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At the very last moment, Cindy moves a little and I see Tina in the hallway, looking around for me. Only she doesn't look in this direction. And since her natural act is to ignore Cindy, she doesn't look in her direction. She doesn't look into this classroom.

Then the classroom door is shut, leaving nothing but blackness except for the light coming in from the tiny window next to the door. This tiny bit of light leaves me too as the person drags me deeper into the classroom.

A light is turned on and when it is, the weapon pressed against my neck is finally removed. The light isn't from the overhead lights but from a lamp behind me. It's a bright light, but only manages to light up a small part of the large classroom. In a state of shock, my eyes adjust and I see Cindy and another figure standing in front of me.

"M-M-Mark?" I ask, not comprehending what I'm seeing. It's Mark who is standing next to Cindy. It was Mark who had the knife pressed against my throat, threatening to kill me. It was Mark who kidnapped me.

Mark is BreakorElmerHigh?! No way. That can't be. Alex talked very highly about the guy. Said how fit he was, how strong, how smart. Mark is the opposite. And she would have known it was him. She would have taken off running at the first sight of him.

"And C-Cindy?" I add on as she looks at me. Both of them have a very sick, perverted-looking smile on their faces. It makes me think of the smile a spider would have to a trapped fly that it is about to rape.

"I see whomever told you about Breakor, didn't tell you the correct spelling. It's not with an "o," it's with a zero," Mark says. I hear this, but it doesn't register what he means. An "O"? A zero. What the fuck is he talking about? What is going on?

Then my brain makes the connection and knowledge hits. It hits like a punch to the gut, making me feel not just scared, but gutted. Like I'm the dumbest person ever to have lived.

I messaged the wrong guy. I had the username wrong. I messaged a fake account. This entire time, I had been talking to Mark or Cindy, instead of the real person. I've been catfished.

The extent of how far they have gone to hits me now. They made that account, hoping for this exact mistake. How long have they been waiting for someone to make this mistake? Months? Years? My gosh...they are evil.

"Now, how about we NOT do the trivial bullshit?" Mark states as if we both know what's going on. Like he's already annoyed by this and just wants to get into it.

"We know everything. We have the chat logs to prove it. Chat logs as well as an IP address that links to your house, which that fancy college of yours would love to hear about since such talk can be considered...immoral behavior," Mark states in that annoyed manner.

"That is one of their clauses right? Any student can be suspended or expelled due to immoral behavior or moral failings, right?" Mark asks, showing he's researched my college and their bylaws.

For a moment I think my legs are going to give out. I haven't just been tricked, I've been fucked over. These two must have gone through an extreme amount of work in order to do this. They planned this all out. This is not some quick, fly-by-night plan, but one crafted and thought out. And that terrifies me horribly.

"What do you want?" I ask softly, my entire world being flipped upside down. Instead of a fun, kinky afternoon of skipping classes, I'm now in blackmail hell. Where I'm basically helpless to the two nastiest people in school. Who knows how much money I'll be forced to give them to keep them quiet.

"Here," Cindy interrupts before Mark can speak. She tosses a balled up black garbage bag at me, which I'm able to catch. Looking at it, I find myself very confused as I don't get why she would give me a trash bag.

"Take off your clothes and put them in the bag. Shoes and socks too. Everything. Even that girlie hair band. Want you naked as a cheap, happy-hour whore," Cindy instructs, her voice sounding gleeful as she motions to my clothes.

All I can do is stare at Cindy as I hold the empty trash bag. I blink over and over, thinking that this has to be a joke. That she's about to break into laughter and tell me she's joking.

Cindy wants me to get naked? Why? Why in the world would she want that? It doesn't make any sense. Even if she's lesbian or bi, she would know just how horrible this would be to experience since she's a woman too. Why would she do this to me?

"But...why?" I ask, so very confused. I can feel the blood draining out of my face at how helpless and scared I feel. The thought of actually getting naked for these two is something I'm not even sure I can do.

Cindy begins to laugh an honest laugh, but quickly puts her hand into her mouth to stop herself. She does this clearly because she doesn't want to be too loud. We are, after all, still in school. If we are too loud, someone will come and investigate.

