Halloween Hell: Karen


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Then I catch something that's on the kitchen table. Something that wasn't there before. It's something I think was left as a warning for me. It's a gag. I would recognize it anywhere. It's an "O" ring gag, meant for someone to wear in which their mouth is forced open and a man can insert his cock inside the O. It's meant so you can't stop the wearer from having their mouth used.

Seeing it, I get the strange feeling it is a message. When my husband was alive, he would ask for blowjobs all the time, but I refused. I only gave him one whenever he bought me something extremely nice. Sure, since then I've done it for loads of other men, but with him, no. Just because he wanted it and I liked having that power over him.

That gag makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. That strange supernatural feeling hits me again. That the intruder isn't just some upset computer nerd, but someone I know here for long revenge. I mean, he clearly isn't here to kill me. If he was, he would have done it by now. I'm not sure why he's here, but it's personal.

Finally seeing my knife on the floor, I pick it up. I hold it tight, cursing myself for being so damn stupid to get caught in that trap. The moment I saw it, I should have left and run to my bedroom. My own curiosity got the better of me.

As I feel my womanhood throb, I get even madder that the SOB was able to fuck me twice. That he was able to so easily trap and use me like some sort of whore. He got to taste my precious place not once, but twice, treating it like a toy.

Walking out of the kitchen, my plan is still the same as I can't think of anything else I can do. Get my cell and call the security. It's not like I have any other options.

The doors are surely all locked and the windows are shatterproof. It would take running a car though them to break them open. And there's no where in the house I could go that he couldn't open thanks to the damn A.I. Not to mention that the A.I. could tell him what room I am in at any time.

I walk back in the front room, walking slow to try and hear where he is. Despite not seeing or hearing him, I know he's somewhere close. I also know that he's set traps. Traps that I have to be on the lookout for. Traps that I know I can catch and protect myself from.

When I reach the stairs, I look up, half expecting to see a figure at the very top waiting for me. But when I see that no one is there, I start walking up slowly, making sure to look about for him or his traps. My knife is raised and ready to come down right on his crotch if he should pop up.

It takes me a while to go up the stairs, but I'm almost to the top. I keep going slow as I'm on the alert for any tiny noise. Any little movement. I know he's going to try something at any moment. I just know it.

As I near the top of the stairs and reach out for the banisters, I curse the stairs again. It's a damn workout to go up and down them. I already go to the gym on the east wing a few times a week, I don't need a damn work out going up the stairs. It's so bad that there are days I refuse to go down them. I make the help get whatever I need that may be downstairs.

"What the fuck?!" I mutter after putting my hands on the banisters for a bit of leverage. There's something on them. Something like sticky goo.

"What the fuck?!" I repeat as I try to lift my left hand off the banister. It's stuck. I can't take it off the damn wooden globe banister at the top of the stairs.

"No. No. Damn it, no!" I yell in panic as I find the same is true with my right hand. But since I was holding the knife I had put my balled fist down on the banister. Now it's stuck too. I can't remove that hand, or even drop the fucking knife. Both of my hands are stuck out to my sides to the banisters.

The son of a bitch put glue or something on them. Super glue. Or something like it. Something that dries extremely fast with contact on human skin. Fucker trapped me, again.

"I'll rip my damn skin off before you get to touch me again!" I announce to the asshole. Determined to make this true, I take the final step onto the last step before the second floor.

Immediately I know something is wrong. Both of my bare feet touch the step, but it isn't solid. The step feels wobblily and weak.

In reaction I look down to see that the stair I'm on has a black cloth or something on top. A cloth covering it for some reason. I also see that my feet are starting to sink into the step. Then there's the sound of wood creaking and then breaking.

I scream as my body breaks through the stair and I'm sent down. Both feet and then legs break through the stair, sending me down. The feeling of free falling is all that I can feel as I drop. I keep screaming as I fall, only there's a huge tug feeling and I stop.

Looking forward, I see I'm still on the stairs, and not falling to my doom. Looking down, all of my legs, thighs and hips are through the broken stair. My stomach and upper body rest above it, having somehow not gone through.

