Something's Different About Mary 06


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Mary looked from one to the other as she walked forwards. While they looked like sisters, the whole demeanor of the pair couldn't be further apart. Baby Girl walked with the bouncy joy of youth and the knowledge that she could wear what she pleased for pleasure. Carol, on the hand, almost looked as if she were being dragged to see an aunt who she hated. It wasn't that there was anger in her body; there was sadness and resignation that only youth can carry. "Hello Carol, my name is Lady Mary welcome to my place."

Carol mumbled a reply as Sandy moved forward to hug Mary hard. Sandy then looked at her sister and said, "Carol has been bouncing up and down with excitement while waiting to come see you Lady."

Mary looked at Carol who only shrugged in reply. Turning to Baby Girl she said, "Why don't you go visit with the others, they are in the... other room while Carol and I chat."

Sandy looked at the communal bedroom and then Mary, "But I thought..." she stopped herself and added softly, "Yes Lady Mary."

Mary smiled softly, "Tell you what, why don't you go ahead and change into what you were talking about this morning when you get a chance. I would love to see the new outfit." Sandy giggled and then hugging Carol hurried to the room across the hall. Once she was alone with Carol, Mary said, "Will you come with me please?"

Mary led Carol into the living room and sat down across from her. "Carol, has Sandy talked about what I do here?" The girl shrugged again and did not speak. Instead of looking at Mary she scanned the room and settled on the floor before her. "I try to help people find a little joy in their lives." Again, Carol only shrugged in reply. "Will you tell me what is bothering you? Please?"

Without looking up Carol said in a soft almost musical voice, "What isn't?" She looked up at Mary with a profound sadness, "We made plans, and we were going together to Hollywood when we saved enough money. Instead of being together, she moved out and left me alone. She got me a job at a shoe store where she works and keeps going on about how wonderful her life is." Carol looked down, "Nothing about sisters together for life anymore, nothing about Hollywood anymore and never any time spent hanging out together anymore."

Mary listened and felt bad. "There is more isn't there. You were a loner in high school, no one other than Sandy who would listen to your problems." She sighed softly, "Your sister goes on and on about shoes and has made manager of the store where you both work. That means she will never go away to Hollywood with you now."

Carol looked up at Mary. She was surprised that the woman understood what had happened to her life. She nodded sadly, "I just don't understand it, the way she acts when fitting shoes on people, and it's as if she were making love to them through shoes." She looked towards where Sandy had disappeared, "I just don't understand her anymore."

"Do you want to? I mean really want to understand Sandy," Mary asked. "Perhaps if you did, you two would be able to talk again."

Carol looked at Mary, "You have a crystal ball that allows me to see into her mind?"

Mary laughed, "Nothing like that. However, I do have the latest thing in simulators, kind of like what they do for pilots. You can go in it and then see how Sandy sees the world. If nothing else I can guarantee you will find the experience enlightening." She looked at Carol her face serious, "I believe, you will find a way to reach out to Sandy, a way for you two to reconnect once more."

Carol shrugged, "Sandy went on and on about your gaming system already." She stood and added, "If you think it will help Mary, I am game."

Mary stood and nodded, "Come with me then." She led Carol down to the basement and over to the fourth machine. She would have picked the third one however she was not sure it was clean. Opening it up she turned to the girl and said, "It would be better if you were nude, the salt water is rather harsh on clothes. However, if you rather you can wear a swimsuit or your bra and panties."

Carol nodded, "Sandy told me, and made me wear my swimsuit." She kicked her tennis shoes off before removing her tee and then slipped out of her jeans. Looking into the system she said, "Now what?"

Mary carefully folded her clothing and set it out of the way before returning to Carol. She helped the girl get in and showed her how to use her arms and legs to move. Once Carol was situated Mary said, "Ready?" and received a nod. She pushed the green button to close the lid and start the simulator. Walking back to the control panel she set up Carol and the standard program settings that Baby Girl had gone through already.

Checking the timers on Bambi and Candy she noticed that Bambi would finish in a little over an hour while Candy would end in a couple hours. Mary decided she didn't want to deal with them until Tiffany and Carol were finished and happy so added four more hours to Bambi and three to Candy. That way the boys would both finish up almost the same time. Looking back at Carol's programming, Mary added a subprogram to help her enjoy life more by emulating Sandy. Before heading up she noted that Carol would finish her simulation in a little more than ninety minutes. That would be plenty of time for Mary to get to know Tiffany.

