It All Goes Wrong, Pt. 01


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"I frankly don't know. I'm screwed. I don't have any money, anywhere to stay, and I can't even get my car, to drive home."

"Why not?"

Andie, frustrated, answered tersely. "Well, I don't have the keys, I don't have the ticket to retrieve my car from the parking structure, and I don't have any way to pay."

"Oh, yah. I understand. Can't you call someone to help?"

"Well, I don't have anyone. My parents are gone, and I'm an only child."

"No boyfriend?"

"Um, no."

"Girlfriend?" she asked with a sly smile.

Andie just shook her head. She'd have been happy to have a girlfriend. One that understood her fetish, but those were hard to find.

He thought about calling one of his friends from work, but it would be asking a lot, and even if one was willing to drive all the way over here, he'd be in drag.

She leaned forward with her hands cupping her head. "I'm so screwed!" she mumbled.

Keira was nice enough, but she didn't really understand how screwed he really was.

The woman, though, gave her a sympathetic look, and leaned in to give her a reassuring kiss on the cheek. "I'll help you get it sorted out," she said, kindly, but then she had to step back into the store to deal with a demanding customer.

Andie just sat there, trying to figure out a course of action. All of her elaborate vacation plans had been destroyed, and now she had nothing. No money and no plan. Damn!

Ten minutes later Keira returned. "I had an idea. Where did you park?" she asked, out of the blue.

"Just a couple blocks over. Um, the Big City Garage."

"Hmm, I know that place. A lot of my customers park there. One of them had some issue last month and she found that they have a first-rate video surveillance system that saved her. We can see if they have a video of you parking. If we can prove that the car is yours, we can get a locksmith to make a key and you can drive home.

"And I'll cover the costs. You can mail me a check once you get everything fixed."

Andie brightened. "Hey, great idea. And I really appreciate all of the help."

"Good, and don't mention it. I'll close up in a couple of hours and we can walk over, Okay? In the meantime, you can keep me company in the store."

"Sure. Thanks," she replied relieved to have a workable plan that just might get her out of this mess. Of course, her adventure was ruined, but perhaps some other time...

The two of them spent the next few hours hanging out in the store. Keira handled the customers as they wandered in, and during the quiet times they chatted. Andie even helped out a couple of times when several customers needed assistance. She admitted to having worked retail when she was in college, so she was familiar with the basics.

During that long, sad afternoon Andie learned a lot about her host. Keira owned and operated the store, and she lived upstairs in an apartment she'd assembled for that purpose. She was reasonably successful and happy with her life. She mentioned too that there was also a fairly successful internet retail site, that sold several lines of sexy and kinky items.

That got Andie's attention, but she didn't want to risk diving deeper into that topic.

Talking with Keira was a pleasant distraction from Andie's underlying, panicky thoughts. With her elaborate and exciting plans totally crushed, she couldn't take her mind off her terrible predicament. She had no money, no phone, and unless she could get access to her car, no way to get home, and nowhere to sleep.

And, she wasn't even Andy. She was Andie a girl, at least as far as Keira or anyone else knew.

Lovely Keira was her only saving grace. She was the one thing keeping Andie from totally losing her mind!

At last, the store was closed and secured for the night. Keira ushered her out, and carefully locked the door, before leading the way down the sidewalk to the garage.

She seemed to be in a good mood, and Andie felt her hopes rising as they moved along, side-by-side.

When their arms brushed, it seemed only natural for them to grasp hands, and they wound up walking the last block hand-in-hand, like the best of girlfriends.

Andie noticed, and realized that she really liked the woman, in more ways than one.

The two of them strode into the parking garage, past the offices, and into the stairwell.

"Remember where you parked?" Keira asked.

"Yes, second floor, slot 247. I always make sure to memorize the spot."

They ran up the stairs and Andie led the way over to 247, only to find it empty.

"Oh, no!"

"Are you sure this is where you left it?"

"Absolutely." Crestfallen.

