Kathryn Goes Shopping


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"I'm afraid I haven't any large bags here, I'll just go and fetch one." Says the girl, and she heads to the other end of the counter.

Kathryn focuses on breathing and feels the patterns insider her change once more, building to a peak then pausing, images of herself dissolving in a blissful orgasm mix with thoughts of her hitting William as hard as she can until the girl returns with a bag large enough that only the business ends of the two whips will protrude. Kathryn thanks her and is relieved as the vibrations fade away to a more bearable level.

She sets off to find William, quickly sees him at the main tills seemingly oblivious to all she's been through, in the process of paying for the fruits of his own expedition and joins him, interest to see what he's selected.

He turns as she approaches, always so aware and kisses her as the boy scans the things, sports bras and knickers, leggings, tops and sets of dumbbells and exercise bands. He kisses her, and in her heightened state she feels an urge to crush herself up against him but resists it. She sees the total of what he's spent and determines to insist on paying for them.

He offers his arm as they depart from the store, "You were marvellous," He says, "We'll drive to the main shopping centre to get the rest and eat shall we?"

"I need to go somewhere to clean myself up before I sit anywhere." She protests in a whisper.

He feigns innocence, "Why, what's wrong?" She glares at him.

His games may be exciting, but she's not backing down on this, "You've been driving me crazy for an age you bastard, and I'm not soaking this dress then walking around!"

He laughs, and gets a dagger stare in response, "Ok - there's a coffee shop here, I'll get espressos while you do."

Then as they approach the shop he says, "On the condition that you taste yourself while you do." Her eyes tighten in annoyance as she looks at him, and then feels the vibrations becoming more intense again.

"OKAY!" She surrenders, exasperated, and they recede, she leans towards him and whispers, "But when we get home I'm going to ravish you and then I'm going to kill you."

There are plenty of tables free in the coffee shop, he selects one in the front corner with comfortable chairs and places his bags down. Without asking him she put her own down and picks up the one with the sports underwear in it, William's face begins to turn quizzical, but a defiant glint in her eyes cuts off any response. As he heads to the counter the vibrations cease.

Once inside the rest room Kathryn looks into the mirror as she tries to process the events of the day, while it was true that she was unbelievably turned on and had felt a thrill of triumph once she'd escaped from the sports store with her prizes she had been far outside her comfort zone, the fact that he'd put this thing into her without even asking struck her, that and the way she had allowed him to do so. She resolves to set some rules and limits on his behaviour towards her, and decides quite firmly that she is angry with him.

That decided, she checks her reflection again, straightens her hair and admires the dress once more before going into the bag, notices the quality of the leggings, that the tops are not overly revealing, as she takes one pair from the pack of knickers she feels how soft and smooth, she takes the pair she's wearing off, as she suspected they are soaking. She tucks them into to plastic the sports ones had come in and leaves the other pairs loose in the bag before putting the new pair on. Their state makes her pause, and she rifles through her handbag, with some relief she finds a sanitary pad and applies it to the new undies, as she pulls them up her fingers find the vibrator's tail protruding from her, realising that she hasn't even seen it curiosity gets the better of her and she lifts the dress to inspect its softness, her fingers test it, find it slightly elastic, she pulls tentatively and feels the device inside her pressing downwards, trace up it to where it goes into her opening. She considers removing it, she had already almost decided not to obey his instruction to taste herself, even though she enjoyed both her own taste and the sense of decadence, even though he knew this perfectly well and that his instruction was simply, "Do something you will enjoy."

A previous boyfriend had complained about her fondness for her own taste, and she'd refrained from doing so with others since until William came along and encouraged her to delight in it, delighted in bringing her to orgasm with his fingers then presenting them to her lips before kissing her and telling her how sweetly she tastes. Deciding that her refusal is both petulant and self-denying and resolving that it will be other limits she sets, she slides two fingers into herself, "Oh God, I don't think I've ever been so wet!" She resists the temptation to finish herself off, though it would only take a minute, and sucks her fingers before pulling the silky knickers and their protective lining up.

