Summer Surprise Pt. 03


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"It's Chloe. Can I spend the night with you? I don't want to be alone."

"Of course. Give us a minute to put something on."

"Don't bother. I've seen both of you naked and I'm not wearing anything either. I just need some skin on skin contact."

"Then give us a minute to talk about this."


"Dianne, what do you think?" Matt whispered.

"I can understand the impulse," Dianne replied. "It's part of the reason we just had sex. To feel alive. I don't particularly care if that's all she wants."

"It's going to put a damper on a morning repeat."

"I'd give that up to help Chloe."

"Where does she sleep? Next to you, next to me?"

"Right in between us, the way we did before."

"Let's leave the light off anyway."

"If she can make it here without stumbling in the dark."

Matt raised his voice. "Come on in Chloe. Do you need a light?"


Chloe opened the door, silhouetted briefly in the moonlight coming in from the windows, before the room went black. Dianne felt her presence on her side of the bed. She drew down the covers on her side.

"Get in between us, Chloe, so we can both hug you," Dianne whispered.

"Thanks for letting me join you."

"You're welcome."

Chloe climbed in between them and curled up. Enveloping Chloe in their arms, they cuddled around her and pulled the sheets up to cover them all. Chloe sobbed softly until the comfort of her friends allowed her to fall into a fitful sleep.


Matt woke up with morning wood, which was comfortably ensconced between Chloe's butt cheeks, although he almost forgot they were hers and not Dianne's. Fortunately, he stopped himself before his dick took advantage of its current position without thinking. He got up to relieve himself. When he came back to bed, there was enough morning light coming through the drapes to see Chloe curled around Dianne. Looking at the two naked women sleeping there caused his cock to stir, so he put on underwear before climbing into bed again. It didn't keep his erection from redeveloping, but at least it kept a layer of cloth between him and Chloe. He curled around her again.

"Men," Chloe whispered, "can't live with them because they just can't keep their erections from poking you in the backside in the morning."

"Very true. You nearly got a shocking surprise this morning when I woke up erect and almost forgot it was your backside my dick was pressed up against. It's the reason I put on underwear."

"I appreciate your discretion. I'm sure Dianne does too."

"What's with all the racket?" Dianne asked, sleepily.

"Matt waking up with his usual morning wood is what's causing the racket."

"Didn't he just get up to pee? That usually takes care of it."

"There's enough light in the room so that I could see you cuddled together, which had the opposite effect of peeing."

"Mmmm. Too bad we have a guest. What is it about men watching women?" Dianne asked. She turned around to face Chloe.

"Maybe they wish they were lesbians too," Chloe said.

Dianne chuckled. She kissed Chloe softly on the lips. "I'd almost say we should give him a show, but I have no experience with women whatsoever. I'm afraid I wouldn't do much for you."

"It's too soon anyway, but I thank you for the gesture. I can't sleep anymore so I'll leave you two to it."

Chloe got up, did a 360 degree twirl in the doorway, before closing the door and heading back to her room.

"You were joking, right?"

Dianne smiled mysteriously. "Wouldn't you like to know."

She got up to use the bathroom. "We should get up too. People will be arriving soon."

"What about this?" Matt pointed to his erection.

"You can't tell me you don't have lots of experience taking care of that on your own." She disappeared into the bathroom.

"Shit!" Matt exclaimed. He almost got up but thought better of it and pulled his underwear down instead.

"I'm using my left hand," he shouted.

"Use any hand you want, honey," Dianne called back. "It's been long enough you probably need the practice."

Matt laughed. "Fuck." He started stroking.


People started showing up at eight. Beth, Matt, Chloe, Elaine, and Dianne all decided to skip classes. Additionally, Georgina and Elaine both took another day off from work. Everyone quickly started to work on Chloe's plan.

Chloe was on fire. She called up the Community Theater and told them her play was changing. When she told them what she wanted to do, they said they didn't think they could afford to do what she wanted.

"It would give up a lot of the paying seats," the manager said.

"I'll give up my pay. This is very important to me. My fiancée was killed."

"I understand. I'm perfectly willing to give up ten seats or even fifteen, but you know how many were killed and wounded. Half of the theater would be non-paying seats. Plus, how many people will come to a tribute show for people they don't even know. We barely get by as it is."

