Joanie Goes to Europe


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This was my surprise number three (after the pneumatic tubes and the cocktail recipe), as the development of the drug was top secret. I had a few more surprises prepared, but it now seemed clear I did not need them. Harwood was a hooked fish.

Harwood was now visibly flustered. I glanced at Philip and his face showed awe and amusement. Harwood said, "Nobody knows about that. How did you...?"

"A girl has to have her secrets," I told him, again giving him my best smile. "But Mr. Harwood, if you give me a few more of your wonderful cocktails, I'm sure you will be able to open me like a book." Given the context, this was a double entendre, and in that snese perhaps a sexually submissive thing to say.

I had him now, in spades. "Please call me Mark. May I call you Joan?"

"I prefer Joanie," I said. "I've always been Joanie. These really are delicious, Mark," I said, handing him my empty glass. I was beginning to get drunk. Finally; thank God, I thought. I need to be seriously drunk if I am to let him take me to bed.

At this point I looked over at Odessa, and caught her eye. She had landed a big fish too, and he was already kissing her and had a hand inside her dress. I idly wondered which oval he had chosen to use as his opening.

When the kiss broke she winked at me and smiled. Four more men had entered the room. That made 8 men plus the big fish. That was way too many men for only two women. What was going on? Steve and Philip had tricked us. Five was bad enough, but nine? All 9 of the men constituted exactly Philip's list of big fishes.

Odessa's fish had pushed her dress off her boobs, exposing them, but he had no idea how to remove her dress since the zipper was hidden. Odessa then unzipped her own dress for him, and he peeled it off her luscious body. Since she too was commando, she quickly became nude.

She was standing there nude in front of a room full of nine men, and Steve and Philip. Not only that but the room contained two double beds, removing all subtlety about the evening's entertainment. The women were just the two of us. Nine men, two women; I was not a happy camper. Odessa carefully folded her dress; she wanted to make sure it did not get harmed.

The men all stood and admired Odessa, and I was impressed with Odessa's aplomb at not showing how freaked out she must have been to be a sexual target for eight men at the same time. I don't count Harwood: I was clearly his idée fixe for the evening. Mark came over to me with a new cocktail.

I tore my eyes from Odessa and looked into his. We both knew where this was going. I thanked him for his cocktail with a nice smile on my lips, and then I saw he had the whip in his hand. I glanced at it, and gave him a bigger smile.

He approached me and without saying a word, as I was sipping his cocktail, he slowly and carefully unzipped my dress. "What a beautiful dress," he said. "And you look even more beautiful while wearing it."

"I love complements," I replied. "Thank you. Maybe I should stay in my dress?" My dress was now unzipped, and he was slowly lowering it from my shoulders. I pulled it back up, and smiled at him. I was not going to be so easy.

"I'm drinking," I said. Mark nodded. He looked over at Odessa. She was now lying on the bed, and four men were crowded around her. They too had become naked. The men blocked my view somewhat, but it looked as if her breasts were being fondled, and fingers were in her cunt.

She was smiling at the men, writhing just a bit on the bed. She gave very appearance of enjoying herself. I was impressed; I could not have done that. Maybe Odessa should have been an actress.

Two men came into the room bearing handcuffs and other restraints, and attached them to the bed. I looked at Mark and raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you sweet," I said. "Is that to restrain the wild animal inside me?"

"That is my fondest hope, you amazing and gorgeous creature," he replied. When he said that, I handed him my empty cocktail glass. I had downed four or five of his special cocktails and was now seriously drunk. I was as ready as I'd ever be.

"What animal are you?" Harwood asked, playing with the metaphor.

"Why, I thought it was obvious. I am a tigress. Quite a fierce one, I warn you," I replied never breaking my smile. Harwood's smile got bigger.

Harwood again began to slip off my dress, and this time I just stood there smiling as he undressed me, giving no resistance. Soon it was revealed that I too was commando, but maybe that was obvious to him already.

Some of the men crowding around Odessa stopped to watch Harwood undress me. I imagine watching the dress unpeel from my body was a sexy sight.

Harwood stepped back to take in my body with his penetrating eyes, and I just smiled. He led me to the bed, and his two servants strapped me in. I was now helpless, completely constrained, naked, and with my legs spread. I was still smiling, although I was so scared at this point, it took a major effort to maintain the smile.

