My Black Babies Ch. 14


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When I got up on Sunday morning, I texted Master and asked him if I could remove my black only tattoos from December 23 through January 2.

"You want to give Reed the very best present, don't you," Master asked, "his wife's fuck holes?"

"Yes, Master. His parents are coming on 12/23 for Christmas, and Alexander is leaving so we can give the guest room to them. I'd hate to resort to only vibrators and dildos while they're here."

"They aren't going to be here on the 29th, are they?"

"No, sir. They leave on the 27th. Reed still hasn't told them I'm pregnant with another man's child. We're going to do that, and provided they're still speaking to us, I'd like to introduce them to you and Savannah on the 26th. We'll take everyone out to dinner. Even if they leave in a huff, we'll take you out to dinner, although in that case, I'd expect you to spend the night in bed with me."

"You have my permission to remove your black only tattoos, but I'd like you to leave your QOS tattoos when you're celebrating with his parents, and wear shirts, blouses, sweaters or dresses that reveal them."

"Yes, Master." I got a little shiver from his order.

Reed arrived home around three PM. I immediately placed him back in his cock cage.

"How many different men and women did you fuck, cuckold?" I asked.

"Four different women," Reed said. "Three of them once only, and Connie twice, pussy and ass, and I ended up fucking Andre once and Herbert once, while Andre fucked me twice, and Richard once. Each time I had to face them and kiss, Mistress. It was uncomfortable for me, just as Richard said it would be. I sucked four different cocks during my training, Andre the most frequently."

"Was it enjoyable sticking your married white dick into four different women?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Why don't you show Alexander how much your cock sucking skills have improved, then you can show me how much your pussy licking has improved."

"Yes, Mistress. Sir, if you'd accompany me to the bedroom, I can do a much better job in there."

They went into the bedroom and I followed to see if I could pick up some pointers. As Reed began, he essentially left Alexander's cock alone, much as Richard had left my pussy alone for so long. He seemed to be exploring Alexander's entire body, licking and kissing him all over. When he did deep throat Alexander, he didn't do it for very long, seemingly just testing Alexander's reactions. For twenty minutes, at least, Reed played with him, although he finally began spending more and more time on his penis and balls than he started with. I was sure Alexander would climax two or three times, but each time, Reed stopped doing whatever he was doing, and doing something else.

"Damn it, suck me off, cuckold. Don't leave me hanging," Alexander said, the third time that happened.

Reed smiled and said, "You're not quite ready, sir.," and went back to doing what he was doing.

The fourth time Alexander got close, Reed took him over the top. I'd never heard Alexander bellow the way he bellowed as he orgasmed, thrusting his hips up wildly, driving his cock deep down Reed's throat, screaming "Fuck, fuck, fuck; oh, fuck!" His balls were practically leaping in his sack as he filled Reed's mouth with his cum.

His spasms finally ended and Alexander was breathing hard, as if he'd held his breath for five minutes. Reed suckled the last bit of cum out of his big black cock, then lifted off with a pop.

"Damn," Alexander said, "that was the singular best blow job I've ever had. Well done, cuckold."

"Thank you, sir. Mistress, lie down and I'll take care of you."

I lay down beside Alexander, and as he watched, Reed did the same thing with me, he'd just done for Alexander. It was very similar to what Richard had done to me, but it wasn't the same. It's not like he'd memorized some routine. Everything was just different enough, I knew that it was Reed's way of doing things, and his alone. The end result was the same; I screamed and squirted, spraying all over my husband's face as he pushed me off the cliff. I don't know what magic Reed had learned, but he'd learned well. He kept going, and while none of the other orgasms was quite what the first one was, they were all exceptionally good.

Finally, I asked him to stop because I was so sensitive.

"Reed, those were the best orgasms you've ever given me. What are you doing that's different?"

"Mistress, if it's all the same to you, I'd like to keep that secret for now. I'd like to be able to do something for you, no one else can do, not even someone with a big cock."

"Would you tell me if I ordered you to?" I asked.

"Yes, Mistress. I'd just prefer not to."

"Then you can keep your secrets for a while. You do know that I'll want you to do that for me every day?"

"I will be happy to pleasure you every day, Mistress. If you go take a shower, I'll change the sheets."

