From The Twilight Zone

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A sexist man learns a powerful lesson on Halloween.
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The following story has themes of misogyny, fear and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of gender, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality. If you have issues with such kinks, please do not read.

"Cabrón!" The fiery Latina yells at me in that accent of hers, her eyes lit with rage. She stands on the other side of my bed with one arm covering her large bare chest while the other points at me accusingly. Behind me scattered on the floor in a thousand pieces is the religious candle she threw at me.

I just smirk in response, wanting so badly to say, "Happy Halloween," to make her even more upset. To be honest, I don't care that she's mad nor am I concerned about what she's going to do. The bitch is maybe five foot and a hundred and twenty pounds soaking wet. Even if she hit me with her car it wouldn't hurt.

"Call me what you want, but I'm hung on Halloween and you better get on your knees and start taking care of this dick or..." I threaten, grabbing my erect cock in my right hand.

Unlike her, I am completely and willingly naked as I stand on the other side of my bed. On purpose I jerk myself off a little bit so she can see the size of my manhood. Then, having a bit of fun, I point my cock at her to mock her pointing at me.

"You are a pathetic little boy and I would never even touch you," the Latina yells in response, thinking that by being loud she's going to embarrass me or that calling me "boy" when I'm 21 is going to hurt. After all, she's in my house right now, which is probably the biggest house she's ever been in. So large in fact that the bitch could scream and scream and no one would hear, which I've used to my advantage before.

This bitch, who said she was 22 years old, begins to look around my bedroom, no doubt searching for her top. My eyes lock onto it, quickly finding it as it's on my side of the bed, which makes sense as I took it off of her.

To make a point about how I can do whatever I want and she can only stand there and like it, I snatch her top in an over the top manner so she knows I have it. With my smirk becoming a smile, I drape the garment on my hard cock and then put my hands on my hips. My message couldn't be any clearer, if she wants her top, she'll have to come grab it.

The Latina's eyes narrow in an almost worrying manner as she starts to march over towards me. Her intention is very clear, that if she grabs my cock, she'll try to rip it off. So I grab her top and hold it out as if I'm going to toss it to her to make her stop. Right when she holds her free hand out to catch, I redirect my throw. I then laugh as I see her head turn to watch her top fly through the air and land right in my trash can.

"Pendejo!" The Latina, whose name is, I think, "Brewhah" yells. I never asked her what her name is, mainly because I don't care. But people at the party kept calling her that, so I assume that's her name.

I laugh harder as she stomps over to the small trash can and grabs her top. She begins to put the black garment back on, turning her back to me so I can't even get one last look of those huge titties of hers. No matter. I'll be seeing them soon enough anyway.

"Quit playing games. I know you Mexican bitches love to be treated this way. Now get over here and get to work," I tell her as I grab my cock again, knowing that this is some stupid game.

Like they all do, she's going to act offended and dismayed, but after a while she'll get to sucking my hog like they normally do. Sure, it takes the right amount of persuading, but in the end I always get what I want. And I'll be damned if I'm not getting laid on Halloween, especially with all the work I've put in on this.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" I yell as the Latina walks out of my bedroom once her top is on. She marches right out, not saying anything else to me. Not even another curse.

This upsets me so I march over and grab her hand. From behind I grab her and pull her back into my bedroom, feeling her struggle as I do. I pull her hard, but not too much so. Just enough so she knows I could overpower her if I wanted since I am far larger than she is.

"Come on bitch, why you acting like this? It's Halloween after all. You said it yourself. Tonight is the most special night of the year. A night of freaky and fun shit," I tell her in a more smoothing voice, wanting her to see that she's the one in the wrong. That I just want a fun and playful time. She's the one over reacting and shit.

The Latina yanks her arm out of my grasp and slaps me. It's a quick and hard slap too, so much so that I can't move to block it in time. It's much harder than what I thought she would be capable of. It's enough that it makes me see double for a spilt second.