Everybody was looking at me now, staring at my wide open cunt and my breasts sagging off to the sides of my chest a little. Any one of them, and probably all of them did, could imagine jumping on top of me and fucking my brains out. And of course I knew this. I could see it in their eyes. It was a terrifying sight, their eyes.

Mr. Harwood, or Mark as he told me to call him, turned to one of the servants. "Get her ready for me," he said. This surprised me. The servant got on the bed with me and began to fondle and kiss my boobs, then he began to finger me ever so gently, and finally he began to eat me out. He had done this before, clearly, and was quite skilled.

He never tried to kiss me.

He avoided my clit and licked the sides of my labia, up and down. I discovered this was an extreme turn on for me. Then he gradually placed a finger at the entrance of my cunt but did not insert it, just tantalizingly teased me with the prospect of it entering me as he continued his magic with my labia.

Then he raised his head a couple of inches and ever so gently blew on my cunt. This was driving me nuts. He licked me slowly up and down for a while, stuck his nose in my cunt and moved it around. Nobody had ever done these things to me, and I found them erotic. Basically it was a prolonged tease.

Most of my lovers never had the patience, or perhaps the desire, to tease me in such a prolonged way. It's too bad, because a long tease leads to a high level of arousal. It certainly did in this case. Suddenly the servant thrust his finger deep inside me. I was intensely longing for something like that. I practically came right there. He then stopped.

"She is ready," the servant said, in heavily accented English.

The servant was fully dressed. As he was eating me, I thought: He has a nice body, hard and compact. I could not touch him though, due to the handcuffs.

I could see Odessa if I turned my head, but I did not need to. I could hear her. Everyone could. She was moaning loudly as one of the fishes was fucking her hard. I did look and they were in missionary position. The ultimate domination position, I idly thought. Other men with erections were standing around her, waiting their turns.

The man on top of Odessa was holding her arms down, making her at least partially helpless. But she was willing, that was clear. He was doing it just for the effect.

While the servant was eating me out, I maintained a smile and stared at Harwood, never breaking eye contact. This went against my habit of closing my eyes while being eaten out and letting my imagination run wild. But I did not want to show any emotion. I was afraid if I did, my face would show disgust, because that is exactly what I felt.

Next to him was another servant with a fancy camera, constantly taking pictures of me while the other servant made me "ready" for Harwood. I distracted myself trying to see if the camera was a Nikon, a Canon, or a Leica. It was a Leica as it turned out.

However the body has a mind of its own, and the stimulation I received from this man's practiced technique eventually, and almost against my will, led to an orgasm when he finally and suddenly thrust his finger deep inside me. When I had it, it took me by surprise so that I gasped and shook just a little. It was enough, however, for Harwood to notice. He smiled. It was an evil, cruel and triumphant smile, although maybe I was over interpreting. I hoped I was.

Now naked, bound, and having cum, the man with the Leica approached me closer and closer taking about one hundred pictures in shutter bursts. I knew the one that came out best would be in Harwood's folder of sexual conquests on his computer.

Harwood then undressed and climbed onto the bed. I inwardly grimaced, but used all of my mental strength to keep smiling. Why wasn't the alcohol working? As he came near me, I said, "If it would not be too much trouble, could I have a Scotch whiskey chaser?"

Harwood stood up, shot a look to one of the servants, and the man ran out of the room and almost immediately returned with two large Scotch whiskeys on the rocks. Harwood took one, but I had no hands available to take mine. He pointed to the restraints, and one of my arms was freed. I raised my head as much as I could and drank my Scotch together with Harwood.

At this point two very attractive prostitutes entered and began to undress Steve and Philip. Philip shook his head and waved them away. Steve however succumbed to temptation, and while Odessa was being gangbanged to help his career, he was getting his rocks off with a prostitute. I don't know how Odessa felt about this, but if Philip had done that I would have killed him. Perhaps Philip knew that.

I felt better after the Scotch and lay back down and my hand was promptly cuffed again. Harwood had lost his erection during this long interlude with the Scotch, so he placed his flaccid cock next to my mouth. I smiled at him but kept my mouth closed. He raised an eyebrow but did nothing.

