Rise of the Cat Women Ch. 01


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As soon as he shot he was sprinting towards Honey. From what he could see both were missing. He was aware of other shapes sprinting towards the bear. Then he saw her running towards him. Stopping John dropped the rifle and hugged Honey tight. The cat woman was shaking and crying as she clung to him desperately. Looking past her John saw several cat women looking down at the bear and then up at him. Turning away from them he picked up Honey and carried her back to the camp. All the while the cat woman clung to him crying.

Reaching camp, he sat down with her still holding on and said softly as he stroked her back, "It's okay Honey, the bear is dead. You're safe now."

"John save Honey's life," she said looking up at him.

"Of course, you're my Honey girl."

"I am?" Honey asked wiping her eyes.

"Don't you remember? I gave you that name." John replied stroking her back. Seeing a movement, he looked up and saw one of the other cat women holding his rifle. He would have gotten up but Honey was still on his lap holding to him. Instead of threatening him, the cat woman astounded John when she set the rifle down in front of him. If that was not enough she knelt and placed her head on the ground a long moment before getting up and walking away.

"What was that all about?" John asked

Honey looked towards the cat woman walking away and said, "Sister honor John. She and other sisters will cure and tan the pelt for John and harvest meat for great hunter." She smiled at him and said, "Sisters now admit that Honey is right and John is special."

"Well I think you are special to Honey. Don't forget you saved my life also," John replied blushing. He was not used to being praised.

Honey jumped up and said, "Honey need to make fire. She knows human like meat burned."

As she made the fire and then accepted a large piece of meat from another cat woman, John noticed how much more animated she was today. Yesterday Honey had been quiet and subdued, but now she was back to her happy bouncy self. Instead of sitting across from him, Honey sat close next to John and purred happily as she ate. I guess almost being eaten by a bear will do that for you, he thought.

When he woke the next morning, John found Honey spooning with him and his hand cupping her furry breast. Again he loved how she smelled and spent a long moment just savoring her warmth and feel against his clothed body. His pleasure was short lived when he heard someone clearing their throat. Sitting up quickly he saw a cat woman sitting cross legged across from him and Honey. The cat woman smiled slightly as she held a cat woman kit to her breast.

"Good morning John," she said in a cultured voice. "My daughters have spoken much about you and the chosen one."

John looked down at Honey who was just waking before returning his gaze back to the cat woman, "You are the one they call the Goddess?"

"Yes John," She replied. She saw his eyes shift to the rifle and added quickly, "Please do not, my pets would kill you before I could stop them and Honey would be unhappy."

"Goddess!" Honey said looking at the other cat woman.

The Goddess handed the kit to Honey and said, "Honey would you entertain my little one please. I must talk to John." Honey looked at John who nodded before taking the kit and wandering off with her. Once she was some ways off the Goddess continued. "I ran all night because I had to meet you." She looked at him a long moment before adding, "Why did you save Honey's life yesterday?"

John looked towards where Honey had disappeared from view. "She saved my life. I owed her."

"Bull shit!"

He looked back quickly at the cat woman. She repeated, "Bull shit. John, I am not Honey. I was a human once and I can smell bull shit a mile away. Try again..."

"I knew she would lead me to you and well...I like her... okay?"

The cat woman replied. "Would you believe that Honey is one in ten thousand? Out all of the North American clans, she alone was chosen to come and train with me. And yet, she tells me in no uncertain terms to take this job and shove it."

John looked on speechless. After a minute he said, "Ten thousand?"

The Goddess nodded and then said, "You two have caused an uproar in the clans. One half of my daughters want to kill you and her while the others think you are the great hunter who killed a Kodiak bear with one shot." She sighed and added, "Even my pets, the first of our kind are divided. Kitten?"

From behind him John heard a soft voice, "Kill him, he is a danger to our kind."


A cat woman came forward and sat down next to John. She put her furry hand on his leg and said, "Spare him Sandy, she loves him and," she looked at him a long moment, "He loves her."

John could not look at the cat woman who sat next to him. She could read him like a book. Instead he looked at Sandy, the one they called the Goddess. After a moment he looked down and nodded, "I do. God have mercy on my soul but I do." Tears welling in his eyes he looked up at the cat woman and added, "But I also have a duty, an assignment."

