The 12 Insane Days of Christmas


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Just then I saw Amy in the doorway. "Maddy, GET AWAY FROM MY MOM."

Maddy looked over at her. "I'm sorry Amy, but I can't do that. She is mine. I need to be with her."

"I've already called the police, Maddy. They are on the way. Just put down the knife and get away from her."

Maddy started to cry. "I'm sorry. I can't." She started to raise the knife into the air as if she meant to stab me.

Amy yelled out, "NOOOOOO!" She ran at Maddy and lunged at her, tackling her off the bed.

I could just see where they were struggling on the floor. They were rolling around, and the next thing I knew Maddy had stabbed Amy in her side. I saw a lot of blood. Maddy just sat there on top of her staring. I screamed out, "Amy nooooooooo! Please god no! Not my baby."

Maddy was turning to look at me when A police officer appeared in the doorway. He was holding a stun gun pointed at Maddy. "Drop the knife now." I don't think she heard him or cared. She started walking towards me. The officer fired the stun gun. I watched as Maddy convulsed and dropped to the ground.

Things were a bit hazy after that for a while. I Remember the officer radioing for an ambulance. One officer was attending to Amy. "She's alive but losing blood." He was talking to dispatch and was told to hold a towel firmly to the wound until paramedics arrived. The other officer put Maddy in cuffs and took her away to their car. It was a few minutes before they were able to cut me free.

Most of the details of all this were told to me later. They got me to the hospital with Amy. Someone had contacted my husband and told me that he was on his way back home. I was being treated. Maddy had put some kind of sleeping pill into the drink she had given me.

Amy had lost a lot of blood and needed to have a blood transfusion. Unfortunately, she had a rare blood type and they did not have any available at the moment. Her father was a perfect match for her and they were able to keep her stable for a while until Jim arrived. He was a match for her and he immediately volunteered to give his daughter all the blood she needed.

Once he had recovered from giving blood he came to see me. I cried when I saw him come into the room. The first thing I asked him was about Amy. He told me she was doing ok now and would have to stay for a couple of days for observation. I told him about everything that had happened since he left. He was just as shocked as I was. I slept on and off for the rest of the day in the hospital and was allowed to go home the next morning.

The 3rd Day of Christmas

I was feeling a lot better by the time I got out of the hospital. Emotionally I was drained but physically I was fine. I was heartbroken about what had happened to Amy. My little girl had been hurt in the process of saving my life. She was my hero. I was also heartbroken for Maddy. I couldn't understand why she would do the things she had done.

I needed to go and talk to her father. I walked a couple of blocks to their house and rang the bell. Her dad answered and I could tell he had been crying. He saw me and started crying again. "Oh god, Sara! I am so sorry!!"

I hugged him. "It's ok Jeff. It's not your fault. Everything is OK now."

"Please come in. I need to tell you some things," he told me.

I went in and sat down in the living room. He brought me a cup of coffee and sat down so we could talk. "They have her under observation in the psychiatric ward. They did a preliminary evaluation. From what they could determine, she has been battling depression ever since her mom died. She also has been suffering from BPS (Borderline Personality Disorder)."

"Oh my. The poor girl. I hope they can help her to get better."

"The doctors say it may be a while, but with treatment and the right medication, she can get better. They think what happened was with the depression, she had Amy as a friend to talk about it and they talked a lot about her mom and they also talked a lot about you. You also helped her a lot and loved her like a mother figure. The BPS made it possible for her to sort of imprint herself onto you. Made her infatuated with you."

"That's not how BPS normally goes, but the doctors said that the depression and all the other factors mixed in overwhelmed her and messed with her mind."

I had begun to wonder about all the gifts and where she had gotten them. Then an even weirder thought came to me, the one at the office. How would she have gotten in and grabbed it from my garbage? Our garbage usually gets incinerated. Unless she simply bought another set of them.

"One thing I don't understand. Where did Maddy get the money for all these things she was sending me? The lingerie and the gold bracelets alone must have been expensive," I asked him.

He let out a sigh, "When Maddy's mom died she left Maddy a trust that she had inherited from her parents. It was rather large. I had allowed her an allowance of $1000 a week. Far more than I should have now that I see what she was doing with it. I am so sorry Sara."

"It's ok. This was not your fault. It was no one's fault. Just a troubled mind of a girl who lost her mother far too early in life."

