Roberta Gives to the Bottle Drive

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The Eagle Scout collecting was scared but returned.
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Still damp from the shower, Roberta Batting paused in front of the dresser mirror after shedding her bathrobe and looked at her reflection, checking herself out from the side and sucking in her slightly thick waist while making a face.

"Not bad for a 55 year old broad," she muttered to herself as she brought her hands up and cupped her pendulous breasts which sagged a little more each day it seemed, possibly because they also seemed to keep getting bigger.

Her fat nipples swelled in her palms almost immediately, which didn't surprise the divorcee since lately she seemed to be feeling horny all the time. Maybe it was a product of her going through the change of life, but it had her going to her toy collection almost nightly and if the doorbell hadn't rung she was about to fish a dildo out of the night table and get herself off before getting dressed.

Roberta threw on her damp robe and went to peek out at who it was, and as soon as she saw the skinny geek in the tan Eagle Scout Uniform loaded with badges she remembered that she had signed up at the store to donate deposit bottles and cans, since it beat dragging them back herself.

"I know who you are," Roberta said of the kid that lived down the street, and as she checked out the nerdy looking boy before opening the door she said softly, "Why couldn't they send somebody I could screw?"

"Hello. I'm sorry. Am I too early?" the kid apologized when she saw the lady in the bathrobe.

"No, you're fine. I slept late," Roberta replied as she stepped aside to let him in, and when she saw the half full rolling cart the lad was using to lug the empties she said, "I don't think you're going to fit all I have for you in there."

"I can come back for what I can't take, because I live right down the street."

"I thought so. You one of the Avery kids?" Roberta asked as she recalled the large family she barely knew.

"Yes ma'ma. I'm Duncan Avery, the baby of the family," the nearly 6' boy said as he grinned sheepishly.

"Little old for boy scouts though, aren't you?" Roberta asked as she led him through her house to the back room where all the empties were stacked.

"I'm an Eagle Scout. 18 years of age," Duncan replied and added, "I'm in college come fall."

"Well, Duncan here you go," Roberta said as she waved at the hundreds of empties, most stacked but some having fallen over.

"Now you can see why I slept late." Roberta said of the dozen drained cases of Labatt Blue Light along with countless seltzer bottles. "After my husband traded me in for a new model I picked up a new hobby. You drink Duncan?"

"No ma'am. You have to be 21 to drink," he replied seriously.

"I know that but hell, I was 18 once myself so..." Roberta started to say but she stopped when she saw that the boy who had started to pile up the cans was staring at her and not at her face either.

The top of the middle aged woman's robe was closed by her hand but the bottom was loose and the way she was standing with one foot on the step made the bottom area part, letting the kid see that the reddish-brown curtains didn't match the dark brown carpet.

"Uh - sorry," Duncan mumbled as he went back to stacking, his face beet red and his hands fumbling.

"No you aren't," Roberta commented while making no effort to pull the robe closed. "I used to see you walking up and down the street hand in hand with that skinny blonde that works at the deli, didn't I?"

"Uh yes ma'am," was his reply as the lad tried not to look. "Brenna."

"Getting married?" Roberta kidded.

"Uh, no ma'am. We uh - aren't together anymore," Duncan explained.

"Been there, doing that," Roberta told the nervous teen, enjoying him trying so hard not to look, and even if he was a goofy kid it was still fun to be looked at.

"That Brenna girl? She had one of these didn't she?" Roberta asked as she made sure the robe was open for him to see her entire delta.

"Um - yes ma'am," the visibly shaking boy answered, his lower lips quivering as he stared at what the lady wanted him to look at.

"Figured so, but the way you were looking at my pussy made me think you never saw one before," Roberta suggested. "What's the matter? Didn't Brenna have any hair down there?"

"Not THAT much," Duncan said after swallowing hard and then after thinking about what he had said added, "Oh. Uh. Sorry."

"Don't be. After all I am really hairy down there. Blame my Greek mother," Roberta chuckled. "Not a fan of hair Duncan?"

"No, I mean yes. I mean, we're all as God made us," Duncan responded.

"Hallelujah," Roberta said sarcastically, regretting that on the horniest day of her life she ends up with a goody two-shoes holy roller staring at her snatch. "I think I'm distracting you."

"No, you're okay," Duncan said as he grabbed all he could carry and started moving towards the front door.

