Our Neighbor's a Porn Star! Pt. 02


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He's falling for her. And he doesn't even realize it. Oh, this is going to be so much fun.

She let her hand stray down between his legs. Her fingers found his cock, wet and slick. "She's a lovely woman. You would have thought she would have found someone else by now."

Nate nodded. "She's...choosy, I think. And it's only been four years since Dad left. It took her a long time just to get her balance, after that. She never said so, but I think it hurt her much more badly than she's ever let on. She's gone out with a few guys, since then. But nothing long-term."

"That's too bad," she said, stroking his cock. "A woman like that deserves to be loved. She's a wonderful person. And that body! I know women in California who would kill for a figure like hers. Not too skinny, like some of the supermodels you see. With her hair and those dark eyes, you could almost take her for one of those Mediterranean types, like Isabella Rosselini."


She raised her brows at him. "Barbarian. Someday you and I are going to sit down and talk about your taste in movies. I have to get you educated, otherwise you're not going to know what I'm talking about half the time." She kissed him quickly.

His hand drifted down her back, settling on her bottom. "I love you," he said, then seemed to hold his breath.

She gasped at his sudden, unanticipated declaration. To her utter surprise, her eyes filled with tears. She let them drip down her cheeks unashamedly. "I love you too, Nate."

He swallowed, making his throat bob. "I know people will say this is too sudden. I know I'm not even out of high school yet. I know I have four years of college ahead of me. But...will you wait for me? Until I'm out of school? So we can be together?"

She kissed him, hard and deep and fierce, his cock a throbbing staff in her hand. "Idiot. Of course I will." Her eyes danced as she knelt over him, positioning his shaft between her legs. "But who says we have to wait?" She sank down on him with a throaty groan. "I've got plenty of money. And more comes in all the time. I'm going to be getting royalties from my movies for years." She filled herself with him, then leaned down, the tips of her breasts brushing his chest. Her voice was a quiet murmur in his ear. "We can get married anytime you want. Though you might want to wait until after you graduate high school."

"What about Mom?"

She smiled down at him, loving the feeling of him inside her, loving him. "Do you want to include her? It will cause quite the scandal, you know."

His breath caught, and she saw his eyes dilate. "You're more than enough for me, Heather," he said.

She kept her expression open, teasing smile on her face, not wanting to let him know that she knew what he was thinking. Bouncing on his beautiful cock, his strong young body a feast for her senses, she knew that he had let himself think the unthinkable.

He wants her.


The thought sent her careening over the edge. She let herself fall, her pussy clamping down on his shaft, grinding her pelvis down on him, hard, hard, so hard, as she crested the wave of her climax.


"Barbara, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Well, this can't be good. He only calls me Barbara when he knows he's going to be telling me something I don't want to hear.

She plastered a fake smile on her face and turned around. "Sure, Steve. What's up?"

The co-owner of North Star Realty gestured at one of the conference rooms. "Maybe we can discuss it where no one else can hear."

What's the point? Everyone else is leaving. She cast an envious look at the rest of her co-workers, who were taking advantage of the half-day the company offered on Christmas Eve. The cheerful babble slowly muted as they donned coats and gloves and left the two of them alone in the empty office.

Sighing, she followed Steve into the conference room and sat down. "I hope this won't take long. I have company coming over tonight."

In fact, she had been in a state of near panic for the past three days. She thought that her campaign of making herself more attractive to Nate was working. With Heather's advice, she had taken to wearing more skimpy clothing around the house. Or at least as much as the winter weather allowed. And she had taken advantage of every opportunity to touch him, whether it be a hug before she left for work, a kiss on the cheek before bed, or simply a not-so-casual stroke of his arm when they were watching TV together.

She was still unsure whether it was having the desired effect. Nate certainly wasn't running away from her, that was for sure. And she had caught him eying her more than once in the last several days, his gaze almost seeming to assess her.

But still...

She had talked to Heather about her doubts a few days ago. The younger woman had done her best to reassure her.

"Trust me, babe. If he's straight and he's got a pulse, he's checking you out. It's what men do. I don't care if he's eighteen or eighty. Your son or not, he knows there's a woman under those clothes."

"But he's already got a girlfriend. You."

