Innocent Nicole Becomes a Porn Girl


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Mike stood and listened thoughtfully. He would cock his head and say "hmm" or "interesting" as she went on. He asked her a couple of questions. He was smart, and he understood what she was talking about, and didn't think it was stupid, or that she was stupid. Finally Nicole blurted out that she supposed she was jealous of the women, because she could never be one of them.

Mike laughed. "What are you talking about?" He said. Nicole stopped.

"Well I'm not like that ... they're so confident and pretty" she said.

Mike had a perplexed look on his face. "Of course you could" he said.

Did he just call the ugly duckling a swan, thought Nicole?

"In fact, I need another model to finish out this series. Would you be interested?" He nodded his head yes in a playful coax. He was cute. He's flirting with me, she thought.

"Oh my, I don't know" said Nicole nervously. She glanced around the room at the photos. Many of the photos were erotic. No nudity though. She wondered what she would look like. The thought of it excited her in a deep quiet place that she could never voice.

"Let me think about it" she said.

She went to her job at the administration building. For eight hours a week she stood under the fluorescent lights in a windowless room processing student paperwork. Did you fill in this line? Date here? Cash, check or card? Over and over again. It was soul numbing boredom. But it paid $9.03 an hour.

After a night of deliberation, she texted Mike first thing in the morning.

"OK, I'm in" said Nicole.

"Great!" said Mike. He gave her a date and an address. Nicole was proud of her boldness.

The day of the photo session approached. Nicole took it seriously, like she did everything. She was at the gym every day and carefully watching her diet. She got her nails and hair done, a splurge. She shaved. She hated to think what Tym and her WPS friends would think of her. They'd be nice to her face, but behind her back? She stayed away from them.

She carefully chose her outfit for the day of the session. After much deliberation she went with a pink padded bra and pantie, and a short, tight, striped cotton dress that showed off her curves and thighs. She wore canvas flats. She was a excited and nervous.

Arriving at the address Mike gave her, she locked her bike to a sign pole. Outside the house sat an Italian motorcycle shining in the morning sun. A mix of sleek candy apple red, black leather, and an elegantly brutal mass of engine. A shiny clean steel blue BMW sedan sat in the driveway of the well maintained two story colonial. Flowers lined the brick walkway to the door. The effect of it all calmed Nicole's nerves.

As she arrived at the door it opened. She saw a tall, thin, blonde woman gathering bags and coming out. The woman didn't notice her at first. She was surprised.

"Oh" She said, "you must be Nicole, I'm Chelle."

Nicole was taken aback. Chelle reached her hand out. She had long elegant fingers and perfect red nails. Her skin was so soft, silky. She held on for a moment too long. There was an awkward laugh. Who was this? His girlfriend? Chelle was striking in her pants suit and vest, exposing a V shaped patch of perfect, white skin with a slight hint of cleavage. Her face was narrow and feminine with high cheekbones and big blue eyes, blonde hair. Nicole's felt her heart beating. "So nervous" she thought to herself.

"I'm Mike's partner" said Chelle.

Nicole frowned a little. Chelle caught it " partner" Chelle added.

"Yay" thought Nicole.

She turned her head and watched Chelle walk to her car. Chelle walked like a model on a catwalk, simultaneously careless and focused, her shapely calves revealed by her skirt, heels clicking rhythmically on the brick walkway. Chelle caught her staring as she opened the BMW's door and gave her a little wink and smile.

"Hey, hello", said Mike.

Nicole jumped. Her head was still turned over her shoulder, and she was still caught in her little trance.

"Oh" said Nicole with a laugh, "you surprised me."

Mike welcomed her in. He offered something to drink. They chatted a little about nothing in particular. Then he took her to the living room. It was set with professional photography lights. There was a wood table in the center of the set with a chair. There was a candle on table. He explained the concept of the shoot. It was very intellectual. She didn't understand it all, but she knew what he wanted her to do. She was to wear a black shroud and look at the candle, just like the other girls did.

"You can change in here" said Mike.

Mike showed her into another room. It was another studio with lights, small stage, cameras, and a computer. In the back was a mirror and makeup station. Mike told her to take her time. She put the shroud on over her clothes. She checked herself in the mirror and smirked. That wasn't going to work. Her dress was visible.

She took off her dress but left her bra and panties on. That looked a little weird too. She thought about taking them off. The thought of Mike seeing her naked turned her on... and it was art after all. But then she decided against it. She did a little make up then went out.

When Mike saw her he chuckled. The shiny pink bra and panties were a strange pairing with the somber shroud. She knew what he was thinking. But he didn't say anything.

"OK", he said. "Let's just have fun. Do what you need to feel comfortable and get into it."

"Some wine?" said Mike.

"Oh that would be nice" said Nicole.

He opened the bottle and poured into two wine glasses that were sitting out.

The shoot started. He put on some music and had her pose around the table. She liked being in the flimsy shroud, so vulnerable, in front of him and his camera. He let her do what she wanted, just giving her encouragement and building her confidence.

