From The Twilight Zone


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Reaching to the nightstand, I reach for a tissue from the box I keep there. I grab a handful of them and start to wipe them over my body to wipe up the blood. I got to get this diseased crap off me.

"What the hell bitch?!" I yell as the blood looks different now. Instead of the red color it was a second ago, her blood looks black. Pitch black. Like she threw oil on me instead of blood.

A shrill laugh knocks me out of my panic where I see the bitch is no longer in my bed room. Not believing I wasn't paying attention to where she was in case she attacked me, I move to locate her. Looking into the living room, I see her walking away.

The crazy bitch laughs as she walks, her arms stretched out in a strange manner. If I didn't know better, I would say her arms are unnaturally long, like they don't match her small frame. And she keeps laughing that shrill, horrible laugh as she opens the front door and leaves.

Stunned by what just happened, I stare at the closed door for a moment, very glad she's gone. The bitch be crazy! Fucking crazy! Thank God I have electronic locks. They automatically lock when the door is closed, so if she tried to get back in, she couldn't. The bitch is locked out now, where I hope she drowns in the rain. That she gets raped by some crazed escaped convict.

Looking back down so I can wipe off the rest of the blood, I see it's not black at all. It's red, like it should be. Shaking my head, I figure I saw it as black as I wasn't expecting the bitch to be crazy. Hell, anyone would see shit watching that.

Deciding tissues aren't going to be enough, I go into my bathroom. There I turn on the shower and quickly step inside. Dosing myself in soap, I make sure to wash every inch of my body with steaming hot water. Then I wash it again. And then I wash it four more times after that.

After my shower, I step out and grab a towel. Still upset, I dry myself off but don't put on any clothes. I'm not just mad at what crazy shit the bitch did, but that I'm not getting laid on Halloween. It's way too late to go out now and even if I did, everyone's going to be drunk or already with someone. That crazy bitch really did ruin my Halloween.

Pissed off, I turn off the bedroom light and storm back into my bedroom. My anger only gets more intense as I consider that my only opinion now is to find some good porn and handle my needs myself. Sure, I could do something online, but that takes too fucking long.

"Oh. Hey," I say, quite startled by what I'm seeing in my bedroom. I'm in my bedroom, standing at the foot of my bed, right where the bitch was not but moments ago. And looking at my bed, there's clearly someone under the covers.

A shiver of fear does run over me as I look at the shape, seeing that it is clearly a woman. There's no hiding her tits as she lays there, hands at her sides. Whomever it is has pulled the blanket all the way over her where it covers every inch, including her head.

My first thought is that it's the crazy bitch here to do something even more crazy, but it's not. Whomever this is, has a much thicker body. Not to mention even bigger tits. But who it could be, I have no clue. No one has keys or access to my house.

"You know that's creepy, right?" I tell the woman as it's like someone made the bed with her laying on her back. It doesn't help that I think I saw something like this in a horror movie.

"Look bitch, get out. Not in the mood to dick you down," I inform the crazy bitch that's hiding in my bed.

But of course she doesn't move. Nor does she say anything. Why would she? It would break the creepy vibe she's trying so hard for. This lets me know that whomever this is, must be friends with the Latina. For all I know, maybe she let one of her friends in while I wasn't looking.

"Fuck it," I growl and reach into the bathroom for the first thing I can grab, which is my electric shaver. I throw the fucking thing as hard as I can at the woman, wanting to hurt her. To at least break a bone.

"OH SHIT," I gasp as when the shaver smacks the body, it deflates. The blanket falls to the bed as if nothing is there at all. Like it was a balloon that deflated.

Backing up into the bathroom, I wait for something to happen. For the blanket to fly up or dance around. Or maybe for the crazy bitch to come out laughing. But nothing happens. Several long moments pass, with nothing happening and no one saying anything. It's just silence, except for my pounding heart.

Confused and a bit scared, I move back into the bedroom, slowly. When I enter, I move towards the door, keeping my back pressed against the wall as I move. As I creep along the wall, my eyes stay glued on the bed, expecting something to happen. I can't explain why I think something more is going to happen, but I do. It's almost like I can feel someone looking at me.

I finally reach the door and rush out of the bedroom. There my naked ass moves to the security system console. My trembling hands bring up the cameras that are positioned on the perimeter of my property. Once they appear on screen, I lean forward as if ready to slide right through the screens.

