Long Love Broken Pt. 03


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I went back into the pole room and disengaged the poles and put them back in the closet. The chair went back into the sitting room.

The walls in the sitting room were painted a mahogany color, making me think of Lilith. There was a picture on each wall, just to break up the bareness. This wasn't going to be a sitting room, it was going to be a contemplation room, and I had just the fix for that.

I took my list and was headed home from the supply store when I got a text from Amber. She said that Rachel and Polly were there and if I wanted to kill my demons, now was the time. I parked my Explorer, and there was another car parked in one of my four slots. It was a dark blue Dodge Challenger. It had a temporary tag on it, which told me it had just been bought today.

The desk clerks were changing shifts when I walked up to the desk, so I waited until they were done so I could lodge a complaint against the person parked in one of my spots. The outgoing clerk handed me a padded envelope with a smile. Inside was the registration, title, and keys for the Challenger parked in my spot.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Herman had bought me a fucking car! I ran to the elevator, thinking I should change from 'Student Jackie' to 'Barbie Jackie,' but didn't. I double-checked to see if the clothes I was wearing had come from Polly or Rachel, but they hadn't. They had been so obsessed with dressing me up, I didn't have any dressing down clothing from either of them. I left my drawing stuff in the Explorer and fired up the Challenger. As I drove, I could feel the rumble of the engine transmitted through the seat. If I could have gotten a hard-on with my dick tucked back, I would have cum. I rolled up to the King Mansion a little after four.

Amber met me at the doorway with a smile. "Don't you look ever like the college student!"

"Where are my demons?" I asked in a whisper.

"Fucking," she whispered. "Pretty much as soon as they got here."

I rolled my eyes. "Can we have tea in the study, Mum?"

Amber laughed. "Of course we can."

Rachel and Polly made an appearance a half-hour later. "So this is your hard-luck case?" Rachel asked. I didn't even flinch. 'Confident Jackie' knew that Rachel dressed-down anybody she felt might be prettier than her.

"Hi, I'm Jackie," I stood up to greet them.

Polly shook my hand with meekness. Rachel, however, took a step toward me with her hands out. I took a step back. "Excuse me?"

"I just want to see what the good doctor did to your face," Rachel explained. She took another step forward, I took another step back.

"No, thank you," I snapped. "Your breath smells like cootch anyway."

Amber gave a gasp that I knew was fake. "Jacqueline Chambers!"

"Jacqueline," Rachel mocked. "Good comeback, Jackie."

"You can call me Jacqueline," I said.

Rachel looked like I had bitch-slapped her, twice. That demon was on the run. "Diana did a good job on your face. And your tits, and your ass. Did she charge extra for that, mom, or was it buy one get two free?"

"My ass is all natural," I said with a smile. "Since they had to remove some of my ribs, Doctor Beale was nice enough to give me a bigger chest so she wouldn't have to remove any more tissue from me."

"Natural ass, my ass," Rachel snapped.

"Rachel, you're being a twat," Polly said. "Two more for tea, Amber?"

"Certainly," Amber said.

I was politely interrogated by Polly over tea while Rachel fumed. It was kind of weird for Polly to be be the leader and Rachel the follower. Unless it had always been that way and I had not seen it. I asked Polly about their engagement, and she gave me most of the truth. She hedged on the date, but said it would probably be sometime next summer.

Rachel played the fool again, snapping about Courtney's marriage to me and how she hoped Courtney had gotten a pre-nup. Polly slapped her down again, merely asking about how the marriage was going and if we were planning on having any children.

That part of the conversation threw me off, but Amber jumped in, asking about her grandbabies and why they weren't here. Rachel said that air-travel made them fussy but muttered something under her breath about brats. I knew why Rachel was so snippy, the kids were cutting into her fucking time with Polly and possibly whatever playmate they had now.

Polly shared pictures and gushed about how much they looked like their father. Rachel stormed off, saying she had to go pee. Amber and I shared a look about how much we were going to gossip later.

We had moved into the dining room and were getting ready to be served when Rachel came back. She looked much more relaxed and was wearing different clothes, clothes like I was wearing. Jonathon came in moments later with a confused look on his face, asking about the Challenger in the driveway.

