All Comments on 'It Was Only a Blowjob Ch. 04'

by Tx Tall Tales

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ariesgirlariesgirlover 10 years ago

What a hypocrite. John need to get over himself. Yes his stupid wife screwed up, he forgave her and I thought moved on. So he is forcing Alice to give him a handjob which he doesn't consider a betrayal to Wendy? I guess making his point with the teenage hooker wasn't enough. I wonder if he would be all happy if Wendy gave some guy a handjob. John did say he wasn't betraying her since Alice didn't use her mouth but she eventually did. He is going to guilt her into letting the hand/blowjob be OK. Like a dummy Wendy is going to let it go.

JounarJounarover 10 years ago
well written as always TTT


I don't see him so much as a hypocrite, but more "an eye for an eye type". While he has forgiven Wendy for the blowjobs, she has lied to him by omission for not mentioning what she did with the handyman and wasnt drunk then unlike the blowjob situation.

That omission from her confession about her cheating, when he asked her what she had done has to have damaged his already fragile trust in her. And let's be honest here, Wendy was the one who fucked up bigtime, so she has to deal with the shit to make it right.

dagoatmandaviddagoatmandavidover 10 years ago
starting to drag enough blowjobs and lets get the revenge going

Ok its getting to goofy . mom hooker wife sister in law really your wife would put up with much repeat lets get going. Your a great writer what's up with dragging on and on. Gave you a 2 for repeat and dragging on I thought this stories was done with Ch.3 I was happy to see Ch.4 then just a repeat of the first with one paragraph new .Come on TX Tall show us your good stuff we know your got it in you .Teach these people a lesson they wont forget.

shuriken2012shuriken2012over 10 years ago
not a hypocrite

he is just showing his wife what happens when she lies to him. if she had told him about the handjob then he probably wouldn't have done anything about it because he was focused on the bjs.

m48gunnerm48gunnerover 10 years ago
Don't See It

Blackmail is never "right" Alice was a bitch, and yes Windy wasn't completely honest as she didn't mention the handjob....but forcing sex with Alice is not the answer to their problems....let's be honest...this is just another nail in the coffin of their marriage, how can blackmail, forced sex with Alice, and NOT addressing the real problem his wife's continued deceit help to rebuild the much as I like you as an author, that is pretty much a hold of you know what...glad I got my boots on.

JounarJounarover 10 years ago

Alice worked hard to persuade her little sister that cheating was ok, watched her break her marriage vows and continued the pretense when Wendy's marriage went down the tubes so fuck her. Anyone who sticks their nose into another couples relationship to cause damage deserves EVERYTHING they have coming to them.

Alice, Tom, Miguel and the other two blowjob bozo's need to feel hubby's pain.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Once it is gone is hard to get back. I can see where he would be more upset about the handjob than the blowjobs because he was at a point where he was starting to trust her agian. This is why cheating at any level tends to destory a marriage. it isnt just about x amount or typws of sex acts. it is all about the lies told to cover for those sex acts. I dont rhinkhe can drive home the message to her just by doing an eye for an eye with sex.great story waiting to see where it goes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Can't wait for your next chapter! Please make more of effort for Johnto have more of a Meanstreak! & when will he be giving the Payback Revenge? this story is taking long ?? Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

In which chapter do we find out a) that she's been getting fucked on the side too and b) that the baby is some other guy's

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Sometimes a story gets away from the writer . Or maybe you want to incude

everything and the kitchen sink.

Now just marking time til the last chapter. Hey maybe TTT will finish with

a family and friends orgy ! I know he came close before.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Long Story

Since it's in Novels and Novellas, I figured from the start it was going to be a long one. Enjoying the detail, explanations and back story. Don't let the whiners slow you down. Still waiting for Kelly's story.

doubledownrobdoubledownrobover 10 years ago

I like this series, and i've been more than happy to highly rate the previous chapters, but I'm afraid i've had to downgrade this one. It seems like this one is getting away from you a bit. This is an ambitious story, and its different from much of the fare here, and even some of your own previous works in that it is not a stroke story. Sure, there are lots of sex scenes and blowjobs galore, but its meant to be a fully fledged story, not just a bunch of fucking. Until this chapter, I think you've served that concept quite well. Your characters are formed and unique, with their own motivations and lives. You have put them in situation that, while somewhat far fetched, isn't corny, absurd, or cliche. Your dialogue is crisp, and your attention to detail is excellent.