He got up off the bed, leaving me naked on display, tied to the bed with my legs spread wide. He went over to Odessa. She lay on the bed, legs splayed, with cum oozing out of both her cunt and her ass. Her hair was a mess, and there was cum on her stomach and on her breasts.

The men had all finished with her, and she was clearly played out. He put his cock near her mouth, gently touched her cheek so that she opened her eyes, and she sucked and nursed his cock skillfully into a prominent erect state.

He left her and returned to me, never said a word, lay down on top of me and brutally stuck it in. I was no longer wet, but at least I now felt drunk, and anyway I had recently discovered to my horror and surprise that I kind of liked rough sex.

Being drunk helped a lot. I gasped involuntarily when he entered me and then began to moan in pleasure as the rough sex turned me on (and this was truly rough). I didn't even have to act. I opened my eyes and saw that all eyes were on me, even Steve's as he pounded the whore from behind. She too was making noise, but I knew she was acting. I was not.

That I was bound and could not move made me feel dominated, and absolved me of any responsibility for what was being done to me. Bizarrely, this was liberating. I felt a new type of arousal, letting me relax and just enjoy the sex, independent of the pig who was giving it to me. Now I was really into it, to my great surprise.

I rapidly became wet, and Hardigan knew it. I think it was a turn on for him that he made me wet with his rough sex. He didn't stop; he just pounded harder. He rose up off my body as he ravished me, propping himself up with his arms. He nodded to a servant, and the servant came over with some kind of electric prod.

I fought back the fear and looked at the prod and then smiled up at Harwood. He smiled back, and this time his smile seemed genuine. For the moment at least, he had me. I was his, to do with as he pleased, and he knew it, and I knew it. Most importantly for him, he knew that I realized I was completely, and willingly, even-dare I say?-enthusiastically in his power. This is what turned him on.

The servant touched me with the prod and I received an electric shock. My body jerked involuntarily, and I gasped. Then I gave a loud moan, and whispered to Harwood, "Faster. Harder. Deeper." He complied.

I got another shock. I had the same reaction. I had been terrified, but again to my total surprise, I found the whole situation highly erotic. I was being roughly fucked, with all sorts of men watching (everyone was watching me; nobody was watching Steve and his whore), as well as Odessa, and the electric shocks were making me tingle and seemed to increase the sensations from Harwood's cock. Plus the restraints added another dimension. I had no idea I was this kinky.

I began to moan loudly. My constrained body rose to meet his thrusts, as much as it could. I was straining at the restraints. I was sweating and my boobs were heaving. I was out of control.

I had told Philip to mention bondage, because I knew from my hacking of Harwood's computer that it was the weakness of Harwood himself. All these rich men are into power and nothing else. Misogynistic power over a woman, another human being, was the ultimate power. The writings of the Marquis de Sade had explained that to me. (I had read Sade in my comparative literature class at college.) Harwood was no exception.

I had arranged to be the ultimate trophy for Harwood: a beautiful, sexy, irresistible woman who was smart and knowledgeable enough to be a threat. Such women had to be dominated, to be humiliated.

But now it turned out I was into all this. After the third electric shock, and more brutal fucking by Harwood, I was overcome by a huge, mega orgasm. I screamed to high heaven, shook and vibrated, and almost passed out. Harwood smiled at me and then plunged his cock in as deep as he could get it and unloaded his jism deep inside me. He then fell on top of me.

"You are quite a woman," he whispered to me. "I've wanted a woman like you all my life." I smiled up at him, and gently kissed his chest, the only body part my lips could reach.

Then Harwood whispered, "You are the equal of my wife. That's the highest complement I can give you."

Smiling at him, I whispered, "Thank you." I did not dare speak in full voice, I don't know why.

He got off of me and quickly got dressed. In parting he said, "We need to talk later about Navaserum."

I thought the evening was over and fully expected that I would be released from my bondage. I was naïve. Harwood left the room with Philip, and I looked around for the servants who would release me, but they too were gone.

All of the eight men who had gangbanged Odessa now sported erections anew and were looking at me with lust and supercilious smiles.