I told him that it was mine and got another confused look in return. We ate, Rachel interrogating her parents about the business and trying to put me down every chance she got. Polly excused herself, politely suggesting that Rachel come with her.

Jonathon took advantage of their absence to ask me about the car. I told him about Herman and asked him not to be upset about it. He said he wasn't, and Amber gave me a reassuring look from the other end of the table.

Rachel and Polly returned a few minutes later, Rachel looking fearful at Polly. I found myself wondering how in the hell the roles had gotten reversed and assumed that it had something to do with the children. My children. A tear almost escaped my eye when that thought intruded into my mind.

Dinner ended on a high note, mostly because Rachel hadn't been talking. Polly asked Jonathon if she could borrow the BMW so they didn't have to wait for the limo all the time. We waited until the Beemer zipped down the driveway before we went outside to look at the Challenger.

"Please don't be upset, Jonathon. I didn't say anything about you to him," I pleaded.

"I'm not upset." He reassured me by giving me a hug. "Just a little jealous that I have to share you with him on the car front."

I gave them the story about Herman and how we had met and the pole dancing room they had set up. "I still don't know why he sent me a car," I admitted.

"Just like me, to make sure you thought of him every time you drove it," Jonathon admitted. "Well, me and Amber."

"He offered me a job, you know, before I danced for him," I revealed.

"Herman will always separate business from pleasure," Jonathon said. "He has always been that way."

"I plan on giving him my best work. I haven't had a chance to draw as a job for years, and I'll be glad to get back into that work," I smiled. "You guys really helped me a lot with that drawing room and the card to finish filling it out. Thank you."

"Nothing we don't do for our daughters," Amber said. "Come back inside, we'll have a nice drink under the dogwood tree."

I wasn't going to pass that up. I had been thinking about Jonathon's dick up my ass since I saw him in the dining room. I had needed him in my ass, and he made me have an orgasm just by fucking me, and it felt good. Amber came in as Jonathon left and they clapped hands like they were tag-team wrestlers. The cumming in her and then her giving the cum back to me would never get old. Her juices mixed with mine gave me a buzz better than whiskey. Well, they ran a close race.

Amber put a robe on and told me to get some things from Courtney's closets. I ended up with an armload of dresses and a bag full of lingerie. I told Amber that I had been kidding when I had said that I was going to steal all of her clothes, and she assured me that Courtney had not worn some of that stuff in a while.

I packed all of the things in the Challenger and gave Amber a goodbye kiss. When I asked about Jonathon, she said that I had worn him out and he was fast asleep. She did invite me back inside and bent over the sofa. I did her quick, and she gave me another kiss goodbye.

Just as I was pulling into the garage, I got a text from Amber. She said Polly had called her and asked her for my number. I debated that for a moment before I told her no. I had come to Vegas to get away from her and Rachel, and I didn't want to spend any more time than necessary around her.

Amber said that she understood and hung up. I lugged half the dresses and the bag to the door, and the desk clerk held it open for me. She was even nice enough to open the elevator doors for me. When I got into the elevator, she followed me, asking for my code of the day. I didn't think anything of it when the doors closed with her inside with me.

When we got to the penthouse, she didn't get back inside the elevator. She followed me to the bedroom and helped me put the clothes away. I reached for my purse, thinking she deserved a good tip.

She pushed my hand down. "Do you need some help with your clothes, ma'am?" she asked.

"We've already put them away. I'll get the rest tomorrow."

"I'm talking about the ones you have on." She gave me a demure smile. "Do they need washed or anything?"

What in the world was up with all these young women and their innuendos? Was I sending out some kind of pheromone that screamed 'Fuck me now!?'

I finally decided that honesty was the best policy. "I'm not a genetic woman," I blurted out. "I'm a transsexual."

That didn't throw her off at all. "Does your girlfriend mind sharing? It's just a quickie and us clerks are known for our discretion."

Oh, Amber's pussy was still on my mouth and all over my face. "I'm married."

She reached for my hand and rubbed the band with her thumb. "Would she care?"

"Probably not," I admitted. "What's your name?"

"Jill," she replied. She knelt before me, untying my shoes. As she came back up, she hooked her fingers and pulled my shirt up over my head. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a long kiss as she unhooked my bra. I reached toward her to do the same, but she shyly pulled away, covering her chest. I gave her a smile to assure her that she was just fine, and reached for her again. She let me take off her jacket and I unbuttoned her shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra, she had these cute little titties with little nipples. I pulled her shirt back locked her arms behind her while I assaulted her chest. I tried my best to suck those little tits into my mouth but had to settle for the nipples.

