Summer Surprise Pt. 03


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For the remainder of the day Chloe continued collecting information, even as her parents drove her back to La Crosse in the rented vehicle. She was thrilled that everything was coming together better than she'd thought it would.

When she got home she hugged all of her friends and passed along the information she'd gotten from Ethel. In return, they filled her in on the new information they had collected in her absence.

"I'm not going to expect everyone to remember their lines," Chloe said. "So in addition to printing out the scripts, we'll need to use a magic marker to write them on poster board placards big enough to easily read even if you're crying. This shouldn't be difficult because everyone's part will be no more than a paragraph or two, except for mine which I'll be doing from memory. On Monday, I need Erin and Babs to ride down on the busses with the actors so that they can pass out scripts and make sure the actors know when to speak. I'm sorry you both can't attend the funeral, but I need you here in my absence because the major players are attending Monica's funeral on Saturday in Milwaukee.

"I'll be spending most of the next couple days writing the lines and developing the story to go with them. I'll give them out five at a time, so you don't have to write them all at once. Saturday, Dianne, Matt, and my parents are flying to Milwaukee for the funeral. You'll have the entire script before then. Ethel Thornhill gave us a prepaid Visa card for supplies such as poster board, magic markers, copy services, pizza or other food items you might need. No alcohol, however. She's not paying for anyone to get drunk. I'll leave two copies of the script here. If you need more, make copies."

Once everyone had their instructions, Chloe got busy working on each persons story. She wanted the whole world to cry. Every hour or so, she had five stories ready to be turned into poster board placards. Enormous amounts of Chinese food was ordered to feed everyone as they worked. Around ten, Matt finally kicked everyone out. No one protested because they were all operating on fumes. Erin had fallen asleep on the couch, Barbara was drooping, and Chloe's parents were yawning repeatedly.

As soon as everyone was gone, Matt and Dianne went to bed. They were so tired they decided to skip sex. Dianne was sleeping and Matt was drifting off when there was a knock on their bedroom door.

"What do you need, Chloe?"

"I'm sorry to be such a shit, Matt, but I am so used to having another body in bed that I can't sleep and I know I have to."

"Come in," he said, "same arrangement as the night before last?" He asked as he opened the door.

"If it's all the same to you, I'll let Dianne be the sandwich tonight, in case Matt, Jr. decides to make another appearance. She might not mind taking care of it. I'm not sure what you'll do if you're tired enough."

"Sure," Matt laughed.

Chloe climbed into bed with them. "Hey, Chloe," Dianne mumbled sleepily as she slid in beside her.

"Hey, yourself. Sorry to be a big baby."

"It's okay," Dianne said. "I understand completely. It always took me at least a month after Robert deployed before it felt right to be alone in my bed. By the time he died, I was used to it, which made it worse somehow. What did you do last night?"

"Elaine came to my room and slept with me. A little more actually. She remembered me saying I might need spiritual and physical solace if a girlfriend ever left me. She gave me both. Not at first. We just went to bed like this, but I was crying in the middle of the night and that's when she did it."

"Really," Matt said. His damned cock began getting hard at the thought of his sister and Chloe fucking. "I'm a little surprised by that."

"I felt bad about it afterward. All I did was take. I didn't even give her any pleasure back. Felt like a fucking man, going to sleep after I got my rocks off."

"Matt," Dianne said, "put that thing away. We're not fucking tonight, especially with Chloe in bed with us."

"I'm sorry. It has a mind of its own. I wasn't expecting to do anything with it. I'm tired too."

"You weren't expecting us to do the same thing tonight, were you Chloe?" Dianne asked. "If so, Matt's going to be the one to take care of it. He's ready to have sex with a woman, I'm not."

Chloe laughed. "I wasn't even expecting it last night, it just sort of happened. I know Elaine isn't into girls, so I guess it was more of a gift thing, going above and beyond because she was feeling sorry for me. It made me feel guilty afterwards because I had sex so soon after Monica died. It was nice, though. Made me feel alive for the first time since I got the news."

"Go to sleep now," Dianne said. "I'm exhausted. I can only imagine how tired you must be."

"Good night, John Boy," Chloe said. "Good night, Mary Ellen."

"Good night, Jim-Bob," Dianne said.

"You caught 'The Waltons' reference."

"Before my time but I've seen a few episodes." She curled up against Chloe's back. "Shh. Sleep." She kissed Chloe's head and felt the tension release from her body. Matt curled up against her. His cock was still somewhat stiff, but softening. They all fell asleep rather quickly.


