The Afterparty: Backyard Games


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They stopped about ten feet from where Nicole was still riding Sarah's face, and Tom had Tiff lay on her back. Then he helped with her legs, and soon she was rolled up with her ass in the air, laying back on her shoulders with her arms out for some balance. Her pussy was pointing up to the sky, and Tom knelt behind her and licked her from asshole to clit, then rubbed her roughly with one set of fingers. "You ready for the piledriver, Tiff?" he asked.

"Been here before. It's not exactly a comfortable position," she said. "And you can't get a good thrust going. Why the hell is this your favourite?"

"Because," Tom said, standing up and mounting over her, tilting his hard cock down to run it over her pussy lips for a moment before setting it in place and sliding in. "It's a power position. And I like my pussy sunny side up."

Miranda and I both rolled our eyes at the terrible pun.

To be honest, I didn't have a great view of the whole thing between Tiff and Tom since Miranda was on top of me and my legs were blocking my own view. I was also a little distracted considering Miranda was naked and riding me. She bent over me to drop a kiss on my lips, and I reached up and started to play with her nipples.

"How is it for you?" she asked me.

"Any position would be amazing with you," I told her. "But... weird."

"I know," she chuckled. "I can't wait for you to get to really fuck me. You looked so fucking manly, giving it to Nicole from behind and fucking Sarah. I wished I was her."

"Even with Nicole riding her face?" I asked.

Miranda blushed and shrugged a little. "Maybe."

"Someone bring me the bowl," Tiff called out. Tom was doing shallow squats to thrust down into her, and with Miranda on top of me, the four of us were unavailable. This should have been Matt's chance to escape the diving board, but I guess he thought he was stuck there because it was Nicole who eventually got up to get it from beside Miranda and I.

"I'll get it," she groaned, stepping away from Sarah, who took a deep breath and stayed laying on the grass with her arms flung over her head. "Sarah, that was- I mean damn. But I think my clit needs a break."

"Fine," Sarah grinned sloppily, her face covered in Nicole's juices. "Just be honest. How many orgasms?"

"Four? I think," Nicole said. "A couple of them were small but close together so it was hard to tell them apart."

"Not my record, but pretty good," Sarah smirked.

Nicole, staggering a bit on her wobbly legs, came over and bent down to grab the bowl from beside the chair Miranda and I were using. I noticed she put a hand on Miranda's naked back as she bent down, a casual supporting movement that wouldn't have meant anything except that they were both naked and it made my cock swell a bit inside of my crush. I also didn't miss the fact that Nicole bit her lips as she eyed, or maybe eye-fucked, the two of us in a long moment of hesitation before she stood back up with the bowl.

She went over to Tiff and Tom and knelt next to them, offering Tiff the bowl. Then I heard a soft slap - different than the occasionally skin-on-skin of Tom thrusting down into Tiff.

"You know the deal, Tom," Nicole said. "No touching."

"Right, sorry," he said. "I just got a little in the moment and your nipples look really pinchable."

"Whatever," Nicole said.

"Fuck, this is an awkward position," Tiff groaned. "Alright, let's see, um... Sarah!"

"Mmm?" Sarah mumbled from where she was lying out on the grass with all her limbs spread.

"Hah, bitch," Tiff laughed at her sister. "So many options, but I think you're on an o-roll, so you should come pay back the favour that Tom gave you earlier." I groaned at her pun, and Miranda picked it up a second after I did and rolled her eyes. "Come eat Tom's ass while he's fucking me in this stupid position. His butt should be plenty accessible."

"Alright, alright," Sarah said, rolling onto her stomach and starting to crawl over to Tom and her sister. She crawled right up behind them, got up on her knees and spread Tom's ass. I could only assume she then started tonguing it or something - the whole thing was happening on the opposite side of their trio from me and Miranda.

"She did that pretty easily," Miranda said, raising an eyebrow as she looked over her shoulder at the three. "And she's really close to Tiff. I wonder if they've shared a guy before or something."

"Would that be super surprising?" I asked. "I mean, Sarah is pretty promiscuous, but I think Tiff might be on an entirely different level. Or just has a few years more experience."

"True," Miranda nodded, then turned back to me. "Would you want to do that? Get shared between the two of them?"

