Our Neighbor's a Porn Star! Pt. 02


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Heather shook her head. "Your bed's too small," she said regretfully. "And I don't feel like fucking on the floor."

Something in her tone cut through Barb's blissful mood. "Hey. You're okay, aren't you, babe? I mean, we're okay, right?" She blinked at her lover anxiously.

"Relax," Heather said, humor threading her voice. "We're fine." She bent and kissed the shorter woman with intense thoroughness. "I've had way more complicated relationship issues than this."

"I'd like to hear about it."

"Someday I might tell you. But not your son," she said after considering a moment. "Mustn't shock the youngsters.

"What are your plans for the rest of the day?" she asked, taking a sip of coffee. Barb poured herself another mug, sighing as the aroma hit her nostrils.

"Well, that boy of mine has to wake up eventually. We'll open presents, maybe make love two or three more times-"

"If you haven't rubbed all the skin off his pecker," Heather put in. "When you're done, why don't you two come over to my place? In case you haven't noticed," she said with a grin, "I've got a big bed. Plenty of room for three. And I don't know if that boy of yours worked through the consequences of his actions last night. Might as well get him used to things."

She finished her coffee, rinsed out the mug, and put it in the rack to dry. She shrugged on her coat and went to the front door, Barb trailing behind. She paused in the doorway, turning to plant a firm kiss on her lover.

"I'm very happy for you. And for us," she whispered, pulling her close. "Moving here was the best decision I ever made." She sighed happily as Barb's hands cupped her ass-cheeks.

"See you soon," she said, slipping out of her arms. With a wave, she scampered down the walk and over to her house.


It was Chad James' policy to cruise through the residential neighborhoods of Rapid City occasionally. The real estate agent had found more than one listing that way. You never knew when some poor, stupid sap was going to try to sell his house all by himself. If you were lucky, you might catch him in a weak moment, and convince him that going with Platinum Plots was a better choice.

In fact, he thought with a smirk as he drove through the chill of a Christmas morning, he had found one nearby just a few months ago. The house he had sold to that sweet California treat should have gone to that cast-iron bitch Barb Shroyer. But he had seen the old lady's daughter putting up a 'For Sale' sign in the front yard. Before Barb could realize that she had waited too long to let the woman know her mother had agreed to let her sell the house when she died, Chad had swooped in and nabbed the listing.

It was too bad that the woman who bought the place was such a frigid bitch. Chad would have sworn he recognized her from somewhere, but his attempts to make conversation had been shot down with barely a glance.

He turned his Lexus onto her street. He didn't have anything better to do, even if it was Christmas Day. His wife had left him six months ago, taking the brat with him. He snorted. She didn't understand. A man had needs, didn't he? And a man got damn sick of hearing about how tired his wife was real quick. It wasn't his fault he fooled around a bit on the side. A man had to-

What the fuck?

He slowed the car, unable to believe his eyes. But the proof was right there in front of him. Barb Shroyer and what's-her-name, right, that McCormick broad, were standing in Shroyer's front door.


But not just kissing. It more resembled a full-out make-out session, with fondling and groping and tongue. Even as he watched, McCormick slipped a hand inside Shroyer's robe, palming her bare tit. The older woman didn't seem to mind a bit. In fact, she covered the hand with her own, arching into the touch. Then she said something that made the blond woman laugh and pull away, pouting a little.

A stray remark he had heard at the office the other day made Chad's lips pull back in a feral grin.

She's a dyke. A rug-muncher. A fucking lesbo.

Barb Shroyer, I've got you now.


"Good morning, sleepyhead," Barbara said, as her son wandered into the front room. Dressed only in a t-shirt and a pair of flannel boxers, she thought he looked good enough to eat, even tousle-haired and blinking in the early morning sunlight. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Mom," he replied, bending over to give her a kiss on the cheek. Unsatisfied with such a vanilla greeting, she turned her head and captured his lips with her mouth, drawing his head down for a long, sweet, lover's kiss. "Where's Heather?" he asked, when they parted.

"She just left," she answered. "But she made sure to invite us over for Christmas dinner later on." she squeezed his rear. "And she told me to make sure that you remember what a big bed she has. Room enough for three. She insisted I mention that, for some reason. I have no idea why." She made her eyes round and innocent, although when Heather had repeated her invitation in the doorway, it hadn't been only the freezing air which made her nipples go hard and stiff.