But in this chapter, i feel like you go off the rails, particularly in the scenes with the mother-in-law and to a lesser extent, with the sister-in-law. Unless this story is going to take a sharp turn in both content and concept, the MIL's sexual involvement with the trio is gratuitous. It doesn't advance the plot in any way, and while it might be an interesting diversion for the characters, it doesn't tell us anything about them we need to know. It felt like it was in there just for shock value. In a stroke story, that's fine. In fact, the more, the merrier. But this is a bigger work than that and deserves more consideration.

As for the closing scene, I understand what you are trying to do, and in context, it makes a certain amount of sense. But it stretches the limits of what could be considered a credible situation. Now, you may open the 5th chapter with a sharp deviation and prove me very wrong, but as it stands right now, i finished the chapter not with a "that was awesome!" but with a "really? reeeaaaallly?"

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
It just got real stupid.

Too bad, you don't seem to know when to stop.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
On the Contrary

You should not stop. Great series. Thank you. You have created such an interesting, believable set of characters that I really hope you have at least two more stories in you in the series: one to finish the Alice/Miguel connection and one to explore Kelly's background, whicht you have mysteriously alluded to. You even implied that Kelly and John may do it, and maybe Kelly and Wendy will evolved into more les sessions.

My only quibble is that you have avoided the STD issue with Kelly, the former hooker. I suppose I am OK with no STDs with the 3 BJ men as they are all family men and apparently monogamous

JohnnyGaltJohnnyGaltover 10 years ago
Who the hell is Jim?

"I...I didn't know, Jim. I'm sorry. How could I know? Nobody's talking to me."

I thought his name was John?

I almost expected him to tell her to drop trou and bend over when she asked how she could make it up to him. But then how does she explain that to her husband?

On teh other hand, since Mom, Wendy and Kelly are coming through the door . . .

JohnnyGaltJohnnyGaltover 10 years ago

I meant to say

I almost expected him to tell her to drop trou and bend over for a spanking

(time for bed, now )

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
OK... really need to continue this series. Leaving us hanging where you did was C'mon man, end this series right...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Where's the rest of the story I'm getting impatient

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I find this chapter disturbing in many ways.

1 & 2 were really good, 3 was a 'wtf' with the too quick change in the characters and now this .. . did you have to go borderline incest? This story is going downhill fast.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
What about Dan?

Does John not understand that he's betraying his family here? This makes him no better than Tom or Miguel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
The REAL Hypocrites

The real hypocrites are reading revenge porn on a porn story website criticizing a fictional character for being a hypocrite while jerking off to it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Waiting for more

I found this humorous. It was fun reading, unreal, but fun, isn't that what fiction is?? Give them an inch and see what type of yarn they can spin?

That being said, what does he do about handjobs???

joln321joln321over 10 years ago

My opinion, He should have a sit down with Alice, Wendy and Kelly. Let Wendy know He now knows about the handjob. That the handjob was before they were married. while they were engaged. (I don't see a problem there)Only that it was the start of "it's not cheating". The "gang-bang" with the coworkers was after they were married and had a child. Somewhere, Alices's husband is going to have to know. Can't hide that the Parents have "tossed" her out. Dan will find out because the best of secrets get revealed eventually. People talk. If John wants Wendy to watch Alice give him a handjob, he'd better get that permission from Wendy first.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
More, please!

I've been checking every day to see if you've posted the next chapter. PLEASE?? I hope these negative comments aren't discouraging you from posting another installment! I think your story is exciting, erotic and fresh. I'm frantic to see what happens next!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Misty to Marie. Dave to Dan to Dave to Dan again. Then John to Jim to John. Confused enough? The names are like playing cards, shuffling around. WTF?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Not sure some of these...

... people making comments read the same story. The handjob WAS when they were married. It's an unusual tactic, but it seems the only way Wendy understands something is wrong is to have it thrown in her face. The reason he's making sure she sees it is because she apparently tried to hide it, although I suppose the way Alice had warped her mindset about cheating it's a little plausible that she actually did forget about it because it was inconsequential to her. I'm also looking forward to the continuation of this story and I'm a little puzzled. In his opening the author said all but the last chapter were done and edited but we've paused at 4 of 7 promised chapters. Normally this wouldn't even be worth mentioning, but this author always seems to come through with what he sets out to do. Again, I normally wouldn't even bring it up, but the pause has now lasted longer than it took to get the first 4 chapters out, so it seems worth mentioning.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

another twist, hows she going to talk her way out of this one.

johnnyjonesjohnnyjonesover 10 years ago
Is the remainder...