I blew out a breath. "Theoretically? It would be fucking hot. In practice, it might be super fucking weird."

Miranda smirked and leaned over again to kiss me.

"Sarah, I'm not coming any closer than this," Nicole said over by the trio. "Take your face out of Tom's ass for a second to draw a name."

Sarah must have taken a moment to do it, but I actually felt a little relieved when she called the name. "Matty!" she said loudly. That meant he was going to get off the diving board and wouldn't be stewing over there getting mad.

"What am I doing?" my roommate said as he came back around the pool and approached the trio.

"Matty, come fuck this ass," Sarah said.

"What?!" Tom squeaked.

"Holy shit," Nicole started giggling.

"Uh, Sarah, I'm not doing that," Matt said.

"What?" Sarah asked in confusion. "What's wrong with- Ooooh, you thought I meant Tom. No, I meant my slutty sister." She slapped the side of Tiff's ass.

"Fuck," Matt exhaled heavily. "I- OK."

"Thank God," Tom sighed. "Hey, wait a second. I don't want his dick that close to my asshole anyways. What if he pops out and misses and I end up getting stuck?"

"Would serve you right," Tiff said from under him. "What, it's fine for me to just go on and get double penetrated like this and you can't even take the risk of a little hole poking?"

"Tiff, don't try and claim you don't want to take two cocks," Sarah said. "You told me exactly what you did last weekend. And Tom, this just needs some re-organizing."

"I wonder what Tiff did last weekend?" I mumbled to Miranda as they started following Sarah's orders to rearrange themselves over there.

"I was thinking the same thing!" Miranda smirked. "Maybe she had a threesome? Or like... a gangbang?"

"I wouldn't put it past her," I said.

"Do you like that?" Miranda asked, grinding herself softly on me again. My legs were starting to ache, but she'd started going easier on the fucking actions. "Like, gangbang porn? Would you want to be in one?"

I furrowed my brow. "I think I could be in one, but I wouldn't want to watch someone I waswith in one."

"Oh, no, I didn't mean me or Nicole or anything," Miranda said, shaking her head. "I meant like... some random girl at a party. I'm just thinking it would be hot to suck you hard and then send you into some back room to fuck a wild coed and listen to her coming over and over. Then you'd come back out and I'd suck her off of you, and we'd go out dancing or you take me home or something."

"Miranda, you are way kinkier than I ever imagined," I laughed. "God, you're amazing."

She laughed too, but our attention was brought back to the Piledriver DP that was happening behind us when Tom growled loudly, "Why does this keep happening to me?"

Sarah had re-arranged them so that Tom was fucking Tiff's pussy in the same piledriver set-up, but 'reverse' so his ass was pointing the same way as Tiff's face. And apparently, we'd missed Matt joining in because he was now awkwardly squatting right with his cock in Tiff's ass, trying his best not to knock knees with Tom.

And the two guys were inches from each other, face to sweaty face. And I could only assume they could feel each other inside of Tiff.

"It's not my fault!" Matt grunted. "It's Tiff and Sarah."

"Oops, did I do something wrong?" Sarah grinned, putting a finger to her lips like she was innocent in all of what was going on. "Look, just work together, boys. One of you in, one of you out."

"Hoooooly fuck," Tiff groaned. "So fuckingstuffed. Matty Meat, give my ass a fucking second to get used to that baby's arm you're carrying around."

That made Sarah giggle and grin even harder. "What's the matter, sis? I took it earlier. Can't keep up?"

"Fuck you, Sarah," Tiff moaned.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure they're fuckingyou."

Miranda had slowed considerably. She'd felt my cock swelling - there was only so much I could take even in this weird position.

"Not like this, babe," she said, going completely still. "Can you hold it? I don't want the first time to end like this."

"I think I can," I nodded, breathing deeply and trying to focus. There really wasn't anything stopping us from changing positions and doing our own thing. Nothing except the game that had brought us together. We didn't talk about it, but it felt like if we broke the game and did our own thing, it would be wrong in some way.

Nicole had drifted away from the DP that was happening, and padded on her bare feet over to us. She stood next to Miranda and I, eyeing us both up. "Is he getting close?"

