Hot for Teacher Ch. 04-06


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Michelle looked over at Kim who just stood watching the spectacle of the two women toying with their submissive playmate. "Yes mistress," Michelle replied.

The whish of the leather talons sliced the air before their sting landed on her ass, causing a shock wave to rip through her body and her feet momentarily leave the floor. Michelle's shriek cut through the silence before she settled back down, her skin still tingling.

"But you didn't go with her voluntarily. When she asked you to join us, you refused," Lisa sneered.

"I....I , didn't know what she wanted....." Lisa's whip again smacked the tender skin of Michelle's thighs as she again whelped and her feet flew out leaving her dangling, held in place by the chains fastened to the ceiling.

"You knew exactly what she wanted. You denied her. Don't fucking lie to us bitch," Lisa barked.

"I wasn't into girls. I was afraid. I wasn't...." Michelle did not have a chance to complete her sentence before the flogger again landed a stinging blow to her ass sending an intense pain from her cheeks to her brain. Tears were now flowing down her cheeks as she struggled to get air in her lungs.

"Not into girls? So you're saying you weren't a lesbian then. That's why she had to drug you. To convince you to come with her. Is that it?" Lisa sneered again walking around the front of her victim as Kim and Susan looked on.

"Yes mistress. That's it. I wasn't then," she cried out.

Lisa let her right wrist slap the ends of the leather against Michelle's exposed pussy. Not as hard as the blow to her backside, but the sting on the tender area was just as painful as the young teacher yelped, struggling with the bonds which held her fast in place.

"And now you're a lesbian and you're glad to be here. Is that it?" Lisa shot back.

"Yes mistress. I'm a lesbian. You've made me a lesbian," she said in between sobs.

The flogger again found its mark this time on the soft thighs of Michelle's backside.

"You're fucking lying again you little bitch. Don't fucking lie to us. You said what you said last night just so we would let you go at the end of the week. You figured to play along with us. Maybe enjoy a little experimentation but come Friday you go back to the way things were – your boyfriend, your little teaching job, all this just a memory," Lisa barked.

Michelle shook as the pain throbbed in her legs and ass. Lisa was right. She had no intention, once things returned to normal, of pursuing this lifestyle. She had enjoyed her time with Kim and even liked what Lisa had done with her. But she wasn't a lesbian. Now Lisa was confronting her. Her mind raced for the right responses.

Susan now walked up. Her fingers wandering, toying with her soft skin as they traced the contours of her body. "You're very pretty angel. I love your dark skin. Lisa tells me you're Hispanic... a little Spanish blood coursing through those veins," Susan went on as she sneered at the girl hanging limp with her arms hung over her head.

"How long have you worn your hair this long?" Susan inquired as she ran the thick locks between her fingers.

"I've had long hair since I was a little girl...13 or 14 I guess," Michelle answered back between sobs, looking in the face of the blonde as she pulled gently at her hair. "Kim, bring me the scissors."

Michelle shook at the thought of what might happen but in moments Susan had a clump of hair in her hand. Michelle closed her eyes tightly, the tears streaming down her face as she heard the snip of the steel and felt the soft tickle of the hair as it slipped down over her breasts. Over and over she heard and felt the tugging and snipping as she knew her long brown locks were giving way.

She could only imagine that Susan intended to cut her hair as short as she did Kim's. That she too was to have the dyke look that Kim had mentioned earlier in the morning. It seemed like an eternity as she felt and heard the scissors doing their damage until Susan seemed to be satisfied with her handiwork.

As Michelle opened her eyes, she could see in the corner of her eyes, the hair now adorning the floor. But she was relived when she could see the end of her locks still hanging about shoulder length. Not nearly as short as Kim's. She tried hard not to give any reaction which might betray her thoughts and having Susan cutting more.

Lisa had stepped back up and was now pulling on the girl's nipples. Lisa pulled and twisted on her right nipple until it was hard. She then took a clip from her hand and placed the ends on the nub, almost at the back where the dark flesh meets the breast.

The tension was tight and again caused Michelle to wince as Lisa then fastened a clip on the other. "These are alligator clips pet. We're gonna have some fun with these sensitive nipples of yours. Kim bring me an ounce. That's about all we'll do today," Lisa called out as Kim brought over two little weights that Lisa attached to a dangle from the clip.

