Holiday Memories Ch. 02


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"I hope so to. Actually Richard doesn't have to be part of the equation, just that Sue needs to be part of anything between us from now on."

Just then a door opened and Richard emerged from their room, heading for the bathroom. Fiona returned to fixing breakfast, I went to find some shorts.

That morning Vee and Fiona went off in the rented car to the nearest town for groceries, leaving Richard behind with Sue and I. The sky was overcast and so it seemed an ideal day to get some chores done rather than haunt the beach.

We threw some laundry in the washing machine and then Sue did some ironing. Even though there was cloud in the sky it was still very warm and Sue, hot and sweaty with the exertions ended up taking off her T-shirt and ironing topless. Little rivulets of perspiration trickled down between her breasts as she worked, despite her repeatedly dabbing herself with a piece of paper towel.

Another step I thought. Quite a big one this time, to perform a household chore uncovered.

Richard brushed the patio around the pool; it was getting gritty underfoot due to sand being constantly carried in the wind. He reckoned that the sun would still tan through the clouds, so he remained nude whilst he brushed. I thought he might catch himself and get an injury but it didn't happen. I kept my shorts on and risked getting tan-lines whilst I cleared some weeds from the garden and watered the plants using a hose reel which was in the corner of the patio.

Eventually Sue was done and packed away. She came out to the poolside and stood by the wall to catch some wind, taking her shorts off. I was impressed by this change in her modesty that allowed her to stand naked in full view of a recent acquaintance. Then she took the hose and drenched herself, washing away the sweat.

"Look, you're covered in dust and bits from the weeds as well, wash it off before you do anything else" she suggested, sprinkling the water which felt freezing over my hot legs and feet. "Take off the shorts".

I dropped the shorts and put them out of the way and she gave me the full blast of water. It was a shock at first but very refreshing as the grime was washed away. "Richard, do you fancy a shower?" she called. He came over and received a soaking and we then stood chatting whilst we drip-dried in the wind.

"So, you're both keeping Vee happy" Richard mentioned, casually. "She's been down in the dumps recently but the last couple of days, since she's had a good screwing, have worked wonders."

This was going to be another one of those uncomfortable conversations, I could tell already. "I said to Fiona" he continued, "What Vee needs is a top shag. Then, when she said that you'd both been eyeing her up and the chance for this break came up, it all made sense."

How I thought, was I to talk about shagging his sister in law and fancying his wife when there was water dripping from his penis?

"Fi said that you'd done the necessary very well in Greece" Oh shit, I thought. "She's a good judge like that, she said straight away that if we could get you both here that Vee would be brought out of her shell. I know, some people think we have a strange way of running our lives but I couldn't give a fuck for them, it works for us. If she wants to get laid she'll go for it, likewise me. The only stipulation is that vaginal orgasm is reserved for ourselves."

"We have a stipulation as well" piped up Sue. "Whatever we get up to has to be as a couple. No secrets, no furtive affairs."

"Does Fiona know about this? Richard looked amused. "I get the impression that it doesn't always work that way."

"It's a new policy" explained Sue. "We decided last night whatever has happened before, has happened - but now it's together or not at all."

Just then I heard a car approaching along the track and Vee and Fiona returned. Vee had a broad grin and had armfuls of cheap carrier bags full of stuff. "We're back!"

Fiona had added a pair of tight black leggings to the vest top that she had been wearing earlier. These fitted every contour but were quickly shed "They were too hot" she sighed. "I didn't think with the weather that I'd feel it, but now I'm sweating like a paedophile at the school gates." She threw the pants through the doorway into her room and stretched her legs out wide. "Any longer and I'd have caught a fungal condition. Anyway, are we going to the beach?"

"Why don't we go for a hike up into the mountains?" suggested Richard. "The week is coming to an end and we've only been to the beach and the shops."

"I'd rather spend the time naked" spoke up Sue, to my astonishment. Okay, she had been quite brazen by the pool but my little modest wife who was usually so shy of showing even me her flat chest had suddenly caught the naturist bug. The careful application of sun creams and avoidance of the burning mid-day sun had enabled a glowing tan to develop where she had previously been lily white.

