Locker Room Revenge Pt. 02


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I hear the girl drop the belt, meaning she is stopping. With any luck, they are finished. That they will let me go and drop it as it is. That they made their point and are done for the day.

"You know what is really embarrassing?" The Leader asks as she stays on the passenger side of my car. She leans over while looking at me, showing she wants me to reply. I lift my head to look at her, but don't say anything.

"Not sure if it has ever happened to you, but to me, it is so damn embarrassing. It's the worst. And that's when one of your friends accidentally walks into the room while you are having sex," she reveals, but the way she says it is as if we are friends. Friends having a normal conversation.

"They don't mean too, but it happens. Maybe they didn't hear what was happening and walked in or maybe they thought you are in trouble and went to see what was wrong. When they open the door, you have to not only stop what was surely a hot experience, but you try to find something to cover your naked body, which there never seems to be anything but a sheet, which you and your partner both fight to use to cover yourself," she explains with such passion that I can tell this has for sure happened to her, probably a few times from the sound of it.

"But to me, what is the worst part, is for a fraction of a second, your friend sees your 'Sex Face.' They see that private face expression that is no doubt comical to look at. Rather it be extremely blissful or demanding your partner do it harder, the Sex Face is the most embarrassing part," she continues to which I hear some of the other girls agree.

"And then there's the fact that they saw you getting drilled. And it's never in a safe, normal position like missionary, no. When they walk in, you always have to be doing something kinky and horrible. Like being choked, or taking it up the ass. It's always something that makes it hard to look at your friend in the eyes afterward," she continues, to which the other girls agree again.

"It's rather embarrassing to be seen having sex. I know tons of people get off on doing it in public, but I can tell you aren't one of them. In fact, you would just about die if people caught you having sex, right?" the leader asks with an evil smirk.

I wondered what the point of this sermon was, but now I know. Yet feeling so dominated and weak, I know there isn't much I can do about it. The fierce fire that was inside of me has now been doused with water, leaving me a weak mess.

"P-Please. No. I'll be good, I swear. I'll do whatever you want, just....not that," I beg. The moment I saw it was the Welcoming Committee, I feared they were going to molest me again. That it would be a repeat of yesterday, just worse.

One of the girls steps behind me, pressing her body against mine. When she does this, I feel something very hard against my throbbing ass. Something that feels an awful lot like a cock. A hard, plastic fake cock.

My face shows the humiliation and fear of what is about to happen, to which the leader laughs. Laughs hard too. Throws her head back and laughs, no doubt getting people to look this direction. To get people to see me like this while she crackles like an evil villain, my tits trapped in my own car window, my hands tied off to my nipples as well.

The girl starts to move the fake cock between my cheeks. As I had a feeling they would, they don't place it at my pussy. Oh no. That would be too kind. No, she places it right against my already sore ass. This isn't meant to be enjoyable for me. It's meant to teach a lesson.

I grit my teeth as the girl positions it. As this goes on, I look at the leader as she laughs at me. Looking into her eyes, I know she's right to do it. If I was in her position, I'd be laughing too. Laughing at the stupid girl that I captured and am now about to humiliate publicly.

The girl behind me lowers herself some to better position the head of the fake cock against my ass. Then she starts to insert the cock upward and into my ass. After yesterday's fucking, she doesn't have much issue getting the head of the cock inside me as my ass was fucked repeatedly. But she does go slow, inching the cock in my ass to make me feel every bit of it.

I go into something of a hard daze again as I feel the cock moving up my ass. As I feel the violating feeling, I think of the entire situation. I'm in my school's parking lot, basically naked. Not just that, but I'm having to feel a cock being shoved up my ass. Shoved up my ass while my tits are trapped in my own car door. Fucked up the ass for the entire school to see.

The girl shoves the cock all the way inside me now. I feel the front of her pressed right against my ass cheeks, revealing it's as deep as it can be inside of me. I've moved to my tiptoes, but only for a moment due to the way I'm trapped. A nonstop groan is coming out of me as it feels like the thing is so deep that I could spit it out. So damn violating and uncomfortable.

