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I stare at Mark as he sees my naked body. Worst of all, I keep my hands on top of my head, made to feel so submissive as I do. And his eyes eagerly drink in my pussy. Then his eyes move over every inch of me, especially my breasts and womanhood as if saving them to remember for the rest of his life.

I suddenly let out a loud, surprised whine as I feel my womanhood being assaulted. Cindy reaches down between my legs and spreads my lips apart for Mark. With no warning, she parts my sex to open me up, making me feel beyond cheap and tawdry. And she's exposing my insides for Mark of all people.

"Stand up straight, don't make me mad! And shut up," Cindy barks as she parts me open more. With my eyes watering more, I do as she wants and stand up straight without saying anything more.

"No, please," I whine as Cindy's strong hands whip me about so I'm now facing the other way. All I see is the back wall as she turns me, letting both of them see my bare ass now. A moment later, I feel her spreading my ass cheeks, wide. With a great deal of force she parts them apart, again exposing my most private places for the two of them. She's just so rough doing this too so it makes it not just violating but painful as well.

"Damn. Just, damn," Mark says in awe. Hearing his appreciation doesn't exactly make me feel any better. For some reason I can picture him starting to masturbate at any moment. Especially if he's turned on by a woman dominating another woman as Cindy is doing.

"Step out of them," Cindy orders as she pulls on my panties that are around my feet. Slowly as I feel shellshocked, I lift one foot, then the other to which Cindy steals them.

I'm now completely naked. No clothes at all. Naked to the two biggest perverts on the planet.

Cindy then yanks on my hair, making me cry out again. Only I find she's not really yanking on it. She's pulling out my hairband. She takes it, making my hair hang free now, making me truly naked without any sort of clothes on.

"Turn around and put your hands behind you," Cindy orders, but does it in a way that seems to imply that I'm going to do it. That she knows I won't disobey.

For a long moment, I don't move. It's not much but it's the most I can do as protest. But like she knew I would, I do slowly turn while lowering my hands.

I feel as if I've been dropped into a different dimension. Cindy is just so...different. If I was doing what she was, I would fear that the victim would get the upper hand somehow, or that a teacher would come in. But that's not the way Cindy's acting. She's so demanding and mean that it feels like she knows nothing is going to happen. It's almost like she knows she could kill me and get away with it. It's intoxicating how dominating she's acting.

My hands aren't even fully behind my back when Cindy pulls my own panties over my head. She pulls them down hard and painful, making them almost like a mask to go over my head. And I'm sure it's on purpose she makes the crotch slide over my right eye, making it hard to see out of.

"There, now you look as stupid as you must feel," Cindy taunts and laughs. To my horror, she actually slaps my womanhood. Reaches back and open hand slaps my special place. The sharp pain I feel from it hits first before I hear the clap sound. And unable to help it, I bend over slightly as I feel the unique pain, looking her in the eyes as I do.

"W-W-Why?" I ask, unable to stop myself. My confusion and overwhelming emotions get the better of me and I have to know why in the world is she doing this to me? Why is she being so mean? And why me? What did I ever do to her to deserve any of this?

"Why?" Cindy asks in a mocking manner. Her face gets that smile again, the one that looks so damn perverted. It's like you can read the gross lewdness within her coming out.

"I never had Barbies because my parents were scared I would make them have sex in front of their friends. So I never got a doll to play with. Well, now, YOU are my Barbie to play with as I please," Cindy says in an excited manner.

I doubt she's saying the real reason, but the look on her face seems to tell me that it's the only answer I'm going to get. But she is telling the truth about one thing. She doesn't see me as a human being at all. I'm nothing more than a toy to her. Some sort of sex toy to play with and abuse.

"And for talking, go ahead and bounce those titties again. And tell Mark you are happy he can see your cunt," Cindy orders. She says this in a nonchalant manner, as if it isn't that big of a thing to demand.

To my utter horror, Cindy puts her fingers in my mouth. She does it so fast that I don't have time to react. If she wasn't so tall, I doubt she would have been able to do it so smooth. But now, she has two fingers in my mouth. They are deep in my mouth too, pushing down on my tongue while her other fingers presses on the bottom of my jaw like some sort of submission move. With them in my mouth, they are the only thing I can taste. Thankfully, they at least taste clean.

