Summer Surprise Pt. 05


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Chloe was up the next morning when Matt and Dianne woke up. They were even further behind when they had sex again. Chloe was already preparing to leave at 10:30 when they finally wandered out of the bedroom.

"I've got to get ready for the next couple weeks when I need to fully depend on audience participation. There needs to be signs offering ticket discounts for participating. Plus, I need to talk to Erin and Babs about leaping in if no one in the audience starts things rolling. I wish you could be there again, but I understand you have other things you need to work on. I'm so emotionally wrung out when I finish, it's nice to walk back with someone afterward."

"Why don't you invite Erin and Barbara to come for dinner?" Dianne said. "We'll make enough for five people and they can walk with you."

Chloe gave Dianne a soft kiss, then Matt. "Thanks. The support of everyone around me is the only thing keeping me from going off the deep end."

Chloe left. Matt and Dianne studied for over four hours, then started making dinner. Matt made his hot dish type of meal. They cut up potatoes, carrots, celery and onions, lightly browned a pound and a half of hamburger, poured off the grease, added water and the vegetables to the pan, covered the pan and let the vegetables cook with the meat. They turned down the heat to low to keep it warm until the others got there.

When they arrived, they could tell Chloe had been crying again. Her eyes were red and puffy and both Erin and Barbara were holding her close.

Dianne took Chloe to get cleaned up while Matt set the table, crowding five people into the small table built for four. He dragged in the chair from Chloe's computer desk to make the fifth chair. At least it was on rollers. Erin and Barbara went into Chloe's room to use the bathroom to wash-up.

When they returned, about the same time Chloe and Dianne did, Erin asked, "Are you moving out, Chloe?"

"Not until after I graduate, at least," Chloe replied.

"Where are you sleeping, the floor? Your bed isn't even made."

"With Matt and Dianne."

Erin nodded. "Must get crowded and when do they get any privacy for sex." She got this sudden look of shock on her face. "Wait a damn minute! Are you all having sex together?"

"Afraid so," Dianne said. "You wouldn't expect me to have sex with Chloe behind Matt's back, would you?"

"Oh-My-God!" Barbara said. "Like how long? Was Monica involved? I thought you never had sex with a woman before, Dianne? Is Matt fucking Chloe too? Like all three of you? What's that like? Oh-My-God!"

"Sit down and let's eat and we'll answer any questions," Matt said. "I don't want the food to overcook."

The women sat down and Matt dished up some for everyone.

"Oh, wow," Barbara said, "this is like a pasty without the crust."

"What's a pasty?" Erin asked.

"It's like a meat pie. All these ingredients stuffed into a pie dough crust and eaten like a sandwich if they're cold, or on a plate if they're hot. Pasty shops are as common as hamburger joints in the upper peninsula of Michigan where I'm from. The copper miners would bring them into the mines in their lunch pails. A full meal in the hand. It's really good. This is everything but the crust. Who made this?"

"Matt, it's his recipe," Dianne said.

They ate as they talked, and everyone agreed it was a tasty meal.

"So what's the scoop on the threesome, or was it a foursome at one time?" Erin asked, pausing between bites.

"It was never a foursome," Chloe said. "I just couldn't sleep alone after Monica died. I asked Matt and Dianne if I could spend the night with them, and after a few days, the day before Monica's funeral, one thing led to another, and here we are."

"Does that mean you're bi, Dianne?" Erin asked. "I guess I am too. Never thought I'd say it, but I'm enjoying being with Babs."

"Oh great," Chloe said. "I hit on you twice and you don't give me the time of day, but with Babs, you're bi."

"I didn't know how pleasant it was to kiss a girl until we played the joke on Marty. Let alone the other stuff beyond a kiss. Does Marty know?"

"As of last night."

"Did he go berserk again."

"Yolanda complained to us, he was so berserk. Said we should be reining him in, not setting his imagination aflame," Matt said.

"I'll bet."

"Going back to your original question, I don't think I'm really bi," Dianne said. "Matt said I'm more Chloe-sexual. I have no desire to have sex with other women, but I'm enjoying the sex with Chloe and Matt. I don't even have sex with Chloe unless Matt's there. Because of what happened when Chloe and Matt were dating, Chloe doesn't want to pair off with me either. It's either all of us together, or just Matt and I."

"How's the sex?" Barbara asked.