... coming soon?

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago

And now the mother in law? Holy shit! And with the baby right there. Sick. The guy I feel bad for is Dan. This guys forces Alice to cheat on her hubby again. What a hypocrite.

FD45FD45over 10 years ago
Are you fucking kidding me?


As soon as the Mother in Law got into the bed and naked, you pretty much lost me.

Three pages. Probably about 2,000 words.

What did we get out of this?

He considers doing something more to his friends.

He talks to Marie (or is it Misty this chapter? No, it was Misty in the first chapter) and spins her a tale.

He has a brief meeting with the Sister in Law.

Where did the other 1,500 words go? "I love you SO Much!" "Rub me harder!"

You take the STORY elements and condense them into "I updated her on what I said" but can't abbreviate the same damned sex?

You REALLY lost me at the Mother in Law. Why? I don't believe them as human beings anymore. Now they are mere fantasy chess pieces, and hence I don't care about them anymore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great story, totally hooked, but...

IS Tom married to MISTY or MARIE??? if in doubt please go read your own story! So many little things get over looked in hast or neglect. Please Keep Writing, just be accurate.

Pappy7Pappy7almost 10 years ago
Starting to lose cohesiveness

I wish I had gotten this comment in in time. Husband is giving way too much control of the situation back to his wife. That might be the reason for what she did. I still don't believe that she didn't know that blow jobs were sex. I think she was miffed at hubby and since he gives in to her on everything that she just did it and figured he would be hurt a little and then forgive her, which is what he seems to be doing. Make him do penance for not doing what she wanted, sex wise. Also, he took Kelly in and paid for everything, but now she is taking Wendy's side and pressuring him. He had every right to be upset at her going to a hotel, stripping to her underwear and then tricking the guys into paying her. She obviously touched Tom right back in the same old place. If touching his cock and balls was wrong when she blew him, it was wrong when she tried to extract her revenge. And yeah, the MIL went from perpetually pissed at him to getting naked with him? Hard to believe, even though this is a fantasy story. I guess it reads so much like a first line novel that when TTT tries to put in the sex we are all waiting for, it seems far fetched.

Very good story, very well written, editing is much harder than it looks, so no complaints on that.

krosis666krosis666over 9 years ago
Whats next

The father in law joining them in their 150 acre bed? How about that circus that passed through town? Plenty of room in the bed for 30 clowns and a few acrobats!

This story lost any and all semblance of reality in the first chapter. Hell, it isn't even satire. Is there a Lit category called "Ridiculous Meandering Crap"?

I don't know how I managed to read this far, ( One too many beers, I guess), but this is where I step off the Asylum Bus!

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 9 years ago
lost me

Lost me once it went beyond Kelly. Not saying that the story sucked just that it was no longer my cup of tea. For a story that started out as anti cheating to go to being full of cheating just blew the story for me. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago

Tom’s explanation to Marie/Misty was perfect, explained his questions without giving away the actual facts.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Wendy Since They Met

I don't think John needs to concern himself about what Wendy did since they MET, but there as probably a span of time before their engagement when they were exclusive. Did anything happen then?

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago

The hand job, which he intends for Wendy to see, is because she never admitted the hand job she gave Miguel.

His intent is to make it clear to Wendy that she HAS to come clean on EVERYTHING, not just try to explain away the things she gets caught at.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago

The hand job was NOT before they were married!

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 9 years ago
Good you got that asshole anony all pissed off and yelling at you

that means a 5 and that this story is good. When he/she/it yells IT is really up set. Good maybe his heart will stop!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I went back and forth on this chapter

Congrats. Great writing. Really great. Four out of five. I was all over the place trying to score this chapter. The mother-in-law stuff does nothing for me. if this story was called I Did my Wife, my Mistress and my Mother-in-Law, I wouldn't even click on in. It's just not my thing. But your strong writing brought me through relatively unscathed. The ending with the sister-in-law is clever and interesting. I really liked her explanation about why she told her sister what she did. I also like his punishment. I can't wait for the next chapter. Cheers Steve

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 9 years ago

Now it's just getting fucking weird. At least now we know the sister's tale. One more chapter...

ejsathomeejsathomeover 8 years ago
Interesting at the beginnning, but . . .