"Don't ever touch me pinche cabrón. And I am Colombian you racist piece of shit," the Latina spits out as if this is supposed to mean something. To this I put my hands up as if giving up and take a step back playfully giving her space.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, ok?" I pretend to apologize, though I know my smirk probably kills the effect. I can't help it though. Looking at her being so upset is rather funny. It's like she thinks she's a real person and not just a piece of ass. Like she hasn't figured that there are a thousand of her out there.

"How about this, just suck me off and I'll take you home. Then we can forget all about this, ok?" I offer after grabbing my cock again, to which she steps forward as if to slap me. Unable to help it, I laugh as she does this. She's just so mad and thinks she can actually do anything to stop me.

I laugh and laugh as I back up, finding it so hilarious as this really is a game. That's all it is. She may pretend to be offended, but that's because she lost and she knows it. She got played and doesn't want to admit it. I'm smarter, richer, bigger and more important. She got tricked and outsmarted. And in the end, she knows she's going to give up that pussy.

I met the bitch at some Halloween party. It was a friend of a friend sort of deal. Well, not even that. I was hanging out at a bar when I met someone I sort of knew. After hanging out there for a while he told me about some sort of special Halloween party. It was a Hispanic ceremony thing but there would be tons of food, booze and women. He said how in the end, there was always a woman to take home. And hell, I've always loved darker skinned women. Well, always loved to fuck them, not much else.

That party was pretty weird if I say so. First it was in a rural part of town I didn't even know existed. A shabby, ghetto rural part at that, were there was lots of land that used to be farms and shit, but now all looked run down and horrible.

There were tons of people at the party. At least over a hundred. Everywhere you went there were people, all dressed up, but not in typical Halloween costumes. These people had that white grease paint all over their faces, like they were trying to be skeletons. They looked pretty stupid to me, and you would never catch me doing anything like that.

After cruising the party for a while, I went into the backyard area where there was what I think was a barn. That's where I saw her. She and a bunch of other bitches were doing some sort of prayer or ceremony or something. They were all in a circle, holding those religious Mexican candles and where walking all about together. Over and over they did this, saying some Mexican prayer.

The Latina was by far the best looking bitch there. Best one mainly because of those huge titties. Well the best one that would be easy to take home. There were others, but they were clearly there with other guys, so that would be trouble. Since this wasn't my area, I couldn't risk getting in a fight.

After she and her group finished, I went up to her and played the innocent white guy part. I asked her what they were doing and why they were doing it. She went on about Dia De Los Muertos and praying for the dead and all that, to which I pretended to be interested. I kept asking her question after question while feeding her more drinks, trying to get her nice and loosened up.

Oh, how she wouldn't shut up about all that Halloween shit. Saying how tonight they can communicate with their dead loved ones, that they walk among us and much more. That they say prayers, sing songs and leave out treats for them to celebrate life. She went on to say some stupid kiddie shit too, like how they have to do this or else the dark forces that come out tonight can latch on. If I'm being honest, it was all pretty stupid, but like I said, it was all part of the game. Got to lay up the shot before it goes in the basket.

There's no doubt she's going to try and say I tricked her because I managed to convince her to come back to my place. Sure, I made it seem that I wanted her to come over to say those prayers for my own loved ones, but she knew what she was getting into. Even if I had managed to get her nice and tanked, she would have known what's going to happen at a stranger's house. She knew it was to get fucked. She knew exactly how this evening was going to end. How she wouldn't be able to leave until her head was in a pillow, moaning out my name again and again.

Everything was going fine for a while. We got back to my place, to which she was mega impressed. The size of my house is awesome, but what sells it is the view. My house is in a rural area where my closest neighbor is over an acre away, so it gives it a peaceful high-class vibe. But across the street from my house is a cliff that overlooks the city. It's a small area where you can sit and have a picnic while able to look over the entire city.

We didn't get to go to the cliff thanks to the raging storm, but that didn't matter. She was more interested in going room to room saying that stupid Mexican prayer thing. For like half an hour she did this, carrying candles with her, acting like this was some church. It was stupid. She did the same exact thing from the party except in each room, including the dance thing.