The weight of the dangles now in place drew on the flesh, pulling the nipples down in the direction of the floor. Once again, the pain was searing. She loved Kyle playing, sucking on her nipples, but she had never had them clamped much less had weights attached to them.

"Now get me that plug and some lube," Lisa instructed as the younger woman fished through a variety of toys before settling on a flesh colored object resembling a dildo but widened at the base.

Michelle felt Susan spread her cheeks as Lisa rubbed cool lube around and in her ass before gently pushing the rubber object into her butt. It was uncomfortable but Michelle dared not say anything as Lisa pushed harder until the wider head seemed to be pulled into place.

Satisfied the plug was secure, Susan released the grip on her ass and brought her lips to the exposed flesh of Michelle's neck as she sucked, and licked. Michelle's head tilted to the side as Susan sucked harder on her skin.

"So, I'm going to ask you again and you know the punishment if you lie," Lisa intoned.

"Last night, when you said you would give yourself to me, freely and of your own will. To be trained as a lesbian, you never intended to completely give yourself up to me. To submit yourself totally. In the back of your mind. This was a little game.. a little experiment and then it was back to whatever you were before we started. Is that the truth?" Lisa asked, once again holding the whip in her hands as it slapped against her boot.

"Yes mistress," Michelle answered. Her head looking down as she responded. "I said what I thought you wanted to hear," she added.

"And now? Now are you ready to submit yourself? To give yourself to me...totally?" her mistress asked

"Yes Mistress Lisa. I will do whatever you ask. I want to give myself to you. I deserved to be punished for deceiving you," Michelle continued.

"I think it's you that you were deceiving pet. I think we both know what you are. Its just a matter of time before you actually admit it," Lisa smiled as she tilted the girl's chin up and with her finger and placed a long lingering kiss on her trembling lips. As Lisa pulled away, she bit Michelle's lower lip, and tugged on it.

The teacher felt the pain but did not cry out as she stifled her moan as Lisa only smiled realizing she was about to break this young woman completely.

"Take her down and finish with her," Lisa looked over at Kim who walked over to release the bar spreader at her ankles before releasing the tension on the chains which held her in place. As Kim busied herself, Susan released the clamps on her nipples.

The blood rushed back into the nipples sending a new pain through Chel's body but this time she did not cry out and accepted the pain. Kim released the leather restraints as Michelle's weary arms collapsed by her sides.

Susan and Kim took Michelle up the steps to Susan's bath, where she was given a shower and Kim stood behind her lathering her hair. After she was toweled off, Susan stood at a chair as Michelle took her place. She knew Susan was about to finish the job to her hair and she was resigned to any look the older woman gave her.

Michelle closed her eyes, listening to the scissors, feeling Susan's soft fingers as they grazed her face, her neck, her ears. Susan took a blow dryer and blew back her locks until she was satisfied with the style.

"You have the prettiest blue eyes," Susan purred approvingly. "We need to draw them out." She walked off for a minute, returning, and standing in front of Michelle thickened her lashes just a tad and thinned her brows. Then a shade of navy blue mascara on her lids. "You really don't need any makeup and often the simpler the better, but this shade of blue will really make your eyes sizzle."

When Susan was done, she moved out of her way and had Michelle look into her bathroom vanity mirror. Michelle could not believe the image she was looking at. She had loved the long brown hair she had worn for more than a decade. But staring back was almost a different person altogether. Her hair which had before parted falling on the sides exposing her forehead, now swept across with bangs and fell at her shoulders. Layered, the hair seemed to have more play and curl.

Her eyes were now her most prominent feature and she loved it. She actually felt sexy and alluring in a way she had never experienced.

"You like baby it?" Susan inquired as Chel continued to stare at the stranger in the mirror.

"Yes, very much," Michelle responded.

"Good, let's go show Lisa but let's put this on first." Susan took a leather collar that Kim had in her hands and fastened it around her neck. It had little silver studs strategically placed about every inch. It wasn't lost on Michelle that it looked very similar to the collar on Kim's neck from the tattoo which adorned Kim's back.

When the other three ladies entered the living room, Lisa was seated. She stood up and before Lisa had a chance to say anything, Michelle walked slowly up, perhaps three feet from her, and sank to her knees.