It's my hands. They are still stuck to the banister. I'm hanging by glued hands, which stretch my arms painfully. I'm hanging halfway through the fucking stairs and the only thing stopping me is my hands.

I'm stuck. The bastard did it again. Fucking made me stuck. Made me helpless. The little shit. And I am stuck as there's nothing for me to push my feet on to try and lift up. And my own body weight is too much to lift with my arms at this angle.

As I hang here, it's simple what he did. Put some glue goo on the banister, then broke the fucking step. That's why there was the rag. Covered what he did. Otherwise I would have seen the light coming up from the holes he no doubt made. He planned all this.

"NO!" I yell in anger as something is wrapped around my eyes from behind. I can't tell what it is, but it feels like one of my cloth headbands as wraps around my entire head, going over my eyes. I try to shake my head to stop him, but he puts it on too fast, making me blindfolded.

"I swear I'm going to kill-" I begin to curse, but then have something shoved in my open mouth. Again, I curse myself for being so stupid as to yell which left my mouth wide open. It lets him shove the O ring with ease. Jams it in, making it impossible for me to close my mouth now as I taste the metal of the ring.

He tries to try the straps to lock it in place behind my head, but I don't make it easy for him. I shake my head, lower my head and even try to headbutt him. In the end, it doesn't matter as he gets it in place just fine, tying it extra tight.

Even though my mouth is gagged, I still yell at him. I curse him and his family. I tell him how he's sick and that I'll kill him once I get free. That nothing he can do will protect him from what I'm going to do. That I'll shove a broom up his ass.

I feel him jump over me with ease. Not walk around me, but leap over me with ease. I don't hear him when he lands, but I feel it. It makes me realize why I didn't hear him moving about. The asshole must be extremely light on his feet. And since he's naked, he wouldn't be wearing any shoes to make noise with.

And then I have a dick put in my mouth. The bastard takes hold of the sides of my head and then puts his cock into the open O ring. With half of my body off the broken stairs and hanging by my arms, he fucks my face and there's nothing I can do to stop him. His hard cock slides into my mouth, running over my tongue and to the back of my mouth. There he slams his cock against the back of my mouth repeatedly.

I protest and wiggle when I feel him break the straps on my nightie. First the right, then the left. When he does, the very expensive garment flutters downward, exposing my breasts for the bastard. Now as he thrusts into my mouth, I know he can see my breasts jiggling and swaying. When he gets rough, I even feel them bounce from the force of his thrusts.

His cock gives the back of my mouth a bruise within moments as rough as he is. Again, it's like he's doing this to punish me instead of trying to get himself off. Like he wants me to suffer, which I am. Why? And why me? And why am I having to suck his cock?

I protest again as he pulls his now wet manhood out, just to wipe it all over my face. Down one cheek, then the other. Then he slaps my nose with it. After, he tries to put it up my nostril, all while holding my head in place so I have to take it. He even pokes my eye over the blindfold with it.

Finally he puts it back in my mouth. This time, I actually start to help. I attempt to close my lips and suck as he thrusts, wanting him to finish fast. If he finishes, he may stop. If he cums, this nightmare may be over.

He fucks my face, where I do my best to help him. My head moves forward as he thrusts, where I feel him trying to get his cockhead into my throat. I've never had that done before, so I'm not sure what to do, but I do keep pushing my head down as he thrusts.

My face burns red as I actually help him fuck my face. I'm helping his use me against my will. Knowing that fact makes dark butterflies fly all over my stomach, which in turn makes my pussy tingle again. The feeling of being helpless is extremely powerful now, as I'm more than helpless. I'm in clear danger. For some reason, that arouses me more than anything has before.

The intruder pulls his cock out again, to which I'm prepared to be slapped with the large thing again, but he doesn't. I wait to see what he's going to do next, but he doesn't do anything. He doesn't put it in my mouth, he doesn't hit me with it, he doesn't even grab a tit.

"Oh fuck me!" I cry out as my right hand suddenly is loose as the glue or whatever has worn off. As this was the hand with the knife, the knife goes falling down the stairs as I use that arm to try and keep me on top of the stairs. I bring my arm down, putting it flat to the stairs to try and make sure I don't fall all the way through.