"Ah yes, my death," she replied. "You see my problem? Both sides are right. You are special and yet dangerous. It would be too easy if you just took the plunge and mated with Honey. Then the danger would be no more." She looked at him for a moment and shook her head, "But no, I can see that in your eyes. You are not ready."

John nodded, "No I am not willing to take that step. Not until my assignment is finished."

The Goddess nodded and then paused. A minute later Honey returned still holding the cat child. "Yes Goddess?"

"You are released from having my child. You and this human will continue together and come to my compound when it is time." The Goddess said looking up at her. She turned her head and looked at John, "At that time, you, John will have to make a choice." Her eyes dropped to the rifle a long moment before looking at him, "No matter what you pick, you have my word on two things. First no one will stop you and second no one will harm you." She looked up past his shoulder and said, "Right?"

"Yes Goddess..." Kitten said sighing.

"I am saying this out loud so you may hear it also John, but this is to all my daughters worldwide. This human is under my protection. He is not to be hurt in anyway. He and his mate are to be left alone or helped if they ask. No matter what happens, they are to have safe passage where ever they go." The Goddess said while looking at him. She stood and took the child from Honey's arms. Looking down at John she adds, "The ball so to speak, is in your court." Turning to Honey she nuzzled her face, "Take care of him daughter, he is special."

John watched as the Goddess got up and left. He could hear the others close moving away. The last one, Bunny, who was sitting beside him said softly, "I don't know if this will help you or not." She paused a moment and said, "I have known Sandy since the beginning; she never wanted the job of being in charge. Even now she does not want it. So you are a godsend to her. If you do your duty, then she will be free and one of us will have to take over. If you do not, then she will find another way so you and Honey can take over." She stood and then said, "Oh by the way, she did not start the plague. I did, or at least I okayed it. So if you have to hate someone, hate me."

John watched as Bunny went and hugged Honey before leaving. Honey came to sit beside him and rested her head on his lap. After a long moment he rested his hand on her head and caressed her fur. "Damn her," he whispered softly.

"Who John?" Honey said feeling peace finally.

"Your Goddess. She has set me up to be her Judas."

Honey looked up at him, "Who is this Judas?"

"A man who lived a long time ago. He had to betray his human god and was damned for all time." He looked down at her and said, "The Goddess has done me the same."

"Honey does not understand John."

"Don't worry about it Honey girl," John said. He caught a movement and saw a cat woman walk up carrying a large folded bundle. She seemed to smile at him as she set the bundle down before them.

Honey jumped up and opened the bundle with a happy squeal. She held up a bear claw necklace and then another like it. Setting them off to the side she pulled out a hide bag filled with bear jerky and finally opened the bundle fully and reveling the bear skin pelt.

John got up and felt the fur, someone had gone to a lot of trouble smoothing it out and tanning the hide. It was large enough to cover a king size bed he decided. He watched smiling as Honey rolled around on the pelt purring. He picked up one of the necklaces and crawled over to her. "Honey, will you be my mate?" he asked feeling butterflies in his belly.

Honey stopped and looked up at him. Quickly she sat up and bowed her head, "Honey will be John's mate for life."

As he put one necklace around her neck, John started to ask her to turn him. He opened his mouth but Honey put her furry hand to his lips.

"John is Honey's mate and no one may take him from her." She placed the other necklace around his neck and then nuzzled his face with hers. Looking at him she said, "Honey knows what John wants. Honey wants it also. But we must wait until it is time. Then Honey will have John's daughter." She giggled and added, "And John will have Honey's daughter."

"You have my word, for as long as I live, no one will ever hurt my Honey girl," John said solemnly.

Honey caressed his face tenderly, "Honey will protect John from all for all time."

It was early afternoon before they got moving and made slow time. Side by side they walked, hand in hand not speaking, each lost in a haze of euphoria. After a time, John said, "Honey, did you hear what Bunny said about the virus?"

Honey looked at him, "Yes John, but Honey did not understand all of Bunny's words. What is virus?"

"A virus is a tiny bug that causes people to get sick." John replied. He paused and then said, "Do you think you could ask the Goddess if someone could come and answer my questions about the beginning?"

