Cutting Loose Ch. 02


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Abbie frowned, making an adorable line between her eyebrows. "Since you're with Jilly, sure." Making sure she held his eye, she reached up and loosened a button on her shirt. She leaned forward, allowing him to see down her cleavage. He swallowed as his eyes caught the swells of her creamy breasts.

"I hope to see you here again," she said softly. "Real soon." Almost absently, she reached up and stroked his cheek. He blinked, realizing he could see her firm nipples tenting the cloth of her shirt.

"Back off, Abigail," a voice said harshly. Roy Lee's head whipped around. His mother stood only a few feet away, her hands on her hips, radiating anger.

"Oh! Is he with her? Or maybe with you, Jilly? I'm sorry. I didn't know he was taken. My father always says I should watch my roaming eyes." She rolled them expressively, giggling.

Jillian grunted noncommittally and loaded the bags into his cart. She waved a brusque good-bye and led him into the parking lot. Roy Lee looked over his shoulder one last time and found that Abbie was watching him. She waved.

He waved back, but made sure his mother couldn't see him.


"So what was that all about, Momma?" he said, as they approached Jillian's truck. Eileen was already there, waiting impatiently.

"Do you want to be a father in nine months?" Jillian growled as she lowered the tailgate and started throwing in clothing bags. "Because if you go out with Abigail Dunlap, there's a good chance you will be. She's got a full dose of teenage hormones and no sense at all, and she's spread her legs for half the high school, if what I hear is true. The only reason she hasn't been knocked up yet is because she's looking for someone with some prospects. A new man in town with a good job would suit her just fine."

"All right," he grumbled, mollified, as they heaved the last package into the truckbed. "But what was all that about us being friends of yours, rather than relatives?"

His mother sighed as they climbed into the truck. "I'm getting tired of explaining it to everyone, to be honest, honey." Her voice fell into a sing-song tone. "This is my son, who I abandoned when he was thirteen. Yes, his father is a drunk. This is my sister, who I haven't seen in nine years because I was too much of a coward to stand up to her husband." Her voice changed back to normal. "It's like having eleven toes, Roy Lee. Sometimes you'd just rather keep your shoes on."

Despite himself, his lips curled upwards. "I can understand that."

The sense of serenity lasted all the way until they reached home. Just as they were pulling into the driveway, Jillian's phone rang. She glanced at the display and swore under her breath, walking away from the truck.

In five minutes she was back. "I have to go. A dog slipped its leash over on Railroad Street and got hit by a boy doing his drivers-ed lessons. The kid is crying, the dog's owner is hysterical, the driving instructor is scared she is going to get sued, and Paco needs another pair of hands." She watched as Roy Lee and Eileen hauled the box out of the truckbed. "Honey, I didn't ask before. What the heck is that?"

Her son grinned at her. "It's a surprise. Just wait. You'll like it."

She climbed back into the truck. "I'll probably be a couple of hours," she said, rolling down the window so they could hear her. "Maybe we can go out to eat when I get back." She drove off, giving them a last wave as she sped down the street.

Eileen looked at her nephew. There was no mistaking the hunger in his eyes.

"A couple of hours, huh?" she purred. "How about we get these bags inside? I've got an idea about how we can spend the time."


"Lordy," Eileen sighed, once everything was piled in the living room. She kicked her shoes off, wriggling her toes on one of the braided rugs Roy Lee had scattered on the hardwood floor. "We're going to have to invest in a storage unit. Or find a bigger house."

"Or move out," Roy Lee suggested. "I've got a job and money in the bank. I could rent a place." He sighed. "God, that sounds like heaven. Someplace of my own. Where I wouldn't be a guest."

"Your momma doesn't mind putting you up, baby," Eileen protested.

"I know. But I still feel like I'm taking advantage of her. A man my age should be able to stand on his own two feet. I turn twenty-three in January, Eileen. I don't want to be sleeping on Momma's couch forever." He slipped behind her, his hands ducking under the hem of her shirt so he could cup her lovely breasts in his hands.

"Ahhhh..." she sighed comfortably, arching into his touch. Even through her cotton bra, worn today for practicality and warmth, her sensitive nipples peaked, firming as he massaged her tits. She shuffled her feet backwards until her rear was firmly planted against his groin. She wriggled sensually, delighting in the anguished groan she tore from his lips.