He's just setting their two cups down when she returns, he smiles one of those smiles, lit with boyish delight and it is hard to stay angry, he kisses her, whispers "Good girl, you taste divine." And he sits while she blushes.

From her own seat opposite Kathryn can clearly see that she is not the only one who is aroused by the swelling in his trousers. Speaking at a normal level William asks, "Do you like the things I chose while you were busy?"

In truth she does, but, following through on her decision she replies, "They're just fine, but I can't let you keep buying me things, how much do I owe you for them?"

"Nothing!" He seems genuinely surprised, "If you want you can buy things for me, besides, the things you bought were for me to use."

He seems serious, and un-contrite, the "The things you bought were for me to use" Flares in her mind, she had bought items for him to bind and beat her with, and here he was talking as it that were normal, she's not sure if he entirely genuine or being a complete bastard.

She takes a sip of the surprisingly good coffee "Well then, I'm going to start by paying for lunch." She insists, in her best trying to be firm voice.

To her surprise he acquiesces without complaint, "Very well, then, that's kind of you and I accept." His words are paralleled by his hand in his pocket giving, the movement inside her restarts for a few moments. This sends a wave through her, pulling her mind back to how close she is, both giving her pleasure and taking the edge of her little triumph.

"So, what's next?" She asks him warily after draining the last of her espresso.

"You said you wanted to look at a couple of bits of lingerie, so I thought we'd do that next, then there are a couple of items we'll have to go to a specialist shop for, then lunch and home. Seeing as how I've planned the morning I thought you could choose what we get up to this afternoon." He smiles into her eyes, and turns up the vibrator inside her as he does so.

He takes her hand as they walk back to the car to deposit their purchases and drive the short distance to the main centre, fortunately they only have to drive over two speed humps and he takes them slowly though she feels both deep inside her.

"I'm not sure I should be buying things till I've finished my diet." Worries Kathryn, aloud.

"You need something pretty that fits perfectly." William says firmly, "You don't have to buy the store, just get one set that you like."

The shop he chooses is a little more of a fashion store than she would normally go to for her underwear, she reflects that some of it has been purchased in supermarkets while she picked up her groceries, catches her reflection in one of the many mirrors as she enters and seeing a slimmer, smartly dressed self on the arm of a handsome man straightens and reminds herself that this is the new Kathryn she has wanted to be but never quite got around to becoming.

As she steps past the more outlandishly cut and coloured displays placed near the entrance to attract the eyes of passing men desperate for last minute Valentine's gifts, and into the store, it comes to her that it's been years since she's been somewhere like this to shop for herself rather than as a gift. So, despite constant low level distraction inside her, she makes up her mind to enjoy this indulgence.

After what she hopes William considers an almost excessive time she selects a bra that each of them had admired on previous circuits. It's lacy and strappy but not excessively revealing and has a front clasp, which she knows he will like, but that is discretely hidden behind a tiny flower. She then selects knicker style bottoms with a matching flower motif having pretended to consider the thongs that had the same decoration; she doesn't look, but hopes she senses a moment of disappointment from him.

She's less keen on their next port of call, the mall's one intimate store having not set foot inside one other than to replace her simple vibrator in a long time except for on a very giggly occasion with her best friend who had been due to be a maid of honour for the purpose of getting some items to embarrass the bride. Knowing the items he had already had her buy in a regular store, the prospect of going in with her rather spanky boyfriend left her feeling far from giggly.

Sensing her nervousness he pulls her to the side just before they reach their final shop and kisses her deeply, the vibrations insider her tell her that he has also played with the remote control yet again combined with the kiss and the pressure of his body against hers she rapidly approaches the point of no return, speaking urgently in gasps she says, "Oh God, please don't William," She begs, barely holding on, "I'll scream the place down!" and he relents, the device slows and his embrace relaxes.

He pulls back, smirks and twinkles, "Are you feeling brave?" He asks and leads her in.

She follows him inside in a daze, William hands her another folded list, and whispers, "I'm proud of you, just get the assistant to help you with the last few things." He says, "I'll be back in no time".

