All Comments on 'Out of Africa'

by Britease

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georgelittle2000georgelittle2000about 11 years ago
You made my day!

I guess the only fact that disappointed me was that the sick bastard died so instantaneously and not as a result of a dozen hits, the following more painful that tha previous one!

Cool work, well done mate!!

chastenchastenabout 11 years ago
Well done

I enjoyed it a lot; glad you're back.

elHosedelHosedabout 11 years ago
Men like this...

...fiances should ALWAYS tell their husbands-to-be of any guys like this preacher fucker that may be in their past. Otherwise how is a guy to ever plan for the inevitable return of the dreaded "bad boy"?

hebert100hebert100about 11 years ago
wish i would have been on the jury

wish I had been on the jury. she would have done no time. what a despicable person. hiding behind God's word. he got what he deserved. thanks for the read.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 11 years ago
what I don't get is were all you panty wearing men come in

the ex got what he deserved, truer word can't be spoken. But she is still a cheating slut. Their isn't a court on the planet, that would have given him custody or even visitation. He hadn't seen the child in years. Then the blackmale plot. The fact that she didn't even ask a lawyer or talk to anyone. But by then she had already fucked him once. Also how does the husband know it was his baby? Britease has once again written a well plotted out story, but I still would have gotten rid of her ass. She wouldn't have needed to cover for me. The thing that doesn't make sense is, she fucked her ex to keep from losing the child yet she cover up for her husband and was sentence to prison for two years. 3 stars

SirThopasSirThopasabout 11 years ago
Hue has a point

There are a lot of questions left to roll. You could fix a sandwhich on this premise and never go hungry again...As just a short it feels, well, short.

2ndThoughts2ndThoughtsabout 11 years ago

Glad you're back, always enjoy your stories - BUT...

She went to her ex and had sex with him, went home and told her husband she was going to accept her ex's demand to spend ten days with him and even got cold, demeaning and threatening with hubby?

Not intending to be interracially motivated by racism but I would have to believe that she seemed to like having black sex and she would go to him whenever he wanted, maybe even when she wanted? Just a thought!

You always write well and so Thanks again - well done.

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307about 11 years ago
Two stars because I liked the way it was written...

... but this was really a one star story. Could you have made Dave any more stupid? There was little doubt in any half way intelligent reader about the real reason Eve left with Joshua and yet you still tried to make her into some kind of saint. I'm sorry but, when Dave saw the little coffee colored Sam, he should have headed for the hills. As you so aptly pointed out in this story, a lot of pretty little white girls go down the road of interracial lust but very few come back.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 11 years ago

Ok, the court solution to the blackmail bit had to fail because the story hinged on the confrontation. Putting that aside, i think many mothers would do anything for their child. Including dumping the husband. Also the Kikuyu that I know are a bit batshit crazy about their Christian church, so to me she might not be thinking too clearly here.

So this is rape, not adultery, which makes forgiveness easier, Even a given.


monsterer23monsterer23about 11 years ago
what can i say...

such a really religious girl... sleeping with preacher before marriage, hiding her black bastard from boyfriend, using her parents, protecting psychopath ex-lover, cuckolding ...cheating while pregnant ...lying on bible in court ...what else...good combination...that sick mistake of nature absolutely deserves what happened to her...too bad she could have more kids...same to wimp... sorry one star

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

not one of my favorites, sorry.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 11 years ago
Get thee to a boogie man ( or an editor) !

The story had 'moments ' , but never really took flight .The characters of the wife & hypocritical preacher existed only as thumbnail sketches. A bit of Paul Theroux's deft touch in coloring just a bit of the African veldt. I've quintuple starred multiple Britease stories but felt this one cut shallow because he didn't fully map out the territory for his readers.

The time in jail and a vivid flashback to the missionary days might have given the story some heft. I blanched a bit at the murder & would have happily settled for a sound drubbing and or public exposure of the mahogany Elmer Gantry's two faced carnal foibles.

