Sam Spade 14: Case of the Don Who Wasn't Pt. 01


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"When not following my direct commands, you will follow Angela's. It falls upon her to protect all here. You must help her protect your sisters. She speaks with my voice." I paused, "When away from here, you will not speak of this place and your new role here. If pressed, you will lie and failing that, bring the person here and mask them." Turning my attention to Angela, "You will decide if any new humans are worthy. If not, blank their minds and send them on their way."

"I want fifty thousand new dollars by morning." Looking down at Angela I said, "Go to my bedroom and wait." She stood and walked out of the room. "I don't care how but I need access to that amount of funds." Looking around I said, "When you have raised the money you may return to this room and pleasure each other. Your lust filled worship feeds me. I expect to be well fed by morning." Exiting I went to my bedroom to find Angela kneeling at the side of my bed.

"Goddess, please allow your slave to pleasure you," Angela said not looking up.

I looked at Angela in shock and the beginnings of worry. It was one thing to have a load of human slaves who would feed us with their lust. It was a whole different story to have my lover as a slave also. "Angela, you are not my slave. You are bound to me by our love and devotion to each other."

"Samantha, though freed and I feel I must tell you the truth at all times. You are my goddess and mistress." Angela said looking up at me. "Except when I lost my way, you have always been who I belonged to and worshiped. I will always protect you and this, your house. Never again will it fall." She lowered her head and sobbed once. Looking up I saw a black tear rolling down one cheek. "I loved Frankie too Samantha. I will always miss her giggles and warm heart."

I knelt with her and wiped her tear away. "She is here with us now. I can feel her inside me." I said tenderly. "Before I forget, Jasmine is coming in the morning to pick up the fifty K. That is the cost of dealing with the contaminated house." Pausing I added, "You can worship me as your mistress and goddess as long as you don't expect me to call you slave." I smiled and then added, "Unless that is what my angel wants."

"Call me what I am. Command me so that I may do as you wish." Angela said softly. "Please Samantha, just this once let me be as I wish to be for you."

"I always allow you to be as I please slave." Standing I looked down, "Slaves only desire what their mistress desires and don't you forget it." I paused and then commanded, "Stand." As she stood I wrapped my wings around her and said forcefully, "I am your goddess and mistress of your heart."

"You are my goddess and my mistress of my heart," Angela said looking into my eyes.

"When working or in public you will refer to me as Sam or Samantha. You will continue to keep me in check and teach me about my new form. In those times you are my partner and equal. Here, you will make sure at least some of my slaves are ready to repeal invaders at all times. I will not have another slave die without taking down the attacker." I began pumping lust into the space between my wings and Angela and said, "Make love to your goddess."

Our minds and bodies danced in a lust filled haze and I lost track of time. The next thing I remembered was Jasmine was standing at the foot of my bed and looking at me with wild eyed lust. I realized that other than Jasmine, I was alone in the bedroom. Still filled with lust of my own I launched myself out of the bed and ripped her clothing off her body. Her cock was standing at attention as I impaled myself on it without any foreplay. My eyes were locked on Jasmine as I fucked her until I orgasmed and lifted myself off her rock hard cock. Looking down at her I smiled, "Wait here."

Going out I found Angela waiting outside the door. "Feed from her," I commanded. She smiled and went in as I walked towards the play room. At the doorway I found the slaves in a mass orgy. Clapping my hands sharply I said, "The funds?"

Suddenly the slaves stopped and came to kneel before me. Sue Ann moved to the side and then handed me a slip of paper with her head down. "Mistress, the funds are in this account. Using the password below it can be transferred to any other account or cashed out."

Taking the paper, I looked at it and then down at her, "Thank you." I paused and looked around. "You may return to your play." Turning I walked out not bothering to feed. I was sated and did not need anymore. Returning to the bedroom I opened the door and watched as Angela ravished Jasmine. The difference is that when she got up off him after her orgasm, Jasmine was soft.

Jasmine opened her eyes and looked at Angela and I dazed. "I have your funds here Jasmine. Think of our lovemaking as a bonus." I smiled at Angela and then added, "Perhaps next time it will be a threesome."