Alexander and I got up and showered together, while Reed changed the sheets, then he took his shower. I'd soaked the poor boy, and he desperately needed it.

Reed and I got the house ready for guests that week. Every day, he would give me the most exquisite orgasms, licking me, mostly after Alexander had cum in me. I also had a doctor's appointment where I had an ultrasound. For the moment, I was keeping that information a secret. The morning of the twenty-third, Alexander took another blow job from Reed before he left. I took a shower, making sure to remove my 'Black Only' tattoos, which Reed didn't see. We went to pick up Reed's parents at the airport.

I should discuss Reed's parents a little. They lived in Dearborn, Michigan, and Reed was almost a clone of his father, Ethan, who was fifty-six his last birthday. He had the same slim patrician features my husband did, a thick headful of gray hair, a pencil mustache, and he did the same type of work. He was an auditor for General Motors, and made a good living working with the books. His wife, Emily, was a year younger, brown hair which she had to dye because of some gray. She was also slim and trim, a good match to her husband. I'd never seen her naked, but she could still wear a bikini without embarrassing herself. I believe that she'd started out as a B cup, but two children, Reed, and a younger sister, Jennifer, had boosted her breast size up a cup.

"There's my favorite daughter-in-law," Emily said, giving me a hug. "And our first grandchild. Isn't she a beautiful mother, Ethan?"

"Yes, she is," Ethan said. "She's glowing."

"I'm only your favorite because I'm your only daughter-in-law," I laughed. "And the chilly weather has more to do with my glowing than the baby, I suspect. Reed and I have some things to discuss about the baby, don't we honey?"

"Yes, Mistress."

His parents glanced at each other momentarily at his use of the word, "Mistress", then Emily asked if there was a problem with the pregnancy.

"The baby's doing fine," I said. "I just had a doctor's appointment this week, before the holidays started. I know the sex of the baby, and I'll tell it to you with some privacy."

"Then what's there to discuss?" Ethan asked.

"Other things," I replied. "We'll get to them at home. I thought we'd stop for lunch first."

We had a nice lunch at a local diner near our home. Reed brought them up to date on his work and who some of his clients were. Reed addressed me as Mistress a couple more times during the meal, and while they didn't remark on it, they looked at one another each time it happened. I still hadn't removed my light coat, so they hadn't seen my QOS tattoos yet.

When they were settled in the guest room, we got them each a glass of wine and had a seat in the living room.

My coat was off and Reed's parents finally saw the tattoo on my arm.

"I didn't know you had a tattoo, dear," Emily said.

"I only got it recently. Do you know what it means?"

"That you like playing cards?" Emily asked. I smiled.

"No. Do you remember Reed's first serious girlfriend, Ashley?"

"That little white trash tramp! Of course I remember her. She broke Reed's heart. Even after they broke up, she showed up at his dorm room and rutted with that athlete every week."

"She did, and the fact that she did, had a profound influence on your son. He became very aroused by watching black men have sex with white women, and impregnating them. They were his most intense sexual fantasies, something he kept hidden from me. As you may or may not know, Reed and I had been trying to have children for two years before I got pregnant. Reed had himself tested, and discovered he was infertile, and couldn't give me children. He hired someone else to impregnate me. Because of his sexual fantasies, he hired a large, muscular, virile, black man to inseminate this child into me. He didn't discuss it with me before, something which angered me.

"I was waiting for Reed to show up at a downtown hotel, when this black gentleman approached me and handed me a letter from Reed, asking me to let this black man have sex with me and give me a child. I was shocked. Shocked that Reed made all of these prepaid arrangements without ever once discussing it with me. I was so mad, I wondered if I would divorce Reed. I probably would have if he hadn't provided proof he was infertile. I went out dining and dancing with the man, trying to make up my mind if I was going to do this. As I said, he was a gentleman, and after confirming it with Reed, decided to do it.

"The child I'm carrying now is the child that man was paid by Reed to breed into me. It's a boy." Everyone exclaimed at the news, although not as much as they might have if it was Reed's. Reed hadn't known yet either. He was going to have a son. "He will definitely be biracial. I expected Reed to tell you before now, but he hasn't been able to because he's humiliated his parents will know this about him. This is something you need to know. You need to prepare for it. This child won't really be Reed's son, and as such, not your real grandchild, although he'll be raised as if he is.