She lowered her head and placed her arms behind her back, hand in hand as she had been instructed by Lisa the previous evening. Lisa looked straight ahead at Susan as they both marveled at the transformation of this little spitfire. It was quite obvious that Michelle had reached the point she was truly ready to surrender herself.

No more games or deception as she was now unshackled by her previous resistance. Lisa and Susan would now show her what it entailed to be the perfect lesbian lover and she was prepared to be their eager and willing student.

Chapter 6

"Well, don't you look absolutely delicious," Lisa remarked at Michelle before looking up at Susan, "You do good work."

"I had something good to work with," Susan smiled back.

"Love the finishing touch with the collar. I believe I've seen that before," Lisa added as she walked around Michelle and then stood directly in front of the kneeling brunette. "So what is it you want my dear?" Lisa inquired.

"I want to serve you. I wish to be taught how to please a woman. Please teach me," Michelle begged as she lowered her head further, placing soft kisses on Lisa's leather boot. Lisa looked back up at Susan again, smiling, sensing it couldn't be going any better.

"Very well," she snapped back. "Let's put that talented tongue of yours to work. Show me what you can do with it."

Michelle needed no other encouragement as she trailed kisses up the leather boot. She loved the intoxicating smell of the leather as it filled her nostrils. Her ass and thighs still tingled from the blows earlier and she felt a slight pain as the skin stretched as she moved her tongue up the leg until her lips left the leather and made contact with the soft warm skin of Lisa's thigh.

Lisa spread her legs further giving the young novice plenty of room as she felt Chel's warm breath and the tongue which inched its way closer to her pussy. She too had been worked up dominating the young teacher. She loved getting a chance to punish a young woman, particularly a straight woman she intended to turn.

Michelle's tongue now lapped greedily at Lisa's pussy, working her way into her vagina as the young woman pushed her face into Lisa's crotch. Lisa grabbed the back of her head. It felt strange that her hair was much shorter although Lisa herself thought she looked much more beguiling with her new look.

The young teacher went at her with abandon as her tongue probed between Lisa's pussy lips as she sucked at her clit, trying to savor the juices which began to cover her face. Lisa was very pleased at the progress Michelle was making as she lifted a foot and set it down on the young woman's bare leg. The heel bore down slightly into Michelle's flesh, but she made no attempt to remove it or even to show any sign of discomfort.

The scene before them was really getting to both Susan and Kim and they began to embrace, Susan's tongue probing Kim's eager mouth. Susan lifted a t-shirt up and over Kim's head exposing her firm breasts which now rubbed against the leather corset Susan was wearing.

Michelle in the meantime allowed her tongue to slide the length of Lisa's slit, from the top of her clit to the crack of her ass. Lisa guided the top of Michelle's head, her tongue moving from her hole all the way to the entrance of her ass. She loved anal sex and loved more having her ass licked.

"Yea baby, lick me. Use your fucking tongue. Fuck that feels good," Lisa chanted encouraging the young woman on who seemed to pick up her pace. She felt naughty, daring, as she slid her tongue back further, dabbing at Lisa's asshole.

"Yea your dirty dyke. Lick my ass. Lick me baby. Fuck," Lisa groaned as she swung her boot over the girl's head and positioned her ass in Chel's face.

"May I use my hands mistress," Michelle asked cautiously.

"Yes, yes spread my ass. Eat my ass," Lisa chanted as Michelle did as directed, moving the cheeks apart to gain access to Lisa's little candy.

She loved pleasing Lisa and buried her tongue, pushing, probing into her mistress's backside.

"Use your fingers, stick your fingers in my ass," Lisa commanded as Michelle worked one and then two fingers in, all the while placing kisses on her cheek. Susan in the meantime moved over to the two and started kissing Lisa.

Susan pulled on Lisa's nipples as she worked her tongue in the blonde's anxious mouth.

Kim too scooted over and sucked on Michelle's ample breasts, focusing on the nipples. She licked them gently, knowing they were still likely very sore from the stretching they had received earlier.

Kim, sensing that Lisa might be on the verge of an orgasm, moved around to Lisa's pussy and began lapping her box, sucking on her little clit. As Michelle worked her ass over with her fingers and tongue, Kim probed her hot box. All the while, Susan kissed the woman, exploring her mouth and fondling the exposed breasts.