Confusing me even more, I see the Latina on screen, still outside. She's walking down the road, alone, drenched thanks from the raging storm. Her back is to the camera as she walks away, but there's no doubt it's her.

I thought for sure she would be in the house. That she somehow pulled that trick. But she's at least half a mile away now. It would be impossible.

I proceed to flip through camera after camera, sure that I'll find someone in the house. To see evidence that the bitch let someone in when I wasn't looking. And that person thinks they can fuck with me. Well, fuck around and find out.

After a good ten minutes of cycling through my cameras, I don't find anything. And there's cameras in every single room, so it's not like I miss anything. I even have cameras in the bathrooms. There's just no one in the house at all.

"I bet that bitch drugged me. Didn't she?" I say out loud as if someone will agree. Since my idea that someone was in the house can't be, I move onto the next logical thought. And that is that the bitch must have drugged me at the party.

It makes perfect sense. She must have known I had money, so she played along in hopes I would take her back to my place. That's why she was fucking about with that stupid-ass prayer thing. She was waiting for the drugs to kick in so she could rob me. But I bet she didn't take in account what good shape I am in, and that it would take a while for my body to absorb the drugs.

Convinced now as well as super upset, I consider getting in my car and running the bitch over. To drive over her again and again, then toss her body over the cliff. The only reason I don't do this is because of the damage to my car. Something like that would be a hefty bill and she's not worth it.

Fuming, I go to my kitchen. There I fix myself a drink in hopes of drowning out whatever drugs she gave me. Not to mention to calm me down.

I down the first glass of tequila and then pour another one. I know I've been hardcore drinking all night, but I don't' really care. It's Halloween after all. Halloween is the biggest party night of the year after St Patty's. It is normally the best night to get laid with all the dumb bitches getting in their best sexy costumes, but hey, anyone can have an off year.

Still fuming, I take my new drink and head back to the security system. For at least fifteen minutes I drink my tequila and watch the crazy bitch walk off my property. I follow her from camera to camera until she reaches the end of my reach. What gives me a bit of pleasure is every so often she checks her cell to find it still isn't working. That if she's going to call an Uber, she'll have to keep walking in that ugly storm.

"Fuck you, bitch," I tell the Latina as she finally walks off screen. At this I turn and walk to my bedroom, my drink still in hand.

Since I can see my bed from the living room, I can see that there's no one lying on it, on top of or underneath the covers. Even so, I still walk slowly as I approach the bed, feeling as if someone is going to leap out. The closer I get to it, the more it feels like I'm being watched. That there's someone really close staring at me.

Now in my bedroom, I look at the bed, then all around. After several long moments, I feel fairly confident that what happened before was all in my head. That the bitch was making me see shit. There's no one here.

"Fucking bitch," I groan as I fall onto the bed after putting my drink on the bedstand. I plop on the bed, my limbs spreading out, feeling rather tired and still horny. Oh, how I should have just raped that bitch. That would have taught her not to fuck with a man. It would be a lesson she would have remembered for her entire life.

Closing my eyes, I bring my hand to my manhood. There I start to jerk myself off, knowing I'll need to cum if I want to get any sleep. Even through I'm extremely tired, my hormones will keep me up otherwise. Doesn't matter that it is 3 in the morning.

"O-Oh," I stammer out as I realize I've almost fallen asleep. The heavy blanket of sleep nearly falls over me as I lay here, allowing me to drift off. Only, something woke me up.

A soft moan comes out of me as I feel what woke me up and it's one of the best feelings ever. Someone is sucking my dick. I feel the soft lips around my cock bobbing up and down slowly. Better still, they go deep when they go down, making the head of my cock hit the back of their mouth. It's enough that it makes me moan, and I never moan.

"Baby I..." I start to say, enjoying this very much. Only, as I wake I remember that no one is supposed to be in the house. This makes me jerk my head to look down, wondering who has my dick in their mouth.

A cold fear moves over me as I see there is someone straddling my midsection, completely under the blanket. It covers their entire body, as well as my bottom half, not letting me see them at all. But I watch as the shape's head moves up and down as it blows me.

