Summer Surprise Pt. 06


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"I needed to give you an orgasm orally, as I knew I wouldn't last long inside of you," Matt panted, leaning over Dianne, his cock still throbbing his release."

"Don't worry about it. I suspect you'll be fucking once or twice more before the night is ended. So you were as aroused as I was by what we watched?"

"Hell, yes. That was so hot." He stood up. "I need to put the clothes from the washer into the dryer or I won't have dry clothes to wear home tomorrow."

"Go ahead," Dianne said.

"You don't think anyone would mind if I go as I am, do you?" Matt asked, waving at his nudity.

"I'm not sure anyone else is up. Go ahead, but let me clean some of our cum off you first. You're dripping."

Matt held still as Dianne cleaned Matt's cock in her mouth. He started swelling again before she finished.

"Just as I thought. You should be ready for more when you get back."

Matt returned to the laundry room beside the kitchen. Bill was sitting at the table, with a glass of what looked like whiskey over ice waiting as Evelyn cleaned up the kitchen. Matt thought about covering himself but Evelyn was naked, so figured he'd just muddle through.

"Damn, forgot about the dishes. Our evening meal ended rather abruptly," Matt said.

"It did," Bill agreed. "We used to have an army of servants taking care of every little thing. Evelyn never lifted a finger to do anything around the house. Now she does almost everything herself, naked as she is now. She very seldom wears clothes around the house anymore, unless we have company and may be nude anyway, depending on the company. I enjoy these little touches of domesticity while she works naked."

"I can see why?"

Matt's cock was twitching. He put the clothes in the dryer and turned it on. Ethel appeared suddenly, wearing a robe.

"Oh, good. I completely forgot about the dishes," Ethel said. "I was going to clean up." She glanced at Matt's semi-enlarged organ. "I would have thought you'd have taken care of that already."

"I did," Matt agreed. "I was just enjoying the sight of Evelyn cleaning up the kitchen."

"I'm going to pour myself a drink, Matt. You want one?"

"Please, can you pour one for Dianne too?"

"What would she like?"

"She doesn't often drink other than wine, but she'll have a Southern Comfort on occasion, if you have it? I'll have whatever Bill is drinking."

"Black Jack," Bill said.

"One Jack, one Comfort, coming up."

Ethel belted her robe a little tighter and got three high ball glasses and added ice. She poured Jack Daniels into two of them and Southern Comfort in the other from the bar in the dining room. She handed two of the drinks to Matt and took a seat next to her brother. Matt said good night to both of them and walked back to his room, hearing Bill and Ethel beginning to talk before he was out of range. On returning to his room, he saw Delphine was already there and naked in their bed. He saw the baby monitor on the nightstand. He handed Dianne her drink.

"Southern Comfort," he said to her unspoken inquiry. "Cheers." They clinked glasses and took a sip. "Would you like something, Delphine?"

"Not to drink," Delphine said, smiling. "I want lots of things other than that and you look like you're close to providing them, but first I want Dianne tonguing me to an orgasm."

Dianne smiled, took another sip, capturing an ice cube in her teeth, set the glass down and pushed Delphine's legs apart. Without a word, she rubbed the ice up and down Delphine's slit.

"Oh, fuck, that's cold," Delphine said, shivering. "You're so bad, Dianne."

Dianne pushed the cube into Delphine's glistening sheath and pushed it up inside with her tongue, as deeply as she could.

"Not as bad as I'm going to be," Dianne said. "Fuck me, Matt."

Dianne commenced licking Delphine's cunt, lapping at the water coming from her vagina as the ice melted. She was on her elbows and knees, her ass in the air and Matt had no problem sliding his cock into the warm, buttery depths. Dianne moaned into Delphine's pussy as Matt filled her.

Matt lasted much longer this time and both Dianne and Delphine orgasmed multiple times before Matt emptied his balls into his girlfriend. Delphine cleaned the cum dripping from Dianne's pussy as Dianne wrapped her lips around Matt's shaft and sucked him clean.

Dianne took another sip of her drink as a cum chaser. Matt took another drink of his as well, then lay down beside the two women.

"I did not expect you would be such a talented pussy pleaser," Delphine said, circling one of Dianne's taut buds with a fingernail.

"I've had quite a bit of recent practice," Dianne replied, "with our mutual girlfriend, Chloe. She's taught me a lot about pleasing a woman."