Lisa came in an explosive climax which ravaged her body. All three of the other women had to support her as wave after wave shook her violently. It was perhaps the best climax she had in some time as Kim finally pulled free of licking her pussy to take up a position beside her and kissing Michelle who had removed her fingers and now focused on a new target.

Lisa collapsed on a couch completely out of breath as Susan now took up the position where Lisa had once stood. Now it was Kim's turn to lick her lover's ass while Michelle feasted on her hot pussy.

Susan tasted different from Lisa or Kim but it was delicious none the less. Unlike Kim, she had a strip of pubic hair just above her slit that tickled Michelle's nose.

"Lick my cunt," Susan sneered down at Michelle who went at her madly. She rubbed Susan's clit with her fingers and then would suck and lick all around her lips as Susan pulled at her own nipples.

"Fuck that feels good," Susan moaned before finally pulling Kim free of her ass. "Go back to my room and get my strapon. I want to fuck this bitch," Susan barked.

Kim jumped up and returned a couple of minutes later with a large black dildo attached to a harness.

"Lay back there and play with yourself while I get this thing on," Susan sneered at Chel as she took it from Kim. She pulled the harness up and fastened it, positioning the cock's base at her mound.

"I'm going to fuck the shit out of you now," she said with a look of desire that made Michelle tremble.

Susan moved between Michelle's legs and placed the head of the cock at her entrance. It slid in easily as Susan began to lower herself on the young woman's body. Michelle took the whole length of the cock without complaint even though it stretched her vagina further. Its girth and length was much bigger than Kyle's cock.

Susan leaned down, her face inches from Michelle's as Michelle closed the distance between them. Placing her lips on Susan's and opening her mouth, encouraging the older woman to explore her mouth with her tongue.

The older woman placed her arms around the teacher's head and allowed her full weight to rest on Michelle as she moved her hips up and down with Michelle's hips pushing forward to meet them. They had a distinctive and deliberate rhythm as Michelle reached around with her hands grabbing on to Susan's ass, as if to pull her further into her anxious cunt.

"Fuck me Susan, fuck my pussy. Give me your cock," Michelle cried out.

"You like my cock baby? You like me fucking you," Susan groaned as she cradled the brunette's head in her hand.

"Yes, it feels so fucking good. I love you fucking me. Fuck me deep... fuck that pussy," Michelle responded.

"Is your boyfriend's cock this big? He have a big cock like mine?," Susan asked as she trailed her lips across Michelle's face. Her lips now resting on her ear as she tongued the ear lobe lightly.

" your's is bigger," she groaned as her hips rose to meet Susan's thrust.

"He fuck you like I do? Or do you like my cock more?" the woman whispered in her ear, moving slowly, deeper into her cunt.

"I love your cock. I love you fucking me," Michelle responded.

"I know angel, but that's not what I asked. You rather have his little penis or my big cock? What would you rather have?" she pressed as she slowed her speed.

Michelle didn't want to say it. She didn't want to admit it out loud or to herself. But she was completely in the moment and her pussy was on fire.

"Fuck. I want yours. I want you to fuck me. I want your cock. I'd rather have your cock. Please fuck me, fuck me harder, fuck me deep!," Michelle panted.

"So you'd rather have some dyke fucking you than his puny little dick," she kept on.

"Yes, fuck yes. I'd rather be with you, ... be with Lisa and Kim," she panted between breaths.

"Oooom," Susan purred. "Well you know angel, Lisa and I are sort of the jealous type. We don't much like fucking lesbians who allow little dicks in their pussies. Pretty soon, you're going to have to make a choice." Susan's voice tapered off as she plunged her tongue in Michelle's ear.

Backing out she demanded, "Cum for me baby. I want you to cum for me."

Michelle bucked back as Lisa picked up her thrust. Her hips smacking loudly at Michelle's wet flesh.

It may have been a minute before Michelle felt a fire deep in her womb. She wrapped her legs tightly around Susan's lower back as she moved with the woman. Heat rushed through her body as their lips came together in a long and passionate kiss. When their lips parted, Michelle was thoroughly worn out.

Michelle didn't even feel Susan dismount her and when she came to her senses, she saw that Lisa was dressed and hugging Susan goodbye. Michelle was to spend the night with Kim and Susan.

Chel lay on the floor for several minutes before Susan appeared with the shorts and t-shirt she had worn earlier. Here put these back on and I believe Kim has some sandals that will fit you.