Rise of the Cat Women Ch. 01


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"Two hundred? My god," John said softly.

Nodding Kitten said, "As near as we can figure. All that was left of the original party was Karen, myself, the Goddess, Candy and Beth. It is a long story and not important now." She looked at Honey, "If you wish sister I can show you it and you can tell John."

Honey's eyes got large as she caught a glimpse and shook her head, "Please sister, Honey does not want your memories of that time."

Kitten looked back at John, "But I am getting ahead of myself. Because of outside issues, I became the Goddess's pet and we returned to the place where I had become. Using white noise and subliminal programing I reoriented my devotion from Karen to the Goddess." She looked down, "The Goddess asked if I could modify the virus again so it acted faster and the change was done in six hours instead of twenty-four."

Looking at him again she said softly, "She was only doing what she thought was right. We, our kind live with nature instead of fighting it. I did do one thing though, only by the use of a teaspoon of honey would our new bodies go into heat and be able to reproduce."

Honey nodded, "Honey gets to eat honey!"

John smiled at Honey, "...and then Honey will have John's daughter and John will have Honey's daughter." Sobering he looked at Kitten and said, "Is there no cure?"

Kitten shook her head, "No one has ever found a cure for any virus John."

"So mankind is done..." John said getting up. He walked a little way away and looked out into the forest.

"I'm sorry John," Kitten said coming up to stand behind him. She looked back at Honey and added, "I never meant it to go this far."

Honey came up to hug her sister, "We know sister." She looked at John and felt a wave of sorrow fill her for him. "What can I do to help him Kitten?" she thought to her.

"Love him...it is all you can do," Kitten thought back.

Turning to face her John said softly, "Thank you for telling me everything Kitten."

Although she could not read his mind Kitten saw the hurt in his eyes and hugged him tightly. Nuzzling his ear, she whispered, "If you need anything...and I mean anything, Honey can get me for you." She turned to Honey and hugged her also. "Take care of him Honey, he's hurting bad," she thought to the cat girl. With one last look at John, Kitten turned and sprinted into the woods.

John walked over to where Honey had placed the bear pelt rug. Sitting down on it he stared into the fire. "It's over..." he said softly.

Honey's heart cried out seeing her mate hurting so. She went over and sat next to him. She was surprised when he turned to her and clung to her crying. She pulled him close and held John a long time rocking back and forth and cooing softly to him. Finally, she said, "Make love to Honey."

"I thought you wanted to wait until..." he replied not lifting his head from her shoulder.

"Please, make love to Honey...then you will become and your pain will go away." Honey said stroking his hair. "It's killing Honey to see you hurt so much."

Biting the side of his tongue to distract himself, John looked at Honey. "I'll be alright Honey girl." He stroked her face tenderly and said softly, "I love you so much."

"Honey love John too," she said softly. Letting go of him she lay back and opened her legs. "John make love to Honey now."

He smiled and shook his head as he lay down next to her, "No love. We will wait until it is time." His hands stroked her furry body none the less. Hearing her purr, he bent down to gently kiss one of her breasts.

Honey mewed in pleasure, feelings she did not dream existed surfaced in her. Reaching down she pulled his head up to hers and kissed him passionately as her hands explored his body. Breaking off the kiss she said huskily, "Honey wants you now."

His resistance crumbled, John replied as his hands found her breasts, "John wants his Honey now." No longer caring about anything, John made love to her with all his being. Her purrs and mews of pleasure filled him with the desire to do more for her. This night was not about him, it was about Honey coming of age and their confirmation of their marriage.

On and off, between cuddling, they made love. When dawn broke the next morning they lay spent next to each other. "How long before I start changing," John asked softly caressing her face.

"Honey girl not know John," she paused and then got a distant look in her face. After a minute she said softly, "Kitten is coming back...she is confused."

He smiled and said, "Okay Honey girl." He rose up on one elbow and bent over. Kissing her breast, he said, "What should we do while waiting?" He again bent down to kiss her breast."

Mewing in pleasure Honey moved his head lower to her love triangle. As he nuzzled and lick at her flower she felt a strange sensation below.