"It costs practically nothing to put on. You need a light guy, a ticket guy, someone in concessions, and a few ushers, and that's it."

"Plus electricity, air conditioning, and parking. You've been profitable for us, Chloe, filling what's essentially been dead space for us, but it would be cheaper to leave the theater empty for those two weeks. We run on a shoestring budget. You know how it is."

"Fuck!" Chloe said when she hung up the phone.

"Didn't go well?" Ethel asked.

"It went fucking nowhere."

"Call him back," Ethel said.

"He was pretty adamant," Chloe said. "I don't think he's changing his mind.

"You don't know how persuasive I am. Give me the phone after you make the call."

Chloe dialed the number and handed the phone to Ethel.

"Hello, my name is Ethel Thornhill and I'd like to speak to the manager please. I'll hold."

She waited for fifteen seconds before speaking again.

"Yes, I'd like you to put on Chloe Hamilton's play and don't bother telling me you can't afford it. I shall pay full price for every seat that isn't filled by a paying customer for the entire two week run. There are only two occasions which may conflict with the scheduled performances, Chloe's fiancée's funeral and the memorial in Madison for all the slain. If any scheduling conflict arises regarding those events, you may shutter the theater on those two nights." She waited a few more seconds. "Of course I have the money. Would you like me to prove it by buying up the mortgage on your loan note at the bank and foreclosing?" Another few seconds. "Thank you. You've made a wise decision."

Ethel handed the phone back to Chloe. "Rich people don't like to fuck around." Everyone laughed.

"Remind me to never piss you off, honey," Georgina said. She was making breakfast for everyone with the help of her two daughters.

"Consider yourself reminded," responded Ethel.

Chloe wrapped her arms around Ethel and gave her a huge hug. "I don't know how to thank you."

"Thank me by putting on a bang up show."

Everyone ate a quick breakfast and then gathered together to scour the different media outlets who had just begun to release victim information. Once a comprehensive list of victims was established, each person took several names and delved deep into the victims lives hunting for enough family information to make an effort to contact them.

"Don't forget to check for FaceBook and Instagram accounts," Beth said. "You can find a lot of stuff on there. Dianne taught me that. Seems more than friends care what you put on there."

Soon, ten people were cobbling together as much information as they could gather, including Erin and another close friend of Chloe's, Barbara.


Later in the day, Ethel returned to Madison with Georgina, Beth, Elaine, Chloe and Chloe's parents to handle a multitude of tasks. They had scheduled meetings with injured survivors in several hospitals who had agreed to meet with them. They had also arranged to meet up with others who'd been at the rally including some of the organizers Monica had worked with, to gather more names. Additionally, they had boxed up a lot of Monica's things. Some of it was going to her parents and a few things Chloe would be keeping, mainly photos and some personal items. They still didn't know if Monica would have an open or closed casket so they intended to provide something she could be buried in other than what she'd died in, which was a bloody mess.

Ethel had her own agenda. She went home and met with Monica's parents, who were staying at her guest house.

"Hello, I'm Ethel Thornhill. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about the loss of your daughter. I met her five or six times and I found her to be intelligent, warm, and loving. In addition, she was doing a marvelous job helping the world understand the plight of lesbians, gays, and transgender people. I'm about ready to come out as a lesbian myself and your daughter helped prepare me for that, for which I'll be forever grateful. Have you been told when they'll release Monica's body?"


"Will you be having the funeral in Milwaukee?"

"Yes. We have a family plot there. I don't know how to thank you for all of this."

"I don't know how to thank you for bringing your daughter into this world, so I suppose we're both at a loss for words. I understand they're planning a memorial service at Camp Randall stadium for the people who died. Do you know if you can be here for that? I can tell you Chloe is planning something pretty special for the Memorial. She and some friends want to make it memorable."

"I suppose it depends on when they hold it. We'll probably hold services on Saturday."

"I believe it's going to be Monday, but I'll be making some calls to confirm. If you come, you're welcome to stay here again. Chloe and her family will be staying up at the main house. You can meet everyone who loved Monica. She's had a big impact on a lot of lives."