Roberta was a step ahead of the boy and held the door open for him, noticing that the lad was trying to look down the front of her robe as he went past her, and after he filled his wagon he wiped his brow.

"I'll have to come back," Duncan told Roberta.

"I'll be here. Maybe I'll be dressed by then," she joked.

"No. I mean it doesn't matter. I won't bother you," he mumbled and he started to pull on the handle of the wagon.

"That's what I was afraid of," the divorcee said after the kid left.


Roberta was going to get dressed, and perhaps going out to do some shopping, but her playful interplay with the kid down the street had gotten her a little frisky, so after she had shed her bathrobe and was prepared to put some clothes on she stopped and looked at her reflection in the dresser mirror again.

"Who wouldn't want a piece of this? she snickered aloud before rummaging through the undies drawer for something to wear. "Well, obviously not Duncan Avery, because I have a hunch he'll never come around here again."

Just then a knock of the screen door and a timid, "Hello? Mrs. Batting? I'm back!" had Roberta scrambling to put the robe on again, debating briefly whether to just go out there and greet him as she was.

"So you are," Roberta responded as she went out to greet the scout, and if he was disappointed that the divorcee hadn't gotten dressed his goofy grin didn't let on.

"I - uh - emptied my cart," Duncan mumbled as he seemed to be trying to mentally undo the knot that held the robe somewhat closed.

"So I see. Well, have at it," Roberta encouraged as she stepped aside so the scout and his cart could get back to the room at the rear of her humble home, and as he started to pick up the cans his eyes were fixed on the donor who was clearly amused and flattered by the diversion of her usual mundane day. "Would you like me to help?"

"No - I - uh - think I can handle it," Duncan said as he looked at Mrs. Batting's legs below the hem of the robe, a bit stocky but still shapely. "I'll be out of your way soon."

"If you weren't here honey all I'd be doing would be staring at the TV so take your time," the divorcee admitted before candidly adding, "Of course, after your earlier visit I'm so horny that I'd probably be getting myself off, but that's not something you would know anything about. Probably more information than you needed, hey Duncan?"

"No, I understand Mrs. Batting," Duncan mumbled into his shirt before stammering a bit and adding, "matter of fact when I got home..."

"Well?" Roberta asked when the lad hesitated. "When you got home what? Were you afraid to come back? That's what I was afraid of."

"No. Omigod no. I was coming back for sure," Duncan blurted out.

"Then what honey? Look at you. Your face is beet red and you're sweating like a pig," Roberta noted as she took a step towards her neighbor and brushed some stray dirty blonde hair from his face. "You can tell me."

"Well when I got home," the boy began, his speech first halting and rushed. "My - you know - my dick? It was so hard and it was dripping so it was stuck to my underwear so before I came back I - you know?"

"No honey. Tell me. Don't leave me hanging," she grinned.

"I - you know - pleasured myself."

"Pleasured yourself?" Roberta replied while trying not to laugh.

"Jerked off. I locked myself in the bathroom and closed my eyes while thinking about you," Duncan almost sobbed. "Didn't take long either. Made a wicked mess. Can't believe I'm telling you all this."

"Why honey? I think it's sweet, and you telling me that I got you excited? I haven't heard anything that great in what seems like forever," Roberta confessed, and after she slipped the knot open and let the robe fall off her shoulders and onto the floor she smiled. "After all, I'm more than twice your age. I'm probably older than your mother."

"You don't look it," Duncan sighed as his eyes went up the middle aged woman's body and nodded at the furry delta. "What I said before, about you having a lot of hair down there? That wasn't nice. I mean, my Mom, she has a lot of hair down there too."

"Now how would you know something like that?" Roberta cooed as she reached down and let her fingers slide into the jungle. "You peek at her?"


"She lets you?"

"Omigod no. If she caught me she'd kill me," Duncan admitted as he seemed to be on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Then I guess it's safe to say that she never let you touch her bush," Roberta correctly assumed while reaching over and taking the lad's wrist to bring it between her thighs. "There. What do you think?"

"Soft,'" the teen sighed as he let his fingers rake though the thicket without prompting. "Really thick and soft."

"Anything else honey?" Roberta asked as she leaned into his touch. "There are no wrong answers here you know.

"Feels kinda - wet?" he suggested.

"That's your fault honey. You're making me so horny. Do you smell something?" she asked, and after getting a nod in response she asked, "Smell like flowers?"

"No ma'am".