Remembering this makes me want to start screaming so someone will come and save me. But I don't for the clear reason that if I did, I'm screwed. If they get caught, they will turn over all that they have to the college, ruining my life. There would be no way to stop them.

"Why not?!" Cindy finally answers in a rather sociopathic manner. She then smiles that perverted smile of hers, which shows that I'm not sure I want the answer.

"Remember Cunt, if you don't do what we want, or take too long, that makes us mad. If we get mad, we make up punishments. So when we tell you to get your fucking clothes off, you better take your -" Mark starts to say, in a deeper tone than he normally uses.

"Alright damn it," I say, annoyed and angry, just wanting him to shut up. The fear I felt changes and morphs into a rage I've not felt before. Never have I been so pissed off yet scared. Of all the people in the school that could do this to me, why is it them? I would take anyone else, even the damn VP.

"Damn right you are gonna do it. Now get those titties and that cunt out. I've bet Mark $20 that a whore like you shaves her pussy," Cindy states in her trademark gross manner. Only now it isn't just harmless but scary as she holds so much power over me.

My mind searches for a way to get out of this. Of something to tell them when would end this. But I doubt anything would work. Not so much because of Mark, but because of Cindy. I'm actually quite sure I could flirt a bit with Mark and get him wrapped around my fingers, but not Cindy. As strange as this statement might be, but she has big dick energy at the moment and is damn scary.

With my lip quivering, I take a couple of step backs and slip out of my shoes. I go slow, as if some new plan with pop in my head at any moment. That I'll be able to think up something.

Once my shows are off, I peel off my socks, but then I pause as I get a weird feeling. This feeling is like someone staring at me. Where you just feel watched, but by someone that you don't know is there.

Looking up, I see that Cindy has her cell out and is recording me. I know this because I can clearly see the red light on her cell. Her cell is aimed right at me, and her eyes focused on the screen, watching what is happening.

"W-Wait a second," I protest. I hold my hand out, about to demand that she put the phone away. That I never agreed to any sort of filming. That I won't let them film me removing a damn thing.

"Look Cunt, we have no issue hurting you," Cindy tells me bluntly. When she says this, her voice changes. This may sound stupid or weird, but the voice that comes out of her sounds like her real voice. That the voice she's always used before was fake, meant to put people at ease and not think she was crazy. Almost like it was meant to make us think she was human.

"If you make us mad, we'll not just strip you, but throw you bound and gagged in a biker bar," Cindy threatens, sounding like she fully means this. That she would have no issue at all leaving me to get gangbanged and possibly murdered in such a manner.

"In fact, why don't you tell the camera that you are about to show off your titties and pussy," Cindy states, her eyes getting wild as she gets drunk on power. They seem to beam and get glassy at the same time, again revealing that she's utterly crazy.

Even through I don't see the screen, I can tell she's zooming in on my face. That she wants to see the fear and heartbreak in my eyes when I say what she wants. In fact, I am pretty sure she is trying to mind-break me.

I turn to look at Mark, thinking that this may be too much even for him, but I'm wrong. He's watching this with a wide smile. The sort of smile that perverts get when one woman dominates another poorly. And to make this even worse, I see his shorts tenting to reveal his has an erection.

"I..." I say, my heart pounding hard as humiliation washes over me. This humiliation prevents me from saying anything more as I know this video is going to end up somewhere I don't want it to go.

Am I really going to do this? After all, all I have to do is scream and I'll be saved. When my saviors arrive, I'll tell the truth, that they are blackmailing me. They'll no doubt go to jail. Not just because of the blackmail, but for the sexual assault.

If I do that, it'll come out what I was after. Those chat logs will probably become public. If that happens, there's no way the college would take me. It'll be the end. It'll follow me around like a bad smell.

"I'm about to show my t-t-titties and p-pussy," I announce, knowing my future depends on this one sentence. As I say it, I feel the heat on my face build as well as my body shrink.

Cindy laughs at this and grunts something in response like, "damn right you are." Right after saying this, something weird happens. There's an electric tingle between my legs. A special tingle at that. The same sort of tingle I normally get when I thought of the fantasy that was to happen to me.

