Emily 2.0 Ch. 03

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It's My Party.
6.5k words

Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 11/13/2020
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After an experimental mission goes wrong, a starship captain finds herself stranded in a world where female nudity and submission is not just expected but legally enforced.

This story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex. Themes include ENF, CMNF, humiliation, non-consent, reluctance, public nudity, public sex, a touch of BDSM here and there, and occasional violence if it's relevant to the story or character development.


Emily sat in the greenroom backstage. Her heart was pounding, and her head was spinning so badly that she could barely remember how she got there. 4NR had left her there and said she would be back shortly, so she was all alone apart from eight other girls in white dresses around her. Emily looked at them. They all seemed so young. All were bursting with excitement, giggling, and whispering to each other, and each whisper usually sparked even more giggling.

She didn't share their enthusiasm, to say the least. She was terrified. Thoughts raced around her head about running away or making a stand, but she remembered the intense pain of the rattan, its effects still very much present on her bottom. Her only real choice was to do what she had to do here to survive and go along with it until Collingwood could get her out of it and back home. All she could do was woman-up, get it done and try not to think about it too much. Hopefully it would all be a distant memory one day. In the meantime, it was a case of 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do'. So many things that she found crazy and humiliating were normal and accepted in this world. All she could do was try to force down the outrage, blend in and remember it was all temporary.

She took some solace thinking about the things about to happen to her, knowing that every woman on this planet experienced it and came out the other side. If they could do it, then so could she. Even if it was as vile and possibly as painful as she expected it to be, she felt an obligation to go through it all in solidarity with the other women of this world, not to mention the girls in this room. The thought didn't make it any less horrible. Just doable. She tried to calm herself and think ahead to when this insane ceremony was all over with, or even better still, back on the ship dressed again and leaving this place for good!

She looked up as an older man entered the room. At least for now she was covered so he wasn't seeing her naked. May as well enjoy that for the limited time it was available to her.

"Now, debs, remember everything we have been through. Tonight is your night! Make me proud. I shall be watching you the whole time," he was saying.

"Yes, Mr Chambers," they replied.

"I'm going to miss you all," he continued, seemingly quite emotional about it.

"Oh, Mr Chambers, you will be able to gain pleasure from us any time after tonight. You need only seek us out."

"You are very kind. I am so very proud of you all already, but I am sure there will be many others younger and far more worthy. You will soon forget an old man like me."

"Never, Mr Chambers! I will always have a place for you. You have been a most excellent teacher, and you are here with me now to see me become a woman. You have proven yourself worthy many times over."

Emily was aghast to hear these girls offering themselves to their much older teacher. This place was so fucked up. They all seemed so excited about what was ahead of them, yet she was trembling so much she couldn't keep her legs still. The room was beginning to feel hot and uncomfortable as well. Was it just her or could the others feel it too? She looked up to see 4NR returning.

"Emily, I have good news," 4NR began. "I have secured you in fourth position so you will be able to watch the others before you to see what they do. These other debs have the benefit of their deb training which you have not yet done, so you can follow their example."

It definitely is getting hot. Is there no AC in this room?

"Um… thank you, 4NR, I guess," Emily replied hesitantly while fanning herself with her hands.

Suddenly an usher appeared at the entrance and looked around the room. Emily swallowed.

Is this it?

"Debs, the show is about to begin," he began, and then was forced to pause as squeals of excitement erupted. "Ok, ok. Please form a line in order. First is Elizabeth, then Kate, then Amy. Good, good. Then Emily. Melissa. Where is Melissa? Oh, there she is. Olivia, Isabelle, Charlotte, and Sonia. That should be all of you? 1, 2, 3… 8 & 9. Yes, all here. Please follow me, debs."

"Good luck, debs!" the older man called out as they departed. Emily turned to see 4NR beaming and waving her off. She waved back and tried to force a smile, which was no easy feat. She was dreading what was about to happen and she was shaking so much it was difficult to walk.

