All Comments on 'Gloria's Daughter Ch. 03'

by IanSaulWhitcomb

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
A very human story

Sexy and heart warming at the same time.

Wang4Wang4over 9 years ago
Very good story BUT"...........

Mr ISW: Wanted to complete this story before commenting. I really enjoyed the 3 characters you introduced most of all. The story's plot came in second. It was out of the ordinary and held my interest until the very end. While I enjoyed the happy ending, you either intentionally or not left me hanging in one significant respect. How did the daughter do in replacing her mom? How did the experience affect her mentally? Did she have to be rescued? What happened to Stanford since she would have exceeded a normal break? Closure on 2 characters and zero on one

Still the "good" really outweighs the bad. Thanks


IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 9 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (A very human story)

I really appreciate your use of the word "human." It nicely sums up what I was going for in the story. Thanks for picking it out of all the things you might have said, and thanks for the other compliments as well!

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 9 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback, critical as well as complimentary. Your point about Kaylee is a very fair one, and while I didn't intend to leave anyone with the sense of unsatisfactory loose ends, I did deliberately stop with full knowledge of there being more story left untold. For me, this one is Denny and Gloria's story, with Kaylee in the role of a major supporting character. In contrast, I think what comes next would really be Kaylee's story, with Denny and Gloria in the supporting roles. So I felt I'd reached the end of a dramatic unit, and that continuing on directly might produce a more meandering, open-ended serial than I wanted.

I'm definitely interested in where things go for all three characters, though, and a sequel is certainly a possibility. But if and when I write it, it will be its own story, and I'll want to have a strong vision of what to put in it. I hope that's not too disappointing an answer for those who want to know what else happens in these people's lives.

Thanks again for your thoughtful response!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Seems like there is more to the story needing to be told ..... we like the people want to see how it worked out.

Argonaut_1975Argonaut_1975over 9 years ago
Very well written

As others have said, very human characters in a very weird situation but a very good story. 5/5 from me.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 9 years agoAuthor

Thanks, Argonaut_1975! Weird situations are kind of my specialty.

PornGoddess2PornGoddess2over 8 years ago
Yep - strange but good

I have to say i'm curious as to What Happened Next.

But sometimes knowing that is good, and sometimes it's Not Good.

I've read a couple of sequels that definitely should never have been committed - not "published", they were definitely committed - i don't think you'd give us one of those, but one never knows.

Anyway - great story, definitely five stars.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 8 years agoAuthor

Everyone lived happily ever after!

PornGoddess2PornGoddess2over 8 years ago
If everyone lived happily ever after...

...i wanna READ about it.

Maybe Denny could ... ahem ... go into "management"?

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 8 years agoAuthor

Well, there's a published version of this story with a slightly different ending that I think wraps everything up a little more fully. I never rule out the possibility of coming back to a set of characters, though. Who knows what the future might bring ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Loved it!

It's official. You are now my favorite author. Kudos and bravo!

This is the fourth piece of your work that I have read, and I cannot adequately express how much I enjoy and appreciate your work and the obvious process by which you write. I care about your characters and like them. Most importantly, I enter the worlds that you create and enjoy the ride of learning what happens there. Honestly, the characters and events of all four would almost certainly have put me off if written by another author, but I get the impression that you want to take on challenging work. Either way, I tip my hat to you, sir.

I thought this was the third piece, originally, so now I am a little anxious and saddened that there might be nothing of yours left on this site to read. Can you state here where this and other work is published? I actually have a reason to create an account and contact you directly if I need to in order to find more of your work.

Before I go, I didn't think that many (male) clients would see the same woman for ten years, and therefore, Dennis was likely to be the only club member. It feels like Gloria would actually establish those rules, though. They make sense, and she would still have the discretion to grant membership selectively, but her revelation felt like she made up a lie when she wanted to discontinue the use of condoms with Dennis. Of course, that isn't what you wrote, but I wanted her to say (/add) that Dennis was the only club member instead of leaving the implication that the club didn't exist.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 8 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (Loved it!)