"We could do both" suggested Vee. "We could hike nude from here into the hills, if we take a bit of care. There's only one road to cross and there's not much traffic even if it is the main road."

And so it was decided that we would sneak up the gully, cross the road and disappear up the mountain. Fiona fixed a light snack that Richard could carry in a small back-pack.

We all undressed except for shoes for the rough ground and climbed over the wall into the gulley, heading uphill. When we reached the road we waited but couldn't hear any cars coming, so dashed across. Sue being the most nervous ended up last and just as she was halfway across the road a tourist coach appeared in the distance. The driver gave a toot as he passed and Sue, being stranded could do little except scuttle across bent double trying to conceal herself as the vehicle passed with passengers looking through the windows. The rest of us hid in the gully.

Once we were out of sight of the road, we were able to relax and stroll in the sun and warm breeze up into the beautiful scenery of the unspoiled hills away from the coastal strip.

We came to an area of almost level land which had a sparse covering of small scrub. I heard a tinkling noise and then saw a number of goats in the distance walking in our direction. We were without any cover, the goats were bleating and had bells on their necks. A young lad with a stick was herding the animals and he looked at us as we walked past him. He showed no reaction as if naked people strolled past him every day.

The gradient became steeper and we started climbing again, ever upwards. We had built up a sweat with the effort and the dust was sticking to our skin. Sue started to lag behind so we paused briefly for a rest and admired the view. We could see nearly half the island stretching away with the bright blue sea in the distance. Some clouds had remained from the morning and darker ones were forming in the distance, breaking up the normally endless blue sky. Then it was upwards again, as we now found ourselves following a narrow track through large boulders.

I noticed a dark cloud menacing overhead and realised that the distant weather formations had moved much closer. Then there were heavy drops of rain falling, but there was no shelter on the barren hillside. Suddenly the heavens opened and a downpour was upon us. Warm rain bounced from the rocks, beating down on our bodies with streams forming, washing loose gravel down the hill and it was difficult to see more than a few yards.

We were quickly drenched, with a sudden chill in the air. I looked back at Sue, whose nipples had become fully erect. She looked fully relaxed and comfortable with her nudity.

Vee had strode ahead, those steel buns and bulging thighs carrying her effortlessly across the volcanic landscape. She paused and turned around with her arms outspread, spinning round with the rainwater running down her body. Laughing, she turned her face up to the sky and let the rain wash her, dripping steadily from her breasts and streaming down her legs.

Fiona and Richard walked close together, he helping her over some of the steeper sections as the dirt turned to mud underneath out feet. Somehow she maintained the natural elegance without her clothes but her normally immaculate hair was now bedraggled and she ran her fingers through it, slicking it back.

As suddenly as it started, the weather cleared and the sun shone once more. The damp earth became shrouded with steam and within a few minutes the land was dry and there was no sign that there had ever been rain. We were now dry also, with the slight breeze flowing over our bodies.

The hill became even steeper as we neared the peak, but the hillside was covered with wisps of cool mist which became denser until the visibility was only a few yards. We reached a sharp crest and I went to look down the other side of the mountain. I found however that there was only fog shrouding any view.

Then I heard male voices and saw a couple of guys sitting in a crevasse between some boulders. They were wearing standard 'hiker' clothing of light waterproof jackets, stout boots, thick socks and shorts, with rucksacks. Both were young men and one was giving the other a slow hand-job as they talked.

They looked around and saw us standing naked just behind. We exchanged quick nods of greetings, us nonchalantly unclothed, they with stilled hands as they interrupted their private moment.

We turned and started to make our way back down the mountain, leaving the two men to resume their intimacy.

We followed goat tracks again, weaving down amongst the rocks and then we came out of the mist so that we could see the panoramic view again laid out in front of us with the incredibly bright turquoise sea contrasting with the golden beaches in the distance. We found a flat ledge and sat in the warmth of the sun, eating the small snack that Richard had been carrying. When we started off again, we found that the track had petered out so that we could walk as a group once more instead of single file. The sun was beating down now and we were perspiring again in the heat as we descended. Soon we were all covered in thick dust again and were the same colour as the rocks, blending in with the countryside.