"I think both of you at once will kill me. But what a way to go," Jasmine smiled. She sat up and looked at me, "Sam, you are not who you were." She slowly stood and looked at the rags that were her clothing, "I just wanted you to know that I saw it yesterday." She paused and looked at Angela, "You are also different Angela. You weighed light as a feather on me." Looking back at me she said, "You don't need to tell me what happened. But if you ever need me to talk to or make love to, just let me know." She took the paper from my fingers and with a shake of her head over the torn clothing, walked, nude out of the bedroom.

Once we were alone I looked at Angela, "Angel, she is a smart man. How long before she figures it out fully?" I wasn't worried about Jasmine spilling the beans so to speak. But I wanted Angela's feelings on it.

"I would bet she knows already mistress." Angela paused, "When we orgasm, for an instant we lose focus and our true form comes out." She looked towards the door, "Yes she saw my true form. Her light as a feather was her way of saying so. Did you get mad or sexual excited yesterday talking to him?"

I thought back and mentally kicked myself. "Mad... I lost control and showed her my anger." Picking up his clothing I tossed it outside the bedroom door and went to sit down on the bed. Looking at her I said, "What do I do about Don Bruce?"

"Nothing mistress. Frankie lives in you." Angela said sitting down at my feet. She looked up and added, "Wait until you are used to your new form and role before speaking with him." She dropped her eyes, "At least that is what your slave would do in your place."

"Very well. Let's go to work," I said standing and looking down at her. "See if you can dig out a receptionist from my slaves, set up protection here, and meet me at work."

About an hour later, while sitting behind my desk the door to my office opened and a long blond haired woman came in. Without a word she came to the side of the desk, stripped slowly and knelt with her head lowered. "Your angel of death sent me with a message."

"What is the message?" I replied having recognized her as one of the newly captured girls.

"Your temple is secure. However your angel will be delayed in joining your side."

"Thank you. You may crawl under my desk and pleasure me while I work. When I orgasm, you will also orgasm." I said turning so that she could get under the desk. No sooner had she gotten started going good, that Sam and a couple more officers burst in. "The door was unlocked Sam," I said looking at the broken latch.

"Samantha Spade. You're under arrest for the murders of Antonio Stevenson, Mistress Suzi aka Suzi James, Bonny Johnson, and forty other women, names to be determined." Sam looked sad as he listened to the man beside him read off the charges.

When the man finished Sam said, "Sam, I need you to come with us. Will you come willingly?"

"Yes," I replied. "Wait outside please. I will be long in a moment."

"Do you expect..." The first man said when Sam stopped him.

"Ok Sam but make it fast. Oh and I need your pistol." Sam said. He gestured towards the empty shoulder holster hanging on the hat stand.

"Top left desk drawer," I said. Sam walked to my desk and opened the drawer. Pulling out the pistol he caught sight of the nude girl kneeling under the desk and other then a small smile he said nothing. He stood fully with the pistol and looked at me, "Five minutes Sam."

He got the others to go outside and closed the door. I looked down and said, "Find and tell Angela what happened. Then go to the house next door towards the east. Outside you will see at least one man who looks rough. Go up to him and give this message. Tell Don Bruce that his god daughter Samantha is in jail and needs his help. If you are escorted inside and meet an elderly man or woman, tell them what happened here." I paused and pulled her to her feet, "I am counting on you."

"I will not fail you Mistress Samantha," she replied dropping her eyes.

"Wait ten minutes until the coast is clear before carrying out your duties." I commanded. Turning I walked out the door and closing it behind me. I held out my hands with wrists together and said, "I am ready."

Sam walked behind me and pulled first one hand and then the other behind my back and cuffing them together. He quickly frisked me and then read me my rights. As we walked out he added, "I'm sorry Sam, I will see that you get a good lawyer."

"Thank you Sam," I said getting in the back seat. Frankly I was not worried, my guess was that all the others unnamed were the slaves in my house and Angela killed Antonio. We rode in silence and I was booked in. Instead of being questioned I was placed in a cell alone. After about half an hour a guard came forward and took me out front where a slimy lawyer stood waiting.

"Miss Spade, I am your lawyer. Do not say a word." He turned towards the officers and smiled, "If there is nothing else, my client and I will be going."

Ignoring the lawyer, the officer at the desk said, "Miss Spade, you are being released on one million new dollars' bond. You are not to leave the city. Do you understand?"

"Where is my forty five?" I replied.