I'm very glad this author is submitting again. The little kid sounded like a charmer. As a reader, I look forward to those slapstick, preposterous predicaments that Hard Days Knight & Britease can conjure up at their best.

baconbennybaconbennyabout 11 years ago

What about this woman would appeal to the husband? This sounds like what Britain was like after WW2 when the brits came back from fighting, to find their wives and girl friends with little ones, black and white. It could explain why they are such wimps.

puddychpuddychabout 11 years ago
his fault

he lets it happen does nothing as she goes and fucks him useing the kid as an excuse....he is more to blame than her...all they had to do was fuck of ro Brighton for a few days he would go back to depest darkest africa and they could live on happliy ever after.....I wish authers would thinck a bit before writing utter drival...


cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

the husband did nothing worng. it is not the fucking middle ages where he can tie the bitch up and beat her if she tries to leave. she is a skank whore and no way i would take her back.

BTTapBTTapabout 11 years ago
Welcome back

Good to see Britease back in action. The author built a nasty conundrum for the characters, clearly. Plenty of suffering all around. I thought the weaving in of the prison/trial/release story into the rest was well done and artful (nice misdirection). Despite the happy ending, it didn't leave me with a smile. I didn't want to heap any additional suffering on the wife, I mainly felt sorry for her.

No, what I felt was the unease of cognitive dissonance. Several things stuck in my craw: 1) the b.s. about diplomatic immunity-that is reserved for governmental diplomatic visitors with appropriate credentials only-and it wouldn't prevent arrest, only prosecution; 2) the attorney would never abet a false plea of guilty and the active covering up of the same by the hubby; 3) this 'rising star' in the church from Kenya whose personal appeal and fundraising abilities are his obvious strengths would never put himself in the position of blackmailing the married mother of his illegitimate child for sex, a gang-bang and then beating her senseless to provoke a miscarriage. The wife's obstinancy was understandable-she was terrified of losing her child to this asshole. But, her inability/unwillingness to consider the reality of the situation? That was irritating to no end. She redeemed herself, in the end.

Entertaining piece, but the required suspension of disbelief is a thorn in my paw.

5 stars, welcome back.

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 11 years ago
Glad you are back

Another story of twists regard ing the plot.

I do hope you write more stories.

zed0zed0about 11 years ago

You should have stayed gone. You sick English cuck-wimps give the rest of the Brits a bad name.

Richie4110Richie4110about 11 years ago
Good story But?

This one is not up to your old standards.

rjordanrjordanabout 11 years ago
Mr. Twister

Always the best twists. This one was a welcome break in my day.

ythebadgerythebadgerabout 11 years ago
Usual comments from 'hard' yanks

The ones who come on here to read cuck stories and condemn them because they can't manage their own women.

Not the best of Britease by any means. The episode introducing Dave to Sam was so sickly it was almost vomit-inducing (almost Dickensian). Unusually, a few errors of grammar (your for you're and eat for ate) but the construction was neat.

A moral dilemma story with, perhaps, a too-neat resolution and just a little bit too much of a strain on believability - but still more entertaining than most of the crap that's been submitted lately.

sugnasugnaabout 11 years ago

Who needs the baggage of someone else's kid? Don't you have any self respect? If the dumb bitch was stupid and fucked a loser then you are better off without her. She has poor judgement and is not life partner material. That she would conveniently take the fall for her stupid husband is highly unlikely. She already put her daughter before her husband and the fetus. No, she was a stupid victim not a heroine. These unrealistic stories are highly manipulative and irritating. Leave the trash to the trash and don't pretend that it is anything but garbage!

looking4itlooking4itabout 11 years ago

I can understand where he was coming from but as soon as she went that first time it would have been over between us. I probably would have helped her with the hospital stay but once she was on her feet again it would have been divorce court. The fact that she cheated was enough but to put our baby at risk (and I did see that coming) would have killed any and every chance. Although I don't always agree with your plot decisions I do enjoy your writing.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 11 years ago
Dark & Dismal

I'm trying very hard to figure out something I like about this story.

