All Comments on 'Horsing Around Too'

by xyster

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ishtatishtatover 19 years ago
Giddy Up

You're not crazy, just stark raving bonkers(pun intended)-wonderful ,brilliant.

There should also be a prize for the best line on this site - and the winner is "I think it's stuck"

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Wow, what a hot story

Great. Take the time to build your story. Read the first one and loved it. Didn't mind being left in limbo either. This was a great sequel and I hope you build it into a first class 'unusual' sex story, especially if , as you say,its true. Keep it cumming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
unexpected devellopement---to say the least

As you recommended, I went and red Horsing Around before this one. I like your style ^^. The ways you write it as if your were telling it for a live audience. I just about died on the spot when i read "That reminds me of a joke" That was SOOOOOO funny. And you're right, I WILL remember this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Good work, basically

But you've seen the movie "Annie Hall", right? Which Woody Allen interrupts every few minutes to tell some sort of relevant joke? That's what this reminded me of; the story was a lot hotter than your introduction led us to believe, but the jokes--although they were funny enough--kind of broke the rhythm. Although I haven't read any of your stuff before (and I think I would have remembered, which reminds me of a joke with that punchline, but I'm not going to do that to you), I will seek it out, because you are basically a good writer, and I hope the two lead characters in this story are happy in whatever combinations they are in at present and in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
pass it by

dont waste your time on this one... childish

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
How Boring

I did not read your story.. The reason, you spent too much time

talking about yourself... How boring !!! You feel you have justify your words

and reasoning, when all anybody wants, is to read a good story...who

writes a story for three people ???? Grow up, you are submitting stories

on a sex site... get it ???? I see that you are young, didnt realize

stupid is a word that goes along with you...stop telling people how to

read your stories, if that is needed, you have failed already....Pleas

also stop taking yourself so seriously, this is not a book club and you

are no author..also, please remember people come to this for enjoyment,

which you frustrate all readers so bad, very few even read your

childish stories....but there is good news, out of thousands and thousands of

people who come to this site, you snookered three..... feel proud of

yourself, and remember what site you are on.... in other words, dont quit

your day job...........

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Wrong Section

You wrote a story to explain and insult all of the readers who gave your first story a low rating and then you write a half novel to explain your ideals on morality,politics and social issues in your life. The sex in the story was a complete waste of time because no one cares what a schizophrenic is thinking about when they're fucking.

I'm giving this a 2 stars for effort. To bad though, if you only labeled this story as non-erotic I 've given it a 4 or 5 if you placed in the satire section.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

I agree with Anonymous in Canada your writing style is like that of a stand-up comic. Although, it does seem a bit impolite to be condemming the reader in the opening paragraphs. While you may not have really broken any new ground, you do seem to have found a distinctive voice which is yours and yours alone.

Your style reminds me of attempts by authors like Fitzgerald and Hemingway back in the 1920's to do "stream of conciousness" which means writing exactly what comes to mind with any editing. The way the story bounces from the plot at hand to various jokes then back to the story is what made me think of this style.

Regardless, do not let the critics like me get to you. Learn from them and decide for yourself whether to incorporate or reject the teachings. Enjoy it and keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
"I'm trying to see if I can make a popping sound"

At first i was bored, skimming through, but ur story is hilarious! u went from physics,to algebra, economics, to biology. The interlude of jokes is like my personality, "are u there yet" almost made me choke from laughing so hard. Flambe, was just ingenious. This is the first time i've ever taken some of my precious time to submit a feedback, but i look forward to enjoying more of ur stories. Gud writing:) h.B

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
what fools these mortals be...

What a hoot! I am old enough to wait before the cut to the chase, and this is one of the funniest things I've read lately. Reminds me of Tom Robbins (as in 'Skinny legs and all', 'Half Asleep in Frog Pyjamas' etc. Do not listen to the unwashed.

Italian_dream48Italian_dream48over 19 years ago
Mixed feelings

If you didn't have the introduction...(which is very easily taken as an insult) it probably would have been a much better story. The story didn't serve the hype the introduction gave! You have lots of potential as a writer though:)

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Yes, I enjoyed it, Too.

Haven't read the one before this, probably won't, but I did enjoy this "story". Well written, interesting, humorous. Who hasn't thought about sex with a sibling at some point?