Eventually I could see the road in the distance and we paused. My legs were aching with the strain of the descent and we all sat briefly in the dirt for a rest. We continued then until we reached the road, when Vee paused and turned to us. "What happened to the level part where we saw the goats on the way up?"

We were clearly at the wrong place. We looked about and eventually Vee recognised where we were, some distance from the villa. The sun was starting to dip below the horizon and the light began to fail. There was no real option but to continue the march as stars began to shine in the sky.

She began leading the trek along the road, a car passed and with a loud blast on the horn I realised that I had started to forget that we were walking along the main highway without wearing a stitch of clothing beyond the shoes on our feet.

Tiredness meant that we no longer cared about being seen. We continued trudging along the road, ignoring any vehicles that passed.

Occasionally a car approached with headlights blazing after the dusk finally finished in an explosion of dying sun against the horizon, so we strolled by the light of the moon and stars for the most part. Sue started flagging behind and we had to slow down so that we kept together as a group.

I was feeling exhausted as we found the gully and walked down to the villa. We entered and Sue switched on the shower. Vee, being the one with most energy left ended up aiming the shower spray and wielding a sponge whilst we others stood still and accepted the washing down of the dust which rinsed away in rich swirls.

Richard fixed a quick bite to eat and opened some bottles of refreshing cold lager and then we all rested on the sun-loungers in the dark.

* * *

I awoke to hear the others talking and laughing; clearly I had dozed off. My leg muscles were aching and I had no energy. Lights from the house were shining through the windows to illuminate the patio, assisting the moonlight. Sue disappeared into the villa, returning shortly carrying my razor and a can of shaving foam. "We've decided to give you a shave, we can't have you the only one with a hairy growth."

I looked around at Vee, who I realised had removed the tuft of pubic hair and was now smooth.

I protested that I didn't want to be shaved and couldn't be bothered.

With that, Richard came over to me and overturned my sun-lounger, tossing me onto the hard patio. Suddenly Fiona was sitting on my shoulders with her pussy against my face. I felt the coldness of the aerosol being squirted on my groin and hands were spreading the foam around my genitals. Heavy bodies were holding my legs still so that I was completely immobile, I then felt the scraping of the razor as my pubes were shaved away from my body, then the base of my cock and from my balls which were gently stretched and pulled as the skin was straightened to allow the razor access, finishing with my testicles being lifted up and the hair behind being removed.

Eventually the shaving was complete, leaving a novel sensation of bareness. Then Fiona's pussy was swiftly removed from my face and a much more familiar version appeared in its place.

My most favourite crinkly lips ever were presented for the attention of my tongue, and I duly obliged. I had enough freedom now to look to the side and was able to see Fiona giving Richard a blow-job. I next felt a warm pussy clasp onto my cock and found that a strong pair of thighs was gripping my hips. Vee and Sue were embracing and kissing each other over the top of me, as the vagina with its crushing grip was doing its best to wring the life out of my cock.

On my right, Fiona was now kneeling on all fours and was being mounted from behind by Richard.

That night Vee shared our bed and we slept embracing each other.

* * *

The last day of the holiday was upon us. Was it that time already? How time flies. The morning sun was blasting down and sleep was impossible. I lay and felt a strange naked, exposed sensation in the nether regions, then I remembered the forced shave the previous evening. I inspected the results, I felt unusually smooth where I was used to feeling bristle and my cock looked naked without its usual fuzzy concealment.

Sue was watching me, leaning on one elbow. The bed-sheet had dropped to her waist and she made no attempt to conceal her nipples which were now browning after so much exposure. The slight breasts stood high against her chest, not much more than pectoral muscles. Vee still had her eyes closed but her breathing had quietened and it was clear that she had awakened.

"I need a shave myself" Sue announced. "I'm getting prickly." She gathered a towel to sit on and a razor and can of foam. "You can do me, if you want."

