Grandma Ellie

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Ingenuous young man meets experienced older woman.
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Author's Note: Just a light, not to be taken seriously tale of a young man's education at the hands of an older woman. Fantasy fiction, willing suspension of disbelief recommended. No, make that required. Enjoy!


My grandmother Eleanor, or Grandma Ellie for short, is a 62 year old widow with mobility problems. My Grandpa Bob died about 3 years ago from a massive stroke. Ever since then my Mom has volunteered me to cut Grandma's lawn, wash her car, take out her trash and pretty much do anything else for her that my Mom deemed appropriate.

Which is how I ended up having sex with her. Believe me, it had been the farthest thing from my mind.

Actually, Grandma Ellie isn't really my biological grandmother. She and Grandpa Bob took in my mother after her parents, my real grandparents, were killed in an auto accident when my Mom was around five. They raised Mom but never adopted her. Like foster parents. But we all thought of her as Grandma, anyway.

I was over at her house on a nice summer afternoon, trimming her hedges and doing some other general gardening, at a time when I presumed she was at her weekly appointment with her physical therapist. I had keys to her house and thought nothing of letting myself in, to get tools out of the garage or basement, or to dig a cold drink out of her fridge when I'd worked up a thirst. And she always kept it well stocked.

So it was in one of those situations that I discovered Grandma Ellie's sex life hadn't died with her husband. Which, for a twenty-year-old college student who thought he was rather worldly, came as quite a shock.

I'd come in to get a drink and heard strange noises from upstairs. Since I didn't think anyone was supposed to be in the house, I decided to go investigate. It occurred to me that it might be a burglar, so I grabbed a large kitchen knife before I went up. I didn't say I was particularly smart about burglars. I eased up the stairs as quietly as I could, determining that the sounds were coming from down the hall, towards Grandma's bedroom.

The closer I got, though, the stranger the sounds seemed. There was the sound of some furniture rhythmically creaking, and repetitive moans of what sounded like pleasure. Plus, there was occasional muted talking, often emphatically. It sounded a lot like my upstairs flat-mate when he was banging his girlfriend.

Which was understandably confusing. Why would somebody break into Grandma's house, just to boff in her bed? It didn't make sense.

Deciding that caution was a very good idea when dealing with a couple of sex-crazed psychos, I eased up to the door and quietly opened it enough that I could sneak a peek in.

I sort of wish I hadn't. What I saw seared my retinas and changed my life forever. On the other hand, not all change is bad...

Grandma Ellie, the head of her bed to my left, was lying naked on top of the covers, ear buds in, watching a movie where a couple were fucking their brains out, while she was rapidly jilling between her legs with one hand and twisting one of her nipples with the other. The moans were definitely hers and she seemed pretty cranked up.

And she was completely oblivious to my presence. To this day, I can't tell you what possessed me to walk farther into her room, where I could see better, without alerting her that I was there. Maybe curiosity. Maybe morbid fascination. Maybe I was suddenly outrageously horny and the room reeked of sex.

Actually, probably the latter. I have been characterized by my sister as "a Horndog with a capital H." And my brother claims my porn collection is second only to the Library of Congress. But what would he know? Why would a bunch of stodgy, sexless old politicians need porn?

My mother has stated that I come by it honestly and my father just smiles and nods at what he calls my "pecker-dillos." The net result is that I stood there and watched Grandma get herself off to several crashing cums, and sprang a woody you could've thrown on a lathe and turned out a nice baluster.

Which meant, of course, that I needed to unzip my shorts and let him out to breathe. And stroke him a little bit. After all, he was already out.

Then, instead of doing the sensible thing and quietly backing out and closing the door while Grandma was coming down, my non-sensible horndog side took over. I'd never seen those two porn stars before, and they were pretty hot. So I walked over to look at the VHS slipcase to see who they were and pretty much gave Grandma a coronary.

"ARTHUR!!" she screamed, pulling at the covers to cover her nakedness. "What are you doing here???"

Now, mind you, I'd forgotten that my dick was out and mostly still hard, and I had a large kitchen knife in my hand. Recovering from that faux pas was not going to be easy. I suppressed my first instinct to run screaming from the room, and instead set the knife on the TV. Pretending to be sophisticated, I read the slipcase. All it said was, "Home Movies." I'd never heard of that title before. So I held it up as I turned to face her.

"Hi, Gram!" I smiled. "I've never seen this title before. Who are the actors?"

"Arthur!" she iterated. Most people call me Art or Arty. Or some less than complimentary names. She calls me Arthur. "What are you... Why are... Um... Arthur, those are private... Can't you read? Those are um, they're..." Her voice trailed off and I realized she was staring at my cock, which I'd neglected to put away.

"Oh! Sorry!" I told her as I put down the case and started to tuck myself back in.

"Oh, don't be..." she murmured. "You've grown into a rather well-endowed young man, Arthur. Is that impressive erection because of me?"

For some reason, I felt a sudden flood of embarrassment. I was aware of the heat in my face and ears. I decided she deserved the truth, though.

"Well, sort of..." I admitted. "You and that hot couple in the video." And all of a sudden, the dam burst on my mouth.