"I know, it's not fair. I miss her, and I hate what it did to my little girl," he said with a sigh. " There is something else you should see as well. Come with me."

He led me to Maddy's room. "Now I warn you this might be a bit disturbing for you.

He opened the door. I was in shock at what I had seen there. All over her walls, every inch was covered in various pictures of me. This was an extreme obsession. I cried, not for my sake but for that poor girl and what she was suffering from.

Jeff picked something up from her dresser and handed it to me. "I think that she would want you to have this. Not the obsessed her but the Maddy that loved and cared for you as a mom. They belonged to her mother." He gave me 3 rings that could be intertwined together into an intricate pattern.

I gasped, it was gorgeous. "Jeff, are you sure? This is beautiful. It was your wife's I couldn't possibly."

"Please, Sara. Maddy would want you to have it. I want you to have it."

I wiped the tears from my eyes and hugged him. "Thank you."

After that, I went back home and spent the rest of the day with my husband. It just didn't feel right being happy and doing anything when my baby girl was sitting in the hospital. We both decided we would go and sit at the hospital in her room waiting for her to wake up. They kept her sedated for that day and let her get rest but we stayed right with her until the next day when she woke up.

The 2nd Day of Christmas

I was sleeping in a chair by her bed when I heard her. "Mom? What happened?"

I looked over at her and smiled as I wiped away the tears. "My little hero is awake and safe. That's what happened."

I leaned over and gave her a kiss and a hug. "You saved my life, baby. I could never thank you enough"

"Well duh, you're my Mom. I'd die for you."

"You almost did!" I told her. "Don't you ever do that again."

She was feeling better now and was soon able to go home. I had my 2 favorite people with me and everything was right with the world. We spent the rest of the day at home resting and making some Christmas cookies. When it was time for bed I asked Amy to sleep in our bed with us. I didn't want to be apart from her tonight. I was afraid of losing her. I know it was irrational but I'm a mom and it made sense to me.

When we got home Jim was messing around with the computer and cameras when he noticed that they had been unplugged but made to look like they were still attached. That's why they stopped working. Maddy was a clever girl. Very mentally unhealthy, but clever.

The 1st Day of Christmas

It was Christmas morning and we all woke up early and went downstairs. We did the whole opening of presents and had a wonderful morning. We had some hot chocolate and ate some Christmas cookies. We had a wonderful morning together as a family. Later in the afternoon, the doorbell rang and 1 group of carolers was outside singing carols. The 3 of us gathered around listening. That is until they started singing the 12 Days of Christmas. I screamed and ran back into the house.

Authors End notes:

Yes I know BPD does not work exactly as described in the story. I fudged it a bit to work with the story. I know too well how it works as I have suffered with it, as well as depression and anxiety. I have done some research on it as well. This is of course Fiction so with most fiction liberty's are taken. The last few days may have seemed as though they were a bit rushed but it was done on purpose to kind of show Sara's decline into madness or depression however you look at it.

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AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

VH, for all intents and purposes you are correct. AB- is the rarest of the common ABO blood types which can receive all ABO- blood types. But there are types even more rare. These are sub RH factors that we all have in addition to the common ABO. It's because of the factors that makes finding a suitable bone marrow transplant difficult. Not only does the donor have to match the common ABO, but also have the same or at least similar combinations of sub RH factors.


The rarest blood type is rhnull which basically has no RH factors. About one in 6 million have it so roughly about 60 persons in the US. They basically can only receive other rhnull blood. Any RH factors present can be toxic.


On the positive side, rhnull is considered Golden blood as anyone can receive it even the exotic rare types.


I may not be 100% accurate, but it should be close. The reason I have some awareness as I had a family member who had leukemia. All family members were tested. Even with a large family, few were compatible.

FlamethrowFlamethrow4 months ago

A very thought-provoking yet disturbing story. Thank you

MsVanilla69MsVanilla694 months ago

Thats some straight up Alfred Hitchcock writing right there , interesting read though with a twist

oldmanbill69oldmanbill696 months ago

Sad but good story.

VeracityHeterodyneVeracityHeterodyne6 months ago

Liked it. But people with rare blood types have no trouble getting donors. AB+ is a rare blood type, but a person with AB+ blood can safely accept blood from anybody. O- can safely be given to anybody. Hospitals and blood banks keep it on hand.

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