"William said you shared your apartment with someone else. She's a girlfriend to you both?"

They had to explain who Chloe was, how everyone met, what happened to Monica and how it had changed all of their relationships.

"Chloe's the one who put on the performance? Bill and Evelyn told me about it."

"Yes, it's about the loss of everyone who died in Madison and especially Monica and what she meant to Chloe."

"How sad. She sounded like a beautiful young woman."

"She was," Dianne agreed. "There is so much dissension in this country about some of these things. There seems to be so many people who resist change, trying to bring back something which was never there in the first place. It's not like gays suddenly sprang out of the woodwork. They were always there, just hiding behind masks. Trapped in loveless marriages because they couldn't be with those they truly loved, hiding behind the respectability of wives and children. All they would ever do is force it back into the closet and keep it trapped there. People won't become un-gay if it went back to what it was before, just hide it better.

"One of the things Chloe taught us is for the women to sixty-nine with one another while Matt fucks the one on top. If you're primarily into women, it's a good way to proceed to one of Matt's fuckings. You'll be buried in my twat and have me licking you when Matt slides his big sausage into you."

"That sounds like fun. I've never been with two people before. Usually I'm with a girl, sometimes a man, but never two at once. It makes for a unique experience."

"What do you say, Matt. Have you rested enough to fuck Delphine yet?"

"I'm fairly close. I'm sure watching the two of you will get me the rest of the way there."

Dianne got on her back and waited for Delphine to climb over her. They enjoyed ten minutes of mutual pleasure before Matt slid inside Delphine's pouting pussy. She was well fucked before she felt Matt cum in her.

They were sound asleep when Delphine heard Madeline crying in the baby monitor. She got out of bed, turning off the monitor so it wouldn't disturb the others. She kissed Dianne on the cheek as Matt stirred restlessly.

"I need to go," she said. "I'll take care of Madeline and I won't be coming back. I'll sleep in her room. Hopefully, I'll see you again before you leave."

"Goodbye, Delphine. It was pleasurable," Dianne murmured sleepily.

"For me too. Bonne nuit."

"Good night to you."

Dianne went back to sleep.


Elaine woke them the next morning, sitting beside Dianne and shaking her shoulder lightly.

"You'll miss breakfast if you don't get up soon. Your ride home is leaving here in an hour."

"Thanks, Elaine," Dianne whispered.

"You're welcome." Elaine stroked Matt's cheek, then stood up, swatting his ass. "Up and at 'em, cowboy. You're burning daylight." She left the room laughing.

"Hey!" Matt exclaimed. "That was uncalled for," thinking it was Dianne who'd swatted him.

"It wasn't me," she said, "it was Elaine."

He yelled out the doorway. "Just wait until the next time you want a massage," he shouted.

Elaine's laughter came floating down the hall.

"Where's Delphine?" Matt asked.

"She left in the middle of the night to take care of Madeline. You were sure out of it."

"Hey, I climaxed five times since lunch yesterday."

"I must have climaxed twice that number, you wuss."

Matt grabbed Dianne and laid two hard swats on her ass, startling her and causing her to squeal. "Who are you calling a wuss?"

Dianne turned to him with smoky eyes and an impish grin. "Don't start anything you can't finish."

They quickly showered, brushed and packed what little they'd brought and joined everyone in the kitchen. Matt's things from the dryer were neatly folded on a chair and he added them to the backpack. Delphine was feeding Madeline. William was feeding Evelyn and Elaine and Georgina got to witness it, though Evelyn wasn't pushed into climaxing and there was no fucking afterward. Still, it was a heated moment and everyone felt it to some extent. Matt and Dianne ate quickly.

"My driver will take you to the airport and drop you off at Bill's helicopter," Ethel said. "It's been a pleasure having you once again. Don't be strangers."

"I've enjoyed meeting you," Bill said. "Perhaps sometime after school is done, I can have you all to my home in New York. I include Chloe in that invitation."

"I plan on attending summer school so I can graduate earlier," Dianne said. "It will have to be in the break between semesters."

"And I have to look for a full time job," Matt said, "but it's a tempting offer."

They hugged everyone before they left and Evelyn was still naked. Now the cat was out of the bag, Bill felt no compunction in leaving her bare.


When they got back to La Crosse, Matt and Dianne told Chloe all about their adventures, Delphine joining them in their bed, the skinny dipping in the pool, Bill's treatment of Evelyn and how arousing everything was to everyone.