It was an interesting situation at the beginning, but has been going downhill since then. I know that this is a site for stories relating to sex, but in the best written stories, the description of the sex acts is almost secondary to the plot. And there just seems to be too much of it. Also, throwing the mother-in-law into the picture was just plain "jumping the shark." You lost me there. I love Kelly, though. She adds a bit of humor to the story.

nashman1000nashman1000over 8 years ago
Really good

I think the story is great. It's way more interesting than just the pure sex stories. Ignore the comments from some of the others. It's really an interesting story.

I guess I enjoy it even more because I'm about to get divorced. So, I get a kick out of the main character and his point of view and his actions.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Chapter 5?

I really enjoyed the story, but chapter 5 turned out to be an earlier chapter repeated. I have now read all of your stories except for a few and enjoyed them thoroughly almost without reservation. Thank you for your hard work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
More Secrets?

Only now John finds out about Wendy giving a handjob to Miguel. Was that the one and only time with Miguel? I doubt it. Wendy and her sister Alice have a history of lying and cheating. And omitting truths. Sounds like cheating on John before he put a ring on her finger was 'not cheating' also. And how did Tom know the exact same words Alice had used to make giving other men blowjobs not an example of cheating.I expect Wendy to do more cheating over the holiday party season.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago

I think KarenE misspoke a bit. She said, "I don't think John needs to concern himself about what Wendy did since they MET," but he DOES! All Alice said that she had been with anyone since the were ENGAGED, that leaves a lot of time where she might have been with others.

bruce22bruce22about 7 years ago
Sorrowful Tale

Most people like to think that they are "good folk" and manage to lose all memories that ruin that self image. In this case I am curious to see what Wendy will see.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

now it got weird with mom and Alice's hand job.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 5 years ago
Isn't a hand job a little childish?

Is he going to repay Wendy for every single slight in kind? I think that is a bit over the top. John and Wendy's relationship is getting so much better. Why risk screwing it up over a hand job? Still a 4 Star Rating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I wish you hadn’t brought Carol into the bedroom

The counter on the website shows 95000+ views, and I am only one, but Carol in the bedroom was a turnoff for me - enjoying the story, gave this chapter a 4; considered others as 5’s.

Just one reader’s opinion

MarkT63MarkT63over 4 years ago
Do it!!!

Glad he's getting around to punishing everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I did not like the way he forced Alice to give him a handjob but did like the way he came to realise he had anger issues to be dealt with. Respect to Kelly for her part in this realisation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A Wasted Chapter

Bring Carol into the marital bed and having Alice give John a handjob in front of Wendy and Kelly was poor plot decision. John's entire interaction with Alice is all wrong. Three stars. I am afraid that this story, which was a very decent story through the first three chapters may be headed for a train wreck.

MormonJackMormonJackover 3 years ago
Argh... the selfishness and duplicity of this one is killing me

He's angry that his wife gave another man a handjob, he's angry the sister didn't care about his marriage when she was the catalyst for the handjob, and then commands this married woman, his sister-in-law, to give him a handjob. Really knocks him off the pedestal others have place him on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

He should have told the brother in law the first night. Still not telling him makes him a total asshole!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I think the author himself doesn't realize the double standard in this story. When a guy gets a BJ from a married women, the husband wants to tell his wife because "she would like to know" and feels justified.

But when his sister in law confesses to leading his wife astray and cheating on her husband, then suddenly he is willing to hide the cheating??

Additionally his reaction to the sister in laws confession is contradictory to his reaction when he found out about his wife.

Hole story feels like amateur hour to me.

Ocker53Ocker53almost 3 years ago

Nearly 20 pages and he still has not confronted his friends for cheating with his wife, despite the fact he has mentioned on each page how much he cannot wait to destroy them, just repetitive teen fantasy 💩

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

1 star - ONCE&DONE - no second, or third, or fourth chance.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

this story is too horrid to finish. You are not a great writer, but usually much better then this.