Thank you so much for the high praise and the comment about Gloria's ten-year-club rule.

I agree that it was a bit deceptive of Gloria to frame the ten-year-club rule as she did. But I think she chose that route because she couldn't admit to Denny how she felt about him, and probably couldn't fully admit it to herself. Also, I think she told herself that Denny would figure out the truth and it would be a sort of "nudge, nudge, wink wink," game between them to keep up the facade. That said, I can see why it would bother you.

Literotica is pretty strict about authors promoting their commercial work on the site. (Something that I actually appreciate as a reader.) But you can find my blog on my profile and go there to learn more about me and all my stories.

Also, I think you can send anonymous feedback to any user from the Contact tab of the profile, as long as they've enabled it. You just have to include your own email in the message if you want a reply.

Thanks again, and good reading to you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good story

Wow, I wasn't really looking for literature coming here, but you have it nailed. Plot , character development, seemingly impossible twists and to top it all off; steamy hot sex. Thank you for a very enjoyable afternoon and your erudition !

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 7 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (Good story)

I'm really glad you liked it, and even more appreciative that you took the time to comment!

Not sure my high school creative writing teacher would agree that it's literature, but it's nice to know that someone does.


TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago
A good and unorthodox love story

Obviously unorthodox love story in the eyes of society in general, but a very good story after all.

I see that I was not wrong in my first opinion, maybe the story did not develop as I thought, but if it ended as I imagined, Denny and Gloria end up together and Kaylee fully accepts Denny, even in her bed.

What strange things can cause the love!.

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet), is not my native language.

Ramjet75Ramjet75over 7 years ago
Excellent !

An interesting twist at the 3rd Chapter and I really liked it.

And I find it possible this could happen so it really works for me.

Well Done Sir.


IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 7 years agoAuthor
Nice to Hear From Both of You Again!

@TheOldRomantic: The original "zany comedy" outline that I had in mind when planning the story would have ended a little more like your prediction, believe it or not! But as the story developed, and as Denny's relationships with Gloria and Kaylee grew more complex in my head, I couldn't see any ongoing likelihood of Denny and Kaylee continuing a sexual relationship. It didn't seem to fit for me. But I'm glad it worked out well for you, even if not quite as you imagined. That happens to me all the time when I'm writing!

@Ramjet75: I'd like to think the world has a good number of Glorias and Dennies in it ... people who are kind-hearted yet perverse! But I certainly see lots of evidence of people like Kaylee: also very good at heart, but more uptight and sharper around the edges. A real world full of Kaylees would be good enough for me, I suppose. I'd also like to thank you for emailing me about The Inn. The system didn't include your email address, so I couldn't reply directly, but I'm always glad to hear that one of my stories catches someone strongly enough for them to binge-read the whole thing.

Thanks for all the thoughtful feedback, both of you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Liked it

I liked it more than I thought I would once I thought I knew where this was going. It's well written, and I like the premise for what it is. But I feel like it would work better on a romance-level if he didn't have sex with the daughter. That's probably just my monogamous proclivity speaking though.

At any rate, still a well written story. Congratulations! As I said before, you should write more along the same vein.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 6 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (Liked it)

Thanks for letting me know how the story ended up for you. I get that the resolution of the sexual triangle with Kaylee isn't necessarily the most pure-hearted romantic plot twist I might have come up with, but the whole story arose from the idea of Denny ending up in bed with Kaylee through no fault of either of them, and I'm not sure how I would have resolved it if I hadn't followed through on that. Originally, I expected it to be more of a farce/comedy-of-errors and less of a true romance, but the characters became a lot more real for me as the story progressed. I suppose if I'd conceived of it as a genuine love story right from the start, I might have plotted it out very differently. But that's kind of how I work ... come up with a focal idea, put some characters in it, and then let the characters pull me and the story in whatever direction feels most right.