Nate shook his head. "The woman is out of control. And you're almost as bad," he said, with a mock scowl which did nothing to hide the stunned happiness in his eyes. It would take, Barb thought, a two-by-four to the skull to knock the smile off his face. "Once school is back in session, you better lay off. How am I supposed to get good grades if we're screwing until four in the morning?"

"I'm sure we'll be able to figure something out," she said placidly. "Besides, you're already in the college you want. Maybe you can take your nose off the grindstone a bit this semester."

He shook his head. "A terrible influence," he declared to thin air. "I want to study and get good grades, but my mother insists I spend my time making love to beautiful women."

"Hah." She plopped down beside the tree. "Just remember, kiddo, before that head of yours gets too swelled up. And I'm not talking about the one between your legs. Heather and I can get along without you. So don't complain too much."

"I wouldn't dare." He shook his head. "This is like a dream," he said, taking a seat beside her. "I keep expecting to wake up in the hospital with a severe head injury."

"Then it's a good dream," she said, handing him one of the gifts she had purchased at the mall a few weeks ago. Distracted, he opened it, smiling as he revealed a set of boxers. "What's this? If you're going to keep buying me underwear, Mom, you might as well make it exciting. What about a thong?"

"Right. What if things had gone wrong last night? Do you think you could have handled me getting you something like that?"

"Good point." He handed her one of his gifts, smiling as she revealed a pair of fluffy-bunny slippers.

"Nice." She slipped them on, wiggling her toes. "Nice and warm."

He shook his head. The difference between the sexy robe, almost transparent in the morning light, and the old-fashioned slippers was strangely hilarious. It was like seeing a super-model in bib overalls.

She lifted a flat, rectangular box, strangely heavy for its size, and set it in his lap. "Oof!" When he opened it, it proved to be a brand-new laptop. "You're going to need one of these at school," she said. "From what I understand you're pretty much lost without one." She shook her head, the motion causing the neckline of her robe to gape open. "I remember when I was in college. No one had their own computer. And laptops hadn't even been invented. If you needed to write a paper, you had to go down to the computer lab, and save your work on a disk. I remember once when-" She broke off. "What?"

"Sorry." He raised his eyes from her chest, where her robe had slipped open, exposing her right breast and the dark-brown nipple. He lifted a hand, stroking the curve softly. "I got a little...distracted."

She shook her head at him. "Do you think we're going to screw on the floor, Nate? It sounds romantic, but I gotta tell you, it's not as much fun as it sounds. You end up with bruises all over your back and butt."

"Hmmm." He blinked at her, though his hand didn't move. She bit her lip as his gentle fingers woke fire in her body. "Well, why don't you lay down and let me eat you? No reason why one of my Christmas presents can't be to give my mom a nice orgasm."

She leaned back, bracing her elbows on the floor. Her lips parted in an eager smile, and she undid the sash of her robe, letting it fall open. Her hands cradled her breasts, her fingers already working at her stiff nipples, as Nate positioned himself between her thighs. His blue eyes twinkled up at her as his tongue darted out to take the first taste of her wetness.

"Oh, God, baby," she sighed. The warm air was soft on her skin, and her eyes closed, the better to concentrate on the delicious feelings her son gave her. Mine. All mine. And Heather is mine, too. We all belong to each other. Please, never let this stop.


They were almost late in arriving at Heather's house, but a shared shower got them clean, though the shower itself almost made them later, the sight of Nate's water-kissed body proving to be an almost irresistible attraction for Barb.

"Hello again," Heather said, welcoming them inside. She took their coats and hung them neatly from a rack beside the door. "I must say, Nate, you clean up nicely," she said with a twinkle. "I don't think I've ever seen you in a sport coat before."

"She insisted," he said, jerking his head at Barb, who was watching with amusement. "Apparently she has standards. I don't know why. She knew what she was getting when she seduced me last night."

"Poor baby," she replied with a smile. She kissed her lover firmly on the lips, while Nate looked on. "How many times?" she asked curiously.

"I've stopped counting," Barb answered. Her voice was unmistakably smug. She fingered a fold of sheer black cloth. "I love your dress."

"This old thing?" But Heather's eyes twinkled. She spun slowly in place. The garment clung to her curves, somehow managing to be classy and amazingly provocative at the same time. "Well, Nathaniel," she said, her voice low and inviting, "what do you want to do first?"

