Joanie Goes to Europe


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Having the man watching us helped me to loosen up and enjoy the fuck. The imagined horror of people seeing me naked and being fucked on the airplane was now replaced with the reality of it. Reality is always less frightening than the anticipation of it. In this case reality was also highly erotic.

Philip was screwing me, moving his cock in a circular motion, something I love. His cock would caress one side of my cunt, and then the other, all the time rubbing my clit. I began to breathe unevenly and began to cooperate automatically, raising my body to meet his thrusts.

Getting a bit brazen, (okay, hugely brazen) I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him further into me. Then he surprised me and shocked me. He raised himself up, grabbed my legs and pushed them up vertically. He then pounded me fast and hard.

This was new for us. It strained how limber I was. All subtlety was gone; we looked like we were starring in a porn movie. There was no ambiguity: Anyone who looked our way knew I was being spectacularly fucked and would see I was naked underneath Philip.

A few other men sitting behind us were now watching us, Odessa told me later. I expected a flight attendant to come over and tell us we would be arrested when the airplane landed. But the flight attendants were nowhere to be found.

I was so amazed this was happening, that I lost control and let myself go. Seconds later I came. I think I even squirted, which I almost never do. But I'm not sure, because it I did it was drowned in the huge amount of jism that came seconds later.

Philip unloaded into my cunt, groaning softly as he did so. His cock squirted several times, and while a girl cannot estimate quantity with any accuracy, I could tell there was a hell of a lot of his stuff charging into me, zooming up my vaginal canal.

I gave a return groan, and he stayed on top of my naked body for a while. Everyone still had their blindfolds on except for the four of us, and our several voyeurs, so I gently pushed Philip off, and got up stark naked and walked that way to the restroom. I sat on the toilet for a while letting gravity dispose of some of Philip's cum.

I had the presence of mind to bring the blanket with me. Airplane blankets, even in business class, are quite small. We hit turbulence and the "Return to Seat" sign lit up, and an announcement reminded us to fasten out seat belts. I knew the flight attendants would be out and about making sure everyone's seat belts were on. One knocked on the bathroom door urging me to return to my seat.

When I left the bathroom I had no choice now but to return to my seat naked. Fortunately I am small, so I wrapped the airplane blanked around my boobs. It did not fall down low enough to cover all of my privates, so I looked like a porn star tease. But it was the best I could do.

It did not occur to Philip to bring me my clothes. Or maybe it did, and he enjoyed my predicament; I don't know. I walked back to my seat, exposing my cum filled cunt to the entire business class cabin.

Arriving at my seat, the plane lurched from the turbulence, and I was thrown, in all my naked glory, onto the man sitting next to us, one who had watched us fuck. The blanket had come untied and fallen off of me.

He did not mind, and he got a nice handful of boob as he helped me to right myself and get into my seat. I sat down naked, fastened my seat belt "low and tight around my stomach," and then draped Philip's blanket over me, recovering a modicum of modesty.

I leaned over and said to the voyeur, "Thank you for your help." As I did so, the blanket slid down exposing my boobs.

He smiled at my exposed boobs and replied with a thick French accent, "Anytime, miss."

The steward had seen my little show. He was behind me and I guess he enjoyed seeing my naked ass as I returned to my seat. I was glad we were flying Air France. If anyone could be blasé about what had just happened, it was the French.

I looked over to Odessa, and she was smiling at me, also having covered her nudity with a blanket. She mouthed the words, "You go, girl." I smiled back. We were destined to become good friends.

When I got back to my seat, fastened my seat belt over my naked body and then covered up with the blanket, I glanced at Philip and he was smiling from ear to ear. I guess he had enjoyed my little show and humiliation of trying to walk back from the john naked, covered only in the front with the pathetically small airline blanket. And when I fell onto our neighbor, I of course revealed all of myself, further titillating my lover. Philip was an ass.

Nevertheless, when I later reviewed our airplane fuck in my mind, and my exhibitionist display of nudity to the entire business class cabin, I got super hot thinking about it. Mostly I thought about what I must have looked like when Philip put my legs straight up in the air. Quite a few men had seen me, since they had removed their blindfolds in order to fasten their seat belts.

