Summer Surprise Pt. 05


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"My God, Ethel. How much did you spend on all of this?" Chloe said, staring at the electronics scattered around on the floor.

"Enough," she said, "for you to be editing your own videos and movies. I told you I wanted you to submit a documentary about Monica and Madison to Sundance or SouthxSouthwest. It's time for someone to be telling our story. You're the person to tell it. If you look in my purse, you'll find four thumb drives with all the TV footage from the Madison TV stations covering the Memorial. You have their permission to edit it anyway you like, provided you credit the TV stations in your documentary."

"I'm not a computer person. I know next to nothing about this stuff. Enough to write term papers and screenplays. I'll need classes to learn how to use this."

"You can get free lessons at the Genius Bar at the Apple Store. The closest ones are in Minneapolis and Madison. If you come to Madison, you can stay with us. I also understand some of the online tutorials and videos available from the different software manufacturers are pretty comprehensive and there are YouTube videos some people upload. You may also be able to sign up for college classes here or Madison. Feel free to come to Madison if you need to. You'll always have a home with us if you need it."

"I can help you set up some of the computer equipment," Beth said. "I'm a bit of a geek. I don't know about video editing though. You're on your own with video."

Chloe started crying again. She hugged first Beth, then Ethel. "I can't believe you're doing this for me."

"Someone has to make people listen. You've been doing it for over a year now. If anyone can do it, it's you."

Matt measured the dimensions of the desk, then looked around Chloe's bedroom. "We can squeeze it in there if we need to, but it might fit in the living room better."

Chloe looked in her bedroom and saw where Matt was pointing to show her where the desk might go. He was right. It would be a tight fit, as long as the bed was in there. But did she really need a bed, considering? She hadn't slept in it for nearly two weeks, nor did she anticipate sleeping in it again as long as she was in this apartment. Oh well, she'd shocked people before; might as well do it again. Fuck it!

"Take the bed out. I don't need it anyway. Just stand it over there along the wall and we'll have plenty of room. I might be up at night working on this and I wouldn't want to disturb you by putting it next to your bedroom."

"Where are you going to sleep if you take your bed out?" Georgina asked, flipping pancakes.

"Georgina, Beth, you might as well know. Elaine and Ethel know already. I'm sleeping with Matt and Dianne. More than sleeping, truth be known. I know it's unexpected and maybe kinkier than you're used to, but there it is."

"Oh, wow, a threesome," Beth enthused. "Way to go peeps."

Georgina stopped flipping pancakes for so long, Elaine took the spatula from her to turn them.

"I started coming to bed with them because I was lonely after Monica died and finally, one thing led to another and we ended up having sex, lots of sex. I won't need a bed."

"But you broke up with Matt because you're a lesbian?" Georgina said.

"And I still am," Chloe said. "But I've had sex with him before and I always enjoyed the sex, but there wasn't an emotional connection with men I wanted. Well, now I've got both a man and a woman, and Matt is Matt and not like any other man I've ever known. I still love him, even if it's not the romantic love he wanted. He's been my best friend, now he's my lover along with his girlfriend. It works for us. What can I say?"

"Does this mean you're bisexual, Dianne?"

"I suppose if you attach a label to it, I am," Dianne said. "However, I had no desire to be with women before and other than Chloe, still don't. But Chloe is Chloe and I'm enjoying being with her, especially because I'm with Matt at the same time. You wouldn't believe the orgasms I'm getting out of it."

"Take a deep breath, Mom," Elaine said. "I can see the attraction. How is this any stranger than anything else in our family?"

"You knew?"

"Chloe told me when she spent the night last Saturday. I slept with her too. Like Dianne said, not really interested in women, but I do like spending time with Chloe. I hadn't had any sex at all since I moved to Madison and she satisfied an itch. It's not like we'll become an item."

"How did you know, Ethel?"

"Her comforter was dusty last night. I knew the bed hadn't been slept in for over a week. Unless she was out of the apartment every night, she was sleeping with Matt and Dianne. I asked."

"What are you going to do? How is this going to end up?"

"We haven't really talked about it," Matt said, "so I don't know what the others think, but I'm anticipating Chloe will graduate and eventually go to either coast to follow her dreams and it will be just Dianne and me when she does. Or, Chloe will find another girlfriend and this will end. I'd be surprised if it lasted much longer than a couple months given Chloe and I are both graduating. I'll need to find work, Chloe will need to find work. Who knows where that will take us?"