I don't dare say anything about this because if I do, I know she'll do something worse. Or she'll say something worse. Or make me do something worse.

It occurs to me, she still wants me to do as she said, but with her fingers in my mouth. I'm not sure how I can even do this, but I know I have to. Again, if I don't do it fast enough, I know she'll do worse.

Once again, I start to hop up and down. As I do, my breasts start to bounce. Like before, I make them bounce harder by arching my back as I hop, causing my tits to bounce much harder. Only this time I face towards Mark, looking at him completely while Cindy keeps her fingers in my mouth, making me feel extra stupid.

"I'm happy you can see my cunt Mark," I tell Mark, but it comes out garbled and muffled. I'm not even sure he can make out what I'm saying. But in the end, it doesn't matter. Mark looks like he just creamed himself as he stares at my breasts moving up and down. If someone ever needed the look of someone that thinks they died and went to heaven, his face would be it.

"Very good Barbie," Cindy mocks and finally removes her fingers. If I didn't think she would get mad, I would spit to get the taste and feeling of her fingers out of my mouth.

"For being such a good little cunt, I'm going to give you a present," Cindy states in a very evil manner.

"No! Wait!" I say as Cindy grabs the trash bag of my clothes. I almost run to her to try and get the bag back. But as weird as it will sound, I don't this because I wasn't told. My brain feels hardwired now that I'm not allowed to move unless she tells me to. Otherwise it feels like I'm cuffed to the spot, unable to move an inch with my hands behind my back.

It feels like I'm punched in the gut emotionally as Cindy opens the classroom window and pushes the bag out. She doesn't just push it out, but dumps it out, making sure all my clothes fall out of the bag. Each piece no doubt is on the ground now, feet away from the side-sliding window.

With the weather the way it is, my shoes will be fine and maybe my pants. Everything else is probably going to blow away with the wind. They will get blown away further and further from the school, to be found by who knows. Supposedly homeless like to hang out in the forest next to the school, so all I can think of is one of them finding my bra, laughing as they think some slut removed it to party at school.

All I want to do is ask Cindy "why." Why is she doing this. I've never been mean to her. Nor to Mark. So why are they doing this to me?

"I wanted to make this experience extra special, as I've never meet anyone in person that actually wanted to be raped," Cindy tells me when she returns to stand in front of me. To this, she pulls something out of her back pocket.

At first I think it is a handkerchief as it looks like a scrap of fabric. But then Cindy holds it out with both hands so I can see exactly what it is. When I do, I just sigh as I should have expected they would make an appearance, for she's holding what is clearly a pair of her panties.

Cindy moves behind me without saying anything and starts to wrap her panties around my wrists. She puts my hands though one of the leg holes but then starts to wrap them over and over my wrists.

As she binds my hands behind my back, all I want to do is defend myself and say I didn't want to be raped. But I know she said it to get under my skin, which it did. I have a feeling she knows what I was really after. And to that, she knows I wanted to feel sexually helpless and dominated.

"There. Nice and helpless like you were meant to be, right Barbie?" Cindy comments after doing something with the panties around my wrists so they feel tight. So tight that they may be cutting off my circulation.

"Ouch!" I whine as Cindy grabs a handful of my hand through the open leg hole of the panties on my head. She wraps her fingers around it hard and pulls. Using her strength, she easily makes me walk forward by my hair. I have a feeling if she wanted, she could lift me off the ground by just using my hair, which would be extremely painful.

"Start it, then it's my turn," Cindy tells Mark after she marches me over to him. I'm now just a foot from him, where he's close enough to touch me as I'm helpless to stop him. Completely helpless.

As gross as I find him and as scared as I am, I'm extremely aroused. I really am helpless and humiliated, but in a real way. Before, I was scared for whatever the mystery man was going to do, but I know it would have felt fake because I knew what was coming. That the domination and roughness wouldn't feel right because it was fake. But now as these two perverted fuckers treat me like a living sex doll, I feel real helplessness and humiliation, and oh, it feels good. Feels extremely scary, but it makes me feel like I could orgasm at any moment from how intense it is.