"When Evelyn was being whipped, I could almost feel the whip falling on my own back," Dianne said. "When he was whipping her front, I got so excited I masturbated. Granted, it was under my clothes, but you wouldn't believe how excited I was. I think Evelyn and I orgasmed at the same time, or nearly so."

"Really," Chloe said. "You were excited by a woman being whipped?"

"It wasn't a hard whipping or anything. You could tell Evelyn liked it. She climaxed twice."

"And I thought you weren't interested in women other than myself, Dianne. What kind of a slut are you to start fucking other women? I mean, Matt's a guy. I expect that kind of behavior out of most men, but are you turning into a bisexual?"

"I don't think so. You should have seen her Chloe. She was exquisite. You would have been all over her."

"I'm sure I would have been. What's fascinating to me is you were also. How interesting. By the way, Erin and Babs are coming over at 1:30. Apparently, they're going to take you up on your offer to share Matt. That's something else which seems a little out of left field to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted you're willing to share yourself and your boyfriend with me, but tossing him to two other women seems out of character. I always thought I had you pegged, but I'm learning you're not exactly what I thought you were."

"I know Matt loves me. It's only the one time. I don't expect him to do it again, nor me to think it would be okay again."

"Are you sure about this, Dianne?" Matt asked. "It's a little out in left field in my mind, too."

"Absolutely. Robert is the only other person I've loved as much as I love you. I'm confident in our love for each other. I don't expect it to mean any more than some brief sex. Chloe is the only other person we both love and we're both fucking her."

"Did you ever do anything like that with Robert?" Matt asked.

"No. I mean I never expected anything, but he was gone for long periods of time. I'd hear some things about some of the other deployed soldiers, but if Robert ever did anything with anyone else, I never heard about it. Part of the problem though was the absences. If you allowed yourself to do something like that, to sleep with someone else when you were lonely, who knows what might have happened. I'm not lonely, you're not lonely. We both love the sex we're having. I'll be right in the next room, so I don't feel you're doing anything behind my back. It just doesn't seem like I'm giving up anything."

"Promise me you'll say something if you change your mind. I don't want to ruin the relationship I have with you."

"Of course."

Chloe rubbed her chin and in her best British voice said, "Very interesting, Watson. Very, very interesting."

Dianne pushed her. "Oh, you. Don't forget they're expecting a threesome with you when you're done with the matinee performance."

"Ah, but I'm already a depraved lesbian fucking her two best friends. It's to be expected of me. It's you that has me confused. Off to the theater with me. Work is calling. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"What's that?" Matt asked.

"I'm not sure yet," Chloe said, smiling. "I imagine I'll figure it out sometime."


They were both studying when there was a knock on the door. Matt got up to answer it. Given the time, he expected it to be Erin and Barbara, nor was he wrong.

"Ladies, come on in," Matt said, bowing slightly as he ushered them in.

"Before this goes any further, Barbara wanted me to double check with both of you that you're still willing to do this," Erin said. "We don't want to mess anything up between you two, scout's honor."

Matt looked at Dianne. She answered, "No, we're all good as long as everyone realizes it's a one time thing which will never be repeated."

Erin looked at Barbara. "We understand not repeating anything with Matt, but Barbara was hoping you might want to do a threesome with us."

"Me, why me? You've got each other. Plus you intend to have sex with Chloe when she gets done today. You'll have knocked out two threesomes, one with a guy and one with a girl. You don't need me."

"We understand you may not want to, and it's okay if you don't, but Barbara has had the hots for you as long as she's known you. You're like an itch she needs to scratch."

"Really? Me? My goodness, Babs, you never said anything to me."

"Chloe warned us not to hit on you when you became her roommate. She said you were trying to get over a dead husband, and I understood, so I gave you space. Then you met Matt and it became a thing and it looked like the door was closed, but if you're willing to let Matt fuck us, I was wondering if you were willing to fuck us too, since we know you're doing women now. I know you believe what you have with Matt is special, but not so special you're unwilling to share him. Why not share yourself? I'm just asking."

"She's got a point," Matt said. "You're letting the gander play. Why shouldn't the goose have a turn."

"I really didn't want to get carried away on this whole sharing thing. It's why I only want it to be the one time."