"The bastards must have stolen it too. They had your keys." Keira said, exasperated.

"And the ticket from here, so they knew where it was." Andy added, dejectedly.

The two of them stood there, stumped and saddened, for several long minutes.

"Well, we definitely need to report this to the cops. That's grand theft auto, and if nothing else, you'll need a police report for your insurance. Let's go to the office and at least check the video recordings. We should be able to see you, and also the thieves."

"I suppose."

Andie knew it was necessary, getting the police involved, but it would also make everything even more complicated. Official records of Andie as Andy, or vice versa. Could things possibly get any worse?

Andie followed Keira, plodding back down to the offices.

Lucky that the evening manager was still there, they explained the situation to the guy, who was very sympathetic and surprisingly helpful as well. Perhaps it was the two pretty women he was dealing with. He was also very apologetic, probably afraid of being held responsible for the stolen car.

An hour later they called the police. And surprisingly got an officer to come over.

They showed him the two sections of security camera video.

"This is the lady parking her car, this morning." The manager explained, pointing at the computer screen.

"And this is the guy who came in and drove off with it. He paid the fee like he owned it. No way for us to tell that he didn't"

The cop watched, "and he had the key because he mugged you?"


"I saw that, it was right in front of my store." Keira volunteered.

The policeman then pulled out his computer tablet and began filling out a report form. Starting with name and address.

For a moment, Andie wasn't sure how to answer, Andy or Andie, but not wanting to make things worse by admitting to being a cross-dressing guy, she spelled out the name 'Andie'.

After gathering all of the information he closed down his pad. "Okay, I've generated two reports, one for the mugging, which won't do you much good, I'm afraid. And the second one for the GTA. That one will be good for your insurance claim. I doubt if we'll ever see your car again. It's probably half-way to Portland by now. They have no law enforcement these days. A lot of stolen goods seem to be winding up there."

He paused to shake his head, sadly.

"I can email you copies," he added.

"Thanks officer, but I don't have a computer, or even a phone, at the moment." Andie replied, sadly.

"Can you copy me?" Keira asked.

The cop looked from Keira to Andie and back. "Yes."

"That will help. Thanks" Andie confirmed.

The two of them walked out of the parking structure, totally dejected. Keira was sad for the woman next to her. She realized that it was silly for her to feel somehow responsible for Andie's troubles. But she did.

She could understand how lost and helpless the girl felt. She imagined how she'd feel if the roles were reversed.

As they continued to plod along, it also struck her that there was an opportunity here. Although there was something a little odd about Andie, she liked her. Their afternoon together, despite the situation, had been pleasant, and the help Andie had provided in the store, although only a small thing, had been nice.

By that point it was getting quite late, and neither of them had eaten, Keira again grabbed Andie's hand. "How about some dinner?" she asked. "I bet you're hungry, and thirsty. I'm sure alcohol will help you feel a little better."

"I can't pay." She whined.

Keira chuckled, "I know. I'm buying. There's a nice little place around the corner. It's a favorite of mine."

Andie couldn't turn down the offer, she was hungry and she had no other way of eating, so she readily agreed.

As they walked the short distance to the restaurant, Andie on impulse, leaned over and gave Keira a kiss on the cheek.

"You don't know how much I appreciate all of your help. I really don't know where I'd be without you. I am sorry for getting you involved like this, and I promise I'll make it up to you. Pay you back for all your kindness."

Keira was touched. She thought she understood how difficult this was for her new friend. And she also liked her. Despite only knowing her for such a short time.

She squeezed Andie's hand, holding it tighter as they moved along. "Andie, I can only imagine what a mess this is for you. I'm glad I can help. We'll get this straightened out."

Hearing her reaction, and her offer, Andie was able to relax, just a bit. And she was enthralled by Keira's use of the word 'we'. She knew she needed a lot more help to get through this crazy disaster.

They arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later. It was a nice place, not big, but not small either, and although the atmosphere was casual, it was nicely decorated. The crowd, too seemed friendly and relaxed.