"But nothing. Yes, we're sleeping together. Yes, he loves me. Yes, I love him. But there isn't a man alive who doesn't wonder if he could have two lovers, not just one." She smiled tenderly. "They can't help it, poor things. It's hardwired into their DNA." She wiggled her fingers expressively. "Go forth, be fruitful, and multiply."

"So what is it, Steve?" she asked, trying to mask her impatience.

Her co-owner was sixty, overweight, balding, and, Barb knew for a fact, counting down the days until his retirement. He had told her more than once about his plans to retreat to a cabin on Lake Superior, fish every day that he could, plant flowers, and never have to show another damn house for the rest of his life.

Barb had become co-owner of the company three years ago, when North Star Realty had been going through one the periodic crises that hit the housing market. Steve had been drowning in debt and pathetically eager for any life preserver that could keep his head above water and allow him to make payroll. Barb, for her part, had wanted a larger say in how the company was run after a dozen years as an employee. She had gambled Nate's college fund on it, but she had come out a winner. With a focus on actual customer service, rather than squeezing every nickel in commissions they could out of their clients, North Star was now the premier real estate company in Rapid City. Word of mouth got around fast, and while buying a home would never actually be fun, she had managed to take some of the pain out of the process.

The older man laced his hands over his stomach, looking uncomfortable. "We've received an offer from Platinum Plots," he began.

"Oh, God," she moaned. "Not this shit again." Platinum Plots had taken poorly to becoming number two. Its owner, Bryce Taylor, had been making more and more aggressive overtures toward their employees, trying to steal their best people. They had managed to hang on to most of them.

And now he was offering to buy the company outright. Barbara was smart enough to see where this would lead. In six months, twelve at the outside, North Star would be quietly liquidated, its employees either folded into Platinum or let go outright.

"No. We told him that last March."

"His offer has increased. Substantially. As co-owner, you'd-"

"Be responsible for chloroforming North Star," she interrupted. "Come on, Steve. Do you really think they have the best interests of anyone but themselves at heart? Shit, they'd run over their dear old grandma if it got them an extra point on their commissions. We both know it, so why are we going through this dance?"

He twitched a shoulder and smiled wearily. "I'm tired, Barb. I've been doing the same crap, every day, for nearly forty years. I want to be done with it." He gave her a shrewd look. "And with the money he's talking about, he could make you very comfortable."

She snorted. "If its money that's the most important thing, you should let me buy you out, rather than think about selling the company." She paused for a moment, caught up in her own words. Could she do it? She might have to take out a loan against the house, but she should be able to swing it...

Steve heaved himself out of the chair. "No need to go into that," he said. "I'll e-mail you the details of their proposal. Look them over during the holiday and let me know what you think."

I've told you what I think. But you don't listen. Ah, the joy of being a woman.


Christmas Eve had dawned clear and bright, but by the time Heather knocked on the door to Barb and Nate's house, snowflakes were falling out of a slate-gray sky. They danced in the light of the Christmas lights Nate had strung up a few weeks before, teetering precariously from a ladder while Barb and Heather watched nervously from below. She clutched her bags full of packages, her heart thumping in her chest. Never in her life had she taken such a chance. Part of her mocked her greed. You can't choose one or the other, can you, Heather? You have to have both.

The door opened and Nate stood in the doorway, smiling at her. "Hey. Let me help you with those." He gave her a close look as she entered. "Looks like you've learned your lesson. Are those the clothes that Mom helped you pick out?"

"Some of them." She removed her parka and spun in place. "What do you think?"

"You look fantastic."

"Thanks." She had to admit, she liked the cashmere sweater. It was tight enough to show off her d-cup breasts, while at the same time almost sinfully warm and soft on her skin. She had debated whether to wear a bra, but had decided to err on the side of virtue.

For a while, at least.

Lower down, she wore a pair of hip-hugging blue jeans and short boots trimmed in rabbit fur. The effect, Nate thought, was as if a blond-haired winter spirit had blown into the house, ready to steal the cookies and raid the larder before leaving.

He bent and placed a quick kiss on her lips. "Mom's still getting ready," he said quietly. "She's gone into full hostess mode."