"H-Hey, who are..." I start to say to whomever the woman is as I try to sit up. When there is no response, I reach out to pull the blanket off of her. Before I reach it, the blanket falls like it did before. It sinks to the bed showing that no one is there.

"OH HELL NAH," I yell and scramble off the bed. I not only get off the bed, but grab the lamp on the night stand, ready to beat a motherfucker to death. My eyes then scan the bed and the room, ready for whatever may happen.

I'm not sure how long I stand here naked and prepared, but nothing happens. No one appears, no one says anything and the blanket stays a crumbled mess on the bed. To make sure there's no one here, I even get on my knees and look under the bed, but nothing.

"Oh hell. Tomorrow, I'm gonna find that bitch and beat the shit out of her," I declare to the world as I say this out loud. I place the lamp back down and then grab the blanket. Not trusting it, even if I know I'm just seeing things, I toss it into the corner.

I plop down on the bed again, extremely tired now. Before I was just tired, but now I'm exhausted. That jump of fear made me wake up for a moment, but I'm way too tired for it to last. And if I'm being honest, I know why. I've been up for what, 40 hours? Like I said, Halloween is a party holiday and there's always parties to go to. I might be over doing it, but hey, you only live once.

"Gonna find that bitch," I state, my tired eyelids closing. Sleep comes fast, and I feel myself sink into the darkness. But I'm woken up again. And once again, it's in the best possible way. Someone is sucking me off.

When I open my eyes, I see the room is dark. Really dark. From the look of it, the power must have gone out. Makes sense as the storm is still raging and sounds downright violent. But that doesn't matter as I feel those soft lips back on my dick.

I'm not stupid. I know if I look down, there's going to be nothing there. Or if there is something, it'll be the blanket. But thanks to still being slightly drunk, I have a different plan of action instead of freaking out.

Some ghost wants to blow me? Fine. Let it. I'm not sure if this is all in my mind or really happening, and I don't care. Maybe it's from being drugged or maybe from lack of sleep and being drunk, or hey, a sex demon from hell. Whatever the reason, I start to thrust my hips upward each time I feel those lips going down of my cock.

Whomever is sucking me off clearly likes this as she matches my speed. I can feel her huge, blowjob-lips moving over my rock hard cock as she goes from base to cockhead. And when she gets to the top, she flicks her tongue over the bottom of the head, just like I like.

"I...I'm....I'm going to....I'm going to cum," I proclaim as she brings me to the edge. I can't ever remember being brought to orgasm so damn fast.

My eyes roll as I cum because it is a very hard orgasm. It's easy to see why. Whomever is doing it knows what she is doing. She knows each and everything I like, making me cum very fast and easy. My orgasm is so intense that I groan and moan like a virgin getting it for the first time.

"T-Thanks baby," I croon as I look down at my dick in the dark. But as I figured, I don't see anyone. Just my own hard cock, with cum all around on my hips and balls. To make sure I look around the dark room, but no. I'm alone.

Shrugging, I continue to lay in bed. It really doesn't matter if it was in my head or not, right? I got to cum, and that's what matters. And if it was some supernatural thing, it's the same result.

"H-Hey now, come on," I say as I feel whatever it is touching my still hard cock again. Only this time, as crazy as it seems, it feels like she is trying to ride me. That some bitch is trying to sit on my cock like she is on top of me. Only I don't feel any pressure as if there is someone here. There's no weight or touching except on my cock.

"S-Stop," I stammer as I feel the clear feeling of a tight pussy engulfing my cock, even if there's no one there. Freaked by this, I scramble back in my bed until my back is against the bedrest.

"HEY!" I shout as I feel her starting to ride me now. Where she's bouncing up and down on my cock as she starts to ride me.

For a moment I don't do anything as I can't believe how this feels. I mean, I feel the wetness, the tightness, even the brief uncomfortable way that my dick goes the wrong way at one point. And as crazy as it sounds, I remember doing this exact sex position with someone. Where I was sitting up against the bedrest while she rode me.

"Stop!" I shout, rolling over until I fall off the bed. Despite the feeling of being ridden, there's no body weight to push off, so when I roll, I fall off the bed hard as I put extra force.

Feeling rather vulnerable as I've just cum, I use my hands to hold my cock, expecting someone to grab it. But as I stand in the corner, nothing grabs my cock or any part of me. Once again I'm in my dark, empty, quiet room.