"I'm sorry, Gram," I started. "I was over doing the lawn and I came in to get a drink and I heard noises and I didn't think you were home and I thought maybe someone had broken in and I found you masturbating and I didn't know you did that but you looked awesome and the couple in the video looked really hot, too, and I got kind of excited and..."



"Take a breath!"

I did. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"That's better," she informed me. "The couple in the video are me and Grandpa Bob when we were younger, which is why the label says 'Home Movies' and why they are private and not for public consumption. And... are you still hard?"

She asked this last in surprise because even though put away, I was still rock hard and the tip was poking up past the waistband of my shorts.

"Um, yeah... sorry," I apologized. "I'm kind of a horndog," I added lamely.

"Arthur, come here," she directed me and like always, I did what I was told. When I got beside her, she sat up and grabbed my shorts, and pulled me to her.

I was stunned. Up close and personal, her naked body looked awesome. Not supermodel awesome. Just 'comfortable' awesome. Like a Paul Avril painting awesome. She was round and only a little wrinkly, with really huge breasts and big, dark nipples. Her hair was long and still blonde and she had it down, swirling around her.

I couldn't see her groin until she swung her feet over the edge of the bed to sit in front of me. I was surprised to see that she was shaved bare as a baby's bottom, and with her legs spread slightly, I could see what looked like a pretty good-sized clit peeking out.

She reached forward and undid my button and zipper, then dropped my shorts. She took advantage of the fact that, during the summer, I tended to go commando by grasping my shaft and pulling me to her mouth.

The next thing I knew, I was giving out a heartfelt moan as she tried to swallow most of me. And pretty well succeeded.

It had been too long. So it really wasn't my fault. It had been too long not getting a world-class blowjob from a partner who was really into it. It had been too long not getting any kind of blowjob. In fact, it had been too long not getting any kind of sex at all. Like, six months too long.

Which is pretty much why I came right away. Between Grandma Ellie's expertise and the pump already being primed, I unleashed a veritable torrent down her throat and she was lapping up every bit of it. When she finally sucked me dry and there wasn't any more jizz to get, she popped off my cock and looked up at me with pure lust in her eyes.

"Do you find this old lady's body distasteful, Arthur?" she asked.

"Oh, no! No way!" I exclaimed. "I mean, I'm... well, you're really hot! For um... Well..."

"For an old broad?" she prompted. "Arthur, my hips may be shot, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with what is between them! Get your face down there and finish what you interrupted!"

I didn't want to admit to her that I wasn't all that sure about what I was doing. My prior experience with oral was limited to two girlfriends, one of whom wasn't really comfortable with my face in her lap, considering it "dirty," and the other who, after 15 minutes or so of me trying to go down on her, suggested that perhaps we should be fucking instead.

So I tried the "fake it until you make it" school of sexual methodology. I had watched a lot of porn and had a general idea of what all the pieces and parts were. I think it was obvious that I was a rank amateur. In fact, using internet porn for instructional purposes is not recommended.

"Arthur, do you have any idea what you are doing?"

Her question, after I'd spent a few minutes fumbling around her vulva, licking and sucking whatever presented itself, was a strong indication that I didn't.

"Uh, no, Gram..." I answered her honestly. "I haven't really done this before." At least, not well, anyway, I added to myself. What followed was the best education of my life, since learning the patterns of the times-tables in grade school.

She introduced me to her mons, labia majora and minora, prepuce and glans of her clitoris, urethra, vagina and vestibule, perineal raphe and anus - and she taught me how to stimulate each one, both in general and in particular, the way she most liked it. I spent nearly an hour, first getting instructed, then practicing, and I actually got the knack for making her cum. Many times.

It was so cool!

The first time I made her cum, with two fingers in her and doing long strokes with my tongue from her urethra to her clit, I got all kinds of weird tingly feelings in my gut and I thought I might actually cum again, it was that intense.

The second, third and fourth followed in quick succession. I suppose Grandma would be considered multiorgasmic? Anyway, I was enjoying the hell out of making her respond.

Somewhere around number ten or twelve, she grabbed me by my ears and pushed me back and up off her pussy.

"I think... you've learned... your lesson... Arthur..." she told me in a very ragged voice and panting heavily. "How well... do you... fuck?"

"Better than oral," I told her honestly.

"Okay, then," she told me. "Come on up here and bury that big schlong of yours in me." She tugged on my ears a little and I got the idea.

I crawled up between her legs, hooking her knees with my elbows, lifting her legs as I got into position. She cooperated by lifting them even higher and putting them over my back. I rubbed my cock over her pussy, getting slathered in her juices. Then I lined up with her and buried myself in her ass.

"ARTHUR! THAT'S MY ASS!!" It wasn't exactly a scream, per se... but she was emphatic.

"Um, yes?..." I offered. "You wanted me to fuck you..."

"Not in my... Oh, God! that's good... ass! You're big enough, you could... Oh, fuck!... Never mind... just rock..." I did as she asked. After all, that's what fucking was. At least, that's what I thought.

Until she asked, "why didn't you spear my cunt, Arthur?" My hesitation in answering made her ask, "you have fucked a pussy before, haven't you, Arthur?"