"Thank you, Ethel," Mrs. Franklin said.

"Here's a card for my business manager. Call him if you need anything at all from me. He can arrange transportation if you don't feel up to driving, or anything else. I want to help all I can. Chloe is in town making arrangements. She's extremely busy at the moment, but would like to see you tonight around nine. She wants to tell you what she has planned to pay homage to Monica."

"We'd love to see her."

Ethel hugged both of them and left.

Next, Ethel made contact with the Governor, the President of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Board of Regents, plus a couple of the larger TV stations to make plans. Money talks and not only did Ethel have it, her brother had even more. People were going to listen.

Chloe, spent the day interviewing people and organizing all the stories they were acquiring, crafting them into something the world would listen to. She received regular updates from everyone else in the form of e-mails, which she categorized by victim. By nine, Chloe was exhausted, having spent most of the day running around constantly.

Despite her exhaustion, she still insisted on going to see Monica's parents before she would go to bed. She knocked on the door of the guest house and was greeted by Cassie Franklin. Chloe stepped into her arms, who was an older version of Monica, and both women began crying inconsolably. Cassandra was overcome by seeing her daughter's loved one. Paul joined them shortly, wrapping his arms around both of them, before gently steering them both into the house.

"Why won't the bigots and haters leave us alone?" Chloe cried. "We're not killing anyone. We're not harming anyone. We just want to love the ones we want to love in peace. Monica was one of the best and kindest people I knew. She never hurt anyone. She didn't even argue nastily. She tried to use love and acceptance to make people change their minds. She didn't even care if people ultimately didn't understand. She only wanting to be able to live a life of peace, without fear. She knew who she was even before I did. It's not fair. Why can't we love like you do?"

"I don't know, sweetheart," Cassie said. "I've long given up trying to figure some things out."

"I'm tired of it. So fucking tired. Every day seems like a struggle. Monica kept me sane. She kept me going. Being with her was like a bolt of lightening energizing me to get up and face the world every day. I don't know what I'm going to do without her."

"We feel the same way," Paul said. "She made every day brighter. No parent should have to outlive their child. Not like this. Never like this."

"We've confirmed they're holding a memorial for all the victims in Madison on Monday and we're planning on a lot of things to make it unforgettable. I want everyone to remember Monica's name and how she died, but I'm going to need your help to do it."

"What do you need us to do?"

Chloe told them. They started crying again, but agreed with everything she needed them to do.


Elaine knocked on Chloe's door at 10:30.

"Who is it?" Chloe asked.

"Elaine. Can I come in?"


Elaine came in wearing nothing more than an extended length t-shirt.

"Is there anything in particular you need, Elaine?"

"Remember a long time ago, you helped Matt and I with some pretty bad things. You held your hand up like this." Elaine put the back of her hand on her forehead, elbow high. "You said, 'Remember this if I'm ever forlorn and distraught because my girlfriend has broken up with me and I need spiritual and physical solace.' Do you remember?"

"Yeah, when you found out Matt was your brother."

"I know your girlfriend didn't break up with you, but she's gone and you might need solace. I'm willing to do whatever you need to provide it as long as you don't mind an old whore in your bed."

"Quit running yourself down, Elaine. I hate that. Thanks for the offer, but I don't think I'm ready for sex yet."

"It doesn't have to be sex. It can be a simple back rub or some cuddling, whatever you need."

"Are you wearing anything beneath that shirt?"


"Take it off."

Elaine slipped it off. She'd quit trimming herself when she quit having sex, twenty months ago, so her pubic bush was quite hairy.

"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I've seen many. Come to bed."

She pulled back the sheets so Elaine could slip into bed with her. "I don't want anything particularly sexual, but I wouldn't mind sleeping next to a naked body. In fact, I slept in between Matt and Dianne last night. They had a Chloe sandwich. It was pretty nice except for the erection Matt woke up with."

"He didn't try doing anything with it, did he?"

"No. In fact Dianne didn't even do anything about it after I left the room. He had to stroke one off. It was nice of them to make room for me. I wasn't going to get to sleep if they hadn't."

"Are you sure this is all you need?" Elaine asked.

"I'm sure. Well, maybe a little kiss would be nice, but nothing more because I am terribly tired right now."