After 15 minutes they took a break to look over the shots. She loved them. He made her look so dramatic and beautiful, except... that ridiculously out of place bra. She poured herself another glass of wine and excused herself to the dressing room.

She came back naked under the shroud. It was opaque enough that you couldn't really see anything, just almost. She even toyed with the idea of "accidentally" letting the shroud slip and expose her pert, peach sized breasts.

Mike would touch her and position her at times. He'd tilt her head or twist her shoulders. She wondered how it would feel for him to take her. With each shot her desire increased. She was feeling excited, she wanted to show her naked body to Mike, to have his camera capture and expose her. She kept pulling the shroud down and away, revealing ever more of her naked skin. Daring herself to show a nipple.

Finally she did it. She let the shroud slip and expose her naked breasts. Mike smiled and clicked away. But soon he stopped. He had an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Hey Nicole, That's great you're getting into this but I can't use nudity. Unfortunately. The sponsor who commissioned this specified it."

Nicole was embarrassed and disappointed. "Oh, sorry" she said, meekly.

By then she was really excited by the idea of strangers seeing her naked body in the photos, and Mike.

"Don't worry about it, you're doing great" said Mike.

They went on with the shoot. A few minutes later Mike's phone started banging out the intro ominous opening riff to Seven Nation Army. "Crap" he said, "I've got to take that. Excuse me." He took the phone into the next room.

She could hear bits and pieces of his conversation.

"Crap.... Candace can't make it?.... Yeah, too many times for Regina ... hmmm... Yeah I know... we can't do this to the subscribers again ugh...hmmm....yeah...Nicole..." said Mike.

Nicole's ears peaked when she heard her name mentioned. What were they talking about though?

"...I don't know if she's quite ready. ..well...why don't you talk to her?" Mike spoke in a hushed tone as if he was trying to keep the conversation secret.

Mike returned and apologized for the interruption. They shot for a bit longer and then Mike said, "OK, great job. I've got some good stuff here."

Nicole went back into the dressing room to change. What a curious place this is, she thought to herself. She looked around the room, studying all the equipment and the stage. There was a walk-in closet full of costumes and accessories. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't resist. She went in.

The closet was filled with lingerie and sexy costumes. The floor was lined with racks of spiky high heels in bright colors, and sleek boots. Belts, boas, and accessories were neatly but densely arranged on the wall. Nicole had seen pretty girls wear these sorts of things at Halloween: sexy nurse, sexy police woman, sexy mouse, sexy prostitute, and so on. But she had never run with the sorts of girls who did such things, and she didn't think she had the courage or the body ever to do so.

She looked through the racks, pulling hangers and studying them fantasizing about what it would be like to wear something so revealing. Everyone would be looking at me. She smiled at the the thought. The time slipped by as she looked for the perfect costume. Finally Nicole found a cute Goldilocks outfit on the rack. She pulled it off to take a look. It looked like a German beer maiden outfit with the laced suede girdle that pushed your boobs together.. Dropping the shroud she held it up against her body and looked it over. What about the time, I've been here for a while? But I just want to see it in the mirror. Then I'm done, she thought to herself.

She walked out of the closet into the room holding the dress over her chest, imagining what it would look like on her. Posing in the mirror she struck poses and made pouty faces. You're looking alright, girl.

Suddenly she heard the door knob turning. The door opened. Nicole had a moment of panic waiting to see who was walking in on her, naked, clinging the little dress to her body.

"Someone's been snooping in my closet" said a female voice.

It was Chelle. Nicole was ashamed of herself. She made herself as small as she could as she waited for whatever was going to come next. Chelle seemed a little angry. There was an authority to her voice. But she also seemed a little amused, like a spider investigating a new morsel in her web.

"Well then, let's see it" said Chelle.

"Wha--see what?" said Nicole, dumbly.

"You" said Chelle.

"Me? You want me to put this on." Nicole said dumbly, again.

Chelle stood with arms folded, looking impatient.

"Mike told me all about you" said Chelle. "I know what kind of girl you are."

And then it dawned on Nicole that Chelle wanted to see her naked. She thought about it for a moment. Wait. Nicole was torn. She had reservations. What would people think, if she ever got found out. But Chelle's demeanor was insistent. Nicole wasn't sure: was this some sort of game, or was she really being forced? What would Chelle do if she said no?

All she knew was that, unlike SMC, which left her dry as dust, she could feel her blood rushing and her pussy warming. She wasn't the sort of girl who got tangled up in something like this. But, she was drawn to Chelle: the little tyrant ran and hid under Chelle's merciless gaze.

Not knowing exactly what Chelle wanted, and not wanting to upset her, Nicole let the dress drop to the ground. As the dress slipped down her body and to the floor she could already feel Chelle's disapproval.

"Not like that Nicole. Put it away" said Chelle, in scoldish tone.

"Oh, right, I'm sorry" said Nicole, apologetically.