Maybe great legs in a very short skirt!

Yep, that's IT!

WTF kinda plan did Hubby have going into the lion's den? "Maybe there'll be a brass candlestick in there I can kill him with!" Hay-sus Kreesto!

What kinda life with a woman who can be intimidated so easily? Or who could fall into thrall because of such an asshole?

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 11 years ago
the one thig we know about ANY Britease story... if there is a husband he is a fucking idiot

BRITEASE ..dude you really and I mean REALLY suck at this. This turd of a story was obvious was telegraphed and it its badly done. In EVERY instance dave is just a blithering British idiot and a wimp.

#1... sam is a foreign born national with a father that IS making regular payments of support. But it never occurs to dave that this MIGHT be an issue if he gets to the mother?

#2 it never occurs to the wife or dave that Joshua the male progenitor of Sam needs to be told that they are getting married.


the wife lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies

and no matter how big the lie... Dave says .. NOTHING. and even worse THINKS nothing.

Lie #1 when the wife announces her idea for dave to legally adopt Sam ... it turns out that she has already been talking to Joshua.

Lie #2 then it turns out she did NOT just talk to him on the phone " today" but has actually been seeing / fucking him

LIE 3 wife announces that Joshua will give up his paretial right to sam IF the wife fucks him. Dave says no way. .. Wife says I told him we would discuss it .

In fact the wife had already agreed to fuck Joshua

LIE #4 The wife's mother tells Dave that a few years ago when Joshua was in England fund raising EVE willingly went to him

chytownchytownabout 11 years ago
Good Read****

Welcome back and thanks for sharing.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago

I didn't like that the preacher had a hold over her but she did prison time for her penance for cheating. Well, not quite. However, it's nice to see a new story from you Brit. Don't stop.

gnfgnfabout 11 years ago
"He's Kikuyu", says a lot, they were the ones that made up the Mau Mau atrocities in Kenya.

If you have a chance to read up on them it will make you absolutely sick to your stomach. What they did back then, the tortures, mutilations, murders. The voodoo type rituals to make a peaceful people turn on others they way they did was and is one of the most despicable actions ever perpetrated.

This was just a story, leave it at that. I like what Britease has written. After having read extensively of the Mau Mau situation and the aftermath it is no wonder how she could have felt trapped to go to him. They don't call Africa the dark continent for nothing. Human rights violations are the norm. Slavery is widely practiced through out Africa and the "United Nations" just admitted a country to the human rights organization whose country has over 15% of the country in slavery, and who also believe in female mutilation of the genitals as a right of the male.

A mother will go to great lengths to protect her children and family, accepting the blame for the murder of the murderer of her unborn child to keep her family together in the long run is totally understandable. Places where you do not want to find yourself: Between a mother bear and her cub, or almost any other animal mother and her babies. Domesticated dogs have been known to go after people who try and take their young. So a human doing the same thing, makes since unless you are a liberal who believes that abortion is okay; however defending your self from an attack by a rapist is wrong and you should just submit. Thank you Britease for your time and your effort.

FD45FD45about 11 years ago
Thank you

I love your writing. Some of your stories are very well told.

Others...very much aren't. You write very realistically but there tends to be a deficit of justice in them. Too often a wife blithely walks away unscathed, merrily screwing hither and yon and no one has the balls to actually dislike her despite her acting in a dislikable fashion.

So your little warning burlb was well appreciated.

FD45FD45about 11 years ago

One could take my prior comment as a critique of your writing SKILLS. This is oh so very much not the case!

You write well, you write realistically, your prose is always readable and very grammatically sound, at least to my poor skills.

What I MEANT was that while I enjoy SOME of your stories very much, I do not enjoy other of your stories very much. You love your bitty titty girls too much. You are very gentle with much so that they get away with practically murder without skimming their nail polish.