Then she starts to fuck me. She pulls her hips back and thrusts forward, making the fake cock slide in and out of my ass. She puts her entire body into it, slamming against me with each thrust, squashing me against my own car when she does. Only she goes at an angle, from underneath, so it feels more like she's trying to impale me.

The other girls laugh as I grunt and groan as this happens. They make snide comments about how stupid I look, how I deserve this and how I should have been nicer. And they aren't quiet about this either. They are so damn loud, no doubt to make sure everyone arriving can turn to look. They even start a chant of "fuck her ass" in hopes people will join in.

Since school starts in just a few minutes, tons of cars are driving into the parking lot. As we are in the back of the parking we are partly hidden, but not by much. So many people arriving do see me either from driving by or just checking out the noise. The worst part is when I happen to lock eyes with a few.

The actual worst part is when someone parks next to me on the passenger side of my car. I think they do this as there are very few spots open, otherwise I'm sure they wouldn't after seeing what is happening. The girl gets out and looks at me with a puzzled look. She then sees The Leader and the two of them start a conversation. A conversation about a freaking TV show. As I'm being forcefully fucked up the ass, they talk about some dumb-ass drama on HBO.

Humiliated worst than I believe possible, I lay my head on the top of my car. Only when I do that, my hair is grabbed and yanked, forcing me to look up. They want me to see the people. They want me to know that everyone is seeing me get fucked like this.

After a few minutes, the one fucking me pulls out. When she does, I let a few tears fall as my ass feels so wide open. I discover this isn't why I'm crying. I'm crying due to what they really have done to me. How they have ruined my rep here. What are all the others here going to think of me? All they will see is the girl that got dominated so publicly. What happens if someone puts it on TikTok or something? They've ruined me.

"Oh, come on, haven't you done enough?!" I protest as one of them puts a vibrating object against my clit from between my legs. The object is large too, like the size of a softball, making it vibrate damn near my entire bottom half. And the thing is cranked up to the point I'm sure people rows down can hear the humming.

I wiggle as I try to pull my clit away, but that's laughable. The thing is firmly pressed against me and isn't going anywhere. It's positioned in the perfect way where it vibrates my pussy lips too, making everything start to tingle.

My body reacts as the vibrations are very violating but also enjoyable. It's much like yesterday when I hated what they were doing, but my body sort of betrayed me to make me enjoy it. That my body acted on its own instead of with my brain.

When I hear the sound of Velcro being undone, I look down. When I do, I see what they've done. They put some sort of harness on me, where it keeps the hibachi pressed against my clit. How in the world did they get that on me so fast? I didn't even feel it. Oh dear me, I think I really am being broken down.

"You aren't just being seen having sex, Jessica. Everyone will get to see your true sex face as you are going to cum if you like it or not. You are going to cum in this parking lot, like the whore everyone will know you are," the leader taunts. In desperation I try to shake my head NO, that I won't do it, but it doesn't have much weight behind it as my body wiggles and squirms nonstop. It's just the vibrations are so insanely intense. They seem to go directly into my soul.

I feel the girl move behind me, placing the fake cock against my ass again. Tears fall as she puts it back in with great ease. And a moment later, she's fucking my ass while the vibrator slowly wears me down. This time she's much harder, making each thrust hard and powerful to the point the entre car rocks. It's almost like she wants it as painful as possible.

My body trembles and tingles as it feels like I'm going to explode. That I can't take any more of these overwhelming feelings. That I can't take this humiliation. It's too much. It's going to make my mind break. It's going to break me forever.

Then I cum. It hits hard and unexpected, even if I knew it was bound to happen. Instead of being built up like normal, it comes out of nowhere. It sort of feels like when you know you are going to be sick after drinking too much. You only have that brief second of knowing what's about to happen before it does. That's how it is, as my orgasm just bursts through.

I fight to keep my moans to myself, but I can't. Not when my body is racked with pain and pleasure and humiliation. My real moans come out, and come out loud. They cover the parking lot to which I know people hear and turn to look. And there's no hiding what's happening to me. I'm having an orgasm. In public. While someone is fucking my ass.