The line of girls followed the usher onto the stage behind the curtains. It was quite dark and difficult to see where they were going. Emily could hear a lot of murmuring on the other side of the curtain. The crowd sounded much larger than she had anticipated. Suddenly the murmurs hushed, and a voice came over the speakers.


The sudden applause was almost deafening.


More applause.

Emily realised the curtains were going up, but they were all still in darkness. She could see the crowd now and was shocked to discover it was a packed stadium! Out front of the stage was a runway leading to a small circular area with steps up to a raised podium in the centre.

We won't have to go down there and get up on that in front of everyone will we?


Suddenly the stage was lit up and Emily was blinded for a moment. Once her eyes adjusted, she couldn't see much of the crowd anymore but all around she could see studio cameras and lights everywhere.

Good God! It's like the set of a game show, only much, much bigger!


As the host announced their names, a cameraman moved down the line in front of the girls. Emily caught a glimpse of something behind her and saw a huge screen that must have been at least five metres high! As the cameraman moved down the line, each of their smiling faces appeared on the screen in close-up. Emily realised she wasn't smiling and quickly forced one. If she had to do this, she felt that she needed to try not to look awkward and out of place so as not to cause herself any more embarrassment than necessary, or attract another caning and still have to do it anyway.

At last, the applause started to die down again.

"Our first deb tonight is … ELIZABETH! Elizabeth turned nineteen on Tuesday and enjoys music, watching vids and riding her bike. She excelled at school in mathematics and English, and now is looking forward to serving society and becoming a woman tonight. GIVE HER A CLAP EVERYONE!"

Elizabeth squealed with delight when she heard her name and stepped forward to the front of the stage. Emily could hear a group of female voices whooping and chanting her name somewhere at the front of the audience. It seemed she had friends here, and they were as excited as she was.


Elizabeth immediately tore the dress off and threw it to one side, revealing a petite frame with small breasts and the obligatory hairless pubic area. The same group of female voices again erupted in cheering, making themselves heard above the applause from the massive crowd. Emily turned to the big screen behind her and saw that it was filled with Elizabeth's newly exposed body. She raised both arms out wide and waved to the cheering crowd while blowing kisses towards them. Her face bore the biggest smile. She had no shame at all in being exposed like this.

"ELIZABETH, I have something for you. Want to guess what it is? IT IS YOUR NEW COLLAR!"

Elizabeth again squealed with delight and almost ran over to the host where a naked woman beside him stood with the collar. Elizabeth then held still and lifted up her hair as the leather collar was fastened around her neck.


Elizabeth, or 7BVAP8 now, walked down the runway before stepping up onto the platform at the end. She seemed a little awkward in her heels, like they were too big for her, or it was the first time she'd worn them, or perhaps it was just an illusion caused by her long, skinny legs.

"7BVAP8, PLEASE 'SIT' FOR US," the host requested.

She immediately went into the squat position with her knees wide apart and her hands clasped behind her neck. Emily watched the screen behind her out of the corner of her eye and saw that the camera had gone in for a close-up! The whole screen was taken up by Elizabeth's hairless pussy! Every intimate detail was visible, not helped at all by the fact that her labia were unavoidably splayed open in the degrading position.

Emily thought she should have been filled with dread that soon she too would have to perform the same lewd act, but instead she could feel herself getting wet and her breathing had shallowed. She was getting aroused.

What the fuck? This can't be turning me on, surely?

It was so awful to make a girl do any of this. Seeing the reality of it filled her with revulsion, especially knowing that shortly she would have to do it as well. Then she realised her arousal must be due to the effects of the the pill 4NR had given her.


Elizabeth immediately turned around, bent over, and held her labia and buttocks open towards the crowd. Once again, Emily caught a glimpse in her peripheral vision behind her that the sight filled the big screen at the back of the stage. She realised the same images were probably being broadcast live to thousands of homes! As if the thousands of people in the audience here weren't enough already!


"GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY!" shouted the crowd in unison.