So my dislike for those tales say nothing about you as a WRITER. It strikes purely to me as a READER. and my inflexible tastes.

However, as always I appreciate your efforts.

monkcalmmonkcalmalmost 11 years ago

Your males in your story are not just weak but pathetic,stupid and so forcefully needy, my question is why?. so Brit you have never actually met a man of convictions or honor i guess, once again your writing is well done but your characters show a Brittan that the world could due without, pity people get turned on by this, but is says a lot about people.

jpl7490jpl7490over 10 years ago

I think there is a lot more this than meets the eye of a first read. Here we have a good man doing the best he can in one hell of a situation few women are so lucky ok some might say he should do this or that. Some might say he is a poor example of british manhood, rubbish, protecting loving forgiving caring all the best points in a real man. Then there is her, why do we do somethings like we all do, no idea but its far more than simple. Did she cheat, no way, protecting her child and who wouldnt loving her man, totally giving up everything to save him. These are the best of human qualities Well done a great story. Jean

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

Nice twist, I was sure HE had been in prison.

calflashcalflashabout 9 years ago

I would have let her rot in jail and divorced her. She had very little respect for him and deserved none in return. There could have been other ways of handling custody of Sam esp after he killed her child in the beating.

impo_60impo_60about 9 years ago
If it was only to protect her child....but...

If it was only to protect her child....but it was something more!!! He had a power over her, that made she couldn't resist him...That's what made it wrong...but I liked the story, because she redeemed herself by take the blame...3*

calflashcalflashabout 9 years ago

good read but too many questionable facts like clergy being diplomatically immune and her killing him after taking a beating including aborting her child.

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

in the only way she knew how. TK U MLJ LV NV

robinhodrobinhodalmost 9 years ago
It's been over two years since the last comment

so I presume that Britease has stopped looking, nonetheless I'm posting this.

I must have read it at least three times in that period,

Good story, good writing, some people might have acted differently. So what?

Do you think that all the characters in the works of Shakespeare act as you would?

I'm quite happy to accept his characterizations as he invents them, the only thing that bothered me was the typo 'preyed' for 'prayed' (twice). Now then Harry -

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 9 years ago
this was about the stupidest crap on the fucking planet

So he fucks your wife a couple of times so you can keep the kid. Hell in every other story you write the mom gets the kid, house and everything else. So know all of a sudden, she could lose the kid to a "African Devil". I step away from yell, "hey Nigger" get over her. Oh, any aren't you the one yelling about killing off the "Black Bad" guy is cliché.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 8 years ago

Correction: I eat it - I ate it

Yes, it is incredible to what stupid lengths a mother will do for her child, but she didn't exactly do it only for her child, after all it was not the first time she went to Joshua, so it might be more precise to call it an affair that ended badly. A year in prison is a pretty decent price to pay though.

McAnonMcAnonalmost 8 years ago
At last

So Britease grows a pair at last. good tale with a proper ending, maybe morally questionable, but a good result.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Well written stupidity

I enjoyed the story but can't comprehend Eve or her husband's wimpy attitude either.

Stupid bitch would have been kicked to the fucking whore curb!

She was Goddamned married and pregnant and started fucking an asshole that beat and murdered her unborn child!

Fuck her!

maceedmaceedover 6 years ago
Lol what a dumb bitch

She deserved to lose her baby and it was the least she could do serve jail time. Who could be that stupid honestly? Pretty dumb story.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Page 1

So she's got a baby by a guy who abandoned her and the fiancé is not allowed to criticize him? Run away dumb ass. Never settle for a girl who still has feelings for another guy unless that guy is dead and only maybe then.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Page 2

What's the problem. Just don't adopt. Continue as before. No way they let him take her to Africa.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

are plenty of women out there with NO baggage.

BillandKateBillandKateover 6 years ago
A Good Story

People doing stupid things, that's just like real life.