"The thing of it is, having a black child was not the full extent of Reed's fetish. He enjoys watching me have sex with black men, as much as he enjoys having sex with me himself. This tattoo means that I am a Queen of Spades, a white woman who enjoys having sex with black men. My Master put it on me. He is the father of my child, not Reed. I'd like you to meet him and his wife for dinner on the 26th, provided you're still speaking to us."

"Is this true, Reed?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, sir." Reed was blushing, having to admit this to his parents.

"How many other men is Vicky having sex with?" Emily asked. "Is it just the one, or are there others?"

"It's mostly just two, ma'am, although there are others at times."

"Who's the other main one?" Ethan asked.

"The senior partner at work, Alexander Ross, sir. He mostly has been spending his nights here, while I sleep in the guest room."

"He sleeps in your bed?" Ethan asked.

"It's his bed when he's here, sir."

"Why?" Emily asked. "Don't you love Vicky?"

"I love her more than anything, ma'am. The pleasure she receives from them is far more than I can provide for her. Our Master is almost twice as long and almost three times thicker than I am. It gives me joy to see her have that much pleasure."

"Our Master?" Ethan asked.

"As our black bull, Joseph is our Master. It's our duty to see to his needs, sir," Reed replied.

"What are his needs, regarding you?" Emily asked.

"I'm to help give him erections when he wants to have sex with Mistress, and clean up after they're done having sex, ma'am."

"Clean up?" Emily asked.

"Lick up their cum so the sheets aren't soiled, ma'am."

Reed was flame red now. A tomato had nothing on him.

"Reed, honey, why don't you show your parents the 'Bruce'?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Reed got the huge dildo and showed it to them. Emily gasped when she saw it.

"This is the size of our Master," Reed said. "You can see why Mistress would get so much pleasure from him."

She looked at me and I nodded. "He's the largest of my lovers."

"Why did you pick him to impregnate Vicky? Why not pick a white fellow?" Ethan asked.

"Because Reed isn't aroused by white men having sex with me. That doesn't do anything for his fetish," I said. "He found reference to Joseph on cuckold forums on line. Joe had proven success impregnating white women, and the women he'd had sex with, raved about his sexual performance. That's what Reed wanted; a black man to inseminate his wife, while turning her into a black cock slut, so I'd continue having sex with black men."

"And you didn't know about any of this when you got married?" Emily asked.

"Not a clue. I didn't find out about any of this until after Reed arranged everything. I spent the next few days trying to learn what was driving him, because I didn't understand it any more than you do. To have and to hold, forsaking all others. I was prepared for that. I wasn't prepared for this, although I can't say I'm unhappy about it. The men I'm with are exceptionally good lovers, nice, handsome, masculine men."

"Does Reed get to have sex with you?" Emily asked.

"Mostly hand jobs and blow jobs. He's having more orgasms than he used to have before this change in our lifestyle. We used to have sex once or twice a week. Reed is climaxing ten to twelve times a week now, although less of his orgasms are in me. I'm climaxing several times per day now. He's more aroused now. It's quite easy for him to orgasm when he watches me have sex with a black lover. Honey, why don't you show your parents the interracial porn you used to watch. Start them on the jock and the white girlfriend that was similar to your story with Ashley, then the one where the black boss breeds the newlywed white wife that led to my having sex with Alexander. I'll get started on dinner."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Why does he call you, Mistress, and us, ma'am or sir?" Emily asked.

"Because I told him to, and I hold the key to his cock cage this week. He can explain that to you."

I went to work on dinner.


It was rather a subdued meal. Reed's parents were still processing the choices their son had made. I didn't blame them. It took me several days to process everything as well. When they came to dinner, Ethan seemed to have an erection from watching Reed's interracial porn. Apparently, Reed had managed to convince them that this was what he wanted, so they weren't blaming me in the slightest, although it wasn't a particularly jolly family gathering.

"You mentioned this Joe fellow is married," Emily said. "What does his wife think about this whole thing?"

"Well, Savannah knew he was having sex with white women for money. He was getting paid twenty thousand dollars for each woman he inseminated. It was providing her with a fairly good living, so even though she wasn't happy about it, she didn't squawk about it either," I said. "She used to imagine that the women he had sex with were ugly, or old, or fat, and someone Joe would never have sex with if he weren't paid for it. That changed after she met me. Before having sex with Joe, I wanted to ensure his wife knew about it, and approved of what he was about to do. She confirmed she knew that Joe would be having sex with me.