She was breathless when I let her arms go. I knelt before her and pulled off her shoes. I was going for the buckle on her pants when she put her hands on mine. "I'm not a genetic woman either."

"That's just fine," I assured her. "That's one thing we have in common."

"I haven't done this before, had sex with a resident. I just wanted to see you naked, maybe eat you out."

"You still can. Let me see."

She unbuckled her pants and then pulled them down. I pulled down her panties and her penis came out. I looked up at her face, and she seemed embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"It's so small."

My hand instinctively reached for her cock, and I wrapped my hand around it. "Just right little girl." I took her cock in my mouth and rolled it around with my tongue. I sucked on her, clawing her ass. She must have masturbated before she came to help me, because it took a while for her to cum. I never knew that such little testicles could cum so much, but she did.

When I let her go, her knees buckled and she almost fell. I pulled her up and turned around to lay her on the bed. She must have weighed ninety pounds soaking wet. I left her there while I finished taking my clothes off and went into the shower. Jill joined me in the bathroom while I was shaving my legs, and her eyes went wide when she saw my cock.

"That's a little bigger than I expected," she said.

"We don't have to do anything. In fact, I'm a little worn out today."

She stammered for a moment, like she was trying to figure out what to say. "I'm not sure we should do anything at all, ma'am."

"That's fine," I assured her. "I'd be scared if I saw me for the first time too. Go ahead and get dressed. I hope you don't get in trouble."

"Jane is covering for me. She's like me, you know," Jill said. "She's my bro...sister."

"That's fine, as long as you won't get into trouble. I'll just give you a monetary tip the next time, okay?"

"We're on salary, we can't take tips," Jill said.

"I liked what I did do, little girl. You taste very sweet, and I like that."

"Really? I think I'd like that too," she blushed. "But it wouldn't be fair to you."

"I wouldn't offer if I didn't think it was fair, Jill. Have a good night."

She took it for the dismissal that it was. "Good night, ma'am."

I liked that, she still wanted me to be in charge, even though she wouldn't be able to reciprocate or maybe would at least try.

Today had been such a weird day. I couldn't really tell who or what I was anymore. Was I a slut because I had so much sex with so many people today? I could be called a whore because I had taken gifts, really nice gifts, for sex.

But the power I had over those made me drunk. Even Amber, the powerful, intimidating, socialite wife, was following my lead tonight.

When I picked out a Cami and panty set, I realized it was Courtney's. It felt good and smelled fresh, and eased me off to sleep.

"No sex today," I said to myself in the mirror. Then I remembered that Courtney was coming into town. "No sex with anybody other than your wife today!"

I typed up my resume and put it a nice little film folder. My old sketch pads were nicely laid out on a shelf and I grabbed those along with my new ones. I zipped over to The Woodsworth Building. The place was fucking huge. This guy must be loaded. Well, he was loaded in a really good place, I smiled to myself.

The Human Resources lobby was roomy and had a forbidding secretary behind a forbidding desk. I signed in and waited my turn like any other potential employee. After an hour, I was ushered into an office with an uptight-looking woman in a what looked like a polyester pantsuit.

She went through my sketches and the min-prints with a lot of hmm's and quite a few nods. "Miss Chambers, this is very good work. We do have a policy here of hiring only degree holders."

"Ma'am, I am finishing up my degree. Perhaps an internship, even an unpaid one, would help me prove my worth to this company."

"We also make employees sign a no-compete contract. If you choose to work here, even on an internship, and we let you go, you wouldn't be able to work for any architectural company for a hundred miles."

Whoa! Was this worth it?

Before I could say that I would think about it, the office door opened. Miss Polyester Pantsuit was about to throw some words, but Herman walked in. "Mr. Woodsworth!" Pantsuit shot to her feet.

"Oh, sit down," Herman waved his hand. "I asked security who was doing donuts in my parking lot in a canary yellow Mustang, and they pointed me down here."

"W-w-well, I was just telling Miss Chambers here that despite her excellent art resume, we only hire degreed personnel."