Gradually people resumed trying to sleep and the steward disappeared again, and then both Odessa and I, still naked, stood up and gradually dressed, stretching out the exhibitionist aspect. I put on my panties first, then my skirt, so that I was standing with my boobs hanging out for quite some time. Finally I put my bra on, then my blouse. I sat back down, fastened my seat belt, noticed Philip was hard again from watching my display, ignored it, and fell into a deep sleep.

Two hours later a crappy breakfast was served, but I slept through it, and only awoke when the airplane landed. Then the excitement of being in Paris got my adrenaline pumping! My virgin passport was deflowered with its first immigrations stamp when I entered France, and Philip bought me my first French croissant and coffee right there in the airport. He gave me some Euros, too.

In the line for passport control I noticed quite a few men from our business class cabin on the plane were checking me out. I even felt a stranger's hand rub my ass. I let it go, pretending not to notice, even though it was impossible not to notice. His hand was not subtle in its "caress," having pushed hard into the crack of my ass.

After passport control, I felt as if I were jumping up and down with excitement, but outwardly I was cool, although I was constantly smiling. Ourl uggage came quickly. The taxi took us directly to one of the best hotels in all Paris, on the Avenue George V just off the Champs-Elysées. From one window I saw the Arc de Triomphe, and from another I saw the Eiffel Tower. I idly wondered in front of which one Philip would undress me?

I still did not know in any detail why we were going to France. I did know it had something to do with the bank, and judging by the clothes I was supposed to have bought, and did in fact buy, I knew we would be going to some mighty fancy and formal events.

Probably the events were the type where people brought their partners. Once again with Philip I did not know if I was really his love being whisked off to Paris, or just window dressing: Someone who was fun to show off, to humiliate, and to fuck. I did not really mind being shown off and did not mind at all fucking Philip since I was crazy about him, but I could do without the humiliation aspect.

Basically I wanted to mean more to him than being a human analogy of a clothing accessory, something he had to have as part of playing his role at the bank.

We took a nap to help with jet lag, and in the evening Steve and Philip took us to the Crazy Horse. This was a "revue" of totally gorgeous near naked dancing girls on the stage performing all sorts of dance numbers. It was very well done, and highly erotic, especially for the many men there. Not so much for Odessa and me. I did not understand why we were there.

When the show ended, it became clear why we were there. Some men came over and ushered us off to the back. We entered into a special room with soft music and champagne, and men and women in various states of undress, and engaging in various degrees of sex.

Two men were fucking one woman, and she was moaning and at times even screaming. I was mesmerized watching and I did not even notice that someone standing behind me was undressing me. I assumed it was Philip. It was not.

Two strange men were undressing Odessa and she was becoming naked fast. I became naked soon after. I looked around and could not see either of Steve or Philip. Odessa was placed on a table, and men stood around her feeling her up and sticking their fingers in her. She never protested and began to moan.

One wall was a huge mirror, reflecting all the action. As I watched Odessa and what was happening to her, I felt hands reaching from behind me and caressing my boobs. I tried to turn around to see who was doing it, but his strong arms prevented me from doing so.

I did not like this. It was as if I was a sex toy in a room of horny and creepy men. I was abandoned by my date, and was in danger of being forced to have sex with strangers. Odessa might be into this, but I surely was not.

I went to Odessa and said, "Come on, Odessa. I don't know what's going on, but I don't like this. Grab your clothes and we're out of here!"

I began to pick up my clothes that were strewn about on the floor. As I bent over to get the last item a finger entered my cunt. Shocked, I quickly stood up and slapped the finger, giggled, and said "Bad finger." This was a mistake; I should have slapped his face, and should not have giggled. But I was nervous. Hell, I was scared.

The man was naked with a big erection. Let's call him Man One. He smiled at me, and pulled me towards him, and kissed me gently. It was a nice kiss, but I was not into this whole scene. I pushed myself away from him, only to find as I backed out of his reach two new arms came around me, holding my boobs. Man Two held me firmly.