"I wanted to meet her because I hoped to understand why Reed was doing this thing, and she was also allowing her spouse to have sex with other people. I thought if she was letting her husband have sex with other women, she must have some insight into Reed's thoughts and behavior. I asked to meet her. She'd never met any of his clients before. When she met me, she realized we weren't all ugly, and she couldn't pretend we were anymore. It turns out that she's the female equivalent of Reed, what is called a cuckquean, quean spelled ea instead of ee. After Joe returned from one of his jobs, the sex she had with him, was more frequent, more intense, better. She finally admitted to herself that she got something out of Joe having sex with other women besides a pay check. Joe and Savannah have two beautiful children, and you'll have some idea of what our child will look like if you meet them. Are you willing to, or would you prefer not?"

They looked at each other again. I could almost see the wheels turning. Finally, Emily nodded, then Ethan said, "We'll meet them."

"Thank you," I said. "Since Joe's children will be our son's siblings, and him the natural father, and realistically, we know nothing about raising a black child in today's society, we're looking into the idea of getting a home large enough for all of us. It would be better if you knew what that might look like before it happened. They're very nice people. We thought perhaps we'd invite Alexander and his date for the evening as well."

"He dates someone in addition to sleeping with you?" Ethan asked.

"A widow. He likes her, but her husband just died. The husband, my former boss, was in a coma for the past couple months."

The rest of the meal was spent discussing the next couple of days. We decided to exchange gifts on Christmas Day. I notified Joe and Alexander that we'd be going out to supper on Tuesday evening at 8:00 at La Grande Boucherie, in Manhattan, that was roughly equidistant for all of us, after making reservations there. I asked that Joe and Savannah stop by our place on the way so they could be introduced to Reed's parents in private.

That evening after his parents went to bed, I unlocked Reed's cage.

"Fuck me," I said.

"Your tattoo, Mistress."

"Look again, cuckold. Master gave me permission to take it off through New Year's Day. You've got free rein to use me as you will. I'd take advantage of it if I were you. I want to see what else you learned while you were fucking four new sluts."

Reed was kissing me on the echo, his cock hard as a spike. I expected him to shove it up me as soon as I spread my legs for him. Instead, he began like he was going to lick me, as he had every day for a week. He teased me, searching out every sensitive spot on my body, brought me close to orgasm after orgasm, but never letting me cross the finish line. I was wound up tighter than a drum. It was at that point he shoved his cock in me, and I screamed in ecstasy from the orgasm he gave me.

"Are you all right?" Ethan called from the guest room.

"Fine as frog's hair," I said. "Reed was just showing me he hasn't forgotten how to pleasure his wife."

Reed laughed, and continued fucking me. I had two more orgasms, though neither as good as the first before he released, and filled me with his cum, which he promptly licked up, giving me three more orgasms in the process.

"Wow, Reed, that was special. I'm glad I gave you the week. They trained you up good. Are you willing to tell me your secrets yet?"

"If it please you, Mistress; not yet."

"It pleases me, Reed. You've done well. Thank you."

I curled up in his arms and went to sleep, the sleep of the well satisfied. Who knew? My husband, the stud.


The following day, we took Reed's parents to Manhattan for some sightseeing. They'd visited us a few times, usually once per year, and we'd done some of the touristy things, but this was only the second Christmas they'd come. So we went to Rockefeller Center to look at the Christmas Tree and do some ice skating. We'd both come from cold weather climates, me from upstate New York, and Reed from Michigan, so we all knew how to skate. Ethan and Emily had seemed a little less off put by our lifestyle than they'd been yesterday when we first told them. Getting used to the idea perhaps.

Since we were in Manhattan for the skating, we had our Christmas Eve dinner at Tavern on the Green. Reed quietly pointed out where Andre, Richard and Marnie lived, across the street. At home, my husband gave me the same treatment he'd given me the night before, with the same result. He was giving me the best orgasms he'd ever given me, and I was delighted. This time, neither of his parents made any reference to the noise coming out of our bedroom, and we soon heard noise coming out of theirs. Not as much, but apparently, Ethan still knew how to ring Emily's bell.