"It is being held for testing." The officer said.

"Antonio was killed with a shotgun blast," my lawyer said resting a hand on my arm. "Produce the pistol or prove it was used in the charged crimes."

"It will take some time to retrieve it from the lab," the officer said.

"Like hell, the lab is in the basement," I said hotly.

"I will move of dismissal of charges based on your fishing expedition." The lawyer said. He turned to me and added, "Come along Miss Spade."

I would have fought him but I caught sight of Angela waiting by the door. I snarled under my breath and walked out with the lawyer following. I hugged Angela and continued out. There was a large black car waiting. As I walked down the steps a man opened a door and stood beside it. Looking at Angela who nodded I got in. I was followed by both her and the lawyer. Once the car door closed the lawyer looked at me and said, "I have looked at the charges and after talking with your associate, feel I can get all the charges dropped so don't worry on that account. I will start the paperwork as soon as I am back at the office."

A few minutes later the car stopped and the lawyer got out. Once we were alone Angela said, "All is secure and the house is safe."

Leaning forward I said to the driver, "Go to Twenty Seventh and Main." He ignored me and I felt myself getting irritated. Angela stopped me with a touch.

She leaned forward, "You will stop at Twenty Seventh and Main and wait. Miss Spade and I have to see someone."

The driver repeated her commands and a second later agreed again. She sat back with a smile. As I leaned back she said, "He is covered love, I'm sure of that."

"I need to let him know and find out who did the job and talked." I said coldly. "I know I can get off, all I need to do is show the warm bodies to the cops. However the man who told stories out of class needs to be dealt with." I leaned forward and said, "A word of this to anyone and I will rip your heart out and eat it."

"She will too..." Angela said coldly.

"Da boss will want to know what you said Miss Spade. What do I tell him?"

"Tell him to ask me and my threat. Don Bruce will drop the issue." I replied. I thought for a moment, "Better yet, when I finish my task, you can take us to his house and I will tell him myself before he asks you."

"Ok Miss Spade." The driver said. He paused and then added, "Da cops are following us in an unmarked car. Want me to lose them?"

I sighed, "No take me home instead. Then go to Don Bruce and tell him I am coming over the fence. I would rather not be shot when I do." Leaning back I said, "Angela, you will have to go to see him. Please don't hurt Jimmy. You know what he did to save us in the past."

"I remember Samantha, I will be gentle." Angela said.

We rode the rest of the way in silence. At the house I got out and went inside pretending to ignore the moving van parked almost across the street. Going inside I walked through the house with Angela. At the back door I hugged her and said softly, "Be careful." She smiled in reply and I went out the back door. Going to the side I looked at the eight foot wall and jumped. I sailed over it easily and landed on the other side. Looking around I walked towards the back door and sat down by the pool and waited. It took less than a minute for a few men armed for bear to charge up to me. "Tell my godfather I am out back."

"It's okay, I am expecting Samantha." A woman's voice said. I looked back towards the house and saw Sue standing at the door. "Would you come in Samantha?"

"Is there a place we can talk Sue?" I replied.

She looked at me funny and then smiled. "Of course." She gestured and I followed her into the kitchen. She led me through the house and to what must be the master bedroom. Closing the door behind her she said, "No one will disturb us here Samantha."

I walked over to the bed and sat down. "Thank you for the lawyer and getting me out."

Coming over she sat next to me and took my hand in hers, "It is the lest we could do dear. Now tell me what happened." I opened my mouth but she added before I could speak, "All of it dear."

I told her everything except Frankie's death and the part of me becoming the slaves' goddess and my new form. When I wound down she sat silently for a few minutes. I added the task I sent Angela on and that one of the people who burned the house down must have talked. Again she was silent and I could see the wheels turning in her head.

"So the only death that happened was Antonio." She finally said. Sue looked at me as she added, "Right?"

How could I lie to her? I stood and walked away. "No..." I said softly looking down. "There was one other. Someone who loved me without measure and when Mistress Suzi came to take my family tried to stop her."

Sue came up and rested her hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry Samantha. I know how much you loved all the girls living with you." She paused a long moment and then added, "It was Frankie wasn't it." When I didn't reply the hand left me and she broke down crying. I turned to face her and saw she was holding her face in her hands as she cried.