Arriving in the communal bedroom, Mary found Tiffany wearing nothing more than a latex hood and one of the latex corsets Susan had bought. She was lying on her back while Julie, Baby Girl, and Susan ravished her body. From the way she twitched and kept saying please, Mary guessed that Tiffany was overdue for a slave orgasm. "Hello pets, having fun?" she asked as she walked closer.

All three slaves sat up and smiled at her. It was Susan who answered, "Yes Mistress, we would not let Tiffany orgasm until you commanded." She looked back down at the writhing woman on the floor and caressed her belly. When Tiffany moved against her lightly brushing fingers she added, "A slave thinks she is ready for you."

"Remove her hood please," Mary said as she crouched down next to Tiffany.

Tiffany felt hands pulling the hood off her head. Blinking she looked around and caught sight of Lady Mary crouching next to her. Her eyes locked on to the woman who had so changed her life and she whimpered in need. From the simulation, she knew only this woman, Lady Mary, could give her what she needed most in the world.

Mary reached out and caressed Tiffany's face and smiled as the woman closed her eyes and nuzzled her hand in return. "I know what you want, what you need Tiffany." She looked at Julie and smiled, "Cum for me pet."

When Julie flopped back on the floor, Tiffany got up on her elbows and watched in fascination as the pierced woman writhed in orgasmic pleasure. It was only when Julie passed out did she calm down. She looked in wonder at Mary and then back at Julie's still form. How was it possible to be given a mind-blowing orgasm without even being touched? Before she could ask, Lady Mary repeated the process with Sandy, commanding her to orgasm without touching. She felt her own need growing and hoped that Lady Mary would command her to cum like that.

Mary looked at Susan who was looking at her like a dog at a dinner table begging for scraps. She turned back to Tiffany, "Susan will have to forgo her part of the demonstration. She is being punished for exposing your inner need for tight corsets Tiffany." Before Tiffany could reply, Mary continued, "Why don't you tell her about your punishment?"

Susan felt her excitement grow as she recounted being tied up and watching Julie's punishment. By the time she reached Julie being pierced, she was every bit as in need of an orgasm as she had been in the punishment room. Finishing she looked at Mary and whimpered, "Please, I need to cum..."

Mary smiled slightly and shook her head, "Not yet slave, not yet..." Turning back to Tiffany she said, "Did you find what you wanted to find today Tiffany? Are you happy with life and pleasures it contains?"

Tiffany felt her own body react as Susan talked, while she always believed that pain hurt. She wanted now to be tied up and feel Mary's gentle whip caressing her body. Finally, she managed to compose herself enough to answer, "Almost..." It took a minute for her to continue and say what she knew should be spoken. "Make me into what you want me to be Mistress, and" She glanced at Susan, "Forgive Susan."

Mary nodded, "Susan, you are fully forgiven. Now please show Tiffany what a full-blown slave orgasm is like." She kept her eyes of Tiffany as Susan fell back and wiggled on the floor. By her count Susan kept at the peak of pleasure for at least three minutes before giving her mind into darkness. All the while she saw Tiffany's eyes get larger and breath faster until she was able to look back at her. "What is it you want to be Tiffany? Do you want to be a latex slut like your sisters, addicted to bondage, punishment, high heels, and tight corsets? You are all that already dear."

Tiffany looked at Mary and then dropped her eyes, "Yes Lady Mary, I am all that and more. I am addicted to the feelings of pleasure. But there is one thing more I need," She looked back up to Mary's face and said her heart, "I need to be owned and taken care of, told what to do and how to do it." Suddenly feeling like she said too much Tiffany looked down, "Please Lady Mary, make me one of your pets."

Mary lifted Tiffany's chin and bent down to kiss her gently, "If that is your wish, then orgasm and be mine."

Tiffany felt an orgasm start in her kitty and spread through her body until it reached her mind. Like fireworks going off she saw sparks and the world grayed out. Nothing like that had ever happened to her before and as the waves of pleasure washed through her she knew she was finally and truly happy. Her last thought as the world shut down was a regret that she had wasted so many years before giving herself over to total pleasure and submission.

Mary smiled happy that she led another person to finding joy in pleasures of the flesh. It was Baby Girl who spoke first. She looked at Julie before turning to Mary, "Mistress, can I get pierced also?"