Not knowing what else to do, I walk towards the blanket that is still piled in the corner. The blanket rests there, looking like a normal blanket. There's no shape under it, nor does it move. If anything it looks like it needs to be washed.

Acting as if there's a wasp's nest under it, I grab at a corner of the blanket and pull hard, fully expecting something to come charging out of it. But the blanket sails across the room, where it smacks the wall and falls to the ground. No ghost figure, or haunting noises or anything. And why should there be? It's just a blanket.

Laughing a bit in relief, I go into the bathroom and clean myself up as I still have cum all over. Again I remind myself that I've been drugged, or that this is just the result of me being overly tired. That there isn't a ghost or anything trying to fuck me.

Going back into the bedroom, I plop back into my bed. This time I fall face first, where no one would be able to access to my cock. So even if there is something here, it's not going to get anyone cock from me tonight.

"What the hell?" I say as I feel a tingling on the tip of my cock a few moments later. I'm currently lying face down, where my dick is pressed against the bed. It's in a location no one could reach, not even me, yet it feels like someone is touching it.

"No. No way," I say a bit in shock as I feel what that tingle is. It's the lips again. It feels like someone is giving my limp cock another blowjob. But that's impossible.

Turning over, I grab my now stiffening cock in my hand. There I shake it about, trying to make it stop feeling whatever it's feeling. As I do this, the feeling does indeed stop, but it also makes me stiffen up even more as my dick clearly likes the attention.

"OH HELL," I moan as I feel the unique feeling of my cock sliding back into that nice, warm pussy. A pussy that is so tight and warm that my eyes actually flutter as I moan. My body does sort of a spasm, not allowing me to move as the woman begins to ride me, immediately bouncing on me hard and fast.

"I-I-Impossible," I stammer out as the invisible woman rides me. Up and down she goes, raising off my cock only to sit back down on it to engulf me in that pussy. It's such intense pleasure that I don't even try to fight it. Sure, my cock is tired, but it's not spent yet. And no one could refuse this pussy. No one.

Faster and harder the feeling gets, making me moan louder and louder. I've not felt any pussy like this since what's her name. The one that died. Oh, how her pussy would milk my cock, just like this one. Where you could feel how badly she wanted cock.

"I...I'm...I'm going to cum!" I announce to the room, as if whatever is doing this can't tell. I hadn't noticed but I started to thrust my hips up as the force slams down, making my cock feel like it goes deeper inside the pussy.

My body spasms as I cum. My cock erupts, shooting out stream after stream of cum. It's not as much as before, but damn it, does this feel good. And like before, my cum shoots out and onto my hips and balls, showing that there really is no one here. That there's no pussy for it to go into.

"O-O-Ok, stop," I pant as the force keeps riding me, even if I've cummed. After a few moments of this, the pleasant feeling turns rather painful as my cock tells me its done. That it can't handle anymore pleasure for the night.

To this I slide to the edge of the bed, as the force doesn't stop. After telling it to several times, it doesn't listen and keeps going. As I do this, I'm still surprised that I feel no weight, even if I'm being ridden.

Standing up once I reach the edge, I look at my bed. I stare at it as cum drips off me, wondering what the fuck is going on. Only my drunk mind doesn't seem to want to focus on that. What it focuses on is how clean the bed is. That the sheets look like new.

Squinting my eyes, I consider something that I should have addressed earlier. That bitch threw her blood at me and on the bed. That there should be spots of blood...somewhere. But there's not. Not only that, but there's also no cum. I've erupted twice, yet there's not a single cum stain from it on the bed. It's like the bed ate everything.

"I...Yeah, fuck this," I say, backing out of the bedroom. The thought that the bitch cursed my bed does pop in my head, but shit like that doesn't happen. What's more likely is that I'm drugged. That this is all in my head.

"Could be worse," I mutter to myself as I walk, as getting your cock serviced isn't really a curse. I've very much enjoyed cumming twice as I have. Totally makes up for not getting laid tonight.

Entering one of my guest rooms, I check the bed to see if there's any shape under the blanket. This time I run my hands over the bed just to make sure. When it appears to be normal, I then look under the bed to make sure there's nothing there. Then I check the bed again, wanting to make sure I don't feel anything.