Andie felt herself relax just a bit more.

The hostess, after greeting Keira like a friend, seated them at a nice table in a quiet corner.

After ordering a bottle of good wine. They made themselves comfortable.

"Can you forget all of the negatives for a while? Let's just enjoy ourselves. There's plenty of time to fix things, later." Keira said after they'd been served their drinks.

"I suppose." Andie replied. She was still trying to get over the mess.

"Come on. I want to get to know you better. Please just consider this a date. Just two girls out for a good time. Please?"

Andie couldn't help but smile. Keira was so nice, and supportive, and attractive as well.

She took a deep breath, and smiled for the first time since they'd met. "Okay. I think that's a great idea. I need something good for a change."

"Well, haven't I been a good thing?" Keira asked with a giggle.

Andie actually laughed. "You've been the best thing that's ever happened to me. Without you, I'd have lost my mind by now."

The two of them spent the next hour, sipping wine and munching on appetizers. The restaurant was a pleasant place, with comfortable seating, soft jazzy music, an amenable crowd, and friendly service. It all helped Andie calm down. But it was Keira's company that was the best part, and it helped her the most.

Andie learned a lot about her new best friend. And every impression she formed was positive. She really did like this woman. And it turned out that there was only a three-year difference between them. Easy to handle.

Luckily, Keira did most of the talking, not only about herself and her business, but also about the city.

Andie provided some details of her life and background, carefully structured to fit with her pretend gender.

Their conversation, coupled with the food and in particular the alcohol, helped Andie temporarily push aside her worries.

And as the evening wore on, she realized she liked Keira a lot. The woman was fascinating, and Andie found that she very much wanted to know her better. Much better.

But as they talked, that little voice kept whispering in her ear, 'you're leading her on,' it said, over and over again.

As terrible as she felt about her disastrous situation, she started feeling just as bad about how she was lying to this very nice girl.

But she didn't know what to do about it, so she just kept chatting and enjoying Keira's company.

Later, while they were coming to the end of their meals, it became clear that Keira was going to invite her to spend the night in her apartment. That would be great as she certainly had nowhere else to go. But it become yet another disastrous situation.

If they got close, really close, dear Keira would find out her secret, and then what?

She might even get kicked out into the street. Where would she be then? One of the many homeless compounds? Hell no!

Disgusted, distraught and pretty well drunk, she decided to share her secret. She had to.

To be continued...

From the Author: Please comment on my stories. All thoughts, positive or negative are welcome. If negative, please extend the courtesy of providing constructive criticism. Thanks.

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ChangeYourPasswordChangeYourPassword2 months agoAuthor
Happy you enjoyed this tale

It is not autobiographical. It is based only on my own broad and varied fantasies and healthy imagination, as are all my writings.

slavecaroslavecaro2 months ago

I have enjoyed this and wondered if any of it was autobiographical. Thank you for a story that mentions all the fears and nervousness of being transgendered. I know it is difficult to portray the intensity of that without spending pages that would force some readers to lose interest.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The flow of emotions in the changing situations and the rollercoaster ride they take make this such a wonderful and believable journey. Knowing how I would feel if that happened to me makes me wonder how Andie has managed to not totally lose it and just have a breakdown right in the parking garage. I cannot wait to continue this adventure that Andie finds herself on.

Lexx xoxo

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I like the story - it's totally believable and I can sympathise for poor Andie - a girl being being all alone in a strange town.

I identified with the problems of trying to bend over when wearing constricting shapewear also. I was fully expecting Andie to try to attach her stockings to her garter belt belt clips, this being almost impossible when wearing nail extensions but you contemplated that nicely by having her stick on her extentions when she was already dressed.

I also appreciate the time and trouble that you have taken to avoid grammar and spelling mistakes - something that ruins so many stories by other authors.

Can't wait to read more!

JDonna1996JDonna19969 months ago

Well written and nicely paced. Looking forward to what’s next!

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