"It sure doesn't Duncan. That's the smell of a woman in heat and the fact is that my pussy is dripping all over your hand. You ever get your Brenna worked up like this?"

"Sort of but not, you know?"

"Maybe that's because for years I had a man who would screw me everyday and twice on Sundays - the times he wasn't screwing somebody else," Roberta caustically noted. "When you get used to it and it goes away, it makes you a little crazy, or it has me. You a virgin?"

"No ma'am."

"You and Brenna do it a lot?"

"Yeah, but I'm probably no good at it," he sheepishly admitted.

""Why don't you let me be the judge of that?" Roberta suggested, and when the lad did nothing but rub her pubic hair she said, "the way I see it Baby, one of two things is going to happen. Either you are going to run out the door and go home, or you're going to stick a finger in my pussy before you take me down the hall to my bedroom."

"I'm not running anywhere," Duncan said with as much bravado as he could muster, and after Roberta felt the finger slip into her she smiled and leaned towards him and hissed in his ear.

"Last door on the left."


The usually low-key Roberta Batting didn't mean to grab her young guest and push him into the bedroom wall with enough force to knock a picture off, and when she saw the look on Duncan's face she forced herself to get a grip on her emotions as she pulled his shirt up from under his pants.

"Sorry, it's just that you're so cute and I need it so bad," she tried to explain as she pulled his shirt up and over the startled lad's head, and as she ran her hands over the teen's pale and smooth chest she gave what she hoped was a comforting smile.

"Anything you wanted your Brenna to give you, or anything you wanted to do to her but didn't have the nerve? Don't ask, just do it," she insisted as she smothered Duncan's neck and shoulders with kisses. "Okay?"

"Yes Mrs. Batting."

"You've got such a lovely body Babe," Roberta gushed as she tweaked the tiny nipples. "Your skin is so soft - no tattoos thank heavens - and no hair either."

"Oh wait," she corrected after lifting Dustin's arm, and after the older woman pinned his wrist over his head against the wall to look at the blonde wisp of fine hairs that sprouted from the otherwise pale hollow she nibbled and kissed up and down his armpit. "Got a little fur there, don't you? You smell so nice and taste even better."

"Like that huh Duncan?" Roberta giggled when he squirmed under her grip and he wiggled some more when she repeated the affection under his other arm. "That's it Babe. Loosen up. This is supposed to be fun."

"It is," Duncan managed to say as the lady brought his hands onto her breasts and encouraged him to squeeze them.

"Now while you play with my breasts let's see what we have here," Roberta mused aloud as she undid Duncan's belt, and after the khakis dropped the divorcee reached under the elastic of the lad's boxers and fished around until she found what she was looking for. "There it is - ooh!"

"A cute fella like you - you didn't tell me you had a big cock," Roberta playfully admonished as the boxers dropped long with her, and on her knees she stroked the nearly erect dick. "Look at you."

What she was holding wasn't large - not much more than average in length - and the circumcised organ was rather slender, but she saw how he beamed when she praised its size. That may have made some of Duncan's nervousness fade but judging by the way the pre-cum was flowing out of the puckered tip it was clear the guy was ready to erupt.

"You're going to cum any minute, aren't you honey?" the middle aged woman asked with a wicked grin. "I thought you said you just jacked off before?"

" I did. Sorry," Duncan whimpered as he squirmed from side to side. "I can't help it but I get hard-ons all the time."

"It's okay. We have all day don't we?" Roberta asked just before her mouth went to the conical glans, and by the time her lips reached the base of his tool his cock was already jerking wildly, spurting volleys of semen into Roberta's waiting mouth. Roberta held onto the scout's bony butt and sucked the slender tube dry, and after he went limp she got back to her feet and wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

"You said you have no problem getting hard right?" she asked the dazed teen, and after Duncan nodded Roberta fell back onto the bed and spread her legs wide. "You like to eat..."

Roberta hadn't even finished the sentence before the skinny nerd scrambled onto the bed and buried his face in the furry grotto, licking and slurping loudly like he had been there before, and while his oral skills were crude he was as eager as they come. Roberta reached down and took his skull in her hands to direct him to where she wanted his tongue to go.

"Oh yeah, that's it Duncan!" she crowed when he found the target, and that made the eager tongue go faster as the scout's feral noises filled the room along with the crazy creaking sounds of the bed frame.