"Let me see," Herman reached for my sketchbooks. He paged through them slowly, cocking his head at some, smiling at others. He picked up my second sketchbook and turned it around to me. "Is this the Lamar Building?"

"Yes, it is," I replied.

"I see you made some changes to our design. What are these for?" He pointed the windbreak fins disguised as balconies.

"The buildings around the Lamar are pushing some air back when the wind comes from the north west. It's not very often, but it is there."

"Hmm, so you are an engineer as well?" He asked.

"It was an elective, but I think I will take the advanced courses. Wind dynamics can be important especially if other buildings pop up around. One only has to look at New York City to see that," I replied.

"Quite right." He turned the pad around and turned to the next page. "This looks interesting. Hmm." Herman held his chin like he was intrigued. I knew that he was studying the changes I had made. "Dina? Get this young lady the hiring paperwork. I don't want her out on the floor where the pervs can bother her. Put her in old man Hanks' office."

"Sir, that office was slated for Mark..."

"Dina, did I look like I was making a suggestion?" Herman stormed.

"No..no..no sir," Dina stammered.

"Well, then?"

Dina picked up her phone and made a hushed call. "They're moving now. The drafting board is causing trouble."

"If it's not too much of a problem, can we keep the board?" I asked. "I like to do things longhand."

"Sure, keep the board," Herman said. "Too much done on computers, anyway."

"You lose the perspective," I said.

"Exactly," Herman wagged a finger at me. "Don't make me regret hiring you." He left the office, closing the door a little too hard for Dina's nerves.

"Um, okay. Let's get your papers ready." After I filled out all the paperwork, Dina escorted me up to a corner office, bare walls, no decor at all. "Here you go. I'll have to ask Mister Woodsworth if you have a supplies allowance. It's because you're an intern."

"Of course she has an allowance," Herman boomed from the doorway. "Miss Chambers will also need a key card. How long would you be able to intern for us?"

"A couple of months, at least," I said.

"Hours, per day" Herman clarified.

"I get out of school at two, and I need time to study. Perhaps...maybe...is five hours a day okay, Mister Woodsworth?"

"Call me Herman, and five hours a day, Monday through Thursday, is fine. Good day, Jackie."

"Good day, Mister Woodsworth," I said.

On his way out, Herman tapped the door. "Nameplate!"

Dina huffed behind me, and I turned around to face her. "Ma'am, are you okay?"

"Quite okay, Miss Chambers. This is just so... unusual. I'll show you the supplies booth, and we can go to security to get your access card."

Dina showed me around the building. In addition to all the draftsmen, no draftswomen to be seen; there were separate rooms for building codes for every state in the U.S. and some rooms for different countries.

We finished the tour at security, where my access card was printed out and handed to me. "Mister Woodsworth would like to see Miss Chambers in his office on the seventh floor."

"My access card only goes up to the sixth floor," Dina protested. "I'll need an escort."

"Alone," the security chief said. "Miss Chambers' card is coded for the seventh floor."

Dina huffed and stormed off. "You enjoyed that," I accused the security chief.

"Yes, I did. She treats all of us like peons because she's the head of HR. Nice to get her riled up instead. But seriously, I know you're not family, I've known Mister Woodsworth for years. Who are you?"

"Let me ask you a question. How many draftswomen have come through here?"

"Maybe a handful a year," he admitted. "They almost always get chased off by...oh."

"Mister Woodsworth saw my work and liked it, a lot. Maybe he is putting me on a higher step because he wants me to have the opportunity to succeed. I will earn everything after on merit. He can just as easily let me go as he gave me the job."

"Spoken like a true hard worker," he held his hand out. "Marvin Little. Welcome, Miss Chambers."

"You better call me Jackie" I teased.

"All right."

I went to the elevator and hit the button for the seventh floor. The computer asked for my card, and after swiping in the reader, it took off.

The seventh floor was like none of the others. There was wood, real wood, everywhere. A very elegant secretary stood up and guided me to Herman's office.

His office was huge, but there was only a desk and a small table surrounded by a handful of chairs. The rest of the room was art. Specifically, it was concept art and final pictures of buildings.

"The Lamar Building is over there," Herman said from behind me, pointing at a wall closer to the desk. "That was our last futuristic design for three years."