Ocker51Ocker51over 6 years ago

Cucold shit, same shit story after story ⭐️

VenustasVenustasover 6 years ago
What is a wimp?

Well Brit you got me - I thought the second baby was going to be black. Well done but not quite my cuppa - not sure why.

I found all the comments calling Dave a wimp puzzling even though he killed Joushua. After closer examination of the ignorami comments I realised my confusion was due to the definition of wimp. Their definition of wimp is anyone who doesn't beat up on women. The same group go on about having balls. I give them they have a lot of balls - unfortunately for them mostly on their women. No wonder they feel so mentally emaciated and bitter.

ErotFanErotFanover 6 years ago
Difficult story to really like, but...

The surprise ending about who was coming out of prison was something to hang ones hat on. I'm not the only one that thought the message she would deliver was that the second baby would be Joshua's also.

I don't think you could classify Dave as a wimp, really. Just because he didn't overreact to certain situations. After all, he did bash a man's brains out; with a candlestick of all things. The murder of his child being sufficient provocation.

I only gave it 4 stars and feel uneasy about it. They don't allow a 4.8 score though.

NexttimeroundNexttimeroundabout 6 years ago
I thought brilliant

I gave five stars which is very unusual for me. Lovely twist and perfectly timed as the story unfolds.

What more could he do to not be a wimp, more than beating the guy's brains out?

ribnitinribnitinover 5 years ago

creative, well written story with unexpected conclusion

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Too late

Should have killed him after the first time, before he killed the unborn child.

Jhbrown27Jhbrown27over 4 years ago
Okay story

Not particularly creative. Have read 4 or 5 with essentially the same plot. Of course it has to do with the ficticous BBC lure that causes white females to become fucktoys. Statistically there is insignificant difference between B and W. Certainly some do like to believe in the mythical.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It is puzzling the number of commenters who damn Eve and/or Dave. These commenters are clearly people who have never had a child, and who have never been deeply in love with someone. The actions of Eve and Dave are both admirable, if not always wise.

It is also puzzling how Eve could have been sent to jail. The guy beat her so badly it caused an abortion and sent her to the hospital. Her obvious story is that she went to see him to beg him not to try to take her daughter back to Kenya. He told her he clearly hadn't beaten her enough the first time, and he would do a better job this time, and he came around the desk swinging at her. She grabbed the candlestick and swung it at him in self defense. No jury would convict her of anything.

LT56linebackerLT56linebackerover 3 years ago
Very good story....

But it was in England, and that's why she got jail time. A truly great women ,if a little submissive, but he was more than good enough to take care of business. Just should have done it a little sooner. 6 stars ,the bear approves big time. ( Sorry, I can't count. ) Live long ,and happily.


secretsalsecretsalover 3 years ago

Nah, Eve goes along with the blackmail a little too easily, and paid a terrible price. Should have trusted her husband to help sort it out, no excuses there.

Doesn't seem that realistic that this guy could waltz into the country, make legal threats about taking his child back (at the very least, they'd have to go court, which would most likely favour the mother in this case), and then casually commit sexual assault. Immigrants from Africa are already viewed with suspicion in the UK. And those are regular law-abiding people, they'd have a field day with scumbags like this.

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

The day she left to go to Joshua,he should have dumped her.She had no need,despite the threats to see him.

ErotFanErotFanover 2 years ago

Second time through after a number of years and you has fooled me twice. Good Job!

not_a_viking_honestnot_a_viking_honestabout 2 years ago

Well, honestly, if she's so stupid as to go to him...well, she didn't deserve it, but she's certainly partially responsible for her baby's death for being so god damn stupid.

Not too mention the stupidity of fucking the asshole on vague ass threats before even talking to a lawyer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

One of your best.

Cracker270Cracker270almost 2 years ago

A very well written story with a nice plot twist. I would have liked to have read about the mysterious hold the asshole had on Eve

silentsoundsilentsoundover 1 year ago

Second time through and this is just disgusting.

