Melissa and Roland Ch. 01

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Dressing Melissa.
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Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/09/2022
Created 08/05/2014
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This series is a follow on to 2 others – first Robert and Kayla and more recently Caitlyn's Treatment. It continues the BTS story from the perspective of a different character – a cuckold tied to one of the girls.

I liked running these little errands. It was my job and it made me feel good, like I was fitting in with the guys. Or at least being useful to them. Useful to Roland.

My only real worry was that I would miss some of the action. That Jack or Eddie would get the good calls while I was out.

But I ended up doing OK for myself, even if everything else ended in a disaster.

Chapter 1: Dressing Melissa - Aug 23 5 to 5:45 P.M.

Everything had been one big rush since 5 o'clock that afternoon.

It was a Saturday and Melissa and I were at home taking it easy. We'd spent a lazy day at the pool reading and chatting and swimming. I'd cut the grass, she knitted in the sun for a while. Now we were both showered and I was getting ready to grill shish kabob. She had done the salad and I had uncorked a nice red. Then the phone rang.

Melissa was on the couch with the T.V. low in the background. She had a crossword going and was wearing just sweat pant bottoms and an oversized man's tee shirt. She answered.

"Hello.....oh. Hi."

Something in her voice told me to wait there with the platter of uncooked meat and vegetables.

"Yes. Of course....No it's not a problem."

She listened.

"Certainly. OK."

Then she had to wait again.

"Yes. I understand. See you then."

She looked over at me and said "We're back on. His trip got cancelled."

I recorked the wine and went back in the kitchen to wrap the food. Wondering if we might get to it tomorrow.

We'd been expecting a quiet night and a quiet weekend. Roland had called Melissa on Wednesday to say that his plan for her was off. Some business meeting he had to attend and he would be flying out on Saturday afternoon.

What that plan had been we never really knew, just that there was one. And then that it was off. And now it was back on.

Melissa started flying around the living room picking up and tidying. She called out to me to make sure the kitchen looked decent and that she had to go shower again. And could I lay out her things while she was in getting ready? And that Roland would be here in 20 minutes.

She had just showered but I understood why she would again. She'd want to run the razor over her legs again to make sure. And her armpits. And her crotch. And she'd want to use her special shampoo and conditioner and do her hair over. Then she'd need to get her face made up. And she would need a choice of outfits.

Melissa was never flustered. She'd been given instructions like this before knew what to do – which was to be very businesslike.

I quickly cleaned up the kitchen and made sure I had some beer and water in the fridge. Then I checked the living room again. I made sure I had all the right things in the liquor cabinet. And I had the red wine. Just in case the plan was for right here.

I went up to the bedroom to get her things ready. First I ducked my head into the bath area. I could see her shimmery outline behind the lightly frosted glass of the shower; saw her scrubbing between her legs.

"Causal or dress up or...?" There were a few more choices on that list.

" least I think. At some farm or boathouse or something. Go with casual, there's no time now for anything else."

"Got it."

I heard her saying as I left "And if I'm wrong we'll just have..." But she wouldn't be wrong. I knew it.

I went into her walk in closet. Three years earlier I'd taken my first big bonus check and used it to have a wall knocked down to enlarge the master suite. Doubled her closet space, almost doubled the bath area, and installed an extra-large soaking tub and a walk in shower. We didn't know at the time how useful both would be.

Melissa has a large (and expensive) wardrobe and had one even before she met Roland. Since that time she's had to add quite a few items because there was a wider range of requirements for clothing. Not that it was a problem for her. She loves clothing, wears it well and keeps it well. The room was meticulously organized.

I had a lot of choices. But I was as used to this as she was. And it was always a pleasure to be in there by myself with her nice things.

In the end I picked out 3 skirts with matching tops, 4 summery dresses, a choice of 3 pair of shorts (one of the short-shorts variety) with the little tees she wears with them and 4 different pairs of sandals. I laid the clothing out methodically on the king sized bed we shared, giving them a nice display. It would make it easier for them to choose.

I went to her bureau drawer and got out the bra and panty sets I knew she liked for summer casual. A variety of styles, colors, patterns and trim. She could wear a set or mix and match.

I knew that she might not wear the underthings at all – but it was better to be prepared. Roland was a little unusual in that he often preferred her in panties and bra. So long as they were pretty sexy and easy.