Feeling something poking his face John opened his eyes to see Honey's cock sliding out of its sheaf. While he had never been gay and never considered sucking cock, John lifted his head and took it into his mouth. He tried to do things that turned him on when he had received a blow job. For his reward Honey suddenly grabbed the bear rug and mewed loudly just before she started cumming in his mouth. At first he gagged on the amount but started swallowing franticly. The sweet taste of her cum was as good as the honey she leaked from down lower.

After what seemed like an eternity Honey calmed down. She looked down at John who looked up at her happily. "That was new for Honey," she said stroking his head.

John crawled up to lay next to her and replied, "That was new for John. But I loved it."

They spent that day while waiting for Kitten to return making love. It was late afternoon when she showed up looking winded. She looked at John and then at Honey. "I don't understand," she walked over and rested her hand on his forehead, "You should have changed by now."

John looked up at Kitten, "Another mutation?"

Kitten shook her head, "I don't know. Perhaps or perhaps Honey is not infected. The only way to tell is for someone else to infect you." She looked at Honey and rested her head on the ground. "Sister, may I make love to your mate?" she thought.

Honey looked at Kitten and then John, "My sister has offered to infect you for me."


"How else silly John," Honey replied. She looked at Kitten and then moved off to one side. "Please help Honey's mate become, Kitten," she said aloud.

Kitten lifted her head and looked at John. "No throwing me allowed," she said with a smile. She advanced on him and looked at his cock hungrily. Even though it was semi hard she knew she could fix that problem.

Honey watched Kitten with interest. Over the next hour she learned many new things about how to make love and hungrily wished it was her making love to her mate. Another long month before she could have his child she bemoaned to herself. When Kitten rolled off him spent her poor mate was sleeping.

Kitten looked at Honey, "Now we wait sister."

Honey nodded and moved to join the pair. She smiled at Kitten and purred, "Honey would like to try what Kitten did with mate."

By the time they finished playing, they knew the answer. In a tender voice Kitten said, "The no one including the Goddess must know about John. Not until the time of the gathering." She kissed Honey one last time and looked down at him. Caressing his face, she bent down and kissed his cheek, "Welcome to the sisterhood John." From the looks of things, she would be quite beautiful once she had fully changed. She especially liked how John's coloring was muted, almost as dark as a black panther. Looking at Honey she added, "No one must see that her coloring is different."

Cuddling with John, Honey wrapped the bear rug pelt around them both. She thought out to her sisters and the Goddess, "Please let no sister be close to us. My mate has found the answers to his questions and needs peace and quiet away from the sisters."

In return Kitty replied, "Leave the chosen one and her mate alone. Anyone within one mile of them will suffer my wrath." She added to Honey, "I'm sorry he had to learn the truth of his race from Kitten. Was she able to help his last question?"

Honey replied in her mind, "Yes Goddess. He is at peace now mostly." She added a moment later, "We will be at the gathering but I cannot tell what his mind will be like when he next meets you. He may well try to kill you Goddess."

Kitty replied, "Do not worry Honey, what will be will be."

Honey broke contact and held on to John as she thought. Kitten and John had been right; the Goddess was setting him up to kill her. In a soft voice she said, "Oh my love what will we do?" she giggled softly," I mean, Oh Honey's love, what will happen?"

In a quiet voice she heard his reply, "You can say my love Honey girl."

She looked sharply at John and saw her mate's eyes open and looking at her. Even her eyes were different, instead of the golden eyes like all the other sisters, John's eyes were a deep green. She rested her fingers on John's lips. "Do not speak in mind, do not think..." she put her mouth to his ear and whispered, "The trees have eyes and someone must not know about you yet."

John looked at her and nodded silently. His sense of smell was incredible as was his sight; even wrapped up in a bear fur with Honey he could see her as plain as day. "It worked?"

Honey nodded and kissed her mate tenderly. "Yes, now you are a proper sister and mate for me." She tilted her head and added softly, "Once the other sisters are gone, I will have to teach you to block your mind out from other's senses." She rested her head on John's chest and added softly, "I did not believe you when you thought the Goddess wanted you to kill her." She repeated her talk with the Goddess and then looked at John. "She will force you to kill her beloved."