He should have just exposed his whore wife and Joshua while very publicly divorcing her disease ridden ass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She was a willing whore.

Unfaithful. Lying

With how many diseases in her cheating cunt? I'd have never touched her again after she went to him...especially after she lost my child whilst being a stupid cum bucket for him. Had the divorce documents delivered to her in the hospital.

Stupid whore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story every now and then YOU surprise me Now if only the rest of your writings are as good ?????

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She is a whore. Can’t make a house wife out of a whore. Not believable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

While I have no issue with anyone killing a pimp and conman, I certainly wouldn’t do it for a whore. Eve simply did not deserve to have a loving husband. And her husband didn’t deserVe such a mixed up, weak and conniving slut

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The circumstances were so ludicrous that it is impossible to pass moral judgment. Eve thinks she will lose her daughter and Sam will be taken to Africa. Sure if this coukd really be the case, a wife could be compelled to do some crazy stuff. But the situation was utterly contrived and not plausible. By right of abandonment, Eve would necessarily have title to the child. The biological father might be able to get visitation buy being a foreign national and a possible flight risk, and married to another man, he would get supervised visitation, if that. No way in that the father from Kenya would get sole claim of his mixed race daughter in the UK courts. Not back in the time period this seemed to be set in. So all the hand wringing about who did want wrong, who sinned, should they reconcile, etc is sophistry since the circumstances where just nutso.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelylove10 months ago

Why did our hero. It explain to his wife that Nosh would not follow through on his threat because of the scandal it would create at home? For me this was the weakest link in the story. I am guessing that our hero thought that her sacrifice to be in gaol for him was compensation for the fascination she had for the preacher-man…

BeamerDownUnderBeamerDownUnder9 months ago

Good story, well crafted and well written. I don't know if you type your stories or use speech-to-text, but either way please find a way to double-check your spelling - especially the difference between "your" and "you're". I find that constantly hitting spelling and grammar errors really spoils what should be an excellent story.

ibuguseribuguser5 months ago

A wonderful story worth 5*. Thanks for sharing.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x5 months ago

"I was allowed to visit Eve" - Extra kudos for not cheating on the twist. You never actually said anything to lead us to think that he was the one going to jail, just left it neutral and let us make the natural assumption. You COULD have continued to hide the truth, maybe saying something like, "We were allowed to see each other," but that's not how it would usually be said. This flowed much more naturally and sprung the twist nicely.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ultimately, it was a good read. Get an editor and it will be even better.

That being said, there were several parts of the story I wasn't a fan of. Strike one: her lying by omission about her child and about why she left Africa. That may have cause a possible but brief separation as lack of trust would immediately be part of the relationship. Strike two, when he found out she was talking to her ex behind his back, IN PERSON. She didn't really tell him so much as he dragged it out of her. Strike three: when she lies, leaves her child with her parents, and goes to fuck her ex. At this point, she's a lost cause. It should be obvious that she is stuck on her ex and is powerless to refuse him. The fourth strike is when she looks her husband in the eye and tells him she's going to do it regardless of his feelings and then tries to make it appear as his fault because he "doesn't understand." Granted, she was mostly doing this for her daughter, but again she's clearly drawn to him and powerless to say no. That's a toxic relationship. It sucks for the daughter, but what is he suppose to do? Live with it? I'd have bid them fairwell and bounced. I know some of ya'll will probably suggest there is no love if you can just leave like that. Clearly, there wasn't much love in her actions or intent for her husband. Why show love in return?