A moment later my left hand comes free too. Scared for my life, I have to fight to pull myself out of the hole, scared that I'll go through at any moment. That the entire stair will crack and break, sending me to my doom.

I drag myself out of the broken step, feeling terrified. I crawl and drag myself onto the second floor, not stopping till all of my body is off of the stairs. I don't care if I lost the knife, or that my nightie fell through the broken stair so I'm completely naked. Better naked than dead.

Taking long breaths, I pull the blindfold off and throw it angrily. With my hands free, I reach behind me to unstrap the O gag. Once I get the straps loose, I throw it as hard and far as I can, so humiliated at what just happened. That the bastard was able to put his cock in my fucking mouth. He made me give him a fucking blowjob.

I finally stand, feeling very scared and worn. One arm moves over my breasts and the other cups my womanhood. I do this for no other reason than not let him see me naked. I know he has to be looking right now, and I don't want him to see anything good. Even if he's got to fuck me, he doesn't get to see me naked.

Once again, all is quiet. All is calm. It's as if I'm the only one in the house. That I'm all alone. But I'm not. There's a naked man, trapping and fucking me over and over. An asshole that is just toying with me.

"W-What....what the fuck?" I cry out, tired, scared and feeling like my mind is going to break. I stay in the exact spot I am, where I don't want to move. What other traps has he made? Are any nearby? What more is he wanting to do to me?

The asshole is clever, I'll give him that. Just like my late husband was, which is how he got so rich. Could think things up that no one else could. Think them up and put them into action, making tons of money. He had that weird way of thinking, where you could see him going to the nut house over some of his ideas.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I yell out to whomever the man is, humiliated as the taste of cock stays in my mouth, as does the bruise in the back of my mouth. It serves like a constant reminder of what he did and what he's able to do.

"Ma'am," The British voice of the A.I. says, making me jump as I wasn't expecting it. Only the voice plays in every room in the house. It's never done that before. It makes him seem creepy and intimidating as it makes the house vibrate. Makes it feel like there are hundreds of ghosts here, all talking at once.

"Bunny is requested to bounce up and down to make those babies bounce," the A.I. tells me in his emotionless manner, which makes it ten times scarier. Hearing this makes my entire body go cold as he doesn't know what any of those words mean. He's just saying them like they are on a teleprompter. He's saying them because the intruder has somehow got him to say it. How is he able to access the A.I.? The way it was explained to me, no one could besides me.

The first word he said and the last two echo in my head. Bunny. Babies bounce. Those are words my dead husband would say. It was his pet name for me, and for my breasts. Like when he said he could watch those babies bounce all day long. It's a term that I've only ever heard him use.

"If...If I do it, you will leave?" I ask timidly. I could still try to get to my cell, but I think he knows that is what I'm trying to do. There has to be a trap waiting for me in there to fall into. In any case, it's sometimes better to hear what your enemy wants to see if it can be solved in a better manner.

There's no answer. The A.I. says nothing, nor do I hear any human voice. Just the empty quiet house. Yet I still feel that he's watching me. That right now, he can see me. He's watching me as I use my hands to cover my completely naked body.

"Fucking bastard," I growl as humiliation and fear move over me. I just don't know what else to do. I'm terrified. I'm helpless. And I'm trapped.

And so, I do something that my husband asked me to do a few times as a prank, but I refused to do. That's to put my hands behind my back, and do a calf raise while naked. My body moves upward as I go to my tiptoes, causing my breasts to bounce. Then I drop down, making them bounce again.

With a very red face, I do this over and over again slowly. My hands are behind me were I wring them together, exposing my entire naked body for the intruder. He sees not just my bouncing breasts but my shaved womanhood, which he's already had multiple times. In fact, as everything is recorded here, he'll have it on camera.

"Ma'am, it is requested you say that you are a murdering cunt," the A.I. says as he comes to life again. Hearing this makes the stabbing cold come back over me. Fear, cold and intense, forces its way over me as I pause doing this humiliating movement for him. It's so overwhelming that I stop breathing for a moment.