"Pretty awesome. There's a lot of things you can do with three people," Chloe said. "I'm thinking we're going to have to try a double penetration at some point. Never been able to do one before."

"I thought you were an all out lesbian, Chloe?" Barbara asked.

"I think I am, but I've had sex with Matt before and it was always good as far as the sex goes. I just never got any emotional connection with him except for loving him as my best friend, but if Dianne is part of the package, I'm not going to run off screaming because he's got a cock."

"Oh, wow. That's crazy insane. I love it," Erin said. "Would you ever want to introduce a guy into our sex life, Babs? Cock and cunt, a double feature."

"I'd be willing to try it, but I don't want to make it permanent. As far as I'm concerned, you could have the cock and I'll stick with you."

"Don't be so certain," Chloe said. "Get into a sixty-nine with Erin while some guy is fucking you and you might change your tune."

"Could we borrow Matt? Just once?" Erin said. "I was always a little disappointed he never really did anything with me when we went out."

"That's up to Matt and Dianne," Chloe said. "They're the couple. I'm the third wheel."

"I don't think I could do that," Matt said. "It wouldn't be fair to Dianne. We really are a couple, plus one. I already feel guilty about Chloe, even though we both care for her."

"Don't be so quick to say no, Matt," Dianne said.

"What? You want to have sex with them?"

"No, not me, you."

"You want me to have sex with them?"

"If it's just once, I don't think I'd have a problem with it. I was curious what sex with Chloe would be like. You let me explore that, even though it was a risky thing for you to do. I'd like to think about it some more, but I'm leaning towards go ahead if you want to have sex with them once so they can see what it's like. I guess the question is, do you want to have sex with them once?"

"I'd be lying if I said no. They're both beautiful young women. I've never been with a ginger before." Erin flashed him a smile.

"Why don't we think about it for a week, and if everyone is agreeable, meet back here next Sunday. After you've had your way with them, we can sic Chloe on them since she tried to date Erin twice before. Three women work almost as well as two women and a man. Barbara, you'd be willing to have sex with Chloe and Erin, wouldn't you?"

"I'd love to. That's my kind of threesome."

"There. We've got a date unless one of us decides to chicken out."

"What would you be doing while all this is going on?"

"Studying, the same as I do every Sunday."

"That doesn't seem fair," Matt said.

"I've had sex with you and Chloe multiple times in the last day. Untold orgasms. It's not going to kill me to give up sex for a few hours and study. You might even have something left to give me when you're done with those two. I'll be fine. Like I said, we can think it over some more, but I'm inclined to say go for it. Barbara, if you're not on birth control, you might want to bring condoms with you. It won't feel as good as a live prick, but it won't feel much different from a strap-on."

"Dianne, are you sure about this?" Matt asked.

"Not positive yet, but I'm inclining that way. Perhaps our play with Chloe has made me a little more experimental. We'll talk about it some more before Sunday."

They continued to talk and banter after the meal was done. The three who hadn't cooked cleaned up. There were hugs and kisses all around when the other two left.

"The nice thing about a matinee," Chloe said, "is it's still early. Are you ready to lose your anal cherry, Dianne?"

"I am. I figure if Matt could enjoy it, I will too."

"Let's take the plugs out and take a nice shower together. Matt can start thinking of his dick in your derrière."

"What are you going to be doing?"

"Licking your cunt, mon cherie, since it won't otherwise be in use."

Matt undressed and got into bed while the two women showered. He'd only had anal sex one other time with Elaine, and remembered it with a great deal of fondness. Working strictly on memory and imagination, he soon sported a raging boner. The two women emerged from the bathroom giggling and chatting.

Looking at the two of them, Matt realized how freaking lucky he was to be having sex with not just one, but both of them. Dianne, the woman he loved and wanted to marry, and zany, talented Chloe, best friend extraordinaire. He'd had his share of bumps and bruises, but he was definitely on a peak at the moment. To think his girlfriend was even willing to let him have sex with Erin and Barbara once was downright crazy.

Chloe handed him the lubricant. "Don't put it on right now. Dianne and I will get into a sixty-nine and start pleasuring each other. You need to help her relax and get in the right frame of mind by rimming her rosebud, reminding her how good things can feel back there if done right. After she's had her first orgasm, start greasing her up and lubing your tube. Do not push it in, although you can do the same thing with your prick you did with your tongue, just touching and rubbing. After she's had her second orgasm, start making your entry, but go slow. It was easy for Dianne last night because there are no nerve endings in a strap-on so she wasn't feeling anything. You, once you get the head in, will want to shove it all the way in because it feels good. Don't do it. Go slow. Even though she's been plugged for four days, it only starts preparing her for your dick.