"God, you drive me crazy," he whispered, his breath hot in her ear. His hands drifted lower, unclasping her jeans. At the same time, she pulled off her shirt and popped the hooks on her bra. In moments the only thing she was wearing were socks and her panties.

Well, maybe just her socks, because her nephew seemed somewhat determined to strip her naked. Roy Lee pulled her underwear over her hips and kissed her rear end. "Have I ever told you how good you smell when you're horny?" he said softly. With gentle touches, he encouraged her to spread her legs.

"Wait," she whispered. In a few steps, she reached the couch. She braced her hands on one of the arms and toed a rug over to him. "This will make it easy on your knees. If you really want to do this here."

"Oh, yes," he breathed. His eyes fixed hungrily on the puffy lips of her pussy. He nuzzled in close, and drew his tongue up her slit, savoring the taste of her tangy dew. He knew, in his secret heart, that he would never grow tired of this. The taste of this sexy, obviously aroused woman was intoxicating. He closed his eyes, his hands stroking Eileen's thighs, concentrating on her pleasure. Closer, even closer now, his face buried in the comforting warmth of her flesh. His lips found her throbbing nodule, peeking out from under its hood, and fastened on it. Like the darting tongue of a hummingbird, he licked her most sensitive place.

Eileen twitched in pleasure. Reflexively, her hips humped back into her lover. Her breath hissed between her teeth, and she bowed her head over the arm of the sofa, concentrating on the delicious feelings Roy Lee woke in her. Him, her dizzy mind asserted. Only, ever, with him. No one else. Ever. Her hands reached for her own breasts. She kneaded them slowly, her fingers rolling her nipples, savoring the slow rise of heat in her face, her chest, her groin.

"God, baby, you eat me so good," she moaned. Her legs spread wider and wider, her nether lips parting for him. Her legs shook as her pleasure spiraled, threatening to dump her in an undignified heap on the floor. She felt a slow trickle of moisture on her inner thighs, and she could not tell whether it was her own secretions, or her nephew's saliva. His tongue lapped at her clit, and she reached down, her own hand coordinating with him. In moments her strumming fingers were playing her bud like a guitar string and she had collapsed over the arm of the sofa, her chest heaving.

"Wait." Even to her own ears, her voice sounded half strangled. Roy Lee backed away, and she turned in place. Her lips twitched as she saw his face. It was smeared with her juice, but his eyes were bright and alert. She hopped up on the arm of the sofa and spread her legs.

"This might be a little easier for you, wouldn't it?"

"It would, but...I don't want to stain the furniture. Here," he said, pulling an old t-shirt out of a pile of clothes. "Lift up."

She did, and he spread the shirt on the sofa. The worn cotton was soft on her ass. He stood for a long, slow kiss, then knelt down again. As his tongue parted her lips, she laid her hands on the crown of his head, lovingly stroking his light brown hair.

With long, skillful sweeps, his tongue stroked her. In moments, she was trembling on the edge of orgasm. She braced herself with one arm and used her free hand to pull and stretch her nipple, adding another flame to the fire of desire inside her. Her thighs clamped around Roy Lee's head and her buttocks clenched rhythmically, slowly pumping her sex into his face.

"Baby," she gasped. "Almost there, baby. Almost there. Lick it. Lick it now!"

His tongue flickered over her clit, pushing her to new heights. With a neck-jerking spasm, she came, her breath harsh and panting in her ears. She squinched her eyes shut and gave in to sensation, even as her hips rolled her mound into Roy Lee's face over and over, forcing him to continue to work his oral magic on her sensitive lips.

As her breathing slowed, she looked down at him. She smiled at the shy pride showing on his face. "Wonderful man," she said softly, cupping his cheek. "Have I told you today how much I love you?"

"Today? No." He kissed her inner thighs, his tongue licking her skin.

"You give me so much," she sighed, squirming in renewed pleasure at his touch. "So much love. So much understanding. So much happiness. And you demand nothing back. Look at you. You've just made me cum. Awesomely, I might add. Any other man would be unbuckling his belt and shoving down his pants, getting ready to stick his cock in my face or in my pussy. You? You still have all your clothes on. You're so patient. It's incredible."

Roy Lee blushed. "Don't make me out to be some sort of superman, Aunt Eileen. I'm horny as hell for you."