Elaine gave her a long, soft, gentle kiss. Chloe sighed, closed her eyes, and went to sleep.


Elaine woke up due to Chloe's soft sobs. They'd become disconnected during the night and Elaine was facing away from her. She turned over and gathered Chloe in her arms once more.

"Every time I think it's getting even the teensiest bit better, I'm overcome with a loss so deep and profound that I don't know what I'm going to do," Chloe said.

"I know. It's hard. Leaving my home when I was eighteen was damn hard. I was leaving everything I loved except my bastard step-father. My whole world was taken away and what replaced it was even worse. Somehow, you survive even though you don't want to, and eventually the pain eases. Someday, you find someone else to love."

"You haven't."

"I'm not ready yet, any more than you are. If I didn't think I'd find someone sometime, I'd give up. I'm not giving up yet and neither should you."

They were holding each other loosely, while Elaine stroked Chloe's hair. Chloe lifted her face for a kiss and Elaine gave it to her. One kiss led to another, then another, each one becoming more impassioned than the last. They clasped each other more tightly, breasts coming together, and nipples peaking. Elaine slid her hand between Chloe's legs, letting her soft fingers skim through her furrow, causing a quick gasp to escape Chloe's lips. Sensuous slow kisses became harder and more demanding. When Elaine bent to take a peaked nipple in her warm and wet mouth, Chloe whimpered. She shivered and gasped when she felt Elaine's mouth continue its journey to its ultimate destination, the moistness between her legs.

Light kisses, tiny nips of teeth, and a swirling agile tongue searching her hidden folds and secret places sent Chloe over the edge. Her back bowed as she climaxed, holding Elaine's head tightly against her. Her entire body quivered as three more just like it rolled over her, before Elaine's head retraced her journey and they were kissing again, Chloe tasting herself on Elaine's lips.

"For a non-lesbian, you do that pretty well," Chloe whispered.

"I was a professional," Elaine said, kissing her again.

"You don't even like girls."

"But I love you and it was something you needed. What are friends for if not to make their friends feel better."

"It did. Thank you."

"Go back to sleep now, Chloe. You have a lot more work to do in the next few days."

Chloe snuggled back into Elaine's arms, enjoying the feeling of her breath warm against her neck and an arm around her cupping her breast. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


By the time Chloe awoke, Elaine had already gotten up and disappeared. She found Monica's parents having breakfast with the Hamiltons, Ethel and the Sanders. She greeted everyone with a hug, reserving a special one for Elaine.

Ethel told Chloe that plans were coming along and she could go back to La Crosse with her parents. "We'll have everything set up here. Don't worry about that."

"Matt already texted me this morning that a bunch of the football players will be taking part. I can't believe so many are willing to pretend they're gay. The jocks don't usually do things like this. It's not masculine enough. Erin said a lot of the theater people are signing up too. We'll need to get them to Madison for the memorial."

"Wisconsin - La Crosse is providing busses for any La Crosse students who sign up to go, as many as they need," Ethel said. "Just make sure all your participants are signed up. I've arranged a flight to get everyone to Milwaukee for Monica's services on Saturday and then back here. You've got a meeting with the Camp Randall people on Sunday afternoon to give them the photos, videos, and everything else you need for the memorial on Monday. They'll be putting everything you give them up on the Jumbotron in accordance with the script you need them to follow."

"Got it. Thank you, Ethel. Are you prepared for your parts too?"

"Ready, willing, and able," Ethel and Georgina said. "We'll be the leads for that part." Ethel added, "I'm actually looking forward to it. I've been on the sidelines long enough."

"We'll also be there opening night of your play," Georgina said. "Get that part started again."

Chloe hugged them again, then started crying some more. "You don't know how much this means to me."

"It means a lot to all of us, Chloe," Georgina said. "We're taking a big step."

"Still, you're the best friends, ever. There's no way I could pull this off without you; all of you. You've all been there here for me when I needed you and I won't forget it. I know all of this would have meant a lot to Monica too. We thought alike in so many ways. It's why I'm going to miss her so much."

"Nor will we," Paul said. "I wish we'd gotten to know you before all this happened, but I'm glad Monica had so many good and kind people in her life."