Man One approached my now squirming but immobilized naked body. He slowly looked me up and down, licked his lips, and smiled. I'm sure my eyes showed panic. This apparently turned on Man One. He had a large knife that glistened in the dim light, and he held his fingers to his lips. I nodded in understanding. I was now terrified. Knives terrify me.

Man Three came up to me, and he and Two led me over to a couch and lay me down. Man One and his knife followed. Two and Three held me down, Man One discarded his knife and climbed on top of me and positioned his big, hard cock to enter me. "No!!" I managed to scream at full voice.

Startled, Man One froze. My reaction was clearly unexpected, and he stopped. He lost his erection, and the grips of Two and Three on me relaxed. I got back up and picked up my clothes. I could not find my underwear, but to hell with it, I thought. I just needed to get out of there!

I saw that a man had climbed up on the table and was mounting Odessa. She was going to be gangbanged, that was clear. She had yet to speak, either in protest or acknowledgement. Nobody had spoken a word.

I went again to Odessa and said, "I'm leaving now. Are you coming?"

Odessa said, "Steve wants this. He's watching behind the mirror. So is Philip."

I said, "Fuck them. Do you want it?"

Odessa began to sob softly. "Come on," I said, and I pushed the man waiting to fuck her off the table, and helped to pull her up. My adrenaline was pumping, giving me more strength than I ever thought I could have. "Get your clothes and shoes. We're out of here!"

Odessa and I left, naked, and dressed ourselves on Avenue George V with an appreciative crowd of men watching us. We then smiled and pushed past them and walked up to the hotel. Neither of us had found our underwear, but at least we were dressed.

I was also a little turned on by the blatant display of my naked body on one of the most fancy streets of Paris. That it was unavoidable, unless I was willing to be raped, made it even more of a turn on. But I did not dwell on it. The whole experience was frightening. I did not know what was wrong with Philip, but I had serious doubts about him now. Too bad.

We got the key to my room and left a note at the front desk for Philip that said, "Philip and Steve: Fuck You Both, and Go To Hell." I guessed that was clear enough.

We then went to my room, put a Do Not Disturb sign on the door, locked and bolted it and put on the chain lock, and went to bed together in the large king size bed. Philip would have to bunk with Steve.

The next morning Odessa borrowed some of my clothes. We dressed in my two sexiest outfits. I put on my sexiest perfume, a bit too much of it perhaps, and went to breakfast. We had a leisurely breakfast and read the morning International New York Times. I also read the French paper Le Figaro. They had a Russian paper too, and since Odessa had studied Russian in college, she enjoyed trying to read that.

Steve and Philip found us, and we snubbed them. They looked scared. They needed us to be on display, to be their women for some banking event. They needed us to be smiling and fawning all over them. Their prospects did not look good. They asked to join us, and we shook our heads no. (I had already coached Odessa to do this.)

But they're bankers, and for bankers money talks. So after we let them squirm and suffer for a while, Odessa and I took them jewelry shopping and hit them up for some major pieces. They had to pay for what they had done, and the way to get to a banker is through his bank account. We had fun, Odessa and I. I now had some major diamond jewelry. So did Odessa.

The men, still in repentance mode, took us to the bar at the Bristol for cocktails at the end of our day spending their money on ourselves. Remembering the previous evening, and turning the knife a little, when I learned their signature cocktail was called "The Crazy Horse," I immediately ordered one. Odessa followed my lead.

"OK, boys, now it's time to tell us what this trip is really about. No more surprises, I have had my fill." Odessa nodded in agreement.

Steve began, while Philip studied the tablecloth. "Well girls, tomorrow Philip and I will go to a meeting of some of the top private bankers of the world. As you know, private banking caters to the very rich, and tries to make them even richer. Not surprisingly, they like that."

Odessa said, "Yeah, yeah. Get to the good stuff."

Steve, a little flustered, cleared his throat and said, "After the day of meetings, the bankers have a big party with their partners, and we all unwind. That's where you two come in."

"No kidding, Sherlock," I said.

Steve turned and looked at me, and then continued, "The party is formal, and we hope you will enjoy yourselves and socialize with the other bankers and their women."

"Are there no women bankers?" I asked.

Now Philip joined in. "Largely no, Joanie. Most of the rich who use private banking services are men. Most of the men are sexist and being a woman private banker I fear would not be a pleasant occupation. These men are often pigs."