"Heather! You're here," Barbara said, just a trifle loudly. Heather stifled a giggle as Nate jumped away guiltily. "Don't keep her in the doorway, Nate," she continued. "Bring her inside."

"I was," he said, only half-truthfully.

"Wow," Heather said, as she followed them into the family room. "Now that's what I call a proper Christmas tree."

"Like it?" Barb smiled proudly at the eight-foot pine. "Every year I say I'm going to break down and get an artificial one. And every year I end up hauling a dead tree home and sticking it inside my house."

"I love the ornaments," she replied. She fingered a glass ball, dark blue in color. "Some of these look antique."

Nate nodded. "We got them from my grandparents when they retired to Arizona. I think Grandpa Mueller bought them way back in the sixties, before Mom was born."

"I like it," she said. "It's very traditional. Speaking of which," she reached into her bag and pulled out a handful of CDs. "I had these made for you guys, Barb. You said you liked them so much I couldn't help myself."

"You shouldn't have," her friend replied. "Oh! Is this the Christmas music you had playing when I was over there a few weeks back?"

"Yep. All the classics. Perry Como, Gene Martin, Bing Crosby. Ray Coniff."


Barb and Heather shared a disgusted glance. "Kids these days," Heather said, and Barb nodded agreement.

"You look lovely tonight," Heather said, ignoring Nate's splutters of outrage. He took one of the CDs and stalked over to the stereo. In a few moments the gentle strains of an orchestra wafted through the house, making the mood even more festive.

"Thank you." Barb was dressed in a long, dark-green dress, with crimson cuffs at the sleeves and the hem. Small diamond chips glittered at her ears, and a thin gold bracelet circled her wrists.

"Does he know?" she whispered.

"No clue," Barb replied, just as quietly. Heather thought she looked just a tiny bit pale.

"It's not too late to back out, you know. Any time. Just give me the word."

A shaken head was all she received in reply.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Nate demanded, bounding back to them, a demented grin on his face. "It's Christmas Eve and seven o'clock. Let's party!"


"This is wonderful," Heather sighed, some hours later. She sank deeper into the cushions of the couch. In one corner, the television was quietly playing "A Christmas Story." Earlier, she had surprised her hosts by knowing "A Charlie Brown Christmas" almost by heart. She had recited Linus' classic speech verbatim.

"I thought you weren't religious," Barb had said mildly.

"You don't have to be religious to appreciate great literature."

"The bible?"

"No. Charlie Brown."

She took another sip from her glass of red wine. A plate, blessedly empty, lay on a side table nearby. Both Barb and Nate had seemed determined to make sure she didn't die of starvation at any time in the near future, and had given her an almost frightening amount of food to choose from. She had begged off, laughing, an hour ago, when Nate offered to refill her plate for the third time. The one thing she didn't need right now was to eat or drink herself sick.

For this night, she intended to be fully in control. So much depended on it, and it could wrong in so many, many ways.

For the tenth time in the last thirty minutes, she checked the clock hanging over the mantlepiece. The hands seemed almost frozen, but they were slowly drifting towards midnight.

Midnight. When one day changes to the next. When spells are broken. Or renewed.

"It's been a good night," Barb agreed, just a few feet away. Nearby, Nate shifted uncomfortably in an easy chair. In keeping with his dislike for dressing up, he wore a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt over a cotton t-shirt, though he had shaved and she had caught a whiff of cologne. He looked, Heather thought, delightfully rumply, like the 'bad boy' from a tween rock band. The one who says 'heck' in public.

She smiled at the thought, then jumped as Barb spoke. "It's midnight." She gave a significant glance to Heather, then a longer one to Nate. "Have you decided what present you want to open, kiddo?"

"Hmmm." Nate wandered over to the pile of presents under the tree. Heather stood and observed as he picked through the gifts. Keeping with Nate's hint, she had brought over only a few things. He picked up a rectangular box, one of the ones she had wrapped a few hours ago, shaking it gently. "Since we have a guest, I think I'll open Heather's present."

"Are you sure?" She looked at him, her eyes dancing. "I'm sure your mom has some cool video games. Maybe even something better."