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
you sure are full of yourself

maybe if you had a little more confidence you wouldn't have to write page long introductions about what a great writer you are.. or have to put endless mood-shatering comments within the text itself... you are right about one thing.. you have to like the author to like the story.. and I am happy to say, I hate you both.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
I have tits and a cunt

Yeah? So does every other fucking female to walk the planet!! Yours are better because? You can swallow a pineapple sitting down on it?

Almost a page of your mindless bullshit telling us how good you are, yet I saw no proof in your ego building story. Too bad you didn't have the reader in mind when you wrote this dribble. Insulting the reader and gloating about what a good writer you are will ultimately get you no where. So? I have tits too, and a nice juicy tight cunt to boot. I don't go writing a page of crap like you do to advertise the fact.

Next time, if you're going to tell us how good your stories are, at least make it half decent. I notice almost all of the 'positive' comments on this story are all from anonymous (all three of them). Did they take you long to word?

For other readers, unless you want to read this author's mindless bullshit insults, don't even bother with this one.

ProfessorlondiabazProfessorlondiabazover 19 years ago
Piece of ultra modern English literature

Itis not a suck and fuck story. this story is a real peace of new literature though erotic but with logic and justifications for unusual events to happen.Intellectual stimulation needs much better reasoning than just an erection or wetness of pussy to hit the sack with the opposite sex when it happens to be a sibling. The initial introduction and readers illetracy was a bit overdone. Xysters stories require no introductions for those readers who like to stimulate their intellect not just their genitals. I had read the part one and enjoyed it. I had given up to see the part two. Again I have never agreed with Xyster for the End part of her stories and even in this one she has not satisfied me. It is a very good story overall. Read the first part before starting the second one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
I'm number 4!

What a shame that there are people who just don't get it. Their votes count just as much as those who do get it. (Of course, if they don't get it, that may be because they aren't getting "it".)

I've enjoyed every one of your stories and think they are an oasis in a land otherwise barren of the literary part of literotica.

To those who don't enjoy your style, I suggest they read Frank Harris. To those who do, read Anais Nin.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

"Piece of ultra modern English literature

09/18/04 by Professorlondiabaz in Canada

Itis not a suck and fuck story."

What the fuck was that? I think you and your imaginary friends have been hanging out at the wrong mushroom bars. The author clearly insulted the reader with half a page of 'I'm so fucking good' crap, that the story held little merit afterwards.

I'm all with the past posters with their hatred towards the author. How can she seriously expect us to read her story, or even get throught the NON stop crap about how good she is as a writer, and then ... what? The story WAS NOT that good. NOR was it even the smallest amount arousing (okay, that point is meaningless), so she wanted to fuck her brother. So does every other sister in every other incest story.

Tell me professor, how after her banter about how fucking good she is, and DON"T NEGLECT THE FACT SHE DIDN'T DELIVER, how this story is any better than others?

At least others don't insult the reader, NOR does the author tell us how fucking good she is for almost a page before the fucking story begins!!!!

Author, you suck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Great job

Its amazing to me why so many alleged critics would take the time to write a comment on a story they hated so much. I think the fact that you got so many comments, good or bad, speaks for itself - your writing style and your story was great. It involked emotions in so many readers, it obviously was the work of a good author (I started to say great but since this is your first work I've read, I'll save that for later). Anyway, your opening remarks lambasting the negative comments from the first story was what actually got me to start reading the first one (and yes, I did read it word for word, all the way through). I decided that anybody who could so succesfully slam those childish critics, who just want to find something to complain about, must be a good author - and I was right.

Maybe if those self-styled critics had the confidence you extrude in your writing, they wouldn't have to spend their time trying to run somebody else down. Great job, I don't remember ever getting a good laugh from a story I've read here on this site. It was refreshing, especially when the brother was trying to make a popping sound. I think you definite have more than three fans now, I know you have at least four.

rufus53rufus53over 19 years ago
ripper :-}

well done xyster, I to waited for this next part of your story , and I was not let down. I will be waiting for more.

keep the stories comming love your work.. looks like you have picked up some more fans..

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Agree W/ Italian_Dream48, et al

Without the intro., this would have been an average story, not the extraordinarily romantic and taboo story it wanted to be, as the narrator/author claimed,,,

(Though we must not constipate over what the narrator/author claimed! He/she could be a young writer! lol)

But, a serious critique:

The narrator/author tried to build up too much at the beginning, promising so much that he/she couldn't possibly deliver. He/she promised romance, heartaches, tears, happiness, reflection, sorrows, extraordinary in ordinariness, etc., etc. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, at least to the degree promised,,,,

Two (other) writers I recommend are "STU4711" and "Kalahari Dude".