I was immobilized. I was struck with terror. Philip had left the room and could not save me. One of the eight pigs was on top of Odessa, enjoying her for a second time. I realized this was her ninth fuck of the evening. Holy shit.

Odessa could not save me. Steve was also gone. I was on my own. I was doomed.

The men saw the terror in my eyes, and they seemed to like it. I think they even got off on my terror. One by one they each fucked me. Big Fish number 2 was the first to fuck me. He was a good fuck as it turns out, and I concentrated on the bondage element, that I was helpless and was being ravaged. I was not responsible.

This worked a second time, and I got into the fuck and gave Number 2 a big macho ego boost with my reactions to his brutal treatment of me. It turns out misogynists who ravish bound women actually like it if the women enjoy the sex; all the more so if the woman being ravished were one of the two sexiest girls at the party.

Next came Big Fish number 3. They were unwittingly keeping the order of Philip's list. I focused on the knowledge I was being gangbanged, something I never, ever thought I would like. But with the bondage, and everyone watching, almost drooling as they waited their turn, and the roughness of the misogynists, I discovered I was into it.

This was needed, and reassuring, as I got fucked repeatedly. I had not cum with Big Fish number 2, but I sure did with number 3. Nobody in the room had any doubt I had cum; I was noisy and was not at all subtle.

Big Fish number 5 went before number 4; I saw that was because Number 4 was having a second round with Odessa, her tenth fuck by my count. I was becoming played out. I did not think I could continue.

I called out to Odessa and that woke her from her drunken stupor. She saw what was happening to me and she saved me. She undid my restraints and as soon as the man on top of me had squirted onto my face and my boobs, she helped me up. I spoke for the first time other than my call to Odessa. "That's enough boys. Maybe next time."

Odessa and I cleaned up thoroughly in the restroom and put our dresses and shoes back on, and went off to look for our men. I gave Odessa a little talk. She was near tears, having been fucked my 8 men, and some of them fucked her twice. I told her it was now essential not to let it show. "Hold your head up and smile your best smile. I'll do the talking for both of us," I told her.

We found Philip speaking with the Big Fish Harwood, and both men were smiling. I could tell Philip had landed him. I found out later he landed the top 4 on his list, all four of the men who had fucked me after Harwood finished. Steve got the rest of the big fishes, thanks to Odessa's talented cunt.

Odessa and I came up to Philip and Harwood, all smiles. I said, "Odessa and I are tired. I'm sure you understand. But please stay and enjoy yourself, we'll take a cab back to the hotel."

Philip nodded and kissed me. Mr. Harwood said, "It was a pleasure getting to know you. I look forward to speaking again with you soon." I just smiled. We hadn't done much speaking. We had gotten to know each other all right, but only in the biblical sense.

The pleasure was mostly his, I thought to myself. But I did enjoy the fuck, I acknowledged to myself, and also learned something new about myself: In the right circumstances, I could enjoy bondage. I had survived a gangbang.

These were insights about myself I did not need to know. I could have led a happy life never knowing I could enjoy bondage. But now I had done it, and I knew. Get over it, I told myself. Having the knowledge is good. I repeated that in my mind several times.

We found Steve, and he too was landing a new fish as a client. He was also fine with us two girls returning to the hotel. We had done our part: we had fucked the potential new clients, and we were done for the night. I was disgusted.

We took a cab to the hotel, and I led Odessa to the bar. We still looked spectacular, and everyone stopped talking to look at us as we descended the four steps into the bar area. We were two goddesses, alone, entering the hotel bar, dressed in about as fancy evening clothes as a woman could wear. We took a table at the back and ordered drinks. Then we discussed the evening.

Odessa was traumatized by the gangbang that seemed never to end. Maybe traumatized is not the right word. Let's just say it affected her profoundly. I was not in much better shape myself.

After all, I was only 20 years old (Odessa was 24), and this was a lot for my young brain to cope with. I was also exhausted by the Herculean effort I had made to create my plan and to execute it.

I let Odessa cry and get it out of her system. Men came over to see if they could help, presumably by distracting and later seducing us, and I firmly sent them away. We talked for a long time and Odessa got it all out and finally stopped crying. She recovered.

The poor girl really did love Steve, and she thought she would do anything for him. And apparently she did. She did in fact too much for him, and now her feelings for him were confused.