"Quiet, you." One eyelid dropped in a hint of a wink as he opened the present. He flipped open the lid of the cardboard box and pulled out a University of Wyoming sweatshirt. Dark brown with gold lettering, it glowed in the soft light. "Sweet! I hadn't bought one of these yet. Now I can wear it to school and make all the people who couldn't get in jealous."

"There are people who couldn't get into the University of Wyoming?" she teased. "I thought it was, like, the safety school for everywhere west of the Mississippi."

"Safety school?" He shook his fist threateningly, though his mouth was stretched in a grin. "Hah. People beg to get into UW. They plead. They get down on their knees, their hearts filled with woe and chagrin when they are rejected. 'Please,' they say. 'Please allow us to attend UW. Our hearts are desolate without that to complete our sad, sad little lives.'"

"You're a goofball," Heather said mildly, though her eyes twinkled. "Why don't you try it on?"

"Sure." He pulled off his flannel and his t-shirt, exposing his chest and abs.

Before he could slip the sweatshirt over his head, Heather caught his arm. "Damn, boy, you look fine tonight." Before he could stop her, she had pressed her body up against his, her hands rubbing his back. "Give me a kiss, baby."

He stammered, speechless, looking down at her in confusion. His cock, mindless, began to stiffen in his jeans. "Heather-"

"She knows," she said, her voice soft but firm. "She's known for a while."

"Mom?" His haze was half-panicked.

Barb raised her eyebrows at him. "Nate, if you think you can come into my house smelling like the backseat of a car on prom night and not have me notice, you must be crazy. I knew the first night.

"I just wish," she said gently, "that you would have trusted me enough to have told me."

Nate looked at his feet, suddenly ashamed. His reasons for keeping his relationship with Heather secret, which had seemed good at the time, melted in front of his mother's gaze. "I don't know," he mumbled, uncomfortably aware of Heather standing at his side. "I thought you might be angry. That you would say I was too young for her. Or that she was too old for me."

"When you obviously make each other so happy?" She shook her head and smiled fondly at them. "Why would I do something stupid like that?"

"Anyway," he said, trying to change the subject. "Don't you want to open your present, Mom?"

She nodded, and he put on the sweatshirt with a feeling of relief, kissing Heather by way of thanks. Barb knelt down by the tree, and he tried to ignore the way her dress hugged the curves of her rear, or the way the dim lights caught highlights in her black hair. Or the way he could see just a little way down the neckline of her dress, to the swelling curves of her breasts.

He started as he felt a hand on his crotch, Heather's fingers expertly massaging him. "Stop it," he whispered, barely daring to breathe. She took her hand away but stayed close by his side, her body burning him like a flame.

"Here," his mother said, rising gracefully to her feet. She held a small box in her hands. "From Nathaniel." She undid the pale blue ribbon and opened it. "Oh. This is..." Her eyes filled with tears. "This is beautiful, sweetheart."

"Heather helped," he said, shuffling his feet awkwardly.

In fact, he had thought it more than a little inappropriate. The 'forever necklace,' with his name and his mother's engraved on a silver loop, twisted in the sign for infinity, seemed almost tastelessly suggestive; the sort of things one would get for a lover, not a mother.

"Don't be silly," Heather had said, when he balked at the idea. "You said yourself that you'd never leave her. And you want to be sure she knows it. What could possibly be better?"

"Help me?" his mother asked now, holding the clasp in her hands. Heather nodded and stood behind her, holding her hair away from her neck. A quick motion and the necklace was fastened, the silver shining brightly against her skin.

"Well, now I think it's Heather's turn," Barb said, her voice trembling only slightly. "Nate, did you buy something for her?"

"I did, yeah," he muttered, still off-balance from the way she had accepted their relationship. "But it's in my room. I meant to give it to her later."

"Don't worry," Heather said. "I have my present right here. And I can't wait to unwrap it."

Quietly, with almost unearthly calm, she began unbuttoning the back of his mother's dress.


"What?" was the only word that escaped Nate's numb lips.

Heather smiled over his mother's shoulder at him. "Barbara, I thought this boy was supposed to be bright." Nate could see the way the back of the dress was beginning to open, the fabric at his mother's shoulders loosening. The creamy curve of her shoulder came into view, and the taller woman kissed it tenderly. "Care to take a guess, baby?"