By then I could hear the hair dryer going. Melissa keeps her hair relatively short for occasions when she needs to be quick. This had led to a little conflict with Roland, but she stuck to her guns on the issue and I was proud of her for it. She'd say "I'm glad to wear it longer for you – just promise me 60 minutes to get ready," then he'd grumble and drop it. The shorter hair came in handy. She would still have her makeup to do after that.

I went to her jewelry box and got a selection of the earrings. Got out her pearl tongue stud because I knew she had in the flat retainer. Got her favorite anklet and 2 of her waist chains. She already had on her wedding and engagement rings and her tiny navel jewel.

I laid the jewelry on one of the white tees so it would stand out for selection.

I was ready as I could be when she came out of the shower wearing her black and red dragon kimono. Roland had bought it for her a while back on one of their trips.

She was gorgeous. As always. She smiled at me, blushed and silently mouthed the words "I love you." I smiled back and nodded. I went back to work arranging the choices.

Melissa is 26 but could pass for younger. I'm 31. We're both in excellent shape due to years of hiking, biking and swimming. She had somehow been able to retain her curves without the body fat. Medium sized B cup breasts, an impossibly tiny waist, slender arms and shoulders, curvy hips and pear shaped bottom and the prettiest face I had ever seen. She was about 5' 5" and weighed no more than 125 lbs. Her reddish blonde hair came to the level of her chin in an angled bob. She had a slender neck with high cheekbones and delicate features, a cute small nose, a beautiful smile with rich full lips, perfect teeth and dark gray/green eyes. Her nipples were small and pink. Her pubic area trimmed just right to show puffy vaginal lips. A nice gap between her slender and shapely thighs helped show them off.

Soft, delicate, petite and completely feminine, that was Melissa. Most men seemed to go crazy over her figure and her face, understandably so. For me had always been her eyes.

Add intelligent, ambitious, friendly (but somewhat reserved) and a wicked sense of (dry, quiet) humor and you had about the entire package. Or maybe you first have to add her deeply submissive nature, and then you would have it.

Melissa had been a Miss Teen Oregon eight years earlier and to me looked like she could still compete, if not for the Teen title then certainly for the Miss Oregon title.

She checked the clothing I'd laid out and fretted a bit over the lack of her yellow summer dress. She knew Roland liked it and might notice. She looked over at me but didn't say a word. We both knew. I'd been supposed to pick it up earlier in the day from the cleaners but got lazy by the pool and told her I'd get it Monday. After all we had been expecting a stay at home weekend with just the 2 of us. But I knew what she was thinking and cursed myself for laziness.

Still, it was what it was, wishing wouldn't change it. And they still had lots of choices. So she said nothing and neither did I. Then we heard the car come in our driveway.

I ran down to get out the scotch Roland drinks. I opened the door and saw him walking up the path in our front garden. With him was his friend Marshall. Or his associate Marshall, or whatever he was.

"Hey Jeff."

"Hey Roland."

We shook hands in the doorway with Marshall standing behind him big as a house. Roland was dressed impeccably. He always was. The casual choice had been the correct one. He had on a white linen jacket, violet shirt, white tie, elegant pleated slacks and expensive looking loafers with no socks. I could smell the spicy understated cologne he favored.

I was used to him looking like this. He loved men's fashion the way Melissa loved hers. But it made his buddy Marshall stand out like a sore thumb. He was wearing a cheap and ill-fitting black suit and dark tie. A suit that looked like it needed a good cleaning before getting thrown out.

I nodded towards Marshall but he didn't nod back. I walked them into the living room and Roland said "She ready?"

"Yeah. Go on up. Trying to pick an outfit for you." Then I thought I'd be funny and said "You know women."

He didn't respond to that, just began to march up the stairs towards our bedroom. I called from behind him "Want a scotch Roland? Or anything else?"

He turned and smiled at me then and said "Thanks Jeff. Yeah to the scotch. Get Marshall one too and then bring mine up." And he headed back upstairs.

I went over and poured 2 scotches neat the way I knew Roland liked it. "Rocks for mine" said Marshall so I had to head out to the kitchen. When I came back in with ice Marshall was standing with his back to me, looking at some family photos we kept above the fireplace. "Two cubes." I added his ice and handed over the drink. He reached back for it without him turning around.

I stood watching his back for a bit and then poured a 3rd drink for myself. I took rocks too.

He turned to me with a framed photo in his meaty paw.

"This one of Mel in the bikini. That Hawaii?" The 'Mel' grated.




I'm pretty sure he knew I resented these personal intrusions. I'm pretty sure it's why he did it.