"Your cock itself has to do some of its own stretching. Ease it in, let her booty adjust to your size. Do not start fucking her until she asks you to. I'm going to keep licking her pussy, so she'll be climaxing and enjoying the oral stimulation. She'll eventually want movement, which she'll signify the need for by either fucking back against you, or asking you to fuck her. Begin your stroking, but still go slow. This is not a race. I'd almost tell you to stroke one off so you weren't so eager, but Dianne might appreciate if it doesn't take you half the night to cum. If Dianne enjoys this, and I don't doubt she will if you approach it like I said, she'll be willing to do it again. If you fuck it up, she won't. Any questions by anyone?"

"Not for me, that was pretty clear," Matt said.

"I'm looking forward to a new experience," Dianne said. "Matt will look after me." She leaned up and kissed him.

Chloe got on the bed and Dianne draped herself over her and Matt could hear the sound of busy tongues and see Chloe's head in between Dianne's thighs. His cock twitched. Remembering what Dianne had done for him last night, he crouched on the bed and spread her cheeks. Coming from the shower, he smelled the soap she used and perhaps she'd dabbed a drop or two of her perfume nearby. Despite having his nose in between her buns, it smelled fresh and clean. He had no problem swirling his tongue around the brown pucker or kissing anywhere. Both women were squirming some as their orgasms built, moaning their pleasure.

When Dianne orgasmed, she clenched her buttocks, squeezing his face, but not painfully. He continued lapping at the starred sphincter right through her orgasm, which seemed like a good one from the happy sounds she made. He removed his face from her crack and put some lube over the saliva. He massaged it in like one of his massage oils, concentrating on the gate guarding her nether entry. He also made sure his cock was greased from stem to stern.

Kneeling between Dianne's splayed legs, he rubbed the tip against her asshole. She'd flinch and clench, then relax as when she realized what she was doing. When she orgasmed, it seemed Dianne's pucker pulsed with her contractions. Soon the tight muscle would be wrapped around his cock.

When Dianne's orgasm seemed to wane, Matt placed the head on the target and exerted pressure. The plugs had done their job and she seemed to spread over his cock's crown, giving way under his slow assault. She moaned deeply as it widened enough to engulf the head. Matt held still as her star momentarily squeezed down as he passed through.

"You're so big," Dianne said. "I can't believe you're inside me."

Her clench eased up and Matt slipped another inch deeper until she squeezed again, fighting the intrusion. Chloe's tongue wrung another orgasm out of Dianne and her rectum spasmed as her pussy did.

"I'm cumming," Dianne moaned. "Oh, fuck, that feels so strange."

Her orgasm ending, Matt worked another couple inches deeper, pausing to allow her to accustom herself to the intrusion. It took another few minutes before he managed to put all of his rigid rod inside of Dianne, his groin pillowed on her delectable buttocks.

"You're right," Dianne panted. "The plugs only go so far in preparing you for this. I don't think I could have done it without them. He feels so big inside me."

"Does it hurt?" Matt asked.

"It did a little to start. It's more uncomfortable now, but even the discomfort seems to be fading. By the time Chloe gives me another climax, I'll probably be ready for a good fucking, and it won't be long now. I can feel it building as we speak."

"Less talking, more licking up there, Dianne, and remember, Matt, I'm underneath her, so don't collapse on her body after you cum," Chloe said.

Matt realized that was true and he couldn't pile drive into Dianne's backside. She probably wouldn't appreciate it anyway.

Dianne had her fourth orgasm, then said, "Fuck me, Matt. Fuck my ass with your big cock, just go easy." She returned to lapping between Chloe's spread thighs. Never one to disappoint his girlfriend, Matt started fucking her. In, out, nice and easy, slow deep strokes into her beautiful bottom. No longer was it only Chloe giving her orgasms, Matt's thrusting was causing a similar reaction, to the point Chloe could have stopped licking, though she never did.

As a result, Dianne's orgasms began happening with more frequency and were longer and stronger than Chloe's. It felt someone lit a string of firecrackers and inserted them in her pussy, or maybe her ass. It was hard to tell where they originated, or maybe they were coming from all sides.