I finally had enough. I was drunk and horny and wasn't going to wait any longer. So when she came into the living room for another candle, I moved in. I grabbed her after taking off my shirt and proceeded to kiss her. She didn't return it at first, but after a moment she did. So we made out for a while, with her getting into it to the point she kept her eyes tightly closed.

I don't even think she knew I had pulled her into my bedroom while we were kissing. Or that I had pulled down my pants and boxers. She was so into the kiss that she didn't even seem anything, which was the goal of getting her to drink so much.

She did notice when I grabbed her top and lifted. At that she opened her eyes and saw everything. But with the candle in her hands, she couldn't stop me. I was able to peel her top right off her, exposing those huge tits that I've wanted to see all night. As I had guessed, she wasn't wearing a bra like the freak I knew her to be.

That's when the bitch freaked out. Starting screaming and yelling. Even threw the glass candle thing at me, aiming for my head. The way she was acting you would think I was trying to rape her or something. If that's what I wanted to do, I would have just done it instead of taking all this time.

"Alright then, get the fuck out," I order, pointing out the bedroom door. She doesn't think twice about this and starts walking out. With the smile still on my face, I wait for her to realize what this means.

In the middle of the living room, the truth of the situation hits her. First, I drove her here, so she has no chair or ride back to the shithole she lives at. I doubt she even knows where she is, which wouldn't normally be a problem thanks to GPS, but I know her GPS isn't going to work. Just like I know her internet isn't going to work.

You see, on purpose, whenever I bring a bitch back here, I turn on the custom jammer I purchased. Yeah, it's illegal, but it's not like anyone knows about it. It blocks all cell and Wi-Fi service in the area. There's no using your cell phone, or the internet or even trying the GPS. You are all but cut off.

When a bitch sees there's no service on their cell, they get scared. Without their cell, which is their life, they can't call an Uber, a friend or even the police. They are then left with two options, dealing with me, or trying to walk back home.

"Oh, is that rain I hear? Thunder and lightning?" I say mockingly very loud, with both of us knowing how badly it's storming at the moment. That right now a severe thunderstorm is above us.

"Get back in here and service this cock, then I'll take you home," I tell the Latina in a commanding tone, showing I'm done playing around. Otherwise, it'll be at least a mile walk before she's out of range of my jammer. A mile in the pouring rain at that, all alone in the middle of the night.

I watch the Latina as she stands there, her back to me. The living room's lights are off, so the only light hitting her are from the bedroom. This makes her look a little like a horror villain from an Asian movie. Where her small frame looks more creepy than sexy.

I'm about to say, "I don't speak Mexican" to her as she says something in her language loud enough for me to hear, but she turns around before I can. This again looks rather creepy as it didn't sound like she was talking to me.

Now turning and facing me, the Latina looks at me, only she looks different now. Instead of the intense hate she had, she's now actually smiling. And it's not a good smile either. It's the sort of smile you get when you know you got one up on someone. That you are about to prank them or something.

"You want to get laid, is that what you want?" The Latina asks, her attitude completely different. Instead of yelling and spewing hate, she appears flirty. She's even arching her back a little so those tits of hers stick out.

I smirk at this as we both know that's what I want. And I'm very happy that she's finally stopped with the games. Like the others, she knows her place. That unless she wants to get kicked out, she better start behaving like a good little bitch.

"I bet someone like you could go all night long, right?" the Latina asks in a flirty manner, taking a seductive step towards me. She even brings a finger to her lip in that manner that women do that drives me insane.

"You better believe it," I inform her. My mouth actually opens to tell her an antidote about going all night long, but I close it before saying anything. It's a story that not many women find entertaining.

Last year I brought some chick here and literally did fuck her all night long. She was very much into it, suggesting positions and everything. Only I didn't realize that she was having heart issues, so I kept on going. Turns out she had always had them. Point of the story is that she ended up passing away. I literally fucked her to death.

"I bet you can never get enough of sweet pussy, or having a woman give you oral pleasure?" The Latina asks, making me laugh again. It's clear English isn't her first language so her word choice sounds funny to me, especially in that accent.