Mary nodded, "I was planning on asking if you wanted to. Just imagine working in your latex school girl's outfit with your pierced nipples showing through the latex." She looked at Julie, "Go get some ice and show everyone how to numb themselves. Your other sisters are going to get marked also."

By the time Mary came back with the piercing kits, Julie had returned with the ice cubes and the other three women were happily rubbing their nipples with ice. In Sandy's case, she had opened the top of her outfit to expose her nipples. Mary looked at her and then Tiffany, "You know Tiffany, I just had a thought I would like you to think about." She walked over to Tiffany and said, "Look at Baby Girl, Sandy, now imagine if her store's employees' all wore that as a uniform. They could sell select latex and nylon items along with the delicious shoes you carry now." She paused a moment and said, "What do you think?"

Tiffany looked at the latex school girl outfit that Sandy was wearing. Lady Mary's words hit her like a hammer between the eyes. It was a brilliant idea! At once she realized she was right in giving up control of her life to this visionary woman. Why she had never saw the idea before confounded her. It was brilliant and yet so simple that anyone with half a brain should have been able to do it. She looked at Mary and nodded, "I love it," she said in a breathless voice. Looking at Sandy she added, "Let me know where to order the uniforms and it will be a new rule." She paused, "But what about the male employees?"

Mary thought for a minute, she was stumped for an idea. Not wanting to give up having Sandy and Carol both dressing like latex school girls she looked helplessly towards the others. It was Susan who came to her rescue. "Lycra body suits with full face covered hoods."

Mary looked at her as the idea formed in her mind, "Ohh I like it..." She looked at Tiffany and added, "And for an extra treat, for good slaves I might add, we could put someone in a tight corset, heels, body suit, and then tie them against a pole or something. Then you would have a living display."

Tiffany's eyes lit up, "Make it a bondage corset and let the others torment her with their fingers through the nylon... Oh my god! I will have to try it out first to make sure it works..." She looked at Mary and blushed, "If you will allow me too, Mistress."

Sandy giggled, "If anyone has a problem, we will just have them come see our Mistress." She looked at Mary, "I am sure you can set them right."

Mary nodded, "Of course dear," she looked back at Tiffany and smiled, "Welcome to the family sweet Tiffany." She put the piercing supplies on a tray and handed it to Julie. Walking over to Susan she said solemnly, "Ready to be marked as mine for life?"

Susan proudly cupped her breasts and nodded happily. Even though she was not numb, and the sharp metal hurt as it sliced through her tender nipple, she held still. Once both had cute little silver rings in them, Sandy cried tears of joy and gushed, "Thank you Mistress, oh thank you so much!"

Mary nodded and turned to Tiffany, "What about you dear? Want a reminder that you are owned?" As Tiffany nodded Mary pierced and kissed each nipple. She turned at Sandy and smiled, "Dare to be different and go with two pairs? One pair high and the other low..." Her fingers slid up under the skirt and tickled Sandy's slick sex.

Sandy's eyes got large with excitement, "Could I put little bells on them, so I would jingle with every step I took?"

From behind her, Mary heard Tiffany giggle and say, "If Lady Mary allows it. Add a shorter skirt, you can bend over with your knees straight and the customers would get a visual treat."

Mary smiled, "I like it," She applied the upper rings and then waited as Baby Girl numbed her labia. Kneeling she then pierced her pet lower and bent forward to kiss and lick at the slick honey that covered her legs. Standing back up, she looked at the four pierced women, "Make sure you keep your rings clean. I don't want any infections happening." As they nodded she added, "Let's go down to see how Carol is coming along and soak in the hot tub a bit."

Once they were downstairs, Mary would not allow Sandy to get in, "Don't worry Baby Girl. You will understand my reasons soon enough." She was just about to get in herself when the system said, "Subject Carol complete." Turning to the opening door Mary walked over and looked inside at the young woman laying inside, "How do you feel dear?"

Carol blinked up at Mary a few times, "Confused Lady Mary."

Mary smiled slightly and caressed Carol's cheek noting how the woman's eyes closed and that she moved her head against her fingers. "Would you do me a big favor?"

"For you, anything..."

"Will you and Sandy spend time together and see if in fact you both have more in common then you at first thought?"

Carol smiled, "That would be nice, I was wrong to judge her."