"Mrs. Batting!!! OMIGOD! I'm gonna cum!" the teen screamed but the divorcee hardly heard him because she was cumming herself, leaving fingernail marks on the lad's back that might be tough for him to explain to Mom or the scout leader.


"Won't your mother wonder where you are, honey?" Roberta kindly asked a couple hours later when Duncan's latest erection began to poke her on the hip.

"You want me to go, huh?" he asked sheepishly. "I know my mother always tell me I overstay my welcome.."

"It's not that babe," Roberta quickly replied. "It's just that you've done me three times - four counting the load I swallowed - and I'm not used to so much affection."

"Especially with a fella so well endowed," she added as she looked down at the pale prong that was ready to go once again, and the fact was that she was sore..

"I didn't mean to hurt you ma'am," he apologized but she shook her head and hugged him.

"Been a while since I felt this good," Roberta whispered in his ear in between nibbles, and then she said, "Say, did Brenna ever let you stick it in her ass?"

"Gee no."

"Something you're interested in?" she offered.

"Never did it before," he warned her.

"It's okay. You're a fast learner," Roberta assured the scout as she reached into the night stand for an aged tube of lube, and after handing it to the lad she got on all fours and presented her posterior for him. Now just put some lubricant on your finger and slide it in a couple of times, and then take it out and put your cock in."

Duncan fumbled with the tube while following her instructions, and as Roberta parted her cheeks wide she heard the scout giggle nervously.

"Laughing at my big butt?" she asked.

"No ma'am!" Duncan quickly replied and then explained. "I never saw one before. Looks kinds neat. It has hair around it"


"No, I like it," he responded as he squirmed up behind the divorcee, and after only a little fumbling pressed the tip of his dick into the knot and leaned forward. "Oh man, that's tight! Am I hurting you?"

Roberta grunted in the negative as the lad began to thrust, but all too quickly for the scout he came, sending even more of his seed into Roberta, warming her bowels. Seconds later his limp dick wiggled out and he collapsed onto his back.

"I can do that better next time," he pledged but Roberta just laughed and told him he did fine.

"I think you better take a shower before you go home though,' she suggested, and he agreed.

After getting the shower going Roberta let Duncan clean up, and when she came in with fresh towels the lad had just opened the curtain. When he saw Roberta in the room he reflexively covered his privates, something she thought was amusing.

"I think I've seen everything you've got by now," she told him,.

"Sorry. Force of habit. For a minute I thought you were my..."

"Mom?" Roberta said in finishing his statement, and he shrugged while stepping out onto the rug. "Well, let Mom dry you then."

So Roberta sat on the closed toilet lid and dried her young lover off, from the to of his head to between his toes, and as she worked up to her crotch she busted out laughing when she saw his dick pointing at her nearly erect again.

"Are you serious?" Roberta asked as she flicked the dick to make it bob up and down like a diving board.

"I think there's something wrong with me," Duncan suggested.

"Trust me, no woman is ever going to complain about that. When I was young I was with a few guys who said they could go all night but were full of it, and now in my fifties I finally find a guy who actually can," she noted, and after looking at the now arching prong she found herself leaning forward and commenting, "Can't let you leave like this."

Down went Roberta's full lips until her nose was in his little patch of pubes before pulling back. It took a few minutes for Roberta to get him to cum, and when he did the load was a fraction of what she had swallowed before, but he seemed to enjoy it.

"Can I come back Mrs. Batting?" Duncan asked before he left.

"You should find a girl your age, you know?"

"Not too many around here," he lamented.

"Well, if you want to you can pay me a visit again before you head off to college," Roberta offered, and that made him smile.

"Give me a chance to recover," she mumbled to herself as Duncan pulled his cart of cans noisily down the road, and she knew that if he came knocking again, she would answer the door for sure.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A fun and believable story! Loved it!

fras22fras22almost 3 years ago

I liked the whole tale - realistic to another wishful 'elder,' only the other way around! Girl Guides collecting bottles - and hand and blow jobs too. Keep 'em coming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Good story. It made me hard and I'm 67 yrs. old. I lost my virginity at 14 years of age to a distant neighbor (never married) who was 36 years old. It was the best sex I've ever had! 5 stars here!!

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowover 4 years ago

It was good - I like it.

Duncan or Dustin?

Bearjer69Bearjer69over 4 years ago
Nice story

I really enjoyed your story, younger/older stories get me hard...

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