After a moment Honey nodded, "The Goddess says someone coming to answer questions...Kitten." She stopped and looked worried, "John, Kitten hates and wants to kill you." The fear showed in her eyes as she added, "Kitten best fighter of all sisters. Kitten will kill you once she is here. She tells Honey this so John can make peace with his god."

John nodded and dropped his pack. He then set the rifle down. "Please tell Kitten I am unarmed and will face her fang to fang and claw to claw if that is what she wishes." He smiled at Honey and patted her hand. "Please promise me you will not interfere Honey girl."

Honey shook her head, "NO! Honey will not let John get hurt." She in turn dropped her pack and crouched down, arms extended and waited.

He had expected Kitten to come charging out of the forest. So when she dropped down out of a tree behind him he was momentary surprised and this allowed her to get a grip on his throat. With one arm he grabbed back and bent forward quickly throwing her over his shoulder. He smiled as she rolled and jumped up facing them. "Nice try Kitten, but you can do better...so I hear."

Kitten looked at the pair, she knew the Goddess was on her way back with the others. It was going to be close if she didn't finish him now. She looked at Honey also facing her and said, "He wants to kill the Goddess! You would allow that? Help me kill him and the clan will be safe."

Honey did not take her eyes of the killer, "John is Honey's mate. Honey protects John no matter who try hurting him."

Kitten growled and turned back to John, "You need Honey to protect you? Pitiful human."

"No I do not need Honey to teach you a lesson Kitten. But a word of warning, you touch her and I will kill you." He glanced at Honey, "My love, let Kitten try her best. I will be fine." He rested his hand on her arm and said softly, "Trust me."

Honey looked at John a long moment before nodding, "Honey trusts John." She stepped back as she lowered her arms.

In that instant, Kitten lunged at John. He fell back and with his arms grabbed her wrists. As he went down he kicked out and caught her in the belly. Rolling back, he pushed with his legs propelling her past him. Quickly he got up and faced her. "You are the best the Goddess has? My god it's a wonder she has not died yet," he taunted. He was taught to try and keep the opponent off guard and angry, that way they make mistakes.

True to form, Kitten screamed in rage and swiped out at him. Instead he again caught her arm and spun her around off balance until she fell again. From a crouch she launched herself at him. Instead of meeting the low attack, John jumped up and then tucked his legs under him. As he came down in a kneeling position he drove them into her lower back.

Bouncing off her he faced Kitten waiting for her to get up. Instead he heard a voice from off to one side, "That's enough Kitten, you are out classed." He glanced off to the side and saw another cat woman standing with her arms crossed.

"Do not make me kill you Kitten; you have answers to my questions." John said.

Kitten spun towards the new comer, "You're going to side with them!" She pointed at John with one hand, "He wants to kill the Goddess! Candy... Don't you understand?"

Candy walked over and knelt down before Kitten, "Sister, do you think the Goddess does not know? She is not worried about this human. Why are you so worked up over it?"

"Because she wants him too," Kitten screamed. She broke down sobbing.

John heard a soft voice beside him, "Please forgive Kitten." He looked to see the Goddess standing beside him. "She will understand by the time you two make it to the compound."

"I'll not be your Judas," John replied. He looked down at Kitten and added loud enough for her to hear, "I am not going to play this game and be damned for all time." Turning back to the Goddess he said quoting Daffy Duck, "Not this little black duck." He paused a long moment, "If you want to die so bad, fall on your sword. If you want out, then quit. Either way don't set Honey and I up to take the fall for your actions."

He walked over to Honey and took her hand in his. Looking back at the Goddess he said simply, "If I decide you need to die then it will be on my terms, not yours." John reached down and picked up his pack and rifle. He looked at Honey who seemed shell shocked and bent down to retrieve her pack also. As he led her past the Goddess and the others watching, he was acuity aware of the number of eyes on him.

After about a half an hour of walking Honey said, "Honey take pack now John." They stopped as she shouldered the handmade pack. Once they were walking again she said softly, "Honey is troubled."

John stopped and looked at her. After a moment he took her hand and led her over to a large tree where they sat down. "Would you like to tell me about it?"