Mark reacts as if he just forgot everything in his life. He does a sort of kickstart reaction then looks around as if he's lost something. He then spots what he lost, which I believe is a box that's on one of the counters. Moving fast, much faster than I've even seen his large body move, he grabs the box. The box looks like a mailing box from any major store. Like it's filled with online orders, which can't be good.

"Want to know how we started this team?" Cindy asks, but she says it in a soft whisper that is inches from my ear. She's moved behind me, where she keeps her hands on my upper forearms, almost like she expects me to move or run. She's also pressed the front of her body against my back which for some reason feels even more dominating.

"Oh my," I say in shock as Mark opens the box and pulls out one of the items from inside. It's a damn vibrator. A curved pink vibrator, complete with the extra part that is meant to go to your clit. It's brand new as he has to take it out of the packaging too.

My body tenses up as it couldn't be clearer that he means to use that on me. That I'm about to violated by a sex toy. A sex toy controlled by Mark. Sure, it's better than his real sex toy, but it's not that much better. The pervert is going to get to molest me.

"Mark set up that account, hoping one day someone would fall for it," Cindy begins to explain as her hands hold me tight. With a goofy look on his face, Mark kneels in front of me so his face is eye level with my womanhood.

I yelp as Cindy moves her feet to the inside of mine, where she makes me spread my legs. She is so strong she makes me spread my legs by opening her up. She does this fast and hard, making me almost cry at how strong she is. It feels like she could rip my body parts off if she wanted.

"P-P-Please..." I stammer as I see how helpless I am. My hands tied behind me, held in place, and now my legs forced apart as a man inches a vibrator closer to my womanhood.

"And then some stupid bitch did fall for it. Some dumb, sex freak whore that couldn't wait to get some cock in her pussy," Cindy continues, obviously talking about me as my body trembles as the vibrator is a few inches away from my womanhood.

My eyes close as I feel the hard toy press against my opening. It presses against my sensitive and private place, parting my lips as Mark tries to position himself so he's more comfortable to do this. With it pressing firmly against me and my lips parting for it, he starts to push it in, to which Cindy holds me tighter.

I try to yell as Mark begins to violate me. To scream so someone will come in and end this nightmare. But it's not a scream that comes out. It's a moan. A deep, guttural moan of pleasure as I feel my sex being pushed apart as the foreign toy enters me. As I'm violated.

Mark actually has trouble pushing it in as I feel so tight, much tighter than normal. But I know he can see how wet I am. I've gotten so wet I can feel it leaking out of me the more he pushes it inside of me. This should make it easy for him to get it in, but my womanhood feels, I dunno, alive. That it wants to feel the hard object inside, creating that special friction.

"Not knowing what to do, Mark came to me. You see, we sometimes have a FWB relationship. Not that we've told anyone. Just a casual, whenever sort of thing. When I need a dick to suck, I'll call him up, or when I want my pussy licked, I make him do it," Cindy continues, to which my eyes start to roll softly as Mark pushes the sex toy deeper, making me moan more.

More moans escape me as the toy is pushed inch by inch inside me. It makes me feel feelings that I didn't know existed. It feels so hot while so humiliating. That I'm owned and am nothing more than a real life sex toy.

"Oh," I say in a very high pitched manner as I feel the toy go all the way it can go inside me. I know this because the small second arm now touches my clit, making me shudder as I find I want nothing more than for my clit to be rubbed.

Mark then pulls the vibrator down so it starts to move out of me. Again I moan from the emotions it makes me experience. From the arousal it pumps into me. The intense feelings it sends in me that I never knew I could feel. What makes this feel worse is how my womanhood longs to feel the toy back inside me as it is pulled out. That it needs to be pushed apart and used.

Right before Mark is to remove the vibrator completely out of me, he pushes it back in. A flood of humiliation is released at this, as in my head I tell myself that he's fucking me with that thing. That he's going to fuck my pussy with his sex toy and I'm going to have to take it.

"I hatched a plan. Said we could make her our own cunt to use, or ruin her life. Make her do whatever we wanted, for as long as we wanted. Mark wasn't sure about it. But you know what they say about men. They'll agree to anything if you have their dick in your mouth," Cindy says and then laughs her evil, perverted laugh.

Moan after moan comes out as Mark moves the vibrator in and out of me. He goes slow at first, but after each time he inserts it, he moves faster and faster. Sure, I've used sex toys before, but they've never felt like this. This feels so different. This feels like it isn't even a sex toy.