So, moments later Kathryn finds herself, still barely aware, with her cheeks flushed and her eyes partially dilated, presenting the folded piece of paper to the stylishly dressed woman assistant and saying, "Please can you help me find these things?"

Shopping List:

Riding crop

Dressage whip

Table tennis paddle

Soft flogger

Conventional paddle

lead ropes (2)

Ankle cuffs

Wrist cuffs

Rechargeable vibrator

The woman's eyes widen slightly, and then she fixes Kathryn with an appraising look, Kathryn looks down and seeing the contents of the list for the first time her cheeks flame even brighter and she wishes the tiled floor would open up beneath her, glancing back up the woman's face expecting to see a look of horror she's surprised to be confronted instead by what she will only be able to recall later as a conspiratorial smile, "Of course my dear." The woman's responds in a clear alto, her accent betraying her continental origins. "Let's get you a basket shall we?"

Kathryn follows her, gratitude melting away at her mortification; the woman seems to think the list is perfectly normal! Now that the peak of her arousal is receded she studies the woman, athletic, in her late thirties with dark hair, she wears her shop staff black elegantly as she moves with quiet confidence around the store.

First the woman takes her to a display towards the rear away from any of the other browsing customers, Kathryn looks at the array of floggers, recognising similarities between those in the range to those in William's collection, and is somewhat surprised to find the store has less types than he does, but, as in the sports store she is unsure, she looks back to the woman as if for guidance, seeing her name tag, which reads Annette this time.

Annette takes pity on her, "Are you familiar with these things at all?" She asks, "If not then I'd suggest choosing the one that feels softest to you, otherwise choose the one you enjoy most."

"Yes, um..." Kathryn begins to respond, thinking OMG, I just admitted that my boyfriend uses these things on me, whatever must she think of me!

The woman smiles warmly to her in her embarrassment, "It's OK you'd be amazed at the people who are a little adventurous, and provided you play safely it's all quite normal."

Still blushing furiously, but warming to Annette's kind attitude, she touches the samples, there's a faux leather one with long falls and there are some shorter PVC ones, the leather one is heavy, unable to quite believe hearing herself say it she asks, "Do you have a lighter one like this, or one like this with shorter falls?" She uses the term for the whip's tails automatically, surprising herself at the seeming familiarity in her voice.

"So you're not a complete novice then," Annette suggests, allowing one eyebrow to rise slightly, "But this is your first relationship like this?" Her tone is light, but questioning and her guess accurate.

"No, my boyfriend has lots of things." Kathryn admits, still blushing. She doesn't respond the the second observation

"And you're using one of them now?" The older woman's lips purse in an almost successful attempt to stop herself smiling.

"Oh no! You can't hear it can you?" Kathryn's embarrassment returns, "its remote controlled and he's left it running."

"Don't worry, I can't hear a thing," she smiles, "I'm just a bit more in tune than most people." Then she continues, "Do you mind me asking if this is a game, a test, a punishment or a reward?" Annette's way of speaking makes Kathryn feel as though she's almost a third participant in, well, what is it? Kathryn herself is not sure, but again does not answer the question, though this time this is in part because she is not sure which it is.

"We might have something more to your taste in the stockroom, the long tailed one is in the sale, if you want I can have a look when we've picked up the other things and you can have it for the same price?"

Kathryn allows herself to be led along to the paddles while, and here finds her choice simpler, a plain black one, with nicely rounded edges and two differently textured sides reminds her of the one first spanking orgasms and that memory makes her mind up for her. There aren't any leather cuffs as nice as William's so she chooses the pair that most closely resembles the ankle cuffs she purchased earlier, that left just the vibrator.

Annette continues to talk "You don't have anyone else you can talk to about these things do you?"

"Not apart from my boyfriend." She admits, finally drawn into this charming woman's efforts at conversation. "And I do find myself doing things I wouldn't have expected to..."

"Would you like my number?" The older woman asks. "Just for if you want to chat?"

"Yes, thank-you, that would be nice." Kathryn responds after a short pause as they arrive at the large section of the shop devoted to vibrators.