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 2 years ago

Wendy gave the handyman a jerk so more shit hits the fan. Reverse the fan when Wendy finds out about eating Kelly out...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Daaaaammmmn. I don't even know how to characterize this story. Something between one of those soft-porn Amazon Kindle romance stories and the Adventures of Baron Von Munchhausen. This author isn't a RichardGerald, but he has written better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

t appears that you ladies have been discussing very personal elements of our love lives, and sharing them with your spouses. I don't understand that. Wendy has never told me about your sex lives. Any of yours."

your characters are set semi tard status. sharing their sex lives? marie and dan still dont fcking know honesty seems only directed at the husband... occcasionally when new cheating info isnt coming out...

oh and i noticed the sister did apologise for being a pos

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I've enjoyed the series so far, but this is the first chapter with huge errors. In chapter 1 it was Tom and Mistie and now she has become Marie. Also 3/4 of the way through the last page Alice calls John "Jim". Other than these errors and Wendy being an idiot for believing Alice that giving someone a blowjob is not cheating it's been good. I guess she was influenced by Bill Clinton saying a blowjob is not sex; afterall he never had sex with Monica.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is *not* the first chapter with huge errors. The whole story is one long, sordid, pathetic comedy of errors. Mostly on the part of Wendy, but nearly equally, her moronic husband.

DrgwngDrgwngabout 2 years ago

This is,deplorable. This author fills the story with despicable, retarded morons. I cannot find one single person with a centered sense of acceptability. I wish the ratings could follow the direction of the story and get progressively worse and worse. Drivel.

rn2711rn2711almost 2 years ago

The mother part was too much for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Since we’re nitpicking when he brought the meal to them in bed, he put the tray on Wendy’s lap. She was on her stomach due to a sore ass. Where’s her lap when she’s on her stomach?

Seriously I’m still enjoying the heck out of this story. I’m still waiting for the three of them to evolve into a true threesome.

Bill S.

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

LoisKnight69LoisKnight69about 1 year ago

I dislike John. His blackmailing of the sister-in-law Alice is no better than Tom confusing Wendy and taking advantage of her. John is acting high and mighty about Wendy's omission of touching Miguel, but John never told Wendy that he "ate out" Kelly. John should ponder Alice's statement about using handjobs and blowjobs as birth control. It is true that average girls might need to "put out" whereas very attractive girls get away with merely using a handjob or eventually a blowjob to deflate an aggressive man. Besides, as described, Wendy had Miguel's penis placed in her hand by Alice and held it for a very few seconds. It is not like Wendy was going to town on him. It is possible she dismissed it from her mind in the same way she doesn't remember or dwell on a clumsy kiss from some dud. Involving the mother-in-law, Carol, also was a fatal blow to the moral tone of the story being "anti cheating" in all its forms.

LoisKnight69LoisKnight69about 1 year ago

I dislike John. His blackmailing and abuse of Alice is no better than when Tom took advantage of Wendy. Also, John's dislike of omission from discussions seems not to apply to himself, which is why he never mentioned his oral servicing of Kelly. Finally, John should take to heart Alice's comment about handjobs and blowjobs being good birth control. Most women might seem compelled to "put out" whereas very attractive women can often deflate and aggressive man with a handjob or at least resort, a blowjob. John is pompous and self-centered. Wendy is simply stupid. Finally, bringing the mother-in-law into the story as a sexual being destroyed the stories moral tone of being "anti cheating'.

TwmatthewsTwmatthews7 months ago

I couldn't finish the story. The first part was good but......Wendy seemed unable or unwilling to understand what she did. I found Kelly to be the most interesting character in the story. Where I lost it and gave up was in the last section when they introduced the mother in law to their sexual relations. It removed the last shred of believability for me and I stopped reading it,

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Sadly what began as a very good story quickly became one of vengeance and hypocrisy. John is now forcing his SIL to defraud and dishonor her husband, his BIL, who is innocent in all of this. John is now doing to Dan what Tom, Aaron and Jerrod did to him.

RedRachaelRedRachael4 months ago

Well that went off the rails..

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker4 months ago

Weird. 4 Stars. Finish it, please.


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Too long! Lost interest. You should get to the point and end already.

RedRachaelRedRachael2 months ago

MC has lost any high ground. He has no credibility when he continues to remind his wife how she nearly destroyed them. He’s way past anything she did.

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