"Yes, but you're polite about it. Tell me. If I had told you a few minutes ago I was tired and didn't want to screw, what would you have done?"

"Been disappointed, obviously. Then I would have taken a quick shower. Maybe masturbated while I was in there. I got pretty worked up this morning. Between you and the cashier and another lady I met at the store, I was raring to go. When Momma got called to the clinic I nearly fell on my knees and thanked God."

"Exactly," she said softly. "You let me make my own choices. Some other men...well, at least one other man would never have let me say no. You do." She stood and pulled him to his feet.

"I think it's time to reward you for your patience," she smiled. She gave the couch a quick glance, then shook her head. "But even I have limits. Not here." Holding his hand, she pulled him towards her bedroom.


Jillian arrived home in a grumpy mood. The big emergency at the clinic had turned out to be a big fizzle. The injured dog, a remarkably well-behaved Doberman, had been more shaken up than actually hurt. Her time had been mostly spent calming down all the other players in the little melodrama, while Paco examined the dog.

X-rays had shown no obvious injury. Paco had decided to send the dog home with his owner, along with some well-deserved words regarding proper leashing. The teenage boy had been pathetically grateful that he hadn't killed the poor animal, while the drivers-ed instructor had been equally happy she wasn't going to be on the sharp end of a lawsuit.

A happy outcome for all, but a waste of her Saturday afternoon, Jilly fumed, opening the front door. She hung up her jacket and kicked off her boots, then used the bathroom, thanking the designers of the house that it could be accessed from two sides; both from the family room and from the hallway that held the bedrooms. She washed her hands, eying the piles of bags from the store lying in the living room. Hadn't Eileen and Roy Lee got around to putting away their loot yet? And where the hell were they?

As she dried her hands, she became aware of a strange sound. Actually, more than one strange sound. The first was a rhythmic thumping, emanating from Eileen's bedroom. The others were more muted, but sounded like murmuring voices or panting gasps for breath.

Later, when she thought about what she saw that afternoon, she admitted to herself that she already knew what she was going to see. Knew, but wanted to see, regardless of the outcome.

On silent, sock-clad feet, she crept down the hallway, until she stood poised outside the door of the guest bedroom. It was only partially shut, allowing her a view of the room. Her eyes opened wide in shock.

Her sister lay on the bed, her chest pressed to the mattress, her ass high in the air, presented as a loving, willing target. Behind her, her son knelt, Eileen's hips held firmly in his hands. They were both completely naked, and they were making love. Roy Lee's impressive cock thrust in and out of Eileen's cleft. It was slick with her juice, gleaming in the cold afternoon sunlight which poured through the half-drawn curtains over the bed. His face was rapt, a small smile playing about his lips as he fucked his aunt.

If Jillian had any doubts about whether Eileen was a willing partner, they were immediately dispelled. Her sister's face was turned toward her, though her eyes were fortunately closed. Her mouth was stretched in a wide smile, and she moaned through her parted lips. "Oh, God, Roy Lee, that's awesome. A little bit faster, baby." Obligingly, her nephew sped his strokes, the pale flesh of his ass clenching as he drove his shaft into Eileen over and over again.

Jillian stood in the doorway, rigid with fury. A red haze seemed to drop across her vision. Her palms stung where her nails were driven into her skin, and the tendons on her wrists stood out like cords. She took a step back, hiding behind the doorjamb, until she was certain she could control herself. Then she turned around and slipped back through the bathroom to the front of the house.

Five minutes later, she was dressed to face the outdoors and was walking up the street.


Jillian hunched against the stinging wind, but at least it served to cool her anger. Fists shoved deep into her coat pockets, her shoulders bowed, she walked blindly, hardly caring where she went, as long as it was away. Away from her house, where her life had fallen apart. Away from her son and her sister, who were lovers, in violation of every taboo. Her boot heels struck the sidewalk in time with her screaming thoughts.

How dare they? She raged in the silence of her mind. She turned a corner, heading towards the business district. How could they betray me like this? After all I've done for them?

Really, Jilly? A portion of her mind mocked her outrage. Exactly what have you done for them for the past ten years? Besides abandon them both because you were too much of a coward to stay and fight for them?

"I was scared," she whispered to the harsh late-autumn breeze.