"Do not worry Honey girl, I have the beginnings of a plan."

Over the next week Honey taught John how to function as a cat woman. He really took to ability of moving silently and through the trees. She also tried to teach him now to talk with his mind and listen in without being known. Finally, it was Kitten who came to the rescue mentally and she taught John how to talk and hide his mind. In the process she and John came to admire Kitten and her keen whit and devotion.

They were up in a tree one day when Honey said, "Oh look a deer!" Bu the time John looked it had started bounding away. She pouted and said, "It's too far to catch now."

Unslinging his rifle John kept his eyes on the deer almost a mile away. Raising it he sighted through the scope and thought, "Hope I don't fall." He tracked it for a moment longer and then pulled the trigger once it stopped. The deer, near a mile and half away, call it just under three thousand yards dropped.

Hearing Honey's joy as she jumped down and raced towards the deer John lowered the rifle and looked at it. Instead of knocking him back, it seemed to have hardly any recoil. He looked at Honey racing towards the deer and then the rifle and smiled. He had his answer, now all he needed was a little help.

That night as they feasted on fresh meat he outlined his plan to her. While Honey seemed doubtful it would do any good, she agreed to help him. Her reply when it came as a thought was, "You are my mate John. Better or worse I will always stand beside you."

Still talking in his mind he replied, "And I you, sweet Honey girl." He paused and then added, "Do you think Kitten will help though? We need her for this too work."

"Ask her..."

John had never started a talk with someone else other than Honey. Focusing his mind on Kitten he thought, "Kitten, can you talk?" He blushed under his fur thinking Kitten might be making love to someone.

A moment later she replied, "For you John I always will make time. Remember, you are my daughter." He felt her mental laughter.

Honey who had been listening in smiled as John replied, "Does that mean I get to call you mommy?"

"Oh please..." she laughed back.

"I have a plan but it is risky and we will need your help," John replied his mind serious.

Kitten's mind became focused and sharp as she said, "What is the plan?"

Outlining it took only a few moments to convey. When he had finished, Honey added, "I said I don't think it would work Kitten." There was a long pause and the pair looked at each other worriedly.

Finally, after almost five minutes Kitten replied, "I think it will work. But I will need some help on this side. Again the pause and she said, "I will get back to you two. Meanwhile keep your heads down as a sister reported John's riffle shot and wanted to investigate already. The Goddess said no and that you two were most likely hunting for food."

Once they were alone, Honey started a fire. She looked at John and said softly, "We need to keep up appearances." John nodded and quickly cut a sapling and made a stick so he could cook some of the meat.

As he cooked a small piece he kept gagging at the smell of it. Finally, he could not stand it anymore and was going to throw the meat away. A sharp look from Honey was all it took for him to stop and put it into his mouth. Eating it he thought, "How did you ever put up with me cooking meat?"

Honey bent forward and caressed his cheek, "Because Honey love her John and do anything for him." She giggled and added, "It's not that bad if you breathe through your mouth like your panting." As he swallowed and started to throw the stick away she shook her head, "You would have more than one piece."

Groaning John burnt another piece of meat and to his relief Honey took and choked it down. Then he did a third and ate it. "No more please..."

"I agree," Honey replied feeling queasy herself.

The next morning as they were getting up Honey heard the Goddess, "Honey, would it be possible for Candy to come visit you and John? It seems she wants to see his rifle and talk about the military."

Honey looked at John and passed on the message. He started to shake his head when he heard Kitten say to him, "Say yes."

"Candy was the SEAL right?" He said out loud. Honey relayed the message and then nodded. "Pass this on word for word to both please," he said. "Sure, it would be great to teach a squid about how real warriors fight."

Honey, her eyes still wide repeated the message to the Goddess and the one named Candy. A moment later she and John both heard Kitten's laughter.

John said softly, "How far away are we now?"

"We could be there in four or five hours if we wanted to love why?" Honey replied.

"I think we should see if we can catch Candy off guard. After that jab I will bet she will try to do the same to us. Which way is the Goddess?" Honey pointed towards the north east. "Okay, what we need to do is find a couple good places to stake out our guest's possible routes and create a nice smoky fire for her to home in on."