Changing form so I looked like Frankie I rushed to her and said in her voice, "Don't cry momma."

Sue looked up surprised and hugged me tightly. "Oh baby I thought you died." She looked around confused and then back at me, "I don't understand Frankie... Where did Samantha go?"

"She is here," I touched my chest. "Angela saved me, saved us both." I said slowly trying to find the right words. "Calm your mind and heart," I said in a commanding voice as I stepped up to her. I felt my wings spread and surround us both as I pulled her into a hug. As I ran one hand up and down her back I said in a tender voice, "Samantha and Frankie are one and the same now. She died protecting her sisters and Samantha was dying." Okay the second part was a white lie but I was dying of a broken heart at the time. "My angel made us one. Frankie's body and Samantha's mind." Returning to a commanding voice I said, "We are one and the same momma."

In the semi darkness Sue repeated my words. Her eyes cleared and she smiled slightly as my wings released us both. Going over to the bed she sat down and said, "Frankie... Samantha... I understand now." She looked up at me and added, "We can never tell your father baby. His heart couldn't take it. I don't know which would hurt him worse. Losing his blood daughter or the woman he came to see as his daughter."

Going over I sat beside her, "How about you momma, how are you handling it?" She looked at me and I realized I was back in Samantha's form.

"I'm glad one daughter's death saved the other daughter." She paused and rested a hand on my knee. "Like your father I see you as my other daughter."

Throwing my arms around her I cried, "Oh mommy it was terrible." The damn broke and I let out my hurt from the night before as I cried on her shoulder. By the time I wound down, Sue was holding and stroking my back and speaking softly, soothing my troubled mind.

When I finally looked up, my face inches away from hers, she kissed me like a mother would a child who has just skinned her knee. In a soft voice and yet hard voice, "Who killed her? Who killed your sister."

"I dealt with her momma. I did that as soon as I found out who last night." I replied. I couldn't face her as I added, "No I didn't kill her. She was just following orders and she had never taken or seen a life taken before. The memory is enough punishment for her."

"I want her Samantha..."

"No momma, she belongs to me now. You can't have her." I replied simply.

"Samantha, give her to me. I must have my revenge," Sue said in her best top sergeant voice.

"Again no momma, I will not give up one of mine to anyone. When Frankie wanted to stay I stood up to you and Lenny. I say the same thing now; If you want her then you will have to go through me." I could have made it a command but I couldn't bring myself to do that.

"Very well Samantha," Sue said softly. "You remind me of me at your age when I stood up to my father and married Lenny. No matter how he threatened I was going to do what I wanted." She smiled slightly and patted my leg. "Okay you win dear. Now about the other thing, Laurence may be unsavory but he is a very good lawyer. You can trust him to get you off." She paused and looked away, "If not he won't live long enough to regret it. No one locks up my baby girl, either of them." She stood and holding my hand led me down the stairs and to see Don Bruce.

At the sight of us, he stood and rushed over, "Sue, Samantha... what's wrong?"

"Nothing Don Bruce," I replied.

"Like hell, both your eyes are red and puffy. Now sit down and tell me what's wrong and I, we will fix it."

"I dealt with it Bruce. Samantha is in a little trouble and Laurence is handling it." Sue said giving my hand a squeeze.

"I dealt with the interloper and her group. I contracted to have her house burned to the ground to remove the biological material she used to mind fuck and turn Antonio against you and his wife." I sighed, "I should have come to you but I used a contact to find someone to do it right and someone talked."

"Who?" Don Bruce said angrily.

"Who set you up?" Sue added softly but with an underlying tone of steel.

"Angela is finding that out." Don Bruce opened his mouth and then closed it. After a moment he said, "If anyone could, she is the one."

Sue stepped in front of me, "When you find out who. I want him. I gave you the other one, give me this one."

I paused and nodded, "Angela leaves them alive, they're yours."

"This one that one... What are you talking about?" Bruce asked.

"Nothing dear, just girl talk," Sue replied.

"I must go," I said hugging her and the Don Bruce. I hurried out the back door and over the fence. Going back inside I went up to the play room and found my slaves kneeling. Walking up to the throne I sat down and looked at them. "I just spent the better part of the day in jail for killing most all of you. Someone burned me and I want to know who." I paused and then added, "Each one of you is suspect."