"I get it," Barbara said, "and if it's a no, I'll accept a no, but I'd like you to at least think about it."

"I'll think about it. I'll tell you now I'm leaning against it, but I'll give it a couple days to percolate before I give it a definitive answer."

"Thank you," Barbara said. "I appreciate it."

Matt led the two women into Dianne's bedroom and closed the door. Dianne returned to studying, and by and large, it was a good study session, but every once in awhile, one of the women would scream, or moan particularly loud, with some energetic and quite explicit expletives like fuck me harder, or fuck me faster, or shove your cock up my cunt, would drift past the closed door and her concentration would suffer for a few minutes.

They were still behind closed doors when Chloe returned home.

"They're still going at it?" Chloe said. "How the hell are you studying?"

"It's not usually that loud," Dianne answered. "Occasionally, it becomes more vociferous. Now is one of those times."

Chloe sat on the couch with Dianne and gave her a kiss. "How are you doing? You still okay with it?"

"By and large, I'm fine. Barbara said earlier she wanted to have a threesome with me. She wants me to think about it."

"And what are you thinking?"

"I'm leaning against, but I'll give it some time. Did you know Barbara was interested in me?"

"First time she saw you, she wanted you. You were off limits at the time and not into girls, so I didn't give it much thought. Now you've fucked two women, maybe you should consider it. Maybe you're more bi than you think."

"What would I do with that information? I don't intend to give up Matt. Eventually, we'll get married. At least, I believe we will. He seems to be of the same mind as I am. I can't see carrying this type of behavior into a marriage."

"True, but you're not married now, and you seem to have a little flexibility as far as playmates go. As long as you're honest with each other and neither of you has a problem with it." She left the rest unsaid. "Did Matt have a problem with it, or does he know yet?"

"He knows and seemed to be encouraging it, goose, gander, that whole thing."

"Yeah, Matt would want to be fair about it. It's like us. Make it equal for all involved. If I get to fuck you, he gets to fuck me and so on. I don't want to see his heart broken again, but isn't Matt the one to decide what breaks his heart? If he truly doesn't have an issue with it, maybe give it a whirl."

Matt came out of the bedroom, a pair of athletic shorts on and nothing else. The two women were still in the bed with sheets pulled over them. "Fuck, thank God you're here, Chloe. You're up next."

Chloe got up and stood in the doorway looking at the two women. Their hair was messy, their make-up messy, the bed was messy.

"By a show of hands, which of you fuckers has got man spunk in their cunt?"

Both of them raised their hands. "You filthy animals. If you want to fuck me, you need to take a shower and wash that shit out of you. Just because I like a little man meat every so often, doesn't mean I want to suck his cum out when I'm supposed to be licking a cunt. Have a little decency please and clean up."

They laughed and got up to use Dianne's shower.

"I need to shower myself," Chloe said. "You want to take a quick one with me, Matt. I promise to leave your dick alone. It looks a little wrung out at the moment."

"Thank you, Jesus. Please."

"Grab whatever you want to wear or need from the bedroom because it might be three hours before we vacate the bed and we'll probably need to change the sheets."

Matt laughed and grabbed some clothes and incidentals, going with Chloe to use her shower."

They were both back in fifteen minutes and Chloe went into the bedroom and closed the door. Matt took a seat on the couch with Dianne.

"How did it go?" Dianne asked.

"Well, since Barbara didn't really want to fuck a man ever again, she wanted to try a lot of different things today. I think she enjoyed them, especially since Erin was there to share them with. It went well for what it was, a chance to experiment with things they hadn't done before. I doubt anyone is falling in love with me or hoping on doing this on a regular basis."

"Good. I say Babs and Erin should buy food tonight for everyone as payment for services rendered."

"You're making me a whore?" Matt said. "We've already had one prostitute in the family. What would my mother say?"

"If the shoe fits," Dianne laughed. "Hopefully, she'd praise your business acumen, although they're getting you pretty cheap. It sounded as if they got hundreds of dollars worth of services."

"Thousands, really. Let's be honest. I'm a god among men."

Dianne stood up and knocked on the bedroom door. "What is it?" Chloe said. It sounded as if her voice was muffled by a moist pussy.

"Matt said he provided thousands of dollars worth of gigolo services. We think it's only fair Erin and Barbara pay for take out tonight."

"That's fair," Erin agreed. "He at least earned a meal." Barbara giggled. "I second that."