When Dianne woke up the next morning, Chloe was up already. Matt was still asleep with his cock pressed into the crease of her bottom. Dealing with all the emotions of Monica's death had made her crave closeness too, a reminder of her own loss. She carefully extricated herself from his arms and took his cock into her mouth, deciding to wake him up in a way she knew he'd appreciate.

It didn't take long for him to moan and thrust forward into her mouth. Dianne had no problem swallowing the full length of him, but now that he was awake she had another place his cock needed to be. She rolled Matt onto his back and mounted him, feeling the girth of him fill her completely. As she started to ride him she mused that it was practically a surprise just how good it felt to fuck him every time they had sex.

"What brought this on?" Matt moaned.

"Chloe isn't the only one who needed to feel more alive," Dianne replied. "This situation has caused a lot of my own feelings of loss to arise again. Fortunately, I have someone who can do something about it. I hope you don't mind if I use you, do you?"

"Go ahead. Make me your sex toy. Use me as much as you want."

Dianne smiled, then leaned down for a kiss. Matt palmed her breasts. Dianne moaned.

She was through her first orgasm and well on the way to her second when the door opened and Chloe said, "Oops. Sorry. Breakfast is on the table if and when you're hungry for something other than each other."

"Close the door," Dianne said.

"Right." She heard the door close but Chloe raised her voice on the other side. "May I say you have a very nice ass, Ms. Rogers?"

"Fuck!" Dianne said.

"It's true," Matt said. "It's a great ass."

"Thanks. Keep plugging away, Sanders. We'll measure the quality of my ass by how long you can keep fucking me."

"It's an inverse ratio," Matt said. "The finer the ass, the quicker I cum, and I'm going to cum soon."

"Try to hold out long enough for my second orgasm, please."

"I'll do my best. No promises, though."

Matt managed to hold out until Dianne shuddered through another orgasm and her contractions squeezed down on his prick.

"I expected more from you, Matt."

"Hey, it's the first one of the day. Give a guy a break. I did tell you it was a great ass."

Dianne laughed and leaned down for another kiss before dismounting and heading for the bathroom, carefully holding her hand over her pussy which was flooded with a ton of cum.

Matt heard her use the toilet, then step into the shower. Given the all clear, he drained himself and brushed his teeth, waiting for the shower to open up. Dianne got out, patted her body dry, then wrapped her wet hair in the towel, leaving her body bare. Matt found himself getting hard again, even as he got into the shower. Dianne did have an amazing body. How the hell hadn't he noticed her when he was in his blue funk?

When he got out, he saw she'd put on school clothes. "I have a test today I can't get out of," Dianne said. "I'll cut the rest of my classes, but I can't cut the test."

"No problem. I've got one tomorrow I have to take. Almost the end of my senior year. I can't miss much now. Hard to make them up."

"No kidding. I'll save you some bacon."

Leaving Matt to dress, Dianne joined Chloe in the kitchen and snatched half the remaining bacon off the plate.

"Really sorry," Chloe said. "I didn't hear you stirring in there."

"You just wanted to see my fine ass, admit it."

"I've been practically joined to your fine ass two of the last three nights. I didn't really have to see it to know how nice it was. Not to mention, you fill out a pair of jeans just fine."

"Why thank you, Hamilton. I'll accept a complement from anyone who has a sincere appreciation for the female form. I have a test first thing, but I'll be back afterward. What time are the others getting here?"

"I think Matt said nine. I admit to not paying much attention as he shooed them out the door. I was pretty whipped. Haven't slept all that great either. My thanks for you fondling my boob last night."

"What can I say; it was there and I was asleep."

"They always get in the way, but I do love them," Chloe agreed.

Dianne laughed and left. Matt came out ten minutes later. He was finishing up his breakfast when people started arriving. Ben and Mary Jane Hamilton arrived first. They hugged Chloe before starting on the next task she'd set for them. Erin and Barbara came next, followed by Martin and Yolanda.

"Matt, buddy, why did I have to hear about this fucking disaster by reading a damn sign at the Student Union? You couldn't have told me in person?"

"We've been busier than shit, Marty. We're trying to get ready for this big memorial at Camp Randall stadium on Monday, and the funeral is Saturday in Milwaukee. We're busting our butts trying to get ready."