With a deep breath, I try not to think about what I'm doing. That I just need to get it over with. That's how I get my fingers to unclasp my skirt.

When I do, my skirt falls to the ground, leaving me in my black, lacy panties that I wore special for today. These panties are high cut on the hip, which shows off all of my legs. And of all the people that could see me wearing it, it has to be the two biggest perverts ever.

Not saying anything, I pick up the trash bag and shove my skirt in it. Then I put my shoes and socks in the bag as well.

I want to ask why they are making me put my clothes in a trash bag, but I don't. I know Cindy is looking for any reason to fuck with me, so if I ask this, she'll do something worse. Also, I'm pretty sure why, which is to humiliate me and make me feel like garbage.

My eyes begin to tear up as I grab the bottom of my top. The feeling of wanting to do this very thing as well as not wanting to do it has made me both angry and scared. But there's not much I can do. I really have no choice. So I lift up the front of my top. When I do, both of the evil bastards can see my matching lacy black bra. More than that, they can see just how large my chest is.

"I thought you might have been lying about the size of your sweater meant, but damn, you weren't," Mark says now. I don't say anything to this, especially how stupid the term "sweater meat" sounds. Instead I stuff my top into the trash bag, feeling incredibly helpless as I'm only in my bra and panties.

"They aren't that big," Cindy says defensively. It's rather strange that I can hear the hurt in her voice when she says this.

It's now that I notice I've never wondered about Cindy's bust size. Sure, I've wondered about the bust size for many girls. It's a stupid, silly competition thing that I know most girls must do. Where you look at other women and try to compare in hopes your tits are bigger. But I've never done that for Cindy. Never wanted to.

Looking at her now, I see that she does in fact have a large bust. Only she's a big girl overall. Big and tall. For her, her boobs are proportionate to her body. But I have a feeling she is bigger than I am. Probably bigger than most of the girls here.

"She's big enough," Mark remarks, staring at my chest hard. There's no chill in him at all, making it easy to see why he's probably never been laid without paying for it. He stares at my cleavage with an open mouth, to which I'm sure drool will come out soon. I'm surprised he hasn't taken his dick out and started to masturbate.

"Fuck that. Those aren't tits. THESE are tits," Cindy declares in an angry tone. She then puts the cell down and lifts up her shirt and bra. She lifts both up high, exposing her bare breasts to Mark and myself.

It may be the overall strangeness of this scene that makes this feel very powerful, or it could be just how big that she really is that makes me pause. Wow. She is rather...huge. Her breasts are massive. It's just her frame covers them so you don't notice. Also, I don't think she's ever worn anything but baggy t-shirts.

If I had to guess, I would say she's a GG cup. Hell, her tits may weigh more than I do. And what's super surprising is that they are firm. Really firm. You would think from a girl like her they would hang down to her knees, but no. Cindy has the best breasts I think I've ever seen.

I oddly feel not just humiliated but inadequate. For a moment I almost feel jealous of Cindy for having breasts like that. But thankfully, she lowers her shirt to put them away, but the smirk on her face is a very knowing one. It seems to scream that she knows her tits are better than mine, even if guys would go after me instead of her.

For a moment, I feel very strange towards Cindy. I feel so small and stupid compared to her now, which I know is silly. Yet she's the one confident and in charge, while I am scared and worried. She's strong and big while I'm weak and small. There's another emotion that I feel now. It feels really strange because it makes me tingle in that unique way. It almost feels like I think that she's better than me. That she's in control, and I'm helpless because of it.

"Well? Get those titties out," Cindy says very crudely, as if I'm taking all day. She's very much worked up, which concerns me a great deal. In this mood, who knows what she might do. Especially now that she's shown her tits are better than mine.

I bite my lip, feeling Cindy's and Mark's eyes on me. My trembling hands then move behind my back, which makes me feel like I can't breathe. Despite feeling weird, I force myself to do this because I have a feeling if I don't, Cindy may actually attack me. That she'll grab at my bra and yank to ragdoll me until it comes off.

My bra clasp snaps open as my fingers work it. Instantly my breasts loosen as the bra no longer presses against them tight. For a moment I hold my bra in place, noting that this is the last moment I have to do something before showing them something so private.