Matt tried to delay his own orgasm, but it felt so good. Each time Dianne orgasmed, his cock was squeezed with spasmodic contractions. It was like a gloved hand massaging his cock each time.

"Aaahhh, fuck!" Matt groaned, feeling his sap rise and unload in Dianne's fine ass. It felt like nine or ten jets of cum spurted out before he was drained. He felt himself shrinking and pulled out to give Dianne respite.

Remembering not to collapse on her, he dropped to his back beside them. They gave each other one last climax before they stopped.

"Oh, wow. Just wow," Dianne panted. "That was so fucking good."

"Your first foray into anal sex was a success then?" Chloe asked. "I don't know why I ask, my face is coated with your cum. I couldn't keep up with it all."

Dianne rolled in the opposite direction. "I'll definitely be doing that again," she replied.

"Good. Tomorrow we'll go for a double. Since both Matt and I will be sharing space down there, we'll start with his big cock in your cunt and me in your ass."

"Why not right now?" Dianne asked.

"Why should you have all the fun tonight? I need a good ass fucking first. I wore that fucking plug for the last day, including my performance today, and it's time for my reward. Besides, you might feel a little tender later when the endorphins from your orgasms wear off. Doubling down right now may be a bad idea. Matt, you need to take a shower. What I know about anal sex says you need to clean your tool before you put it anywhere else, especially pussies, but I'd like you cleaner and fresher before you fuck me."

"You got it." Matt got up to shower.

"I'll wipe you down, Dianne. You may not realize it, but your bottom will gap for a short time after anal sex. Within ten to fifteen minutes, it will close, so you may want to roll onto your stomach or you will leak Matt's cum all over the sheets. From what I could see from between your legs, he deposited quite the load inside you."

Dianne flipped over and Chloe got a clean wash cloth, soaked it in warm water, and gently wiped Dianne's bottom.

"You're going to be on the bottom this time getting your face smeared with my cum," Chloe said, tidying up. "I like to get my ass fucked, so I will cum a lot."

"I'll try to keep up."

"Good luck."

Chloe got up and rinsed the washcloth thoroughly before tossing it in Dianne's clothes hamper.

"I wouldn't mind getting started while Matt's finishing his shower. I should probably have an orgasm or two before he sticks his tool in my tush."

Dianne had no problem with that and they were engaged in sex when Matt returned, drying himself off.

Chloe turned and said, "I'm warmed up a little, you can go ahead with the lube. I don't need to relax my butt as much as Dianne did. I'm somewhat used to this, just not something with your size, so go slow, please."

Matt did go slow, and with both he and Chloe well lubed, he engaged in his second bout of anal sex that night, enjoying it fully as much as he had the first. Chloe seemed to enjoy him punishing her bottom as much as Dianne had. That was good, as he lasted nearly twice as long the second time.

"What a fantastic fucking," Chloe said, lying on her stomach after their raunchy sex. "I'll feel it in the morning, but that was some excellent sword play, Matt. My ass feels like a pin cushion it got stabbed so much."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Matt asked. "I realize I got a little exuberant towards the end."

"Did I ask you to slow down? No, I'll be fine. That is one difference between a cock and strap-on. The fuckee is a little more in control with a strap-on. Since there's no sensations to the fucker, you can ask someone to stop whenever. With a cock, the fucker pretty much wants to go until he cums, but I'm okay. Nothing a good night's sleep won't cure. Back in the shower, Matt. I'll wash you, you wash me. The only thing I don't like about anal sex is it's messy."

Chloe kissed Dianne's cum glazed face. "I told you I'd be dripping. You want to join us long enough to wash your face?"

"I'll use the sink. The shower doesn't really work for more than two."

"I'll have your boyfriend back in a jiffy."

Chloe drew Matt up off the bed and they hit the shower together. Dianne got up and washed her face. Dianne had wondered how much she'd really enjoy anal sex, but given the way she'd prepared for it, found she really liked it. She brushed her teeth thinking how much she was enjoying this little episode of her life.

A few minutes later, her two lovers joined her in the bed and it was so nice to be snuggling in between them. She kissed Matt's neck and felt Chloe kiss hers moments before she fell asleep.


Later the next afternoon, Matt got a text from Yolanda.

Heading to your old place now. Don't have a ton of clothes. May need your help later to get some.

Matt acknowledged the text and said he'd do whatever he could to help. He told Dianne and Chloe when they returned from class.