Naughty Nubile Niece Ch. 01


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"Do you like that, Uncle Jason?" she whispered, barely audible over the crackling of the fire. "Do you like having your sexy, trampy niece kiss you? In a spot where no good girl should ever kiss a man?" She licked him, her tongue swirling over the back of his leg until it hit his scrotum. He shivered in involuntary pleasure as she teased him, the arrow-like tip of her tongue darting over his skin.

"You're so damn hot, Uncle Jason," she whispered. Slowly, inch by inch, she worked her way up his body. A long lick from the base of his rock-hard cock to the tip, lapping away the steady stream of pre-cum. "So sexy. Hard. Tight." Her hand squeezed his thigh. "A real man. One who loves me." Her hands roamed up his belly to his chest while she laved him, her tongue leaving glistening trails on his skin.

Jason couldn't help it. He had to feel her, so he reached down, cupping his niece's firm young ass-cheeks in his hands and pulled her toward him. With a sigh, Emily slithered up his body, and now her mouth was sucking on his nipples, something that no woman had ever done for him.

"There," he panted, as his sister's daughter settled over him, her tan young legs straddling his thighs. "Oh, God. Right there."

"Here, Uncle Jason?" she asked, her mouth curling upwards. And Jason's neck arched as she just barely grazed the tip of his cock with her pussy-lips. They were hotter and wetter than he could have dreamed, and she kept up a light, teasing touch, until it was all he could do to keep from grabbing her hips in his hands and ramming himself upwards.

No. You're better than that. And Emily isn't the only person who can torture with love.

"Right there," Jason affirmed, but now he began to use his own skill, hard-won over the last twenty years. When he left Illinois and Jessica behind, after all, it didn't mean he had become a monk into the bargain. He pulled Emily's head down, and his niece moaned into his mouth as their lips parted and tongues began to playfully battle. Her mouth was sweet, her taste intoxicating. At the same time, he slid his hands up her torso until he was cupping her breasts in his hands. They were everything his guilty imagination had dreamed. Large and firm and perfectly shaped, with that wicked, uptilted curve at their tips that led to thick, perky nipples that just begged for his mouth.

And his mouth was perfectly willing to go to work. He kissed his way down Emily's neck and torso, teasing with his tongue, until he reached her breasts. "Lovely," he murmured, just in case his niece needed some positive feedback, and began kissing her gorgeous mounds. They yielded slightly under his lips, and Jason squeezed them gently. His body was on fire with need, his cock a rigid, aching bar, desperate for release, but he yoked and chained his lust, wanting to make Emily's insane gamble worth it to her.

"Is this good?" he asked, running a thumb around one straining nipple. He took the other into his mouth, suckling with slow, deep pulls, then flicking the taut nub with the tip of his tongue.

"Oh..." Jason could hear the quiver in Emily's voice. "Oh. Oh sweet fucking Jesus, Uncle Jason. Keep that up. Don't stop." So suddenly he nearly flinched, the young woman sat on his shaft, trapping his thickness between his stomach and her pussy. "Suck on my titties, Jason," she commanded, and her hips began to move in short, eager jerks, rubbing her lips on his staff. "Yeah. That is so fucking good. Your tongue on my nips and my clit on your cock."

Emily pulled his head away, kissing him hard and deep, then let him go back to worshipping her breasts. Under his tongue, her nipples thickened, becoming stiff red cherries on top of a caramel-colored sundae. His cock was coated with her pussy-juice as her wet furrow ran over him over and over again.

"I love your cock so much, Jason. It's so good. So hot and thick against my clitty." Down below, her legs twined with his, fighting for leverage, and the strokes became almost painful as she ground down on his phallus even harder. "Don't you leave me," she begged. "Don't you ever leave me."

"I won't," he groaned in return. Despite his best efforts, he was losing control. He wanted to roll Emily over, spread her lovely young thighs, and take her. Fuck her hard, claim her as his own, and never let her out of his sight again. He threaded his fingers through the wind-snarled tangle of her hair and pulled her down on top of him, kissing her with a ferocity that made her eyes go wide with surprise that her calm, collected uncle, who never yelled or lost his temper, could have such fire inside him. "You're mine," he said, gazing deep into her sapphire-blue eyes. "Mine."

"Yours," she repeated, sitting up and bracing her hands against his shoulders. Her body was covered with a faint sheen of sweat, the fire painting her body in flame and shadow. "Oh, God, Uncle Jason. I want it so bad. Need to feel it. Cumming." She ground her groin down on his cock, and a shuddering ripple coursed through her, setting her wonderful curves in delightful motion. "Cumminnnnngggggg!!!"

For long seconds, Emily simply sat there, her nubile young body undulating with the pleasure of her orgasm, her teeth indenting her lower lip in a way that was absolutely enchanting. Then her eyes blinked open and she smiled, wide and sweet. "Whoa. That was..." She stretched, her arching back making her large breasts even more sweetly prominent. "Going to have to write about this one on my blog tonight."

"You don't have a blog."

"Fine. Instagram, then." She eased up slightly, smiling down where their bodies met. "Whoa," she repeated. "Looks like I got a little...squirty...down there."