JasonRTaylorJasonRTaylorover 6 years ago
Wonderful and Tragic and Complete

You did a really good job following these characters till they brought you - and us - to a conclusion that makes sense. Even if is sucks that it had to happen that way yada yada yada... it makes sense, because of who Gloria is and who Denny is and even who Kaylee is. I genuinely believe you when you say that your characters lead you.

Another 5 star story, thanks for writing.


IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 6 years agoAuthor

I’m really glad you enjoyed it and appreciated the ambivalent ending. When I took this version and fixed it up for publication, I went less dark, and was happy with how that turned out ... but I like this original ending too, and it’s nice to know others see the merit in it. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I've read thousands of stories on Literotica, and I doubt I have read better than IanSaulWhitcomb when it comes to language. I'm talking about grammar, spelling and especially paragraphing. I was used to one speaker per paragraph, no quote marks at end if the same speaker carried on to the next paragraph, change of paragraph when change of subject, etc. When started reading Literotica some years ago, I had to let that go. With ISW, it's all back. Nice! Use of language is nearly perfect.

Characters - wow! You had 3 -- Dennis, Gloria, daughter. That became 5 with the addition of "Brandy" and Dennis roleplaying her lover. Then 2 more with Demanding Dennis and Dick Dennis. Someone who IRL (in real life) could play 4 roles as well as Dennis, might put Tom Cruise to shame. Gloria had similar acting skill. Which is all really ISW's skill. Does this mean he could write scripts for movies/plays?

Plot. The plot that turns training a neophyte whore into being an act of caring and love -- what!?! Clever. The idea of the compassionate whore, loving john, and daughter-sacrificing-to-be-a-whore is probably wildly improbable IRL, but it sure fits Literotica. The way this plot was carried out, including the wonderful dialog, was magnificent.

The writing and storytelling was so good, as I read I thought I might read this author no matter what he writes. Like a trip with scenery and sights so great you don't care where you're going. Then I looked at the Submission page. Oops. I do not read Transexual/Crossdressing, period. Normally do not read SciFi/Fantasy, with some exceptions especially for worlds where disease (for example) has killed most males -- because of the lucky male survivor-fuckers. Interracial, probably not unless referred specifically to a great story. This nixes most ISW submissions. But the scenery and sights were so good on this trip, maybe I'll be enticed to a destination I would not normally care for.

The thought that this story is unfinished never occurred to me until I read the comments.

Paul in Oklahoma

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 5 years agoAuthor
@Paul in Oklahoma

Well, I'm sorry my submission list turned out to have so many of your not-favorite genres in it, but if you end up trying any of the others, I hope the exploration pleasantly surprises you! I'm a big fan of use of language and tight plotting myself, so most of them have those characteristics going for them, at least. OTOH, not everything is for everyone -- for instance, one of my best friends was unable to even finish IMAGCASM due to its very weird content.

Thank you very much for letting me know how well you liked the story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very original and nicely developed

What a unique and exciting story! I'm incredibly impressed. And it's a relief to read erotica which is well-written (no misspellings, no grammatical groans) and consistently developed.

Bravo! Hope you keep writing for us.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 5 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (Very original and nicely developed)

Thanks! I was an English major and have spent about thirty years doing one form of professional editing or another, so I feel obligated to get certain things right. (Although every once in a while something gets by me ... writing is hard!)

I really appreciate hearing that I've made an impression on that score, and comments like yours give me a nice warm feeling inside.

Happy holidays to you!

maddictmaddictover 4 years ago
It must be difficult to

Worse than cuckholding, to let her be payed by any other men, after all of your lessons.

HOW could you.

I do love these lines, it sums up a woman's body very well.

South of that face and north of those legs, her ass swelled the confining white fabric of her shorts to water-balloon smoothness: taut and full and curved as though the laws of physics could not allow any other shape.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 4 years agoAuthor

Well, the question ultimately is whether the person is worth it to you, which I think in Denny’s case was obviously true.

Glad you liked the water-balloon description!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


Thanks for sharing ;-)

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombover 2 years agoAuthor

@Anonymous (WAUW!)

: )

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