And Elly wasn't scared, living with that monster of a husband? Roy Lee wasn't scared, when you left and forced him to take care of his father at the ripe old age of fourteen? No wonder they turned to each other. Two attractive people, thrown together by chance, on the road alone? The only surprising thing is that they waited until you were out of the house. I'm surprised they aren't sharing the same bedroom by now.

"It's wrong," she said. She crossed a street, ignoring the pick-up which had to swerve to avoid her. A horn beeped petulantly, and she had to restrain herself from giving the driver the finger.

Wrong? Right? Who cares? They're adults. Who are you to judge?

"It's my house."

They both have jobs, the voice purred. Pretty soon it'll be their house they're screwing in, not yours. Relax. They'll be out of your hair soon.

"Shut up," Jillian said. "Just shut up." She halted, and found herself in front of the diner. She decided she didn't want to be left alone with her treacherous thoughts any longer. Maybe she could distract her brain with food, and get it to stop talking. She shoved the door open and barged into the steamy, grease-scented interior. At this hour, there were only a few people about, lingering over their coffee. She chose a booth near the back, where she could be alone.

"What can I get for you, Jillian?" said a voice at her elbow. She started and looked up into Georgia's curious eyes.

"Christ, Georgia. How do you move so quiet? Are you sure you're not half-ninja?" Jillian faked a laugh.

The waitress smiled. "Years of practice, honey. You need a minute?"

"No," Jillian said, shaking her head. "Large coffee. And a slice of pie a la mode. A big slice."

"Pie today's blueberry. That okay?"


The coffee and pie came quickly, but as soon as it appeared, Jillian's appetite abandoned her. She sat in the booth, poking at the pie as the ice cream melted, her mind a thousand miles away.

Eventually, she became aware of her voice being called, and she glanced up.

"Becky," she said, managing a wavering smile. "How are you?"

"Not so bad, other than trying to avoid hypothermia," said the doctor. A stroller stood by her side, occupied by a dozing infant, swaddled in warm blankets. "Alan here was fussing and wouldn't fall asleep for his afternoon nap. So I decided to take him for a walk. He fell asleep, finally, but I needed to pop in here to thaw out. Do you mind if I sit down?"

"Not at all," Jillian said, politeness winning out over her desire to be alone. She watched enviously as Becky slipped into the seat opposite her and ordered hot chocolate from the ever-present Georgia.

What I wouldn't give for her body. How the hell does she have a figure like that just after having a baby? It took me nearly a year to lose the weight after Roy Lee was born!

"So how old is he now?" she asked.

"Four months," Becky said proudly.

Jillian leaned over and drew a finger softly over the fuzz of hair on Alan's head. "He's beautiful," she said. "Can I hold him?"

"I don't see why not." Becky undid the buckles which held the baby in the stroller. "Maybe if you have hold of him, I'll be able to have my cocoa in peace. I swear, I love the boy, but he has some sort of radar that makes him wake up as soon as I sit down for a drink or a meal. It's uncanny."

She lifted the baby carefully out of the stroller. Jilly took him with the ease of long practice, settling him comfortably into the crook of her left arm. Alan shifted, his mouth opening in a yawn and his little legs and feet stretching, then relaxed, cuddling in close to her breast.

"I know what you mean," Jilly said, her lips curling in reminiscence. "Roy Lee was the same way when he was born. He didn't let me have any time to myself for weeks. I swear, there were times when I would have done practically anything for three hours alone."

"Roy Lee," Becky mused, her lips curling up in a wicked smile. "I ran into him earlier today over at Hendrick's. He's a good-looking young man." She paused as Jillian's face closed down angrily.

"God damn it," she hissed, keeping her voice low, mindful of the people in the diner and the baby in her arms. "What the hell is it with the women in this town and my son? First there was that tramp Abbie in the check-out line. Then my sister. Then y-" Suddenly she clapped her hand over her mouth, realizing too late what she had said. She stared guiltily at Becky.

Who was looking back, her lips slightly curled. An amused look was dancing in her eyes.

"So that's what has you so riled up," she said. She touched Jilly's hand where it lay clenched on the table. "You're so tense and angry it's a miracle you don't have steam coming out of your ears.

"So," she continued, her voice soft and sympathetic. "Your son and your sister, huh?"

"I can't talk about it," Jillian stammered. "I can't talk about it to anyone. No one will understand. What kind of person would they think I am, to allow it under my own roof?" She cast her eyes down in shame.