She lay back on the towel with her legs wide apart, presenting her pussy to me. I smoothed some foam over her pussy and scraped the razor across her skin, noticing that Vee was watching. I carefully shaved the labia, not wishing to damage the soft delicate skin. I finished by hoisting her bum in the air to allow better access to the area between the pussy and her butt.

Vee reached across and cradled my testicles, inspecting them closely. "You've got some stray hairs left, it's impossible to shave a man properly with just a razor. Too many wrinkles." She picked up a pair of tweezers from the bedside table and pushed me firmly down onto my back. Then I felt a series of stabs of pain in the scrotum as several hairs were plucked out.

Later when she was satisfied that I was completely hairless, we all walked down to the beach, leaving our clothes at the villa. There was a different atmosphere; a sense of recklessness and sadness, it being the last day. The sea was calm and yet again the sun was beating down, burning the parched land.

Vee picked up a rock and improvised a training routine, tossing it from hand to hand. As she lifted, her pectoral muscles caused her firm breasts to twitch. As she squatted and lunged, her thighs and buns bulged. Eventually Fiona suggested going for a dip. They paddled out into the first few inches of water but then Vee stood still, with her legs apart. There was then a splashing beneath her as she urinated openly into the sea.

The sisters giggled and then swam off into the distance and out of sight.

"This time tomorrow, we'll be flying." commented Sue inanely.

"Yes, provided I get medical clearance" replied Richard unexpectedly. He raised his leg in the air to show a cut on the sole of his foot. "I just stood on a sharp rock. Do you think they'll let someone on a plane when they're this seriously injured?"

We all laughed. "Let me have a look, I'm qualified. I saw a programme on the TV once about hospitals" giggled Sue. She caught hold of the bleeding foot and inspected it closely. "I can't see any way of you flying with this, hows your insurance?"

"It specifically excludes sole injuries, I think".

She firmly held the skin together. "It will be fine I expect, with some appropriate medical attention." Already the trickle of blood was congealing. She swivelled herself around and rested the foot on her thigh. She was now facing Richard and with her leg bent out at an angle, he was looking straight at her pussy. She seemed unaware of the exposure and scraped her fingernail along the arch of the sole. "I'll check your reflexes." His toes curled at the stimulation, so she repeated the movement.

"Ouch," he winced. "Can you call me an ambulance?"

"OK." Sue paused, then we both chanted together "You're an ambulance."

We all laughed at the old joke. She ran her finger back over the arch then tickled, causing him to jump. However she held on firmly and prevented him from snatching his foot away. She ran her hand more gently over his foot and then started massaging it, continuing up his calf. Richard relaxed at first, but then a twitch of movement caught my attention - he was getting a lazy lob.

Sue glanced at me, she had noticed it too. The leg still rested on her thigh, but her hand repeatedly stroked from his toes, over the foot and calf, ever higher up towards his thigh. I grinned at her, as he pretended to relax into a sleep. Sue continued and adjusted her position again so that the foot was against her belly, with his heel against the smoothly shaved area. She was leaning forwards to reach his thigh at the end of the stroke, with her stiffening right nipple brushing his great toe. It was clear that she was enjoying the contact.

Soon her hands were massaging his calf and thigh, with his distinct half-hard now showing. Then his toes started to wiggle, tweaking the nipple form side to side. He definitely wasn't sleeping.

As Sue moved to the inner thigh, the leg moved to the side, allowing her hand to stroke right up to the groin. Then she lightly brushed his testicles and tickled them. Now he had a full hard-on with his slender cock curving out and upwards. His eyes opened and he moved his feet so that his soles were resting against Sue's breasts, bending his knees wide apart so that she was able to fondle his balls. He spread his toes so that her stiff nipples passed between them, then he gripped and tugged them to the sides. She breathed sharply but continued.

Richard repeated the tugging with his toes as she dragged her fingernails in a circular motion across his exposed scrotum, then she scratched along the perineum towards the cleft of his butt and his toes released her as his feet fell to the side. Her finger traced between his buttocks which clenched against the sensation. Then she caught hold of his penis and looked into my eyes asking for my approval as she started to wank him.