"Or who?" Barb put in.

"I..." Words failed him. He looked from one gorgeous woman to the other. The first had held first place in his private fantasies for years, since the first time he stumbled across one of her clips on the internet. A golden-haired beauty, she seemed a wicked angel who had come to earth to find out what sin was like, and stayed there because she enjoyed it. The other had cared for him from the moment of his birth, and his desire for her was dark and deep, a thing born of earth and blood.

"I want to see you. Both of you. Together."

Barb rocked back in surprise. Beside her, Heather's eyes widened slightly. "Whoa. Now that's not what I expected." She shot a look at her from under lowered lids, her lips curving in a secret smile. "What do you think, babe? Want to give your boy here a show?"

She felt her lips twitch. "Well, he's already seen all of me today. Several times. And I was planning on being in bed with both of you tonight." She cocked her head at her son. "But why? Don't tell me I've worn you out already. I know what boys your age are like." She frowned in sudden consternation. "You weren't...just...just humoring me, were you? You do want me?"

Nate shook his head quickly. "No, Mom. Not that, never. I just..." He flushed scarlet. "I like watching women. A lot. And to see you together with Heather...God. It makes me horny just thinking about it."

"Ah." Heather's eyes lit with sudden understanding. She turned to Barb. "You might not know this, but your boy has a thing for lesbian porn. Reminds me of someone I know, now that I think about it.

"What do you say? Feel like putting on a show?"


If she hadn't felt so good, Barb might have been a little disgusted with herself. What am I doing? In bed with another woman, while my naked son watches?

But she flicked the irritating thought out of her head with a negligent swipe of an invisible hand. Sprawled on her back, Heather lying beside her, their limbs entwined in a slow dance of desire. The younger woman's lips nursed at her breast, her hand slowly preparing her hot, steaming cleft for the entry of her fingers.

And Barb was frankly glad that Heather was so experienced, and so gentle. The exertions of the last day had left her pussy almost uncomfortably sore. Nate wasn't some porn-star stud, saddled with a penis that would leave her raw and aching, but multiple sessions of passionate sex had made their mark. To be honest, she was almost glad Nate had chosen this. She wasn't sure if she could have dealt with his cock, even as lovely as it was and as good as it felt inside her.

A finger slowly slid along her nether-lips, and she sighed, looking over Heather's shoulder at her son. He stood a few feet away, staring as if entranced. His cock bobbed in time with his heartbeat, stiffly erect. His right hand slowly stroked it, from time to time using his fingers to spread the dribbles of pre-cum that leaked out along his shaft, until it shone red and glistening in the low light.

"So beautiful," he whispered. "Both of you," he said, a bit louder, as two pairs of eyes swung to him. "You're so beautiful."

"Thank you," Heather said, her lips parting from Barb's breast with almost visible reluctance.

"But I'm feeling a little...neglected here." She shook her rear invitingly. "What do you think, babe? Isn't it time for this hot young stud of ours to do something more than stand around holding his johnson?"

"I have to agree," she said solemnly. She could see the way Heather's hips had lifted off the bed. She could just imagine it from Nate's point of view; the golden hair tumbling down the tan skin of her back, the sweet globes of her ass dividing into her firm, trim thighs, and between them, the plump lips of her pussy making a tempting target.

"Come on over here and make yourself useful," she demanded, throwing a grin over her shoulder.

As if sleepwalking, he came forward. His strong young hands settled on her hips, and even with his groin hidden from her view, Barb could sense the moment when he entered her lover. Heather's eyes rolled back in her head, her teeth biting her lower lip.

"Oh, fuck yes," she moaned, her body trembling. She lowered her mouth, her lips finding the softly throbbing folds of Barb's cleft. "Nice and slow, baby," she commanded, as she began to lick her folds. "Nice and slow."

They made love that night. They didn't stop for a long, long time.


"Good morning!" Barb chirped, early the following Monday, as she entered the office. She threw a grin at Randy Stackhouse, who was plodding in behind her, his head bent against the wind. "Have a good Christmas?"

His return smile was twisted. "Anyone who says absence makes the heart grow fonder hasn't dealt with my in-laws," he replied. "In fact, I wouldn't mind making the absence permanent. Maybe we can launch then into the sun?"