"With my cock?" I asked.

"Of course with your cock," she told me.

"Um... no?" I admitted. "Why would I? Jill and Barbie both told me fucking was my cock in their ass. Something about not getting pregnant."

"I don't fucking believe it," Grandma Ellie muttered, I think mostly to herself. Then she got pretty direct with me. "Arthur, you're going to fuck me in my ass as long as I tell you to, and then you're going to switch."

"Switch what?" I wasn't following her.

"Switch holes," she enlightened me.

"Really?" I was very surprised and rather slow on the uptake.

"Do I look like I could get pregnant?" she demanded. "Yes, really!" It sure sounded great to me.

"So now that we have that straightened out," she told me, "and you have my ass well-stretched, would you please fuck me with that meat bayonet of yours, until I cum my brains out?"

I guess that meant I should start pounding her ass with my cock, like Barbie had told me to do. I discovered the problem with that just like I'd discovered it with the girls... Grandma moaned and groaned and ramped up to a seismic event kind of cum, like she wanted, but as soon as she went screaming over the edge, I did, too.

It didn't matter that I'd cum once already, this one was just as intense.

"Oh, bloody fucking hell!" is what I think I said as my balls pulled up tight, my ass snapped shut and I started unloading stream after stream of hot cum into my grandmother.

My grandmother who, by the way, was being very vocal about me pumping her ass full of my hot jizz, and pounding it into her, and cumming so hard I blew it out her nose, and a number of other colorful idioms.

I didn't know an old lady's ass could clamp down like that. When the crashing waves of my orgasm subsided and only the blood pounding in my ears was left, I realized that I felt snared. Trapped. Unable to withdraw. Unless I wanted to leave a favorite body part behind.

Her ass felt like a Chinese finger puzzle, where the more you pull, the more you're held tight. Plus, her ass was massaging my cock. Her continuing orgasmic contractions were pulsing hard on me, and to my astonishment, they felt good. Exciting, even.

Exciting enough that I started getting hard again right away. Like, zero down time. And I could feel my cock and balls ramping back up to another cum.

"Oh, fuck! I don't believe it!" I groaned.

"Don't believe what?" Grandma asked.

"Don't believe you're going to make me cum again!" And she was, too.

"Arthur, if you are going to cum again," she informed me, "this is where you pull out of my ass and stick that big cock in my cunt!"

"Um... okay," I agreed. So I pulled out my cock, despite the death-grip her ass had on me, and stuck it in her sopping hot pussy.

"Holy FUCK!" she pretty much yelled. "Not long on subtle, are you?"

"Sorry," I apologized. "This is the first time I've been in a woman's vagina."

"It's a pussy, Arthur," she sort of scolded me. "Or a cunt, or cunny, or slit, or gash, or quim. And you should be stroking it like you did my ass."

"Oh... sorry." I set about pounding away like I had her ass. It didn't take long to get results.

"Oh, my fucking God! Cumming!" Grandma Ellie wasn't being subtle herself. I grinned. I couldn't help it. This was good. The pause to change orifices meant I'd backed off my cum and could go awhile. I got the feeling Grandma needed this, and I was going to do my damnedest to give her what she wanted. After all, I was getting more awesome sex than I'd ever had in my entire life.

Mom will probably kill me if she ever finds out, I thought. I guess she just can't find out.

Grandma Ellie made me cum two more times, fucking her. The second one was kind of hard to get to, but that's okay... I lost count of the number of times she got off. All I know is that by the time she called a halt to our fuckfest, she looked as trashed as I felt. We lay there panting for several minutes while we recovered enough to be functional.

"So when is the next time you're coming over, Arthur?" she asked, drawing little doodles on my chest with her finger.

"Well, tomorrow is trash day, and I thought Friday I would wash your car," I told her.

"Excellent!" she smiled. "I think I'll need your help on Saturday, sorting through the things to go to Goodwill, and Sunday you can help me bake for my Bridge Club. You can tell your Mom you might have to put some extra time in, provided of course that it doesn't interfere with other commitments."

"Oh, I'm sure a phone call from you explaining the situation would cover all the bases just fine, Grandma," I smiled.

And that's how we got to where we are: four to seven days a week I get the best sex I've ever had, as long as I keep up my end of the bargain. Pun intended.

She does keep mentioning how I should meet some of the members of her Bridge Club, particularly one widow named Jeanine. Apparently she's in her late 40's, has red hair to her ass and an insatiable libido, gives phenomenal head and loves threesomes... of any kind.

Anyway, Mom is really happy that I'm doing so much for Grandma Ellie, and improving her quality of life so much.

Finis, for now.

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sexymeupsexymeupover 1 year ago

you gave me a really good laugh when he shoved his cock up her ass and she wasn't expecting it. but he should have known to fuck her pussy just from watching porn, no guy can be that dumb about sex.

MrViixMrViixabout 3 years ago

Thanks for the giggles.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Ass to cunny spells bladder infection. They are very painful. Clean your cock after ass please.

gobears85gobears85almost 7 years ago
Nice middle

not a lot of buildup, and no real end. but thr midde (with instructions) was great. thanks

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