Forbidden India Ch. 05


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"Show us."

Chiran was eager to do this. He took his guitar out of its case, strummed its strings as a way to ready himself, and he sang and played a few lines from his favorite song.

"You sing in the traditional style." Falguni noticed. "And look, he is dressed in the traditional style. I think..." She paused to consider this, before speaking to the people around her. "We should have this man play outside the scene. Nidhi will be in her bedroom listening. When she hears his beautiful music, she will begin to touch herself for a few minutes. The man will enter and become surprised when he sees what a state he has put Nidhi in."

"Who will make the first approach?" One of the assistants inquired.

"We will try both. The one who looks most convincing will have the lead. There, you have the beginning of our scene. I want to change the accessories around to give them less of a modern feel, and more of a traditional look."

"Should we add more red, to match the bed?" An assistant questioned.

Falguni considered the bed. "No, not more red. The color is too strong. More gold would be better. Gold on the curtains. Perhaps a mantle in a gold or dark yellow on the dresser. See what you can do."

The three assistants scattered like flies. One went to the curtain rack to find an appropriate color, while the other two went behind the movie set. Nidhi had to see what was back there, and discovered several carts full of small personal accessories. Now she was beginning to feel as if she really would be part of a movie.

Falguni came to stand before her. "Your clothing is a little drab."

"Oh, because earlier I worked undercover for my media company." Nidhi admitted. "I wanted to blend in with everyone on the street."

"Undercover?" Falguni mused. "That gives me another idea! We can film a second scene, and in this one, you will be spying in a man's office, and the man will come in and catch you!"

"He can force me to suck his cock or else he will call the police!" Nidhi squealed.

"Oh, but you do have good ideas, don't you?" Falguni laughed. She called out toward the woman who was near the clothing racks. "Ekta, find two of our fanciest sari. We will dress this woman as a wealthy tart, and this young man here will be the poor boy who hopes to seduce her. Are you ready to do this, Nidhi?"

"Yes!" She answered. She didn't know about Chiran, but she was ready for anything!

Things did not go well. The opening sequence was fine. Chiran sang a few verses, more than were necessary but they would be trimmed down later. Nidhi sat before the vanity table, pretending to listen but the singing had already been recorded. Chiran knocked, Nidhi made as if she were nervous, he opened the door and stepped in, setting his guitar down and ready to sweep her away in whirlwind of romance. After that, it all fell apart and became a disaster.

Nidhi had trouble getting undressed for the cameras. She was too conscious of her body and it showed. When she finally let that go, she began to exaggerate her moves, while near her, Chiran was as stiff as an old brick. He wasn't following directions well, became shy when nude, and worst of all, his cock would not stand up when it had to.

Falguni called a stop to the recording. "Nidhi, you are not a sex star, so stop pretending you are one! I don't want you to act like a sex star! I want you to act natural! And Chiran, what is so wrong with you that you cannot have an erection for your girlfriend?"

Chiran opened his mouth to speak. Nidhi hoped he was not about to reveal that they were not a couple, because surely that would cause them both to lose their pay.

"I saw a terrifying sight just before I entered this studio." Chiran admitted. "That big Westerner pulled down his shorts in the lobby and showed us all his cock of a horse!"

Falguni stared at him.

"I swear to you, I have only seen a cock that large on a horse!" Chiran insisted.

This time, Falguni and her assistants all laughed. After all the tension of the last half hour, all it took was a little levity to get everyone in the mood to work again.

"You are both new to this." Falguni decided. "We will start again with Chiran at the door. When you see each other, pretend that you are only beginning to fall in love. Think of that first beautiful moment and let it shine through in your faces and your actions." She clapped her hands. "Everyone, take ten minutes of rest. When we return we will begin the scene again."

The rest were eager to leave the room, while Nidhi and Chiran stayed behind.

"I don't know if I can go through with it." Nidhi said. "And you, you can't even grow an erection for me! How are we going to be paid for nothing?"

"I told you why." He replied. "I am certain I will have nightmares tonight, of that Westerner chasing me up and down the hills with his horse cock!"

"Forget about that man! Do you want the money or no?"

"Yes, yes, obviously! I need that money!"