She laughed and went to her office, hanging up her coat. She turned on her computer, humming under her breath. She didn't think there was going to be much to do on the first day after a holiday weekend. Everyone would still be recovering from their various overindulgences.

Like her. She shifted in her chair, deeply grateful for the thick padding. She had never imagined there could be such a thing as too much sex, but by late last night, she had been approaching that point. The three of them had settled into a feedback loop. The more they were with each other, the more they wanted. The weekend had turned into a lust-soaked bacchanalia out of her most fevered dreams, consisting of sex, napping, sex, eating, and more sex. Heather had, in a moment of temporary sanity, accused them of trying to work through her entire erotic library in two days.

God, how they had laughed at that one.

And then had some more sex, this time with Heather riding Nate's pole, while she sat on his face, the position allowing the two women to kiss each other eagerly.

She firmly put the distracting thoughts out of her mind, though she smiled as she recalled how she had left them, laced in each other's arms. It would have been a tender scene, if it had not been for the reek of sex in the air, and the way they had seemed to caress each other even in their dreams.

She started wading through her e-mail, dismissing most of the messages as junk to her spam folder. Maybe she could slide out early today. There certainly didn't seem to be horde of potential customers beating down their door.

"Barbara? Can I speak to you for a moment?"

Steve stood in her doorway, his face looking unusually pale. "Sure. What's up?"

"Not here. Conference Room B." Without another word he turned and walked out.

What was this? Steve was rarely so rude. She picked up her laptop and followed him curiously.

She closed the conference room door behind her and caught her breath. Sitting at the table, faces set in expressions of mutual smugness, were Chad James and Bryce Taylor.

She spun quickly, her face set with anger. "Really, Steve? You bring these guys here? The man who I refuse to sell to, and the biggest poacher in Pennington County?"

For once, the older man refused to be baited. He sat heavily on one of the chairs, leaving her standing, as if she were on trial. Unwilling to concede, she sat down as well.

"So." The word might have been chipped from ice, as much warmth as it held. "What's this all about?"

Chad smirked. "I was driving past your house yesterday morning, and saw something very interesting." His habitual smarmy look grew even more unpleasant. "I guess we know why your husband left you all these years ago, don't we, Shroyer?" He shook his head. "Never thought you were a dyke, though. I just figured you were a snow queen, and Ray left you cause he couldn't get laid."

Through the red haze of rage which fell over her vision, she could hear Bryce Taylor take up the thread of the conversation. "Chad told me how he saw you...embracing...your neighbor. And more." He shook his head. "I'm sure a smart woman like yourself can see how news of this might affect your business, if it became widely known."

"Lesbo Realty," Chad said. "It does have a nice ring to it. Of course, I doubt that many people will see it that way."

Steve had the grace to look ashamed. "Bryce called me last night, Barbara. He says...." He swallowed. "He says if we sell, he'll keep this quiet. If we don't...." He trailed off.

"All bets are off. I've put up with your holier-than-thou attitude for too long, Shroyer." Taylor's eyes were hard. "You're cutting into my bottom line. Well, this is where I end it. Sell out. Take the money and leave town. Fuck, take that bimbo next door with you, too, if you like. I don't give a shit.

"Just leave."

The words hit her head like a series of hammer blows. She closed her eyes. She should have known! Nothing stayed secret forever. It was only sheer dumb luck that Chad had seen her and Heather together, rather than her and Nate.

Really, Mom? A voice seemed to whisper in her mind. Are you going to give up so easy?

I thought better of you, Barbara. Heather's voice was disappointed. I really did. If you won't fight for our future, how can I trust you?

She raised her head. "No," she whispered.


"I said no." Her voice sounded like gravel in her own ears. She stood, unable to hold still when facing the monstrous way in which these two pieces of...of slime were attempting to destroy her life.

"Fuck you," she grated. "Go ahead." She made a dismissive notion with her hands. "You want to tell someone? Here." She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and slapped it down on the table. "Make the call. But who is it going to be?" She smiled tightly. "The newspaper? You think they're going to print something like this? Or maybe you plan on giving an interview to KOTA? I'm sure that they're just itching to do an exposé on the hidden lesbian menace stalking our streets. The horror!" She let her voice grow mocking. "Lesbians walk among us, offering quality customer service to their unsuspecting clients, declining to drain them dry with hidden fees when they purchase their houses."