"Bitch, I could fuck you all night and all day and then some. I'll fuck your pussy silly," I tell her honestly.

The Latina smiles wide at this, then slowly walks back towards the bedroom. She walks in that slow and sexy way too, making my already hard cock get harder. It lets me know that she is indeed a freak in the sheets.

I walk backward and deeper into the bedroom while rubbing my cock to make sure she knows what she's getting into. That she can see the length of my hog, which she's about to taste. It's my way of being seductive, which I bet she loves.

If I'm being honest, there's something creepy about her now. I think it's her smile at first, as her lips are pulled back in a smile, but there's no teeth showing. Like a tight-lip smile. But I then see this isn't what is creeping me out. It's her hair.

While her body is moving like normal as she walks, her hair doesn't. It looks like it's doing the opposite of what it should. Instead of swaying left to right as it should in sync with her walk, it goes the opposite way. It gives the effect that, I dunno, she's walking backward.

"Is this where the magic happens, big boy?" The Latina asks as she steps to the foot of my huge bed. In a rather flirty manner, she looks over the bed, even bending over it to let those tits dangle under her shirt. It's such a sexy sight that I forget all about her hair.

"You know it, bitch," I answer, moving onto my bed. I'm on my knees and inching towards the foot of my bed and close to her now. My cock is throbbing and my body amped. Then to complete the scene, I hold my arms out to show her that it's her move. That all she needs to do is come over and I'll fuck her right.

"Do you remember what I told you earlier? About how special tonight is?" the Latina asks in that flirty manner, leaning over the bedframe. Before I can reach out and grab her, she leans back as if doing a dance move, where her hands run from the top of her head, down. I watch as they run over her breasts, to between her legs and back.

"You said a lot of shit about tonight," I inform her, barely paying attention to the conversation. It takes all my restraint to tell her that if she wants, we can watch that movie "Coco" after I fuck her.

"Tonight, is to remember the dead. For the dead have power. They watch us, remembering all," the Latina tells me, still running her hands all over her body. It's enough that I openly start to jack off as it's so insanely hot. Especially the way she lifts her tits and drops them so they bounce under her shirt.

The Latina then grabs the bed frame and leans over it a little. When she does, she closes her eyes and her lips start to move. As she does this, she keeps swaying her body in that sexy motion, almost like it's a dance. Her hips sway, her tits bounce and those lips keep moving, making me want to see what they look like around my dock.

"You casting a spell on me bitch?" I mock, playing along with whatever she's doing as I pleasure myself to get started. She of course doesn't stop when I ask this, but keeps doing what she's doing. She does smile through.

"I am," the Latina answers, her eyes suddenly opening wide. Her eyes instantly lock onto mine in a rather startling manner, like she could see me with her eyes closed.

"I'm going to give you want you want," she tells me, her right arm extending towards me as if to grab me. Only at the moment, I don't think I want her to touch me. Not when she looks like that.

The Latina's hand extends downward, as if wanting to touch my hog. This makes me conflicted, as she's acting weird, so I'm not sure I want her to touch my cock, but then again, that's the only reason why she's here.

"W-What are you..." I begin as the Latina's smile seems to get even bigger, if that's possible. It gets like this as she raises her hand up. She does it as if it is a half-hearted move a kid would do to answer a question from a teacher. Still staring at me and not blinking, she then brings her other hand to her raised hand.

"What the fuck?!" I yell as she digs her fingernail so hard into her hand I see blood start to come out. In the grossest, sickest sight I've seen, she cuts her own hand with her fingernail. Cuts right across, making a four inch gash.

"¡La Cama!" The bitch shrieks and flicks her bloody hand at me. Doing this sends blood over my chest, thighs, legs and bed. It shoots out in a long line that seems to go everywhere.

Freaking out as I can actually feel the heat of her blood, I scramble off the bed. I climb off fast, looking down at my naked body to see spots of blood over me. Drops of it are on my thighs, crotch, stomach and even my chest. Hell, I feel a bit of it on my fucking face. Shit! Who knows what the bitch has.