"Oh?" Jason had been too taken up in watching Emily cum to really notice. But there had been a hot flood of warmth against his cock. And now his belly was wetter than mere sweat could account for.

"Yeah. Now let's put this guy where he belongs," Emily purred, and leaned down to nuzzle his neck. The feel of her lips on his skin and the warm, firm press of her breasts on his chest was incredibly arousing. Involuntarily, Jason's hips rose, and as Emily rose just a bit, canting her hips just right, he slid into his niece with an ease that he could barely credit.

"Ahhhhh." It was one word, breathed from two mouths. Deep, deeper, deepest, until he was all the way inside her, her lips nestled against the base of his rod.

"That is..." Emily closed her eyes, an endearingly cute moan escaping her lips.

"Are you okay?"

Her eyes popped open. "I'm better than okay, Uncle Jason. I am absolutely fucking stoked to have your cock inside me. I have been wanting this for years." A faint frown wrinkled her brow. "Why wouldn't I be?"

It wasn't easy to shrug when you were flat on your back and the hottest girl in southern Illinois was riding your dick. But Jason managed. "It...sometimes I'm too big."

"Sometimes?" Emily rose up a little way, then sank down again. The motion of her slick sheath against his shaft made his eyes roll back in his head. "Are you telling me your cock changes size, Uncle Jason?"

"You know what I mean." God help him, the woman was diabolic!

"Yes. I do. And no, you're not. You're not too long, and you're not too thick, and you're not hurting me at all." Her voice deepened, becoming low and sultry, and edged with a urgent, female hunger. "All you do is make my pussy wet and my body want to fuck you, like, all the time.

"So quit worrying about what you're doing to me, and start worrying about what I'm going to do to you." She sank her fingers into his hair, kissing him with a skillful thoroughness that left no mistake about her desire, and began to move on him again. Up and down, up and down, while he fondled his niece's breasts and learned that if he gave her nipples firm little pinches it made her groan happily and her sheath tighten on his rod in a way that was almost painfully pleasurable.

Fucking Emily. Fucking my niece. Because that was what he was doing. This was no casual, almost accidental one-time thing. This was two people who knew exactly what they were doing and were both enjoying the hell out of it. His mind spun, dreaming of all the things they could do, all the positions they could try. Did Emily like to receive oral sex? How about spooning, and long make-out sessions that would end with his cock nestled inside her wet, welcoming channel, both of them rocking together until they erupted in ecstasy.

But for now, Jason let Emily take control. It was the one thing he could do to make sure that no matter what happened, she could stop whenever she wished. But it didn't seem she wanted to. Slowly her pace increased, her kisses growing more demanding, her thrusting hips moving more quickly until the flat thwack thwack thwack of her ass hitting his thighs echoed through the house.

Even if Jason had wanted to, he couldn't hold back the tide of his climax. There was too much going on, too much beauty, too much desire. For the first time, his hips began to pump upwards, meeting Emily's strokes.

"Yes," Emily whispered into his ear. Her teeth sank into his earlobe, goading him on. "I want to feel it, Uncle Jason. I want to feel you shoot into me. Give me your cum. Cum for me, please. Give me your jizz."

Those sexy, whispered words, hot with lust, pushed Jason over the edge. He turned his head, taking Emily's mouth in a voracious kiss and shoved upwards one last time.

And he came. And came. And came, all the guilt and shame pouring out of him in a tremendous, ecstatic release. He groaned into Emily's mouth, his arms locked around her back as he clamped her to his body, his hips thrusting upwards mindlessly as he sought to become one with his lovely, sexy, utterly uninhibited niece.

And then it was over.

Chapter 8: Ground Rules

Emily lay across her uncle's chest, happily relaxed.

It had been really good sex. She had been kind of worried about that, to be honest. Torture wouldn't have been able to pry out of her the fact that her mother had told her that the long-ago one-night-stand with her brother hadn't, from a purely sexual point of view, been all that great, and one of the reasons why Jessica had been so angry with her brother was that she'd never had the chance to find out if it was from inexperience or if it was because he was just a bad lay.

Let's choose one from column A, Mom, she thought, and giggled.

"What's funny?" Jason asked, his voice slightly tired and raspy. Emily figured he could be forgiven. It had been a long day, for both of them. And he had done real well, making her cum. Especially for an old guy. Her smile widened.

"Nothing important," she answered, laying her cheek on his chest. She thought she could happily fall asleep here, beside the dying fire. Cuddling with Uncle Jason was like having the world's warmest, sexiest, full-body pillow. One that happened to come with the side benefit of a built-in penis. His was still inside her. Not as hard as it had been, but not all shriveled up and soft, either.

Her uncle shifted slightly under her. "Am I too heavy? Do you want me to get up?"

"Not unless you gain fifty or sixty pounds," he said with a wry smile. He settled back on the rug and sighed.

The charming little worry-line appeared between his eyebrows, and Emily tried to smooth it away with her fingers. What are you thinking?" she asked quietly. "Bad things?"