Mary helped her out and gestured to Sandy who was still dressed in the school girl outfit and said, "Well, there she is." She looked at Sandy and said, "Baby Girl, I want you two to hash out your issues tonight and as long as it takes. Use the spare bedroom across from mine please."

Sandy nodded and walked forward to take her sister's hand, "Come on sis...We need to talk."

Once they had left Mary got in the hot tub with the others, looking at Tiffany, "would you teach me all about tight lacing?" She looked at Susan and smiled, "I know someone who really needs a tight corset." Susan blushed and nodded. Mary giggled, "Besides you I mean... I was thinking about Candy."

Susan's mouth dropped open for a second before she started giggling. "I'm sure Candy would love a really tight corset."

"Candy?" Julie asked looking from one to the other.

Mary looked at her and said, "That's Steve's alter ego."

Tiffany looked at Susan, "Steve? Your Steve?"

Susan nodded, "Yes, Stevie has a thing for woman's clothing and Lady Mary and I have decided he should be free to live his fetish." She looked at Mary, "Though what are we going to do about the business? He cannot be dressed as Candy while at work can he?"

Mary smiled, she had already been thinking about that. "Well, you see, his receptionist is the only one who would have to know at first. He can do his stuff over the phone from his office."

Susan opened her mouth when Julie laughed, "And you already have her in your pocket don't you Mistress."

Mary nodded, "I will give her a call and invite her over in the morning. That in conjunction with Candy's memo sent out to all the staff will cover any issues that arise."

"Memo?" Susan asked.

"You know the one dear, the memo where the president of the company explains to the staff that everyone will go to the training and motivational seminars that we are hosting." She looked at the other three women sitting with her in the tub, "You three are my assistants now and by the time we are through; everyone will love latex and pleasure."

While the other two nodded Sandy looked thoughtful, "Not to mention they will find that the big boss becoming womanish is exciting to watch and enjoy." She paused and looked around, "But this house is too small for everyone."

Mary shook her head, "No, it is fine as it is. Others will be play mates not live-in slaves." She paused and added, "That is unless you find someone worthy of becoming a sister or brother."

Tiffany looked as if she were about to cry, "Mistress... does that mean I ca..."

Mary moved over and straddled her legs. Pulling Tiffany's face to hers she kissed her slowly, "You are welcome to stay with us as long as you want pet. I had counted on you staying here forever with us. But the decision is yours and yours alone."

Tiffany wiped her tears away, "I would like that, very much."

Mary was about to reply when the system said, "George program complete." That announcement was followed a moment later by "Steve program complete."

Mary got up and looked at Julie, "Come with me lover." They walked over to the opening pod and looked down at George. "Well how is my rubber doll?"

Bambi looked up at her and blinked, "He is here but under my control Mistress."

Mary smiled, "Good. She looked at Julie and then back at George, "Julie will be your assistant while at work. That way you only have to come out of your skin now and then when you make an appearance." She looked at Julie, "Take Bambi and after removing and cleaning her and her skin, I want Bambi to teach you as much as possible about George's job before tomorrow morning."

Julie smiled and helped the rubber doll out of the pod. "Would it be okay if we get distracted now and then?"

Mary smiled, "If you didn't I would worry about you dear."

As they walked towards the shower she looked at Susan and Tiffany, "So let's see how Candy is doing shall we?" Without waiting she walked over to where Steve lay in his pod. Looking down at him she said, "Hello Candy, how are you feeling?"

Steve looked up at her as the other two joined her, "Like I am in the wrong body Mistress." He looked at Susan, "Please help me."

Susan smiled, "Of course dear..." Her smile became cold, "When I am done helping you, you will be a changed man." She suddenly looked at Mary realizing what she said.

Mary nodded and added, "Susan is the boss of you from now on with my oversight. She and Tiffany are going to make you into what you always wanted." She looked at Susan and Tiffany, "You know what needs to be done." She paused and added, "I would recommend electrolysis instead of shaving."

Looking back at Steve, "But first, I want you to have a nice long chat with Susan and Tiffany about all the others who knew about the extra features you and George added." She pulled the pair away as Steve got out of the pod. "Fill Tiffany in on what we found and then get me the names." She looked at Steve standing there waiting for them and added, "When we are done I want everyone involved in the secret project to pay." She looked at them and added, "I don't want to trouble our Baby Girls with the information of what happened if possible."