There was more clapping, whistling and cheering as Elizabeth returned, still grinning ear to ear, back along the runway to the stage where a dashing young man in a tuxedo then walked up to her.

"'Present', 7BVAP8," Emily heard him say.

Elizabeth immediately stood with her legs apart and hands behind her back in front of him. Both smiled at each other for a few moments before he finally said 'Come' and led her off stage to the crowd's applause. Emily noticed she still dutifully kept her hands behind her back as she followed and assumed it must be part of the rules of the 'Come' command as well.

"We will check back with 7BVAP8 in a little while," the host continued as the applause died down. "Our next deb is… KATE! Kate turned nineteen just today and her interests are horse riding, poetry, and swimming. Her teacher tells me she has been an absolute joy to work with and he is almost sad to see her go off to become a woman tonight. Aww…"

The crowd repeated the 'aww'.


Kate went through much the same process as Elizabeth before being led off stage in her new collar. The host was about to introduce the next deb when he stopped to listen to something in his earpiece.

"Ladies and gentlemen, apparently 7BVAP8 is just about to become A WOMAN! LET US SEE HOW SHE IS GOING."

Emily turned to the big screen again as it suddenly switched to a view of what appeared to be a lavishly furnished bedroom. Elizabeth was already straddling the man on his back and there were four other naked men kneeling around the large bed around her, all sporting rather impressive erections. Elizabeth leaned forward to take the one in front into her mouth while the man underneath supported her body. Next, she reached out either side and took a penis in each hand as the man behind her pushed himself into her exposed rear entry. Emily noticed her body jolted at that, but it didn't slow her down. She was rolling her hips back and forth with gusto while her head bobbed on the man's penis in front of her and her hands pumped the two either side of her. This was worse than any porn Emily had ever seen!

As much as she was revolted by the images of Elizabeth being buggered and treated like an object by five men at once, knowing that she too would soon suffer the same experience, Emily suddenly realised that she was so horny now that she was finding it hard to resist touching herself! She felt a trickle of dampness on her leg.

Oh God, I'm going to have to expose myself like this in front of the crowd in a minute! They're going to think I'm a complete slut! Maybe I can wipe myself with the dress without anyone noticing? Fuck! So many people and so many cameras. If I wipe myself and they see, I'm a slut. If I don't and they notice how wet I am, I'm a slut anyway. Fuck!

She tried fanning her face with her hand again. It didn't help.

The bedroom scene played on for a few minutes before switching back to the stage.

"We'll check back on 7BVAP8 later. Our next deb is… AMY! Amy enjoys music, watching vids and chess. In school her favourite subjects were Spanish and the violin."

It was Amy's turn to step forward to the front of the stage. Emily knew that she would be called next. Her heart was racing now.


Amy immediately tore the dress off and stood in front of the crowd and cameras completely naked just as Elizabeth and Kate had done. Then she received her collar and walked down the runaway to the podium before doing the usual poses as the host called them. As she was being led away by another young man in a tuxedo, the host again was listening to his earpiece.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have word that 7BVAP8 IS NOW A WOMAN! Let us check in on her!"

The big screen switched back to the bedroom. The men were all standing up and dressing again while Elizabeth sat naked on the edge of the bed. The camera followed another man holding a microphone in as he stepped up to her.

"How do you feel, 7BVAP8?" he asked.

The camera went in for a close-up of Elizabeth's face. Her mascara had run everywhere. Obviously, she had gagged on the penis in her throat. There was also semen obvious on her face and in her hair, but through it she was still smiling excitedly.

"Oh gosh, Jeff, I cannot believe I have finally made it!" she responded. "I have been looking forward to this day my whole life and it is finally here at last!"

"It looked like you had some trouble with the rear coupling?"

"It was a little more than I expected but I adapted and enjoyed myself," Elizabeth replied, still smiling.

"Did you orgasm, 7BVAP8?"

"Yes, I did, Jeff! Twice even!"

