked her son's leg. "These are so thin I can practically see through them. Which means if you're wearing them outside in a storm, they'll be soaked through in no time. And then the wind will hit. You'll have frostbite in minutes.

"Maybe I have to say this again. And to you, too, Elly. This country is dangerous. If you give it a chance, it'll kill you. So don't give it a chance. Don't be stupid. Be smart. And being smart means not wearing thin-ass jeans that I could poke my finger through. Save these for the summer.

"So I'm asking you again, Roy Lee. What size do you wear?"

He sighed and decided to surrender graciously. "Thirty-two waist, thirty-six inseam, Momma."

"Good God," she said absently, flipping through a pile of clothes. "I knew you were all leg, but a thirty-six inseam? No wonder you went out for track." She pushed a bundle into his arms. "Go try those on, and come on back here so I can take a look."


An hour later, Roy Lee's cart was as full as Eileen's. He had six new pairs of jeans, a pair of winter boots, heavy new work shoes, flannel shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, heavy work socks, and a University of Montana hoodie. Getting into the spirit, he had also bought fleece-lined slippers and a bright red bathrobe for himself, as well as some flannel sleep pants.

"Those will be perfect for those long winter nights by the fire," he said to his mother.

Jilly swallowed through a dry throat. Her desire for her son had continued to climb through the morning, exacerbated by his constant trips in and out of the changing room, often-half-dressed.

"That sounds nice, honey," she managed.

They swapped out the winter coat for a slightly larger one, then headed towards the check-out counter. The cashier's eyes widened as she took in their cavalcade.

"Hello, Jilly," she said. "Good God, what is all this?"

"Some friends of mine who have moved up here, Abbie." she said. "They're staying with me for a spell. This here is Roy Lee," she said, nodding to her son, "and this is Eileen." They both nodded to her. Roy Lee was immediately struck by her curvy figure and bright blue eyes.

Down, boy, he thought. She can't be much more than seventeen. Eighteen, tops.

Abbie rang up Eileen's purchases first. Her face went pale, then grim, as the total rose into the hundreds of dollars. When the last purchase was bagged, she turned a strained face to Roy Lee, but was held up by Jillian's hand on her arm.

"This one is on me, Elly," she said, handing over a store credit card.

"Jillian, I can't take your charity."

"Then take my thanks, then," Jillian snapped, her temper flaring. "How long did you keep my secret? How many times did Bobby Ray use me as an excuse to beat you?

"If you don't like it, you can pay me back once you start working at the salon. But don't push me on this." She waggled the card impatiently at the cashier, who was watching with interest.

Eileen gave up, and helped Jillian load her bags into the cart. Roy Lee moved forward and started unloading his items for check-out.

"Cash or credit?" Abbie asked as the last item went under the scanner.

"Check?" he asked hopefully. He had just opened a checking account at the bank the day before.