Both Chloe and Dianne were nodding as Matt spoke. They were thinking along the same lines.

"What happens to Dianne?"

"I need to finish school. I don't want to be unprepared for life again if something should happen. I plan to stay here. Beth expressed an interest in being my roommate, though I don't know if she's still interested. I love Matt and hope to marry him some day. I won't be having sex with anyone else unless we break up. Even if Matt leaves town and Chloe stays, I won't have sex with her without Matt present. Chloe doesn't want to feel like she's breaking Matt's heart again and I don't want to either. I care for Chloe, but it's not the same as the love I feel for Matt. Hopefully, Matt and I can continue some form of relationship until I'm done with school, but the only way to find out is live our life."

"Pancakes are done," Elaine said.

"So's the bacon," Ethel announced. "Time for breakfast. Grab a plate and some food. Come on, Georgina, sit. As strange as it sounds, I think they're all good for each other. I actually envy them."

"Because they've involved a man?"

"No, dear. No interest in that. Because they've found something that works for them and didn't have to wait until their fifties to accept who they are. There's a lot of love in their relationship. It's nice. Matt and Chloe always cared for each other. That was apparent ever since I met them. Dianne is the icing on the cake for both of them."

"I disagree," Chloe said. "They're the cake and I'm the icing. They don't need me, but I'm there, adding some sweetness."

Ethel laughed. "I wouldn't argue with that logic."

So they all sat down to a late breakfast of pancakes and bacon and eventually, Georgina began to accept what was happening. She'd always loved Chloe like a daughter, which is what made the relationship between her and Matt seem incestuous now, even if it wasn't. Georgina liked Dianne as well, especially as she'd managed to pull Matt out of whatever depression he'd gotten himself into. She could see the love in both their eyes when they talked and interacted, and now Chloe was included in that. Georgina had felt odd entering into a relationship with a woman, and now this. But all three were kind, loving people.

Breakfast over, they moved the bed to stand it up against the wall and set up the desk and all the computer equipment on it. Beth started hooking everything up and showing Chloe what she needed to do and how everything went together. They started loading some of the software on which was a time consuming process, which only the two of them needed to do.

"Hey, pumpkin, you don't think it's weird what the three of us are doing?" Chloe asked.

"I'm setting up your computer. You need to stop calling me pumpkin."

"You're right. You're not fourteen anymore. Sorry."

"I'll give you a pass this time because you're one of my favorite people. I suppose it's weird, but I think it's cool too. I actually kind of like that you're more hooked into my life now. I hated when you and Matt broke up. Not that Dianne isn't dynamite as well, the best one since you, but it feels like you'll be part of my life forever now, and I like that."

"Do you think you'll move in here when I move out?"

"I'd like to. I know Mom wants me to stay in Madison and go to college with Elaine, but I'd like to move a little farther away from home. I'm not like Elaine, who'd already lived an exciting life for eleven years before going to college. She's enjoying the home life. She didn't have one for years. But I've never been away from home at all. I'd like to stand on my own a little instead of living at home and commuting."

"I don't think her life as a prostitute was exciting, as much as dangerous and degrading, but I see your point."

"I suppose it boils down to what I want to study and if I can find it here as a degree program. I haven't made up my mind yet, but I'm kind of looking at some kind of tech field like systems analyst or programming."

"Any boys or girls in your life?"

"None affecting my decision of where to go to college. I date a couple of different guys, but nothing heavy. I was starting to get a little wild there before Elaine came back. The three of you toned me down some. Ethel helps too. She's not as invested in the parent thing, but she gives good advice."

"Did you start supporting some of the gay kids at school?"

"I did. I even made out with one, before deciding it wasn't for me. We're still pretty good friends. I know she'd like to be more, but she accepts I'm just not into girls as more than friends."

"Good. We need all the help we can get."

"Beth," Georgina called, "we need to get going. Tie it up in there."

"Just keep loading the software. Everything is hooked up. This is a great system, good for video editing. You'll probably want to check out the editing software first. It should be Final Cut, if I'm not mistaken."

"Thanks, Beth. Maybe after the play is over, you can come over for the weekend and show me more?"