He put the photo back and turned and grinned towards me, or at least gave me what passes for a grin with him. He held out his glass of scotch to clink with mine so I reciprocated. We both sipped. And we stood there.

I wanted to take time to give Roland and Melissa privacy, at least a few minutes. I didn't think much would be happening up there since Roland seemed in a bit of a rush. Just in case. But it was hard standing in the living room silently with Marshall too. So I told him I was going up with Roland's drink.

When he followed me up the stairs I had had enough.

"You can stay here Marshall. The bedroom is our private space."

He grinned up at me. "Roland tell you that was the plan?"

"Well no he didn''s just...."

"Get moving."

So I figured I had no choice but to move. I mean what was I going to do? Fight him on the stairway with those 2 upstairs?

The bedroom door was half open but I knocked anyway. There was no response so I opened it gingerly and walked into the room, Marshall following. The first thing I saw was Melissa's kimono lying on the floor by the foot of the bed. She and Roland were on the far side of the bed where we have a small table and chairs in a little nook area. She had her back to me and was fresh, naked and still slightly ruddy from the shower. She held a dress up to her bosom, not for modesty of course but to give Roland an idea of what it would look like on her. Neither of them looked over when I went in.

I froze in place to look. She might have been in a Vermeer painting then. Motionless, silent, waiting. The early evening light streaming through the window on her pretty back and shoulders. Her bottom beautifully round, supple and alive. She glowed.

And it may have been selfish of me but I wished then that somehow things could be different. I just couldn't help it. It was a little ruined for me because I knew that Marshall had the same view.

Roland sat easily in one of the chairs watching her. Finally he looked over at me. She glanced over too and I could see her face had been perfectly made up in the 5 minutes she'd been alone. A little blush, subtle but rich red lips, and a touch of eyeliner to bring out her green irises. She was gorgeous.

"Thanks Jeff. Bring it over and join the party." I walked past Melissa, who now was primping to get the dress to hang right over her front. I handed him the drink and he took a small sip.

"We're having trouble deciding between this one and the other – the striped one on the bed there."

I looked at both dresses. The one Melissa held to her chest was a filmy muslin taupe with little puffy sleeves and a scoop neckline. Very girlish. It came to just above mid-thigh. I looked to the bed and saw the bolder diagonal striped dress – red/yellow/green/white alternating – which was probably 2 inches shorter and had more of a plunging neckline. A pretty sexy dress.

But opaque.

I knew that the taupe was see-through in sunlight and almost that in any light. So I figured that it would be the way to go.

"Wanna help us decide? Baby, show him what you showed me just now."

I had retreated to the foot of the bed to give them their space back, and was joined there by Marshall. He hadn't said a word but was managing to fill the room. By then I was totally pissed at this invasion of privacy. It was our bedroom for God's sake. I concentrated hard on Roland and Melissa and tried not to make a scene.

Melissa turned to me with a wicked little grin, still holding the muslin to her chest, and said "Oh. I know which one he'll like." She said it in such a sweet way that I forgot about Marshall.

"No matter Mel. Show him both."

She had always hated being called 'Mel' before meeting Roland, said it made her sound unfeminine. It was one of the rules she set for me from the time we met. But Roland was an exception to lots of rules. I wondered if Marshall was too given his question about the Hawaii photo, or whether that was just him trying to get to me.

She held the muslin with a hand above her breasts and took her second hand and flared out the bottom just a little to show what it was like. Melissa and I had bought the dress together about 3 weeks earlier so I'd actually seen it on her in the dressing room. I was pretty sure she hadn't worn it out yet.

She dropped the muslin on the bed – and I'm sure Marshall was enjoying that view– to pick up the striped dress. She held that one to her body the same way. Again she flicked out the bottom near her thigh to give me an idea of how it would fall.

"So what do you think Jeff?" came from Roland.

"I...." and took a sip of my scotch then just as he was, "...I think..." because I did want him to see me thinking it over. She might have already known my choice but I was hoping he didn't. I was hoping that he would take what I was about to say as thoughtful advice. We both like to play at my being his consigliere, at least on questions involving Melissa.

"I think...think the muslin is really very sexy and sweet. She looks so innocent in it. See through almost and it really suits her."

Melissa turned back to Roland and again we saw her naked back and ass. She said "Told you so!" and stuck out her tongue fake bitch at him. And, oh dear!, does she ever manage to combine sexy, cute and bold when she's like that with him. Reminded me of all the times she had said to me "Tame me."