The girls taunt me as I cum, which makes it even more powerful. They call me standard names, slut, whore, freak but they also say things that hit hard. Things like how everyone is going to remember me as the slut that got ass-fucked in the parking lot. That no one will want to talk to me unless it's because they want me to eat them out. That I'll find videos about this online for the rest of my life.

The waves of pleasure get extremely intense. Then I feel the peak, where I let out a shrill moan that barely sounds human. It's a moan that is filled only with forbidden pleasure. One that shows that I hate that I'm cumming from this, but can't help it. Can't help sinking into such a beautiful and powerful orgasm.

"Alright, wrap it up. We're going to be late to class," The Leader says as my orgasm finally starts to fade after what feels like an hour. The hibachi is still going, but at her words the one fucking me stops. She pulls out and leaves me to put my head back on the car where I let out tear after tear as my ass hurts.

The hibachi is removed next, thankfully. They have to take off the harness to do it, but it's taken off all the same. I'm left to stand against my car, my bottom half feeling so violated and happy.

As strange as it is to think at the moment, but I do wonder why they have all that stuff. Do they just carry it with them all the time? Or do they get it out only for special occasions? Is it normally kept in the trunk of one of their cars? Or is it always in one of their backpacks just in case they need to jump someone?

I keep pouting softly from shame and humiliation, but then the window that has trapped my tits is rolled down. My poor breasts are no longer being constantly squeezed, letting them throb softly as they are freed. To add to this freedom, the clamps on my nipples are removed. This makes me cry out in pain as the blood rushes back inside, but also lets me move back, my hands grabbing my hurt breasts. I rub and squeeze them in a comforting motion, feeling how large they feel from being swollen.

I make no effort to cover myself or put my clothes on right. I know if I did, they would get mad because I wasn't told I could do it or something. They want a reason to do more to me and I can't give it to them.

"Ahhh, don't you look cute?" One of them says and the others laugh. When she says this, I'm turned towards her, my hands on my tits in a protective motion. My jeans are still around my ankles, along with my panties, exposing my shaved womanhood for her to see, not the mention my bright red ass for everyone behind me.

This for some reason pisses me off. Mainly because it would be something I would say in this situation. I too would mock if I saw a girl as pathetic as I feel. One that is so submissive she won't even cover her naked body to her bullies.

"Fuck you. Fuck all of you," I growl, my anger and humiliation taking over. These words flow out without any thought. I just can't help myself. It's my emotions getting the better of me.

At these words, all the girls react. The Leader throws her hands up as if not believing what I said. Another girl just shakes her head while another laugh. One then cracks her knuckles as if to say she's just getting started.

"You just don't learn, do you? Just have to be a bitch. Can't be nice," The Leader says angrily. Hearing how mad she is terrifies me. The anger and rage I just had disappears and I become very remorseful. Instantly I tell her that I apologize and that I'll work on this. That I did learn my lesson. That they don't need to do anymore and I won't talk for the rest of the day.

"Grab her and put her on the trunk," The Leader barks. I'm still begging and pleading when the hands grab me. I'm then pulled and pushed towards the back of my car. With my jeans still around my ankles, this is rather hard. But with as many of them as there are, they easily get me back there.

I'm lifted up eassily and plopped on my own trunk, my bare sore ass screaming in pain from being dropped down on it. I keep begging for them to stop, that I'm sorry. But they don't care.

My hair is grabbed by The Leader and I'm forced to lay back on the back window. Then the leashes that are still around my wrists are grabbed. My hands are pulled over my head as two girls walk towards the front of my car with the other ends. The leashes become very taunt a couple of moments later, trapping my arms. When I look back to see what they are doing, I see they've run the leashes through the open front windows, tying them off.

My legs are grabbed next, where my body is pulled down until my arms are painfully straight against the leashes. This puts me in a painful position, where my back is arched, as if I'm sticking out my sort tits for them to play with. Not to mention that I can't move my arms even a little bit.