She kneeled down to pick up the dress and nervously walked it back into the closet. She hung it on its hanger, carefully, and placed it back in it spot as Chelle stood watching with her arms crossed. She walked back into the room under Chelle's dominating gaze. Chelle motioned Nicole to a spot on the floor in the middle of the room with her eyes. Nicole walked to it and stopped.

"Posture" said Chelle. Nicole straightened herself.

Chelle walked around Nicole's naked body surveying her curves like a judge at a pet show.

"Cute face...perky breasts...nice full're a sexy girl," said Chelle.

Nicole's mind hated the idea of being a sex object, but her pussy was on fire.

Chelle softened. She stepped in close to Nicole and gently took her hands. She looked Nicole directly in the eyes. Nicole was trembling, under Chelle's powerful attention. She was hypnotized. Her naked body rushed with sensations.

"You're a very pretty girl Nicole, do you know that?"

Nicole was embarrassed. "Well...uh..." she mumbled.

Chelle ran a pair of fingers lightly up and down Nicole's arm.

"Yes", Nicole mumbled.

"Yes what?" barked Chelle.

What is this? Is she a drill instructor? help...

"Yes, I am a very pretty girl" said Nicole, trying to sound confident.

"Yes, you are a pretty girl, so innocent, sensuous. You're the kind of girl people want to see without any clothes on " said Chelle. "Have you ever posed nude?"

Nicole was struck silent. Excited: her nipples were erect now. Chelle's hands teased with Nicole's body lightly, just enough to make Nicole want more, but not letting her have it. Chelle got soft and sweet. Taking Nicole's naked waist in her hands she put her lips close to Nicole's. Nicole thought Chelle was going to kiss her, but she just hovered close, tantalizing Nicole with the promise of that kiss .

"You're so hot Nicole, I want you, I need you to do this for me." Chelle spoke in sexy whisper.

"Say yes Nicole" said Chelle as she lightly ran her fingers up and down Nicole's arms. Nicole wasn't sure. What if someone I know...

"Say yes, for me, say yes honey..." said Chelle, her lips so close to Nicole's, like she was going to kiss her, but holding back. Nicole wanted Chelle to kiss her so bad.

Chelle's hand reached down between Nicole's legs. Gently running her fingers over thigh and passing her hand over Nicole's mound just a fraction of an inch above. Nicole couldn't take any more. Her resistance was failing.

"Say yes know you want this, yess" cooed Chelle.

"Yesss..." said Nicole finally, as if from a trance.

"That's a good girl" said Chelle, moving in for the kiss that she had been tantalizing Nicole with, a short brushing of lips.

Nicole was burning up, delirious.

"You need something don't you?" said Chelle. Nicole nodded like a guilty child.

Her hand took Nicole's. She guided Nicole's hand to her own dripping pussy, cupping it with her hand. Chelle's hand firmly held Nicole's down on her sex. Nicole's fingers worked her clit as Chelle held her.

"Cum for me baby, come on, cum for me" whispered Chelle.

Nicole was breathing harder. She moaned from deep within, like she'd never heard herself before. Involuntarily, she felt like she was watching herself from outside, Chelle's hand firmly on top of hers. She was shaking from within now as she worked her fingers around her clit. Chelle angled back so her free hand so she could reach Nicole's nipple. Her fingers tickled it lightly for a moment, and then she began to pinch and twist the tip of Nicole's nipple between her thumb and index finger. Nicole moaned with each pinch, her finger working her pussy faster.

A growing wave of hot sensations flooded Nicole's body, stronger and stronger, until she could not hold on against it. She moaned uncontrollably as she came. Tears streamed from her eyes. She collapsed onto Chelle's lithe body. Chelle held her sweetly in the afterglow, cooing sweet nothings and patting Nicole's head while she recovered.

"I couldn't leave you like that. We've got work to do" said the smiling Chelle.

She backed Nicole into a chair and sat her down, extricating herself for the task at hand.

"Fuck you Devan" muttered Nicole dreamily under her breath.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

While there's a scene with someone watching some completely unerotic sex, this is mainly satire. That's how you destroy your rating potential from the get go.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

This is over the top to the point that it reads like a passive-aggressive dig at social justice and feminism rather than anything erotic.

HamsterHamsterabout 8 years ago
What the.....

First, I think this should be in the Humor and Satire category. Pretty over the top description of the Women's program at Whatever U. However, I do agree with one of the other comments that the story does not seem to have anything to do with the title. It does look like the NEXT installment will perhaps get us there; it had better. And somebody needs to help Tym get to that sexless ideal he's looking for. Perhaps they can take a butcher's knife and remove his genitals.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Seems a reasonable heading. Assuming it's going to be a multi part story, then we've just seen the 'Innocent' part. Perhaps 'Naive' would have been a better description, as I find it hard to believe that such people actually exist. Interesting story nevertheless.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Wrong title?

Can't see any connection between the story and the title.

Nice story, though!

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