"Then we must do whatever it takes to get it. Practice kissing me. We must be convincing when the time comes. You sing about lovers all the time at home!"

"I've only loved one woman in my life." Chiran admitted. "I use different names for her, but all of my songs are written because of her."

"Can you shut your eyes and pretend I am her?"

Chiran looked into her face. "I don't know if I can."

"Practice, Chiran. Practice with me now."

When the movie staff returned, they found Nidhi and Chiran in a tight embrace, kissing ardently and petting each other's bodies.

"Finally, those two are showing some life!" Falguni laughed. "Everyone to your places! We have been here nearly and hour already!"

Nidhi sat at the vanity, brushing her hair when she heard the knock at the door. She half-turned, looking over her shoulder. The look of desire was clear in her eyes. The door swung open, and in came Chiran.

"You've been ignoring me." He said.

Nidhi ignored him further, by looking into the vanity mirror.

Falguni stopped that scene to allow the cameras to be re-positioned. One camera recorded Chiran as he walked across the false bedroom with a look of passionate determination set in his eyes. After this, another cameraman, this one with a device perched on his shoulder, kneeled next to Nidhi. He recorded Nidhi's face in the vanity mirror, and further back, the reflection of Chiran standing behind and waiting for her to turn. The cameras were moved back and the scene and its building heat continued.

Nidhi stood and made an arrogant turn, imagining herself to be an actress from the daytime drama shows. Chiran took her by the waist and forced his lips onto hers. They were both swept into their characters: she, the rich girl who was above this poor boy, and he, the persistent man who refused to take no for her answer.

Chiran rubbed at her back and hips, before he pulled her, nearly threw her onto the bed. His hands gripped at her clothing as if he were ready to rip it away from her body.

Falguni halted the production. "Be careful with the clothing. It is expensive!"

The cameras were moved to better spots. When Falguni announced their activation, they became aphrodisiacs for the new lovers. Nidhi knew the sari she wore was costly, and she enjoyed its silky feel against her flesh. She enjoyed the touch of Chiran even more. His love, his desire came out in his music, but this time, with visions of the love he'd lost in his mind, those same feelings emanated from his entire form. Chiran's soft hands removed her clothing, rubbed against her breasts and down her back.

He pulled his clothing off and let it fall, before he pressured her on her back, onto the bed. Nidhi held his shoulders and closed her eyes, waiting for that moment, that special, ultimate time to come, but at Falguni's direction, she was denied her immediate bliss.

"Not so fast!" Falguni was heard laughing. "Play with her, Chiran. Suckle her breasts. Grope at her backside. Take your time!"

Chiran tried to do this. He touched Nidhi, and he mouthed her chest and rib cage, and he slid his hands across her thighs. When his hand went between their bodies, to touch that intimate spot that Nidhi was desperate for him to find, Chiran went wild with lust. His cock pushed into her, filling her wet pussy, causing her to moan and grip at his arms. Chiran thrust into her, pushing hard, wetting his cock deep in her being, and Nidhi cried out with delirium.

In her mind, Nidhi had already imagined having two men in bed with her: her boyfriend and Bikram. She had entered another world now, with her head entertaining thoughts of Chiran and her boyfriend, and it was possible because they all lived together. Chiran could take her first, and then her boyfriend, or the other way around, but she knew both men would not share her fantasies. They would never take her at the same time, only in turns.

"Slowly, Chiran!" Falguni cautioned.

Nidhi envisioned the blur of Chiran's butt as it thrust at her back and forth, as his hips rubbed at her thighs and raised legs.

"We need for you to move into a different position." Falguni said.

Chiran didn't listen. He was in a dream-like state. This fuck that he gave Nidhi was so full of pleasure that he refused to stop, refused to even slow down. Falguni's voice was not registering in his thoughts, only this idea that he'd found his long lost lover, and remembered the love that he'd once shared with her, and how long it had been since that love had emerged.

Nidhi slipped into that wonderful feeling of climax. She cried out, letting herself go to this new man whom she'd brought along only as a substitute. Chiran kept going, hearing her sexual release and wanting to prolong it. He had endurance, Nidhi found, much more than Bikram, more even than her boyfriend had showed thus far. The bliss within her body continued to pulse within her; Chiran's thrusts became electric, his cock became charged with even more power. It would stay hard forever, she imagined.