The selection on offer is huge, far larger than she remembers seeing on her previous trip, the stipulation that the device must be rechargeable immediately allows Annette to rule out most, leaving some more attractively finished (and less intimidatingly proportioned) vibrators, Kathryn suddenly laughs to herself at the thought that she is buying a vibrator while using one and the assistant's eyes seem to share the joke.

"Do you," Annette pauses, "Normally," another pause, "Like to use yours inside or out?"

Kathryn realises she is blushing and smiling at the obvious innuendo but replies, "Oh, definitely outside! I don't like to..." Which given her current situation may seem ridiculous to Annette, but that can't be helped, that is how she is.

"The best choices are a wand or a clit vibe." Annette directs her attention to several small pebble shaped toys and others with bulbous heads, once more, thanks to her experience with William's collection she is in familiar territory.

"I like the wand with the curved shape." She says and puts her hand on the display model, it has the familiar silky texture that her fingers and most particularly other parts of her have grown familiar with over the last few weeks.

"Good choice, I'll just pop into the stockroom to see if we have a more suitable flogger," She lowers her voice and leans towards Kathryn before continuing, "And if you need you can use the changing room while you take the edge off."

Kathryn is almost shocked at, and almost tempted by the implicit offer, if she found it possible to stay quiet, and if she wasn't for some reason desperately keen to hold back her orgasm for William she would have leapt at the offer, well, also if she weren't too shy to...

In the end she chooses to wait by the till trying not to think sexy thoughts, or wonder at Annettes awareness of her condition, and the possibility that others might be similarly aware and trying not to think too much about the toys she is buying. Annette emerges from the stockroom with a handsome real suede flogger with short falls a few minutes later, "You're in luck, this is the last of an old line, it was much more expensive, but the packaging was damaged so I can you have it for the same price as the other one."

Kathryn's fingers enjoy the softness of the suede, her mind imagine it against her and she likes the picture, "Thank-you, I'll take it if I may."

William arrives just as she is paying, announcing his presence to Kathryn's body by increasing pace and changing pattern once more, Kathryn leans heavily on the store's pay desk and he face betrays what is happening inside her, he places his arms around her, and kisses her neck before again reducing the toy's intensity.

Annette cannot help but smile, the customer has completely accepted the fact that her excitement had a knowing audience. While Kathryn recovers she turns to the handsome newcomer and says, "She's been very good, I hope you're going to reward her."

His smile and the light in his eyes assure Annette, as his stiffness against Kathryn assures her, "Yes, she's lovely and I most certainly intend to reward her if she wishes me to."

Kathryn turns, kisses William and smiles shyly, says a fond goodbye to Annette and leaves the store on his arm in a far more comfortable frame of mind. As they walk into the aisle she leans towards him and says, "Is it okay if we just pick up some things to eat at home later?" and, briefly squeezing her hand, he smiles his reply as he guides her towards the grocery store rather than the restaurant area.

When they arrive she looks at him, "Basket each?" She asks, her eyes now challenging, whether through recklessness brought on by continual stimulation, growing confidence or knowledge that relief is soon at hand. His face turns devilish, and realising once more she rapidly adds, "But no cheating, please!"

The vibrations surge again driving her body's excitement upwards, but rapidly recede and William winks at her as he sets off into the aisles.

When he reaches the tills a minute later Kathryn is already there having collected two sandwiches, cheesecake and a bottle of Fleurie, for his part he has managed to fill his basket almost completely in comically short time, he stands behind her, "Is that all you got?" He asks unloading what has to be the makings of at least two full meals?

She leans into him and whispers, "You're lucky I didn't just get us a bag of crisps to share you tormenting bastard."

His response, yet another surge and the murmured words, "You're going to pay for that when we get home." Almost sends her over the edge.

She waits for him, watching his purchases scanned, a selection of cheeses and cured meats, smoked salmon, peppers cherry toms, green leaf salad, bread, bacon, eggs, mushrooms and sausages, a pineapple and even a chilled bottle of rose champagne.