"I see you like him fucking your pussy with that thing, don't you? Like it all up in your cunt?" Cindy states so crude and lewd. Like it'll cause her pain not to be crude. But she's not wrong. I've taken to not just moaning, but rocking my hips when he pushes it all the way in me as an attempt to make it go deeper. I've actively started to help them molest me.

My eyes suddenly burst open as I feel what I shouldn't be feeling. And that's an orgasm coming. Not just any orgasm either, a real one.

Panic begins to build inside of me as I feel it. I've had orgasms before, but they weren't...I dunno, real. Sure they felt good, but not really fulfilling. This doesn't feel like that at all. It feels powerful and strong. Almost like it's a real orgasm and I've never had the real thing.

Of all people to make me orgasm, these two shouldn't be it. And it shouldn't be from this situation. This is horrible. This is evil. I should never, ever be able to feel this good from anything like this. I should never be able to cum from it.

"Turn it on," Cindy states in a demanding tone. A moment later, the sex toy seems to come to life. It starts to vibrate with a harsh and almost painful feeling. It makes it feel like it's a living thing that's been inserted inside my sex.

Any hope I had to stop my orgasm fades to zero. At these vibrations, the flood gates open and the waves of pleasure start. My body tenses and my back arches. My orgasm begins and I could no more hold it back than I could stop the earth from spinning.

The moment I moan that special moan, Cindy begins to laugh. She continues to hold me in place, but she laughs right in my ear to make sure I hear it. It's such a dominating laugh, like she knows what she's done to me. She knows that I've been made into her little bitch and is laughing at me because of it. That we both know I'm her doll now.

"W-W-What she's doing?" Mark asks very concerned as my moans get more intense. He is still moving the toy in and out of me but has slowed down. This makes me start to almost violently rock my hips to show I need more.

"She's cumming you idiot. Keep fucking her with the damn thing. Fuck that pussy and make her howl like the freak she is," Cindy barks at him.

Mark, having zero chill, moves the toy at super speed. Taking the news of my orgasm as some sort of signal to go as fast as he can, he starts to move the vibrator up and down extremely fast. Not just fast, but hard and rough, making it feel like he's jamming the thing as hard as he can inside me. It's extremely painful as well as violating, which makes my body seem to come alive.

My moans get very high pitched and fast at this. My eyes get wide and my body as stiff as a board. The waves of pleasure I feel come much faster and harder now. The speed and force of how he does it makes it feel like he's trying to ruin my vagina, which for some reason makes it even more arousing.

I cum hard in front of both of them as I'm molested by a sex toy. My orgasm is so damn strong that everything seems to disappear as I fade into those beautiful waves. The feeling of being helpless makes it very intense as my legs quiver and try to close them in reaction, but Cindy keeps them open. I even feel her hand over my mouth to prevent my moans from being heard.

"W-W-What?!" I stammer as I'm ripped out of my orgasm. And I do mean ripped. It's torn from me like cutting a kite line.

I feel at the top of my orgasm, riding it like a surfer riding a wave, when it is taken from me. Opening my eyes and panting, Cindy seems to have gone crazy. She pushes Mark so he falls on his side hard. It's clear he is in her way but instead of asking him to move, she forcefully makes him.

The next few seconds are a blur as the remains of my orgasm float over me, making me feel high. Cindy steps to me and forcefully removes the vibrator from me, yanking it out hard. Then, as if to punish me for orgasming, she actually slaps my womanhood again, which makes a strange, wet sound.

Hunching over, Cindy growls something at me but I can't make it out. She then yanks on my hair, making me think she's trying to rip it out for some reason. But when I crash into a wall, I see she was really making me walk. It's odd that she can grab my hair so easy when my panties are still on my head.

Confused as my mind refuses to work thanks to the orgasm, I see what Cindy does, but can't think much about it. She takes the vibrator that was in me and slams it into the wall. She slams the base of it into the wall, making the thing stuck. The sex toy now pokes out as if a man with a bright wet pink dick was on the other side of the wall.

Despite how out of it I feel, I recognize that it must have taken some power for her to slam into the wall like that. Sure, it's just sheetrock, but I don't think I could do that. And the thing looks really wedged in there too.