Yolanda saw Chloe and went to her, hugging her. They'd met Chloe a dozen or so times and Monica a few times.

"What can we do? We'll help," Yolanda said.

"Yolanda. You're going to be one of the actors," Chloe said. "I need a young woman with a baby and you'll be perfect."

"I don't have a baby."

"No worries, you will. It's supposed to be nine months old, so I need you to go buy an 18-24 inch long baby doll. Try to get a black one, but if we have to use a white one we will. Martin, I need you to acquire several things: a mannequin or first aid dummy, used is fine; twelve dozen packages of pencils; a dress, preferably a bright sky-blue color; and a sledgehammer, that you know you can swing fourteen times. I don't think it will be easy to find everything we need, but I have faith you. Don't dawdle, because when you get back I'll need to explain the part you're going to play. Here's a prepaid credit card. Anyone can sign it. We'll feed you when you get back, so don't worry about food. Do you need a list?"

"Probably. It sounds important and I don't want to miss anything. We'll look around, see what we can find," Marty said. As Chloe made out the list, Marty asked, "Matt, where's your better half?"

"Taking a test. She'll be back before you are. Thanks for helping out."

"Monica was good people. I'd feel like a dick if I didn't. Any chance we can go to the funeral, or is it a family only affair?"

"I haven't heard Paul and Cassie say it's limited. If you want to fly down with us, it should be fine."

"Fly, when the hell did you get money?"

"We have an angel, a good friend of my mother. We wouldn't have time to do anything if we didn't have help. I'll explain later."

"Here's the list, Marty," Chloe said. "You'll probably need to find the mannequin before you buy the dress unless you buy one that's oversized and can fit almost anything. If you do, buy safety pins and we'll pin it to fit better. Maybe if you tell a store it's for a memorial for all the slain people down in Madison, they'll give you an older one collecting dust somewhere. You can always ask." She gave each of them a hug and Yolanda a kiss on the cheek. "If you ever get tired of the big lug and want to bat for the other team, you know where to find me."

Yolanda laughed, saying, "Don't tempt me," took Marty's hand and left. "You better give me the list. You'll lose it."

Martin handed it over, grinning. Yolanda said, "If I did, you wouldn't get to watch anyway. Don't get your hopes up."

"Don't tease me."

"You can't be teased if you don't think about it, so don't think about it." They left, closing the door behind them.

"Chloe, were you serious about Yolanda," Mary Jane asked.

"Not really. I couldn't possibly replace Monica that easily. Everyone just likes to rag on Marty because he really wants to see two women making out. We keep throwing out the innuendo's just to see the steam coming out of his ears. Dianne did it too. Matt was there and can tell you about it. He really tells the story pretty well."

Matt told the story, using a falsetto voice to mimic the females with lots of arm and hand smooching to show what the two women did to Marty. Erin and Barbara really got a kick out of it.

"Maybe we should kiss each other when Marty gets back," Erin said. "Yank his chain."

"You do know I'm a lesbian, right?" Barbara asked.

"Yeah, so? It's just acting."

"It won't be acting when I kiss you. I think you're hot."


"Come on, Erin. Quit fishing for complements. Everyone thinks you're hot," Chloe said. "You've been hit on by everyone, including me once or twice."

"Everyone but Matt, apparently," Erin said.

"Wrong," Matt said. "I think you're hot, too. My nose was just out of joint and I was at a stage where I couldn't see the forest for the trees. It had nothing to do with you."

"Chloe said you were down in the dumps for awhile," Ben said. "She never said why."

"Fell in love with the wrong woman, Dad. Some people aren't a good fit. Dianne snapped him out of it. She's a better fit for Matt than Erin anyway. Erin is too flighty. Matt needs someone down to earth."

"I'm not flighty," Erin protested.

"How many people have you dated this school year?" Chloe asked.

"Ten, maybe."

"I think you're undercounting by at least four. I think you dated more often than I was before I met Monica and I was switching dates every three weeks or so."

Erin laughed. "Now that I think of it, you're probably right, there might be another five or six I skipped over. It's not my fault I haven't found the right one."

"You don't stay with anyone long enough to know if they're the right one. Since you've gone through most of the male population of the school, maybe you're looking on the wrong side of the tracks and should consider dating Babs."

"Well, she is cute," Erin said. "I'll check out how well she kisses when Marty gets back."

"Get ready for a show, folks. It should be entertaining," Chloe said. "Erin, you have to mop up Marty's drool."