"She will use her sense of smell to home in on us so hiding will not work."

John thought for a moment and then giggled. The sense of smell works both ways. Over the next couple hours, they set up their trap. Finally, when it was about an hour before Candy was scheduled to show, John took the raw deer hide and rubbed his fir with it until Honey could not smell anything other than deer. He had her do the same and then they put several pieces of meat into the fire to burn. Finally, John dropped his pack and set the rifle against the tree.

Looking at Honey he thought, "If you see anyone, don't do anything. Just let me know where and sit back to watch the fun."

Honey nodded and giggled, "Honey love hide and go seek." Quickly she ran off to a tree and climbed it.

John looked around once more and then smiled before going to another tree. He moved silently until he was about three miles out near what he judged to be the primary path the SEAL would take. He didn't have to wait long; about fifty feet away he caught a movement in a nearby tree. Had he not been in position and waiting he would have never noticed the SEAL as she moved by.

John was about to move forward and follow Candy when he caught sight of a second cat woman trailing the first by about twenty-five yards. He called out to Honey, "Two coming!"

For a moment he felt Honey's panic and then she calmed down, "Beth is the second one. Kitten says if you can capture her it will shake Candy's confidence."

John rolled his eye, that's all he needed. Not only track a squid in but capture his mate in the process. He made his way to behind Beth and slowly followed her. While her wood craft was good her awareness of her six sucked. He was only two or three feet behind her when she suddenly turned. Lunging he grabbed her and thought "Beth, you captured, please do not think or cry out."

Beth fumed looking at the strange cat woman. Even though Kitten told them John had been turned she was still thinking of him as human. Finally, she nodded.

"Thank you," John thought as her released her. "Please go to Honey quietly and don't reply to anyone." He smiled and set off towards Candy.

Beth looked after John as he stalked Candy. Perhaps the hair brained idea Kitten had told them about the night before would work. If anyone could pull it off it was the dark cat woman stalking her mate? She thought to Honey, "Where are you, that mate of yours captured me."

Honey giggled, she knew he could do it, he could do anything. She looked around and then spotted an old oak tree off to one side. "Go north and then towards camp. When you see an old oak go to it and wait."

John paralleled Candy slightly behind and off to her right. He knew the moment the other cat woman realized something was wrong. Suddenly she stopped and turned around. After a moment she rushed back through the trees finally stopping about fifty yards behind him.

Letting out a roar of rage Candy's mind screamed "Where is she!"

Honey's mind replied, "She is with me Candy. John captured her."

"I am okay Candy," John heard Beth reply.

John thought to Candy, "And I have you in my sights right now. Holding on to the trunk to steady yourself..." he mentally laughed, "If I wanted to I could drop a dime on you this second." He watched as Candy back flipped off the branch and dropped lower before crouching down and looking around slowly.

"So it is a game of cat and mouse you want," Candy thought angrily.

"I always thought squids were special." John thought to Candy. "Let me show you how a real warrior works. How about this? You try to free Beth and I try to stop you..."

Candy was mad. Not only had she let Beth come along but let this army punk capture her. She was about to agree when she stopped. Slowly she looked around; John had to be somewhere close." Not seeing him she said out loud, "You're close aren't you." Shit that bastard was smart she thought. She had hoped he would rise to the bait and give himself away. She thought for a moment and then dropped to the ground. If he was close, then John would have to run to catch up she thought as she sprinted as hard to the next tree.

John watched as Candy ran forward and stopped behind her. He was amazed at the breath control and silence of the SEAL as she sat motionless. Not daring to move he watched as Candy slowly turned her head to look around. For a moment he thought he was caught but the other cat woman's eyes swiveled past him. Left or right, he wondered. He knew Beth, if she was with Honey was to their right. But what would the SEAL do. She was mad but mad enough to forget her training?

Candy was still furious with herself. As she slowly looked around she thought she saw John motionless trying to hide behind a tree behind her. Got ya, she thought with a smile. Slowly spinning back around as if still searching she instead looked for a place to ambush him. Yes, that tree ahead of her, she could go to it and then on the back side climb up a level and wait for him to pass.