One corner of his mouth quirked. "I'm thinking that I'm not just going to Hell. I'm probably going to double-secret Hell. The really bad Hell. The one they save for people who always leave their blinkers on and go through the express lane with more than fifteen items and cheat on their taxes.

"Oh. That Hell." Emily squeezed him with her insides, loving the way his breath caught and his eyes lit up. She had never felt this calm with a lover, after. Never so relaxed. With other boys, it had all been fumbling rush and hurry, as if the moment, if lost, might never come back. "Well, if I get there first, Uncle Jason, I'll save you a spot. And we can have fun until the demons start ass-raping us."

"Or until your mother finds out," he replied. "Which might be even worse than an ass-raping." Despite his glum tone, his mouth curled up and his arms tightened in a firm hug that left her dizzy with happiness. "Oh, God, I needed this."


"I can get sex anywhere, Emily. I needed..."

"Love?" she prompted.

"Yeah. Love." He kissed her, his hands finding her bottom and squeezing, which made her moan happily into his mouth. One big hand stayed there, firmly possessive, while another traced the line of her spine, sending waves of goosebumps racing up and down her arms.

"I love you, too," she whispered, then laughed. "And not just for your body. Or your money. I respect your mind."

"You better," Jason said, giving her rear a little spank with the flat of his hand. Her belly did a slow, sexy flip as the sting travelled through her body, her mind wondering. Did Uncle Jason go in for anything...kinky?

Enough. Isn't the fact that you're his niece and he fucked you kinky enough? Enjoy what you have now. You can get to the bit where you have Uncle Jason dress up as a firefighter later.

Her stomach growled, and with a start she realized that full dark had fallen outside. "I'm not complaining, Uncle Jason. But do you think we can get up and have some supper?"

"Well, I suppose," he drawled slowly, his eyes lighting up mischievously.

"As long as I get some desert."

She left him in the dark, in the deepest hours of the night. When he felt the thick, wide mattress shift as she got up, her uncle murmured, and then sank deeper into sleep's gentle embrace.

Naked, her body bare but for the scent of their lovemaking, Emily crept out of the room, and out onto the porch, the only light the screen of her cellphone as she turned it on. The rain was gone, and the star-spangled sky above was utterly cloudless.

"Well, it's about time," her mother said as she picked up. "I thought you were going to have me wait all night.

"But I guess I can figure out what happened." Her voice warmed, becoming a fond caress. "Take you to bed, did he? How hard did he fight it?"

"To bed, yeah, eventually," Emily said, pitching her voice low. "But first on the rug in front of the fire. And then out on the deck, after the storm blew through." Her smile threatened to split her face in half. "And then we went to bed. But not to sleep. And he didn't hardly fight me at all. His mouth said no at first, but his body was saying yes all the way."


"And it was fucking fantastic, Mom. So fucking good. I mean, you would not believe. His cock is really big, but he's so careful with it. And the way he touches me..." She shivered in the cool night air, her nipples peaking at the mere memory.

"Good." Jessica Chapel's voice was fiercely triumphant. "And now that we've hooked him, Emily, there's no way I'm going to let that man get away again. I let him, once, because I was too young and dumb to know better. But this time he's not going back to New York alone. Hell, if I thought we could do it, I'd try to get him to stay here.

"Now I would love to come out there tomorrow. But there's no way I can get away from work with no notice. Madeline would blow her stack, with wedding season coming up, and I wouldn't blame her." Emily could almost hear her mother's pensive frown over the phone. "Besides. Jason asked for a few days to get his shit together before we all showed up. And one day isn't enough.

"Wednesday," she decided. "I'll tell Ashley and Mom Tuesday night that Jason's here. Mom might come out on Wednesday to see the prodigal son. But it'll probably take Ashley a day or two to get a day off work and get out there. The whole gang will probably show up by next weekend, but we should have some time to ourselves."

Unspoken was the full meaning. I'll have some time alone with my brother for the first time in twenty years, and this time I'm going to fuck him silly.

"Do you want me to tell Uncle Jason?" Emily asked. "Or keep it a surprise?"

"Don't tell him a damn thing," Jessica replied quickly. "If you tell him, all it will do is give him plenty of time to get all his old hang-ups lined up and ready to go. If we keep Jason off-balance enough, if we don't give him time to realize what we're doing, we'll be able to sneak in under his guard before he figures out what we're up to."

"He's your brother, Mom. Not an enemy."

"No. He's not an enemy. All of his excuses and evasions are. I've waited twenty years for this, Emily. I'm not taking any chances now." The fierce, almost unsteady tone in her mother's voice made Emily shiver.

"You've lit the match. And Jason better be ready, because he's headed towards a powder keg.


The End

The story will continue. Will Jason, Jessica and Emily be able to have their happily ever after? Find out in "Naughty Nubile Niece 2: Mother's Day!"

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ToughSailorToughSailor14 minutes ago

God, what a beautiful piece of work. I just love the vernacular of your writing style . . . . 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Oyakodon next, please!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

great story.....took a while to get to the real action but worth the wait.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A very cute story, they remind me of an old flame! Thanks.

WoodencavWoodencav6 months ago

Awesome storey, my second time reading this chapter, needed to read it again before the next chapter. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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