Also, the custody battle wouldn't have been a thing. The only way he'd have gotten away with the daughter is if he kidnapped her and went back to Africa. No way she loses custody of her daughter any other way. MAYBE visitation granted, but never custody.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Enjoyed the story but there is a huge plot hole as discussed by the Anonymous commenter from 9 months ago with the post starting with "The circumstances were so ludicrous". That commenter is 100% correct I their assertion of the central point of the biological father from Kenya being able to take gull custody of his biracial child from the mother in the UK. Visitation? Sure? And then maybe evil enough to do a kidnapping. But full physical custody. Complete balderdash. If you look past that glaring plot hole, then the story is well written with her willing to do anything to save her child (called serious, malicious blackmail people and if as a husband you would ditch in that situation, then you suck as a person) and the twist ending. Despite the ludicrous central plot hole that is entirely unrealistic, as this is fiction: 5 stars.

Buster2UBuster2U2 months ago

10 Big Blazing stars for a very well written story. I am glad that it was the whore that went to jail for killing the pimp, and not the hubby going to jail. She certainly deserved to be punished for fucking her African BF behind hubby's back And then insisting that she go back for more. She was a total whore, like my second wife, Margaret. When ever her first husband came over he always got to fuck her because I'd be at work and not around. But he always knew the secret to make her drop her panties so she couldn't say NO, just like the whore in this story. Excellent plot, and excellent writing. Thanks for the effort. Buster2U

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah29 days ago

Diplomatic immunity for an assault resulting in miscarriage is a stretch. I didn’t know it applied to clergy, but it did make a good contribution to the overall conflict. The penetrating melon wound was a satisfying outcome for the wolf in sheep’s outerwear. Party on, brothers. Back to the Dark Continent with ye.

Very nice swerve in plot when revealing Eve’s imprisonment. You continue to surprise me.

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

5 stars

Eve may have taken the fall but she wanted to fuck Joshua. She even admits he has a hold on her when they're together. She did it once behind her husband's back before telling him, before letting the 'love of her life' know the situation (blackmail) she was in. Easier to get forgiveness than permission. Then, instead of uniting with her husband and exhausting every potential idea to prevent further blackmail, she easily, willingly, and unilaterally decides to be Joshua's fuck toy knowing she had a baby in her womb. She was fundamentally a dishonest woman.

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

Again. Surely there aren't females of the species this stupid are there?

I mean come on. Isn't this a bit insulting to women in general? A religious woman. A good mom. A good wife. A good daughter. A good person by all accounts. A reasonable woman.

Made a mistake when she was alone. In a distant land. Allowed herself to be seduced. But then was burned badly. Came home in shame.

And it was shame. She essentially hid her black baby from most everyone for a reason.

Then when the asshole visits she loses all reason. Is hit with a slut ray and can't help but drop her panties and impale her cunt on his black dick?

Really? This is the guy who knocked her up. Allowed her to be sent away. Hasn't seen his own daughter but once in 3 or 4 years. It's obvious he treats her like shit.

And she's going to risk divorce. Losing her family. Bring more shame upon herself. And her parents.

To fuck this asshole and be his whore for 10 days? It's just not believeable.

And the blackmail gambit was nonsense. There's not a court in the UK that's gonna give a 4 year old to a parent she's never spent time with allow him to take a child back to Africa for full custody. It's nonsense. Complete horseshit. It's a pretext is all for her to justify getting some cock. It's stupid.

Also...why the fuck would this dumbass take her back?

I mean how many times did she spread her legs for this black asshole while she was married to cuck husband?

His tie to her was their child. Once she miscarried he had zero ties to her.

Once the comviction happens? Dump the bastard kid with the grandparents and send the faithless bitch divorce papers. You already know she's a multi-time cheater. That doesn't give a fuck about your feelings if she's gonna get some black dick. She'll pack a bag. Tell you she's leaving for days to fuck him and then call you the asshole for being angry about it.

Why would you ever ever try and procreate with her again? Why not get the fuck away from her. Especially after she's convicted.

This simp is just getting locked into place with 4 kids. In 10 years she'll meet another black charismatic preacher and off she'll go ready jump on his dick too. And this fucking idiot won't be able to do a damned thing except clean her skanky hole out when she brings him cream pies.

Sorry. Story was fucking stupid as shit.

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