Falguni's voice was heard, but again Chiran ignored it, sent it away to the farthest corner of the world, because his bliss was found in giving bliss to Nidhi.

"What are you doing with my daughter?" Falguni cried out. She was much closer now, right beside them. "Get out of her room! She will have nothing to do with you!"

Chiran finally turned his head, looking confused. Nidhi was dumbfounded as well. What was going on? What had Falguni said that they hadn't heard?

"Get out of my daughter's bedroom!" Falguni ordered.

They both looked at the director. She had changed clothing. Falguni wore a blue sari now. She had inserted herself into the scene, because the scene had to continue, but she had to make sure it continued the way she wanted.

Nidhi thought that Falguni looked beautiful for an older woman. Her face showed strength and resolution, her hands were at her hips and her entire body showed demand.

Chiran pulled away from Nidhi, leaving the bed.

"You stay there!" Falguni hissed at him. "And you," She pointed at Nidhi on the bed. "You leave this room at once and clean yourself! Was it so difficult to refuse this poor boy, this common man who has nothing to offer you?"

"He offered me his love!" Nidhi said, the words automatically forming and leaving her mouth as if she had truly become the character she was asked to play.

"Leave now!" Falguni ordered.

Nidhi sat up, slid away from the bed. She took her sari from the floor and ran to the door. She slammed it, shaking the cheap walls and thinking she'd slammed it too hard. Next, Nidhi hurried around the set and behind the cameras. She was intrigued over what would happen next, because the cameramen were still recording the action.

Majestic and defiant, Falguni turned her back on Chiran. He was left to stare at this side of her, his amorous affection spurned, his cock still hard and eager.

"Go back to the stables, boy." Falguni huffed. "Go clean the horse shit!"

The look of puzzlement left Chiran's face. He became angry instead. He said nothing as he went to pull Falguni by the waist, dragging her toward the bed.

"What are you doing?" Falguni feigned shock. "You are Untouchable! Stay away from me! I will have you beaten!"

Chiran's anger grew into a mountain. He forced Falguni onto the bed. This is what she had wanted all along and he'd fallen into her trap.

"No, stop!" Falguni cried out. "You cannot touch me!"

Chiran became entangled in her sari, as he tried to yank it away. He pulled it from her shoulders, revealing her proud breasts. Falguni protested at the violent treatment, but she also arched her back so the cameras would get a full view of her chest.

That was the reason she had come into the scene, Nidhi realized. Chiran would fuck Nidhi in only one position, and he would stay that way until he was done. Falguni, with her greater experience in such matters, knew that this would be a good sex scene, but she also knew it could be greater if the amateurs in it understood what they were doing.

Falguni pretended that she tried to get away from Chiran, but she turned only to make it easier for him to pull her sari down to her waist. She lambasted him for being lower caste, to keep his passion, his cock and his anger strong. For a moment, they wrestled. Falguni turned on the bed, fully nude now, and Chiran forced her to stay down. She bent at the waist, allowing him to push into her from behind.

Falguni screamed, a false scream, but also a convincing scream, as Chiran's cock forced its way into her. With one arm, she held her body up, and with the other she slapped at the man now fucking her. Chiran took her by the wrist, again falling into her ploy, and he took her other wrist as well, holding her arms up with his strength, bucking into her ass hard enough to shake the entire bed.

Falguni's face was shoved into a pillow, but she still shouted at him, still complained over what was being done to her. She waited, surely an acceptable amount of time had passed, before she pulled away from Chiran and went to her side. One of her legs stretched away. Chiran in his haste straddled her other leg and held the first one up. He pushed into the older woman's pussy again, provoking her into scolding him. She slapped his chest a few times, until he again caught her wrist and held her, while he kept fucking away at her, and the cameramen continued to work their equipment and record the entire scene.

Nidhi was learning so much, standing there nude and half-fucked, behind a cameraman and holding the expensive sari up against her naked body.