He laughed with her. "Yes, yes you did. Yes."

He thought for a second. "You don't think the stripes add......?" He paused again frowning, said "Maybe not," and then "I think I'll go with Jeff's advice. Husband probably knows what looks best on his Mrs. Put it on Mel and we'll get out of here."

She put down the diagonal dress and stood before him naked. As she did she drove her eyes first to the panty and bra collections and then back to Roland. Asking should she?

"Yeah. I think. Want you sexy but classy for this. Not slutty." But he just meant in appearance.

He stood and looked down at the lingerie for a moment. Roland may have had expertise with men's clothing and fashion, but he honestly did need help when it came to dressing Melissa. He picked up a sheer blue bra that I knew would be wrong for the dress. He put it back, considered the others and ran a knuckle down the front of the yellow panties. It made me wonder whether he was thinking about that yellow dress. Then he smiled back at both Melissa and me and threw up his hands. "I dunno...all look pretty nice." He turned his head further toward me. "Jeff! Get over here and pick out some underwear for your wife."

I went to her side and caught the fragrance of her shampoo. I stood with them beside the bed. I'd already made my choice of course, the white lace triangle cup bra with and the matching bikini panties. Young, feminine, easy but with the seductive edge of old-fashioned modesty. The bra was perfect for her smaller breasts and the white would stand out under the filmy dress for everyone to see. They'd see what easy obstacles a man faced once he took that dress off. Which I knew was what beautiful lingerie did – made the woman more vulnerable, more open, more accessible, more female.

Melissa put on her waist chain, put on her anklet and then put on the bra and panties. She put on a pair of pearl earrings.

Roland swirled the cubes in his glass and said "I'll have one more while you two get ready. See you downstairs." He left with a little tap on her butt. Now that the decisions were made. I thought Marshall would follow him out but he never moved from the foot of the bed. We ignored him.

I got her tongue stud and Melissa slipped the dress over her head. I found the right sandals for her and got Roland's favorite perfume while she brushed out her hair again.

Finally I had a chance to ask as she checked herself in the mirror "So, do I wait here or ..."

"Oh, no. Roland..."

Marshall interrupted her. "You got a black suit? One like mine?"

The correct answer to that was that yes I had 3 of them but not so much like his. Mine probably cost 10 times as much, were clean and fit properly.

Instead I said "Yes."

"Go put it on. Dark tie too. Like mine."

Part of the mystery. What could Marshall and I be doing together that required us to dress alike? As I said I'm pretty used to it too – even if not from the likes of Marshall. If Roland had told me to do it it would have sounded like an adventure we were sharing, not an order. It would have been, not fun exactly but more like the excitement of travelling into an unknown world.

When I came out of my closet fully dressed Melissa was still primping at the mirror. She turned and smiled at me then came over and kissed me lightly on the cheek. Then rubbed off a lipstick print.

"You all set?"


She bent her face to mine and tucked a tuft of hair behind my ear whispering "Don't let him get to you."

She said "Zip me up and let's get going." I did and led her down the stairs. Marshall following.

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Sub_HubbieSub_Hubbieabout 8 years ago

All background, though. Moving on to see what comes next. Great promise...

devilspydevilspyalmost 10 years ago
I like it so far

Cuckold helped dress his wife. As her lover looks on and learns something about her taste. He is a smart stud and stayed out of the choices, just let the cuckold do what cuckolds do best.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
There seem to be too any loser wimp husbands like this.

I feel sad for them. How do they get this way? Domineering mothers? I hate to be too judgmental. I know they used to blame homosexuality on mothers' parenting or absence of fathers. So maybe guys are born this way, too? It just seems sad to be treated like a lackey in your own marriage, to build your whole life around the fact that you imagine your wife behaving like a porn star, and that's what turns you on, rather than you being the one to get the blow job from your wife. I have read that mens' relationships with women are being screwed up by their watching too much online porn; they don't know what real women are like, and live more in their heads than in real life.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, after what I have read of what supposedly normal, heterosexual males putting up with in LW stories. You guys will tolerate a lot to have a beautiful, sexy woman on your arm. The rest of us ordinary women don't get that kind of forgiveness or consideration. Sadly, I got used to it early in life. My own bouncy, cheerleader sister, a classic blue-eyed blonde, used to get away with and get so much more from my father than I, the smarter, better-behaved, dutiful-but average-looking daughter, did. Fortunately for me, I found a nice-looking guy who thinks I'm hot stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Just shit. That is all

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