Dianne was back around 11:00. She gave Matt a kiss and went to change into something comfortable, coming back out in ten minutes.

Around 12:30, Marty texted that he'd found the mannequin and that they'd be back in about a half hour after making a swing through WalMart.

Matt put an order in for four large pizzas and informed Dianne what Erin and Barbara intended doing when Marty came back.

About a dozen minutes before Marty and Yolanda were due to arrive, Chloe said, "Sounds like you're up, girls. I'll surrender the couch to you. How risqué are you going to get with my parents here?"

"I'm perfectly willing to go with only a bra on top," Barbara said. "You can put your hand underneath the bra, but no exposing the nips to Chloe's folks." She took off her shirt exposing a lovely black lace bra.

"I don't have a bra on," Erin said, "so I guess you just run your hands under my shirt and have a go at my boobs."

"Geez," Ben said. "When I was in college it was the height of hilarity to put some vaseline or shaving cream on the door knob, certainly nothing like this."

"Welcome to the twenty-first century," Chloe said.

"Have you ever done anything like this, Chloe?" Mary Jane asked.

"Not on purpose. Matt walked in on me making out with the first woman I was ever with. We had less than that on though, a lot less. He could have gone ballistic, but he didn't. It's the reason we're still friends."

"You never said how it happened," Mary Jane said. "That must have been rough, Matt."

"Better than finding out a couple years after we were married. I think things worked out for the best."

Barbara and Erin got on the couch, Erin facing inward and Barbara facing out. They started to kiss. There was a knock on the door and Erin pushed her hand under Barbara's bra, squeezing her soft breast. Everyone scattered and pretended to ignore what was happening on the couch. Matt opened the door for Marty and Yolanda. He had a life size mannequin in his arms and she was carrying two big shopping bags.

"You were right, Chloe," Marty said, stepping into the room. "Finding the mannequin was a bitch. We got everything on the list though."

He leaned the mannequin against one of the walls. They didn't notice the two on the couch until Barbara moaned.

His eyes snapped to the couch and he said, "Whoa! What the fuck is going on here?"

"Erin and Barbara wanted to take a quick break until the pizza got here," Dianne said. "They've been going at for a few minutes now. Ignore them. It's so uncouth."

Barbara lifted up Erin's shirt, back still to the room and started sucking on one of Erin's nipples. "Oh, Babs! That feels wonderful. Why haven't we done this before?"

"You had an unhealthy fascination with dicks," Barbara said, lifting off the tempting tit in front of her. "Oh, hey, Marty, Yolanda. Good to see you're back. Means the pizza can't be far behind." She resumed sucking on the nipple in front of her.

Marty was drifting over to the couch to get a better look. Barbara replaced her lips with a hand, massaging Erin's breast and resumed kissing her passionately. Both of the girls were moaning now, and it wasn't all an act. Erin really seemed to be getting into it.

Yolanda went over to grab Marty's arm, but he shrugged it off until she said, "Come on, Hansen, give them a little privacy."

"If they wanted privacy, wouldn't they be in a bedroom?"

Barbara started to lose it, trying to suppress the giggles starting to bubble up, then Erin lost it altogether, breaking into gales of laughter.

"Fuck, Marty," Erin said, "you're so easy. I couldn't believe it when Matt told us how easy it would be to pull your leg." She pulled her shirt down before turning to face him with a big grin on her face. Barbara also sat up, still laughing. "On the other hand, Babs, that was more fun than I expected."

Erin pecked Barbara's cheek before handing Barbara her top. "To be continued later if you want."

"Happy to." She stood and planted a more serious kiss on Erin's lips while grabbing her ass.

"If you're going to do it anyway, can't you do it here?" Marty said.

Yolanda punched his arm. "Yeah, in front of you and a half dozen other people. Don't be a jerk. You and your lesbian fetish."

"You have to admit it looked hot," Marty said. "Back me up here, Matt. That was hot, right?"

"Oh, yeah, hot. But I don't expect anyone to put on a show for me, not to mention Chloe's folks."

Matrin looked at the two older adults in the room. "College. What can I say?"

"You can say, 'Pardon me, Mrs. Hamilton, for showing you my erection,'" Mary Ellen said, "That would do for a start." She pointed to the bulge tenting his trousers.

Martin looked down. "Pardon me, Mrs. Hamilton. I'd cover it with my hand, but I don't think that would help it any." He did have the grace to turn away.