By the time Nidhi and Chiran emerged on the street, workers in the area were beginning to leave for home. She worried that the red motorcycle had driven off while she was busy, and the only lead she had would be gone. For that reason, she encouraged Chiran to continue pretending he was her boyfriend, and together they walked around the studio lot. The motorcycle was still there, thankfully.

If this were any other time, Nidhi would have kept walking, to throw away any suspicion that she was spying into the parking lot. This time, because she had Chiran with her, she decided to linger a bit longer.

"Stand here." She told him, pushing him against the lot's iron fence. "We will stay here for a few minutes while I investigate."

"Are you an investigator now?" Chiran mused.

"Yes, I am. I am a reporter now."

Chiran's head was up in the clouds, after having sex with not only Nidhi, but also Falguni right after. There was something to be said for having two women at once, and even more to be said when one of those women was an experienced sex actress who knew many tricks to keep a man excited and long lasting. Chiran sighed as if recalling the most pleasant memory of his entire life.

"After your great love left you, have you slept with another woman?" She wondered.

"No, I refused to bed anyone after her."

"And now, what do you think?"

"I think I am ready to move on with my life. I must find another woman and forget about the love I lost."

"That is good. You should not forget your love, but you should continue to live your life. I hope you will be quiet about what we did here today."

Chiran looked at her.

"What?" Nidhi laughed. "Do you want to do it again? Do you want me to cheat on my boyfriend? We did this for the money and nothing else, so don't let your head balloon up with a man's thoughts."

"I hear your words, but I also know they are not true. You will sleep with me again."

Nidhi turned her head away, looking past the gates and into the parking lot. "There is only one way that will possibly happen. You must convince my boyfriend that both of you will have me at once. That is my condition."

"Oh, and if your boyfriends refuses? What if he decides that he would like to sleep with another girl? What then? He does speak about other girls at times."

"Does he?"

"He is handsome. Other girls look at him."

"Does he cheat on me?"

"No!" Chiran spoke up. "He does not cheat on you. I would know if the does. Don't put it into your head that I gave you that idea. He only speaks about other girls."

"I have a fantasy to sleep with two men at once." She revealed.

"Well, I did not have a fantasy to sleep with two women," Chiran laughed. "But it did happen to me today! And I will be paid five thousand rupee for it in a few days! Falguni said I gave a great performance!"

Nidhi playfully slapped at his shoulder. "What do you think about this? If you can get my boyfriend to agree to all three of us in bed together, I will give him my permission to sleep with another girl."

"There are websites, you know."

"What sort of websites?"

"For kinksters. People will write their fantasies on the website, other people will answer, and they will sometimes meet and bring their fantasies into reality."

"Really? Does my boyfriend visit those websites?"

"No. Only I do."

"Let me think about that." Nidhi decided. "For now, your task is to convince him that you and he can have me together." She suspired. "There is nothing to see here but all of these dusty cars. We should go now."

Nidhi pulled on Chiran's arm so they could start walking again. She paused and had another look at the cars parked around the red motorcycle. "Chiran, will you look at these cars, at how dusty they are? There is trash under a few of them, and look, that car has spider webs that stretch around the tire."

"They haven't been driven in some time." Chiran noticed. "I believe this is a parking lot for the long term, for when studio workers must travel to another location by plane. This is where they leave their vehicles until they come back."

Nidhi wondered why she hadn't come to that conclusion before, after having walked down that same street so many times. It was because she'd walked by fast, only to see if the motorcycle was still sitting there. Samir had made the same mistake.

She had to make sure. Nidhi walked Chiran around the lot to the nearest exit and stopped to speak with the guard posted there.

"Those cars on the back lot," She started. "They have been sitting in the same place for some time. Are they abandoned? Can my boyfriend and I purchase one of them?"

"Those cars are not for sale." The crusty old guard answered. "Their owners are out of town filming movies in other locations."

Nidhi felt shocked. All this time, she and Samir had been watching a motorcycle that would drive nowhere! The moment she was far enough away, she retrieved her phone and called Samir to tell him the bad news. He blamed himself for the error and told Nidhi that they would have to resume their investigation when the security guard returned. In the meantime, he would call his contacts to try to find out what movie the man was assigned to.

"I am very sorry, Nidhi." Samir said. "We did all that work for nothing!"