STU4711 just started "RIN", among the most erotic in this genre of taboo love, which, like his other short stories, had just the right touch/degree on nonconsensual/consensual, romance, conflicting thoughts, stable family backgrounds, which means whatever that is happening may or may not disrupt that life profoundly, for both involved, risking everything and a lot of heartaches, theirs as well as their respective families',,,,

Kalahari_Dude story about the young man coming back (after college at one of the UC schools) to the lonely mother and sister in the dry, southern Californian Imperial Valley was so real, partly because his desription of the landscape was incredibly believeable, as I've traveled through that landscape many times, having grown up in southern California,,,

HornypakiHornypakiover 19 years ago
Great stuff

I have to say that I liked it. It was rather intimidating at first blush but easier to read then I thought it would be.

I can say that I felt rather satisfied, on many levels, after finishing it. It was good to have a story that was almost too weird?, told well, in an engaging way.

There were times I smiled, and times I winced while reading it, and times I wanted to well?you know. All of which left me feeling good. Like a hot date, from pick-up to make out after a meal and a movie perhaps.

My mind got an unexpectedly good work out, as I was impressed (and sometimes lost) with the language. In short, bloody good stuff.

Someone has already claimed the number four spot, so I stake may claim to number five.

Annabel HAnnabel Hover 19 years ago
Not in line with the rest of Xyster's writings.

Somehow this story does not quite fall in line with the rest of Xyster's writings.

It is full of humour, literary ability, wit, intelligence and the typical play of words but there is something that does not quite click.

The psychological touch is such that every reader must be wondering who are the other two, because as a writer Xyster is adored by many.

The deviation from Xyster's recognised and even 'trade-marked' style is quite obvious in this story.

Whereas any amount of teasing, ice-breaking or fore-play in Xyster's previous stories dubbed as slow build up by some of her readers was very pleasing indeed, but the sexual act itself was held as sacred, willing, given and taken with abandon and founded on intense and tender mutual respect, love and affection. To the extent of being incest was the only aberration from normality.

But here the reader is quite hurt and upset by the painful and damaging perversion in the nature of the act itself.

Tit for tat attitude is quite acceptable in all other forms of social inter-action but in sexual inter-course it is the melting submissiveness motivated by a desire to give rather than take which has been the hall mark of Xyster's previous works.

In view of the the qualities of the author(ess), I have still given her full marks.


AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Expectation was the yoke-gomi

Xyster, I was expecting continuation for the horsing one. I dont complain with your introduction,but the moment you start to narrate dick-get-stuck part , i felt it is little longer.

As every single admirer of you,i loved all your stories, and this one joins the list without questions.I encourage you to write more, your stories are worth the time spent for it.BYe gomi

domjolydomjolyover 19 years ago
Different is good!

Hey, the story is awesome. As a writer, I can say it with conviction that it takes a lot of talent to be able to write something which is so different from the norm. I don't know what the fuck these guys are talking about. I was horny as hell reading it. Your best work yet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Something different

This story was very good. I am sick of reading the usual stories about "Mom caught me masterbating and decided to suck my cock" etc. Good to see someone make the story realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Really lousy

This is probably the worst story I've read in a very long time. Pity that there was so much hot air from the author before getting to the crappy story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Sucks shit

whats the big deal ? the un-necessary jokes are corny, you could've used the word ASS and maybe A LOT LESS on the stuff we don't need to know. Keep it short, sweet and to the point

-----------------------SIN REVIEWER-------------------------

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
A Fascinating Story

What an astonishing fascinating story. Thank you for telling it to us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Nice one, again

Dont care what the losers below wrote, especially the "Keep it short, sweet and to the point by SIN REVIEWER". Fucking loser... Anyhoo, again, nice story, love your writing style. So refreshing to ACTUALLY READ A STORY!! Seems like so many readers want to read "Mom caught me masterbating and decided to suck my cock" as another reviewer wrote previously, again and again and again, with no deviation at all. Only new to reading your stuff Xyster, have read this series and "Honest Mistake". Love your work!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Why not writ like this'

Different. Enjoyable. Funny. Plausible (Choose your own definition.)Satisfies my perverted needs. Hornifying (is there such a word?) Still boils down to 15 seconds for the guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Incredible idea

Wasn't sure if I would like it, but really got into it. I think because he didn't just jump her at first chance. Well written. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Horsing Around The Tree?

You got 4/5 stars.