Words fail me as my shoes, socks, jeans and panties are removed completely. I'm made completely bottomless, where my clothes are tossed to the side as if garbage. Then my begs become tears as my legs are spread wide to either side of the car's trunk. Doing this makes my pussy so vulnerable. Makes it seem like it's the target that any pervert or homeless guy could play with if they walked by.

They tie my ankles to the sides of bumper to ensure that I have to say in this trapped pose. They use my own belt and then my shoelaces to do this. And to be extra cruel, they part my pussy lips open so that a passing person would get the chance to see inside me.

This effectively makes me helpless. My body is strung out tight, making sure I can't move at all. My tits are arched, making them feel like targets. And my pussy is at a height that would make it very easily for anyone to play with. To finger, to tease, even slap, knowing I can't do anything to stop them.

"There. Maybe a couple of hours like this will teach you some manners. Hopefully someone will pay you a visit. In fact, I think the guys that mow the yard come today. Should be a fun time if they see you," The Leader says while looking around. She doesn't have to mention that the sidewalk that runs down the entire street is only about 15 feet away. If someone walks by on it, they would be bound to see me.

"You can't. Please. This is too far," I start but the moment I do, she picks up my panties and puts them in my mouth, mid-sentence. When they are lifted to my mouth, I automatically opened my mouth, finding out that I really am being broken down. I didn't even notice that I didn't fight them at all as they tied me down like this.

One of the girls starts to laugh, hard. At first I think it's from me being gagged with my own panties, but I see it's not. The girl keeps laughing as she picks up my jeans. My thought is she is going to rob me since I can't do anything about it. But then I find out that's not why she was laughing.

She turns my jeans upside down and then puts them over my head. Shoves them down over my head from the waist hole until my entire head is in one pant leg. It blocks my sight at once, leaving nothing but darkness and laughter. I shake my head in an attempt to shake the jeans off, but it doesn't work.

The school bell rings out, alerting everyone that school is officially starting. That you have 5 minutes to get to class. When the girls hear it, they say how they don't want to be late. That they will have to run if they are going to make it.

And then they leave. Just leave me like this. Leave me tied to my car, gagged and blindfolded. They leave, again treating me not as some special prize or person, but some pathetic thing that no longer deserves their attention. That they don't care what anyone else might do to me or my body.

With a sigh, I rest my head on the car as I can't do anything else. I do wonder who is going to find me. I would love it if it was someone to help me. Maybe even a cop so I would have to say what they did to have them go to jail.

But knowing them, they might tell a janitor that there's a surprise in the parking lot. Or maybe it'll be a treat for a lunch lady. In a way, I guess it doesn't matter as I won't be able to see or tell who it is anyway. Could be the oldest teacher in the school, or a fellow 28-year-old fat nerd student.

If I could talk, I would say what I'm thinking out loud. And that thought is that I have a feeling this isn't going to be a very good day for me...and that they are just getting started.

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maddictmaddict2 months ago

Mean girls (!)

Any chance we will get the video

OzeminotaurOzeminotaur11 months ago

It's lucky that this is fantasy as this sort of treatment would put someone in the psych ward or make them seek a bloody revenge and if it was me I wouldn't have cared what my parents said I'd just leave get a student loan and work my ass off to get a degree then come back for my revenge

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I feel so bad for our heroine, Jessica. Seems like the leader has a bit of a crush on her. I think the leader is taking things way too far because she wants to get Jessica’s constant attention (you know how boys pull girl’s ponytails in the playground when they have crushes, it’s like that). I really hope Jessica isn’t raped by strangers and that her parking lot video isn’t posted online. That’s such a terrible thing to do to someone and even the thought of it diminishes any initial arousal I felt. I really hope the leader can make it up to Jessica, because this is really really bad. Imagine if Jessica’s next step is offing herself? :(

lillyjones1402lillyjones1402almost 2 years ago

Wow amazing. Eagerly waiting for the next chapter

ForTheLoveOfFemdomForTheLoveOfFemdomalmost 2 years ago

I would love a part 3 to this story. You've done such a great job with it and the lesbian domination is awesome.

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