"Good for you, 7BVAP8! Ok, we will leave you to get cleaned up. Back to you, Tony."

"THANKS JEFF. CONGRATULATIONS, 7BVAP8! Ok, folks, our next deb tonight is… EMILY! Emily is 26 years old and has an unusual back story."

Oh fuck! This can't be happening!

There was a gasp from the crowd in response to hearing Emily's age.


Emily was momentarily stunned that the moment she had been dreading had arrived but jolted out of it and stepped forward to the front of the stage on hearing her name called. Her heart was beating so hard she worried it might burst out of her chest.


Emily grabbed the neckline of her dress and paused as her mind raced trying to think of some way out of this. While she was thinking, her hand seemingly had a mind of its own and she felt the dress being torn away and cast aside. Oh God, she had actually done it and was now standing nude with a shaved pussy in front of thousands of people! And she knew without looking that her face and body would be filling the big screen behind her!

"Emily comes to us after she was found wandering around the Cape Willis Space Port WEARING CLOTHES!"

The crowd gasped again even louder this time.

"Yes, folks, you heard right. She was dressed and uncollared AT HER AGE! And we all know what that means do we not? EMILY, PLEASE TURN AROUND."

Emily had no option but to turn her back to the audience and cameras. She could see her butt filling the massive screen as she looked back at the stage, and for the first time had a clear view of the welts left by the rattan the previous day. It looked gruesome! There were dozens of clear lines of purpling bruises with yellowish outlines.

The crowd erupted into laughter. Emily wished the ground would open up and swallow her. Being naked in this situation was hard enough. Being an object of ridicule took it to a whole other level.

"Now, now, folks. Emily has seen the error of her ways and has taken her punishment. She now looks forward to becoming a valuable member of society. EMILY, PLEASE COME AND ACCEPT YOUR NEW COLLAR AND BEGIN YOUR BELATED JOURNEY INTO WOMANHOOD!"

The laughter changed to cheers as Emily robotically walked over to where the woman waited with the collar, then reluctantly held her hair up as it was fastened around her neck.


That was her new name? How utterly degrading to now have a number instead of a name! Being collared as well as nude made her feel even more degraded. The reality of it suddenly hit home. She felt like she wasn't even a person anymore. Just a naked female body on display for men's pleasure. A pet or livestock, nothing more.


Emily took a deep breath and then strutted down the runway in her heels, then stumbled on the step up to the podium at the end.

Oh God, as if being nude in front of all of these people isn't enough already! Imagine falling flat on my face completely naked as well! Get your shit together, Emily. Focus.

Luckily, she managed to regain her balance just in time and stood facing the audience, trying her best to smile while the wetness between her legs still played heavily on her mind. Instinctively she wanted to reach down and wipe herself, but with so many eyes on her it was out of the question. There was nothing for it but to try to ignore it and hope it wasn't too obvious.


Without giving herself time to think about it and maybe back out, Emily got into the squat position with her knees wide apart and her hands behind her neck. It was such a humiliating pose! Everything was on display. Her hairless labia she knew would be slightly parted, her freshly shaven armpits exposed to the world and her breasts lifted up and clearly in view. She was showing everything she had, and in detail! She felt her face and neck grow hotter with each passing moment. She couldn't believe this was happening to her, and she was going along with it without a fight. There was no other choice for her in this horrible place though.


She knew this was coming and was somewhat prepared for it. Still, it wasn't easy to go through with it. It was degrading enough to do it one-on-one in front of those cops when she was arrested, and that was before she was shaved! To do it in front of a crowd, knowing it would be up on the big screen and broadcast live, was completely mortifying!

Before she knew it, she was standing bent over with her back to the audience and reaching around to spread her buttocks and pussy lips. The whole time, the cheering from the crowd was deafening. She didn't dare look up at the screen. It made it easier to pretend this wasn't really happening.

"Uh oh, it looks like 7GQA9E is looking forward to the next part a little too much. We better not keep her!"