Honey sat close to John and thought for a moment before speaking, "Goddess wants John to kill her. Then John and Honey will be hated by the clans. If John not kill Goddess, then she will hurt Honey and make him kill her and then John and Honey will be hated by the clans." She rested her head against his shoulder as she said, "Why does Goddess want John and Honey to be hated by the clans?"

Putting his arm around her shoulder and holding Honey tight, John replied, "I do not know Honey."

"What will John and Honey do?" she whimpered.

"I don't know Honey. But I will think of something," he said softly. He rested his head against hers and added, "Trust me."

Looking up at him Honey said softly, "Honey does."

"So do I," Kitten said as she dropped to the ground in front of them. She looked down and added, "I was wrong about you John. I'm sorry." She sat down and added, "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Judo, first degree dan coupled with what the army taught me," John replied.

"Dan? Who is Dan?" Honey asked.

John smiled, "Not Dan as in a person. A dan is a rank in Judo, the fighting style I was using." He turned to Kitten, "Did that answer your question?"

Kitten nodded, "Yes it did. Candy was a navy SEAL and she said once you had left that I should be glad that you had not messed me up."

So Candy was an ex-navy SEAL, John thought to himself. If he did have to kill the Goddess, he would have to keep an eye out for her. "Are you willing to answer my questions about how it all started?"

Kitten looked away for so long that John thought she had not heard him. Finally, she looked at him and said, "How about I just tell you all I know first. If you have questions after that I will do my best to answer them."

John nodded, "Good idea."

Honey looked from one to the other and said, "Honey make camp." She looked at Kitten and lowered her head, "Honey is sorry that all she has to offer Kitten is bear jerky for dinner."

Kitten looked at her and said softly, "If it is from the bear your mate killed then I would be honored to eat it sister." She looked at John, "Did you really do it with one shot?"

John took his rifle and popped the clip. Stripping a round out he handed it to Kitten, ".50 cal, the same as used in machine guns."

Kitten held the round in her hand, "Damn this thing is huge." As she handed it back she added, "I bet the rifle has a hell of a kick."

"Not as much as you would think Kitten." Replacing the round in the clip he added, "Would you like to fire it?"

Kitten looked a long moment at the rifle and shook her head, "No thanks." She waited as Honey built a small fire and then started her story. "I was the one who made the virus John. I was profoundly unhappy in life. Then I found a wonderful woman, Karen. She looked at Honey and added, "Bunny. She loved me for who I was on the inside, regardless of how I looked or was dressed." Returning her gaze to John she said, "I wanted to please her...You understand that don't you."

John nodded but kept silent.

"She called me Kitten, a pet name. But it gave me an idea. What if I could become a real kitten for her? I could become her real pet. It seemed like it took forever to get the virus right. But when it was ready we did it. She was supposed to keep me tied up for a day so I would not infect her." Kitten shrugged, "I had not taken in to account of how much my musk would affect her. Even before I had finished and the virus went in active we were making love."

"Why doesn't yours or Honey's musk do the same to me?" John looked at Honey and added, "I love her scent but I don't go mad with desire."

Honey smiled and started nuzzling John's neck, "Honey can change that."

"If you do then we will not wait until it is time Honey."

Honey pouted as she sat up, "John has a point, Honey forgot."

Kitten watched the pair with a small smile. She had been wrong about John. First was her belief that he was going to kill the Goddess. But more importantly, she had believed that he was only using Honey to get to the Goddess. Now she saw that he really loved Honey as much as she loved him. "I think it is because you became used to the scent slowly. Or the virus has mutated again."


"Yes again," Kitten agreed. "Once Karen had changed, we found staying inside a house unbearable so moved into a national forest that was close. We had been there about three weeks when Sandy showed up. Like Karen the scent drove her mad with desire and we turned her. At the time I was not sure that the virus was still viable but right on cue she showed up." Kitten shook her head. "I had no idea the can of worms I had loosened on the world."

She looked at Honey, "Even before the Goddess had changed fully she infected another." She looked at John, "Unlike the Goddess, the other was evil and finally had to be killed. But that was after she had killed almost two hundred of our sisters. It was a dark time in our history."