I try to tell myself it doesn't mean anything. That whomever this is, doesn't know the truth. No one does. I was never even accused. Not even his family thought I had done anything to my husband. There's no way anyone could know what happened that day.

Yet I know that's not true. Somehow the intruder knows. He knows the truth, just like he knows the security system. It's like he's a ghost or something. He knows what there's no way of knowing.

There's one thought that makes me do what the intruder wants, and that's the fact that I'm trapped inside with him. He can overpower me if he wanted, he's shown that. Without a way for me to get out, I'm at his mercy, especially if he's set traps.

"I'm a m-m-m-m-murdering c-c-c-c-cunt," I stammer out, my face bright red as I say it. I start to bounce again, causing my breasts to heave up and down hard. With my fear powering me, my calf raises are fast and hard, making the bouncing look almost violent. I feel them jiggling around comically for the intruder to see, knowing he is the one in control.

The A.I. says nothing after I do this, so I say it again, thinking he didn't hear me. Then I wait a couple of minutes as I do the calf-raises, but he doesn't say anything more. So I say it again, hoping he might say that I'm free to go, or maybe even open the door while saying nothing. But no. I'm made to bounce like this for a good 5 minutes with nothing from the intruder at all. Like the point was just to embarrass me, which it did.

Stopping, I go back to covering myself with my arms. I hold myself tight as I've never felt so helpless or trapped. For 20 years I've lived as I wanted, with me being in control. Me telling people what to do and when to do it. But now all that has been taken from me. I'm literally naked, helpless and trapped in my own house that I used to control.

Timidly, I start walking. With each step, I look at the ground, trying to spot whatever the next trap might be. Yet as I take more and more steps, there doesn't appear to be any traps, but I know there are. The feeling that he's set something up for me is strong and I know it will spring at any moment.

With no other ideas, I head to my bedroom. My cell could still be in there, and I could at least put on some clothes. I wish I could say I would be able to lock myself in there and wait, but that's not true. But it's the only place I can think to go.

When I enter my bedroom, I notice something right away, and that's my bed. It's made. I just exited out of it not too long ago where I was under the covers. The covers should be scattered all about, but they aren't. Now the sheets and blanket and pulled back making it look like a maid came in it, which I know is impossible.

Then I see an object resting on the bed. An object that wasn't there before. An object that makes my heart pound and my fear race. Must like the "O" ring, I know this is meant to be used on me.

Stepping forward, I reach out to grab the small note that rests next to the item. I snatch it, scared that some new crazy trap will grab me if I'm too slow. Unable to read it thanks to the dark, I bring the card up to the light in hopes of reading what it says.

"Boobie Bondage," is what the note reads. But that isn't what scares the hell out of me. It's the fact that it's written in my husband's handwriting. I would know it anywhere. I've had to learn how to do the exact signature to be able to avoid certain legal issues.

Letting the card fall, I look down at the object on my bed. Already I know what it is, and it doesn't take a genius to know what he wants me to do with it. It's a long, thick zip-tie. A zip-tie that's already been started so it is in a loop. And it's a very long zip-tie too.

Fresh humiliation runs over me now, making me put both hands to my face. It's as if my husband never got to properly play with my breasts when he was alive, and is somehow doing it now. Because he, I mean the intruder, wants me to zip-tie my own tits together.

For a while I stand here, trying to think. Only each time I try to think up an idea, it leaves me as my fear and humiliation chase the thought away. I'm left with the fact that I'm naked, helpless and stuck in this house with some crazy intruder, with my dead husband behind it somehow. It's enough to make your mind snap.

I don't want to zip-tie my breasts together, but I know I'm going to have to. If I don't, the intruder might do it instead. If he does, he would no doubt tie them painfully tight. Tight to the point there would be damage.

Feeling a weird arousing tingle between my legs at what I'm about to do, I grab the long zip-tie. Then, feeling humiliated and submissive, I put the loop to my chest, where I lift one boob into it, then the other. Cursing the intruder, I start to tighten the zip-tie by pulling on it.

Slowly my breasts are pulled together until they are touching. I keep going, tightening the zip-tie, making my breasts press together fully. The zip-tie is about midway on my breasts between the base of them and my nipples. So I tighten it more.