"I get the picture," I said. "And you want us to flirt with these pigs and be nice to them and their women. Or will they be call girls?"

"Frankly, I don't know. But yes, please, please be nice," Philip said with some trepidation.

"No worries, mate," I said, in my best Australian accent. "You are two are now forgiven and we are both still in love with you." I looked over at Odessa and she nodded vigorously in confirmation.

"I should mention one other thing," Philip added. Steve looked sharply at him, and I saw fear in his eyes. Our table at the bar fell into a loud silence.

I broke the spell by signaling the waiter and ordering another round of drinks. When they came quickly after, we all silently drank our drinks, and waited for Philip to spill the beans.

Philip finally broke the silence. "There will also be some of our clients there, and clients of other bankers too. Some are billionaires and will be with their wives or mistresses. Others are not yet billionaires but are very rich men. They have strange tastes and are not accustomed to being turned down."

Philip had never used the word rich before. He had always said wealthy, comfortable, or well to do. Now I knew what the word rich meant to him. The English language has lots of ways to say the same thing.

Odessa was the first one to notice, while I was ruminating over Philip's use of the word rich. "What do you mean, exactly, by 'strange tastes'?" she asked.

We had another long bout of silence. Finally Philip spoke, "Strange sexual tastes. Some of them like multiple partners in the same evening, and they like other people's women. They take a lot of Viagra. In particular, they like their bankers' women. I predict they will all want the two of you."

The silence that ensued at our little table was deafening. First Philip pimped me out for his promotion, and now he was going to pimp me out just to keep his clients, or maybe win some from other men. I felt sick to my stomach.

I realized last night at the rooms behind the Crazy Horse was simply a test to see just how wild Odessa and I could really be. It had not gone well for these two assholes, that was clear.

My mind was racing. I broke the silence, saying, "I'm speaking only for me; Odessa may not agree. I am fine if you want me to be a prostitute to keep your clients or to land new clients, but if I am to be your whore, you will have to pay me. That's what you do with whores. And you will do it, and do it big time."

Philip started to speak but I held up my hand. I continued, "I want 5% of the value of the business of every new client you land due in part to my body, and 2% of the business of each client you keep because of my body."

Philip and Steve stared at me, stupefied. Odessa looked over to me in horror, no doubt for having spoken the unspoken truth.

"You should have told me sooner," I continued. "Now we have very little time. I need to rush to buy a new dress for tonight, the one I already bought will not do. Philip, call the hotel and tell them to make me the latest possible appointment tonight with the coiffure; I need to have my hair washed and blown dry."

"The party is tomorrow night, Joanie," Philip said.

"Good. That gives me more time," I replied icily.

Philip started to speak again. "Not yet, I'm not done," I said. "Philip, make me a list of all the new clients you want me to seduce for you, from the biggest fish on down, in descending order. I will also need to know the business of each one."

"That's confidential, I can't..." Philip began to say. My palm went up again, right in his face, to stop him.

"You don't understand. I don't care about how you invest their riches. I need to know the golden goose that lays the golden eggs they give you to invest. I need to go on the Internet and learn about their businesses, and I have precious little time to do this. Philip, also get the wifi code for our hotel room. Now there's no time to lose, I have to go to the Lanvin boutique before it closes today, to have some time for emergency alterations, if any are needed. What time is the party again?"

"It starts at 8pm, tomorrow" Philip said meekly, "but we could arrive at 8:30pm, or even 9pm."

"Ok. I'm off. Are you coming, Odessa?" I said. Odessa looked scared but she got up to come with me.

"I'm coming too," Philip said. I'll call the hotel and make the arrangements, and I'll make the list for you while you choose your new dress." I said okay and we ended up all four going to Lanvin. I Google mapped the address, and the doorman got us a cab.

"La boutique Lanvin," I told the cab driver, "aussi vite que possible." He took off.

Philip said, "I did not know you spoke French, Joanie."

"That because you're a moron. There is a lot you do not know about me. To you, I'm just a pretty girl you can whore out to advance your career. In reality I am a human being, with intelligence and a personality."