I allow my bra to slide down my arms, where my breasts become fully exposed to the two perverts. And when they do, I see Mark's face brighten up, as if this is the best day of his life. It's such a humiliating feeling that it makes my nipples harden.

"In the bag, come on, throw it away," Cindy prompts, making no comment about my bare breasts. I thought she would have said come crude comment about them, but she's not. It's clear she wanted to see them, but now they are out she's acting like she doesn't care. So strange.

Red faced, I put my bra into the trash bag as I feel my tits jiggle all about. I can feel how hard my nipples are, driven by the weird arousal I feel. Never before have my breasts felt so huge and heavy, and I have the feeling that's because people I never wanted to see them are looking.

"Ahhh, are we embarrassed? That why those nipples are hard?" Cindy taunts, then laughs a shrill laugh. This hits hard as it feels like she can read my mind, or rather my emotions.

But then I remember that they were the ones on the other side of the messages I sent out. They both know exactly what my kinks are, in which one is very much sexual humiliation. So the big bitch is going to use that against me if I like it or not.

"You know what? Shake them, bitch. Shake those big titties for us," Cindy orders, making me close my eyes as I get so mad.

One of the things I had requested, which I now regret, is that my "rapist" would make me do silly humiliating tasks. To do things that would be embarrassing for no reason other than to laugh at me. And one of the examples I gave was having to shake or bounce my breasts as it's always felt weird to feel them move in such a manner.

"Cindy please. You made your point," I say in a soft voice, trying to relate that I know what she's doing. That this is what I asked for and she's using it against me. But I try to let her know that this doesn't need to happen. The two of them have already won. They are seeing my tits for goodness sakes.

"For that, you can instead bounce those big things hard," Cindy states, her smile fading as if not liking that I'm not doing what she's ordered. At this, I look at Mark to see if he's going to say anything about this, but he is still staring at my tits with wide eyes.

Earlier I thought Mark was the one in charge out of the two, but I was wrong. Cindy seems to be the one in charge. It makes me wonder what their relationship is. As far as I know, they aren't dating or anything. Even now, they don't seem to have a relationship that seems physical in any way. I wouldn't even think they would be friends because they are both so crude. Normally people like that can't stand each other.

I prepare myself to do as she wants as if I wait much longer, she'll do something physical. So I hop a few times, causing my breasts to bounce. I keep my hands under my breasts when I do this, sort of cupping them without cupping them. I do this because to really let them bounce is rather painful. Holding them like this protects them in a way.

"That's bullshit bitch. Hands on your head, and jump high," Cindy damn near hisses, as if I'm pissing her off on purpose.

I find that I instantly do what she wants. My hands move to the top of my head like I'm being arrested. Then I hop again, only this time with more force. And I do it all in under a second.

My breasts bounce hard as I do this. I see them rise into my eyesight at the cusp of my jump, then they crash down, slapping against me right after my feet land with a clapping sound. Over and over I do this, my breasts aching as they've have always been so incredibly sensitive. They've never moved like this before which is extremely embarrassing and arousing.

"Come here, now. Bring that sweet pussy to me," Cindy orders, her voice so freaking lewd. The way she talks you would think she's the gross homeless guy catcalling every woman that passes by him, where he threatens to sexually abuse everyone while touching himself.

"C-C-Cindy, please. Let's...let's...talk about-" I start to beg as I stop bouncing and walk towards her. My steps are rather fast for some reason, probably because my heart is pounding so hard. I feel so overwhelmed, where I'm grossed out and humiliated while at the same time aroused.

I don't even get all my words out before Cindy reaches over and yanks down my panties. She does it so rough and hard too. It actually hurts the way she pulls them down as it feels like they scrape my skin. There's just so much hate in her.

"Told you the bitch shaves," Cindy grunts after doing this, my womanhood fully exposed to them now. Mark cranes his neck to look at me, for some reason not getting up from where he's sitting on a desk.

"Come on, show me," Mark whines, acting as if he's not able to see. Cindy then grabs my hips in a very firm grip and turns me to face him. Her hands feel so large on my smaller frame. It feels like she could pick me up, push me into a ball and throw me.