"I'd be cool with that."

They went out and said their goodbyes and soon Matt's family left for Madison.

"Should I change out your plug now, Dianne, or wait until tonight?" Chloe asked.

"Tonight will be fine," Dianne said. "I'm not sure I want a larger size while I'm sitting in the theater."

"Why did you only ask Dianne," Matt asked.

"A two inch diameter plug is all you need to take my strap one. Rather than give you a larger plug, I think it's time for you to get fucked in the ass."

"Oh." Matt sounded nervous.

"Does that make you a little jumpy, Matt," Chloe said, kissing his cheek.

"A little."

"Remember, you've been working up to this. You've taken three progressively larger plugs, stretching you out for this. Don't worry about a thing. We'll make sure Dianne is taking care of your front end while I'm managing the rear. I have no doubt you'll have a great big orgasm out of the deal. Honestly, if it hurts, we'll stop, but it should only be a little uncomfortable to start. The good thing is, you don't have to wear a plug anymore."

"Other than me taking care of Matt's front side, what am I getting out of this deal?" Dianne asked.

"Well, I've been thinking about that. You'll have reached the proper stretching for my strap-on as well, but I thought you might want Matt to take your anal cherry instead of me. Which means going up to the two and a half inch width plug for Matt to bust it. That means we can't try a double penetration yet, either. So I was thinking of two possibilities; one, the strap on won't get me off either, so I could introduce you to the joys of tribbing. Or two, we get Matt hard enough for him to screw you doggy style while dining al fresco on my tasty twat."

"What's tribbing?" Matt asked.

"That's when two women rub their pussies together. That can be done naked, which is just pussy to pussy, or tricked out which is with a double headed dong so we get penetration in addition to the rubbing."

"I could do any of those things," Dianne said, "one, two or two and a half."

"Two and a half?" Matt asked.

"Tribbing with the double dong. Keep up, Sanders," Dianne said.

"So we could try naked; see how you like that, then introduce toys, see how that floats your boat."

"Something to think about while I'm at the play," Dianne said, "hopefully, to keep me from crying again."

"We don't have a speaking line," Matt said. "Why are we going?"

"Ethel and Georgina aren't going to be there to start audience participation off again. After Chloe asks for the audience to join, we'll give it maybe fifteen seconds to see if anyone else starts. If no one does, we're going to do it. Once someone breaks the ice, it's easier for others to go."

"It's so heart wrenching. I don't know if I can do it again."

"Chloe has to go through heart wrenching every day for two weeks. You can suck it up for two days. We'll talk to Erin or Barbara about starting it up tomorrow. They're going to be there anyway as they have speaking lines and they have something to talk about. They've had sex with each other. They support gay rights. Starting on Monday, Chloe can talk to theater management to see if one of the employees can get the ball rolling."

"You're right, Dianne. I'm sorry, Chloe. Narrow focus. I wasn't thinking of what you're going through every day."

"No problem. I'll take it out on your ass tonight." Chloe grinned.

Matt gulped nervously.


At the play that night, Dianne and Matt were seated with Marty and Yolanda. Yolanda still had a speaking role with the doll, so she got up and left the theater to show her death. Chloe reached the point where she asked for the audience to join in. Dianne, who couldn't stop from crying again, started counting in her head waiting for someone to say anything. When nothing happened by the time her count reached fifteen, she stood up.

"I'm a friend of Chloe Hamilton and was a friend and roommate with Monica Franklin before her untimely death. I've had sex with a woman and it's no big deal. I think people should be allowed to love anyone they want as long as everyone is a consenting adult."

Matt stood up beside her. "I'm a friend of Chloe and was Monica's friend. She was a special person who didn't deserve to die. Violence against people with a different sexual identity needs to stop."

Other people started standing up and speaking and Matt and Dianne sat down.

Marty nudged Dianne and whispered, "This is serious. You shouldn't lie about stuff just to make a point."

"I didn't lie."

"You told me earlier you never had sex with a woman before."

"That was last week. Things change, Marty. If you don't believe me, ask Matt."

"Come on! Matt, is that true?"

"As of today, Chloe doesn't even have a bed set up in her room," Matt confirmed.

"You mean..."