What i liked:

*the creative title,

*the way the story is told,

*the way the story goes,

*the dialogs

What i disliked:

*anal-sex, i'm more for oral-/vaginal-sex ^^'

*the jokes in the story, they are good, but disturbes the read

It would be nice to read a sequel. :)


DevilOrAngelDevilOrAngelabout 15 years ago
Liked the story Except for

The corny jokes and the long winded cocky BS in the beginning would of been a much better story without having to hopscotch and jump over all that horse shit. Yeah puns and such are fun but let the reader discover and laugh at them on their own. Thanks from DevilOrAngel

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Fucking XXXcellent

Creative, unusual, what can I say? Never read anything quite like this. A tour de force, an orchestration, a concerto of sublimity and hilarity, a symphonic delight. Is it really true? Does it matter? Wow!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
The Comments are more fun than the story

Xyster. you are BOSTONFICTIONWRITER in disguise! Egotistical,pseudo-intellectual drivel, delivered with your tongue not in your cheek,but up your arse................Aussie Frank

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
The Comments are more fun than the story

Xyster. you are BOSTONFICTIONWRITER in disguise! Egotistical,pseudo-intellectual drivel, delivered with your tongue not in your cheek,but up your arse................Aussie Frank

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
The Comments are more fun than the story

Xyster. you are BOSTONFICTIONWRITER in disguise! Egotistical,pseudo-intellectual drivel, delivered with your tongue not in your cheek,but up your arse................Aussie Frank

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Like your humour. Forget the knockers(not female) and carry on carrying on.

Anyone can churn out straight porn, few can make a story work.

KwgenevaKwgenevaalmost 14 years ago
You Redeemed Youself!


When I read "Horsing Around" it turned out better than I thought it would. But, admittedly I had to force myself to read it to the end.

In "Horsing Around Too" you redeemed youself. At times I laughed out loud. It almost felt like you and I were sitting in a pub drinking beers, and there you were telling me this fascinating story. It was just so....down to earth...the way it was written.

Love your sense of humor!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Howsit Xyster. Good finish to the story. Very nice use of the correct wording for the various parts.

You really should take a certain understanding from " Aussie Frank " as to the liberal use of the words rectum and ass, you really should, after all he does come from down under.



madpoetmastwenmadpoetmastwenover 13 years ago

A very witty second chapter, and I look forward to seeing more.

Xyster, I applaud your bravery and undaunted gall in the face of the naysayers. Those of us who have read these "Tails" (ha ha) know just how rewarding they are, for you are a unique storyteller. I hope you continue this series, but moreover, I hope you just continue to write, for yours is a rare voice, so sorely lacking on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great stories for both parts

Loved reading both parts of Horsing Around, really was great. Hope you do some more stories like these two. Thank you for writing them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I laughed

Definitely worth reading till the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I absolutely love your writing style. Don't ever stop.

HairyaHairyaabout 9 years ago

You are one warped individual. I love it!!

clark3001clark3001almost 7 years ago
A wHOLE new category

Sex interspersed with idiotic jokes and crazy characters and even crazier conversation is a delight to read. Copying the horses having having sex was funny. Let's have a third part where the sister gets sone pleasure in the other holes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

You crack me up! 5 stars for both stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
It was ok..with several caveats.

Let me start by saying you are a talented writer. There were a few grammatical errors but nothing crazy. My problem is that not only is the one sex scene in this erotic story short, it involved a form of sex the female didn't seem to enjoy. I know women that have major anal orgasms when the proper prep is done, also others that do not enjoy it at all other than the emotional aspects. You are talented, and I love a well written story but the sex scene was pretty much non-con followed by acceptance. Honestly it almost feels like something you copy pasted from another, far worse story just to make some impatient people happy. You don't have to write erotica if you don't enjoy it, write on short story sites. I honestly feel like you used your talent to get me invested in the story then spit in my face. Finally, one joke, sure that's fine. Two? Yeah ok it's a decent length. The jokes just pissed me off honestly and interrupted the barely worth reading sex scene over and over. If you are uncomfortable writing sex, write an epic saga, you have talent, just don't use it to waste people's time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Dear, Dear Xyster!! You are definitely one-of-a-kind, writing like this, and telling your readers to "keep-the-faith", keep reading, or GET LOST!!

You have become one of my favorite orites, because of your attitude; you do not just write, for yourself, and us, your readers, but you actually have the gumption to call out those who would be critical of you (even before the story gets going!!l

Please, MORE, MORE, MORE!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

if Syd Ceaser wrote porn…

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