"All three of us, Marty," Dianne said. "Every night we've been home since the day before Monica's funeral."

"But not at Ethel's?"

"We were keeping quiet about it because of Monica's family and Chloe's family and Chloe was with Elaine those two nights," Matt said. "We told Georgina and Beth today. Elaine and Ethel already knew. Ethel figured it out last night."

"Oh, man! You and two women. Un-fucking-believable!"

"It's not like you need to shout it from the rooftops, Marty. Do us a favor and don't spread this around. We'd like to keep this quiet," Dianne said. "This does not need to become locker room fodder. It's our business and no one else's. You can tell Yolanda if you need to tell someone, but she can't broadcast it either. If I hear it come back to me from anyone else, I'll know you were the blabbermouth. Any friendship we have ends that day. Do you understand?"

"Sure. Mum's the word. So how did you like it?"

"I liked it fine, but I'm not going to feed your masturbatory fantasies either. We're done talking about it."

Marty turned to Matt and he shrugged his shoulders. "That's the final word as far as I'm concerned. It is our private business. Not everyone wants to share every intimate detail of their lives."

That was the end of it until later as they were preparing to walk home with Chloe. Yolanda rushed up to them and said, "Please tell me you were pulling Marty's leg again?"

"About what," Chloe asked, "and how come I wasn't involved in any leg pulling?"

"There was no leg pulling," Dianne said. "Chloe, Matt and I are involved in a polyamorous relationship for the time being, but you need to keep it secret."

"Since when?"

"The day before Monica's funeral. We didn't know if it would be more than the once, but we've enjoyed it and continued since then."

"Are you attracted to women then?"

"More like I'm attracted to Chloe. I have no desire to do it with anyone else."

"And you're having sex with men again?" Yolanda asked Chloe.

"Not men in general. Just Matt," Chloe said. "Let's call it a general love for each other and their desire to ease my pain for Monica's loss, plus some curiosity on Dianne's part."

"But all three of you like it?"

"We wouldn't continue unless all three of us were on board," Dianne said.

"You know what you're doing to me, don't you?"

"No," Matt said, "what are we doing to you?"

"Marty is going to bug me no end until he can see what it's like. I need you guys to help him maintain boundaries, not open up his imagination more than it already is."

The three of them had to laugh at that. It was probably true.

"Don't give in to his fantasies, Yolanda, unless you want to. Issue him an ultimatum like I did," Dianne said. "I told him if he told anyone but you, and I later heard from anyone else what we were doing, I would blame him for blabbing and our friendship was over. Tell him if he keeps pushing you for something you don't want to do, or keeps begging, you'll move out. If he does, move out."

"Where would I move to? I'm from New Orleans. I don't even have any other family in the area. I moved in with him two years ago and gave up my apartment."

Matt pulled some keys out of his pocket, took one off and handed it to Yolanda. "Here's the key to my apartment. I only go over there to work out anymore. If you need it, you can go there. Just let me know so I don't walk in on you. The lease doesn't run out until the end of June."

"But tell him you're moving in with us because my bedroom is vacant now," Chloe said. "That would bother him more than anything. He wouldn't know what you were up to and it would drive him nuts."

Yolanda smiled. "Thanks. If I tell him that, expect him to break down your door."

"He pays for it if he does," Chloe said. "I'm guessing two, maybe three days apart from you, he apologizes and keeps his yap shut. He loves hell out of you. You let him get away with too much; forgive him too often. You can't go easy on guys like Marty."

"Like having sex with him on our camping trip after you promised not too, Yolanda," Dianne said. "If you don't train him now, he'll never change and you'll be fighting this battle forever until you either give in and give him what he wants or leave him forever. Marty is a nice guy, but he only backs off if you put your foot down."

Yolanda held up the key. "Thanks for this."

"If you need our help moving any of your stuff out of his apartment to make it more realistic, let us know," Chloe said. "Serve him right for always asking about my sex life."

"You have to admit, it's a pretty unusual sex life. Even I have questions."

"But you don't ask. You're civilized. Marty isn't. He's a six year old throwing a temper tantrum."

"Maybe some day you'll volunteer some information over a glass or two of wine," Yolanda said. "No boys allowed."

"That's always a possibility," Dianne said. "I'm not ashamed of what we're doing. I just don't think it's anyone's business but our own."