"I'm holding out," I said, and without asking I reached up and grabbed at her ass. She was small and skinny enough that I could palm almost her entire cheek in one hand, and I pulled her closer to me and kissed the side of her thigh. She grinned in response, putting her hand back on mine and keeping it there, but then looked a little nervously at Miranda asking silently if it was OK.

"You two are so hot together," Miranda grinned in response.

"So are you two," Nicole nodded. "I think your tits look so hot when you bounce on him."

"Like this?" Miranda said, and bounced twice. Her titsdid look fucking awesome, but I groaned and put a hand on her waist to stop her as I was so fucking on the edge. "Sorry, babe."

"Yeah, like that," Nicole giggled.

"Well, I might have nice tits, but your nips are so fucking cute," Miranda said. "I bet he'd love sucking on them, they are so puffy."

Nicole blushed and put her hands over her chest, tweaking her areola for a moment. She looked at me. "Would you?"

"That and so much more," I told her, squeezing her ass cheek to try and tell her how much I wanted her now.

"So, what does this... mean?" Nicole asked. She took my hand from her ass and held it, and reached down and took one of Miranda's hands as well. "Does it mean anything? Is this just sex, or..?"

"I don't know," Miranda said. "I know I want to date John. When you suggested this game to Sarah and I, I kinda hoped something might happen between us. Never thought things would get this wild though."

"You suggested the game?" I asked Nicole.

Nicole was blushing down to her chest again as she held our hands. "I mean, I knew you had your big crush on Miranda," she said. "And I was pretty sure Miranda wouldn't turn you down, but you never wanted to break the friend barrier. And I was kinda hoping something crazy might happen."

"Crazy like what?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing," she said, and I could tell my best friend was trying to pivot away from something she didn't want to admit. I'd seen her do that sort of thing before when it was something she didn't want to talk about or admit. There was no point in pushing her, but now after everything that had happened, I kind of wanted to.

I wanted to know if Nicole had done this to get me and Miranda together, but had also been secretly hoping something would happen between me and her.

"Well, I want to date Miranda as well," I said. "But I also don't want to try and ignore that things have changed between me and Nicole. We can't just roll that back, and there's no way I would ever give you up, Nic."

Nicole beamed at me, and Miranda smiled. "And I wouldn't ever ask that," Miranda said. She squeezed Nicole's hand and looked her in the eye. "So John and I are going to date, and you have my express approval to do whatever you want together. Is that a good place to start?"

Nicole nodded. "I think so," she said. "Thanks."

Miranda shook her head. "No, Nicole. Thankyou for giving us a kick in our butts. Even if it turned out way more wild than expected." Then Miranda surprised both of us by pulling Nicole forward into a soft, one-second kiss. It was little more than a peck, but it was also way more than I thought either of them had done with another girl before that night, Sarah having changed that like a one-woman sexuality wrecking ball.

Nicole reacted by raising her eyebrows, but letting it happen. "Um," she stammered. "Uh. OK. It's a plan. I should, ah, get this game rolling again." She left us, stepping back towards the DP that was still happening. "Matt, you need to make your pick."

"Oh, right," Sarah said, still kneeling on the grass next to the threesome. "Here, Matty."

Matt groped around for the bowl and pulled a name. "Read it for me."

"It's..." Sarah said, turning the paper so she could read it. "Huh, well that's not very fun. It's Tiff."

"I'm kind of busy right now," Tiff groaned. She had both holes stuffed, and at some point had pulled her shirt up over her tits and was tweaking her own nipples.

"OH," Sarah said. "I know how to escalate. Matty, dare Tiff to let us get a video of this for everyone."

"Um, sure," Matt said. "Tiff?"

"Whatever," she exhaled heavily, rolling through what I could only guess was an orgasm. "Just get some good angles."

"Hot!" Sarah crowed, and got to her feet and went and fetched her phone, thumbing it open and opening up her camera app. The flashlight came on, and she adjusted some settings and then began filming her sister, circling around the trio to get every juicy detail.

"I think we're going to be in the background," I whispered to Miranda.

"It doesn't matter," Miranda said. "All they can see from there is my ass and your feet. No one would know it's us."

Tiff played it up for the camera for a bit, moaning even louder and more lewdly, doing a lot of talking about 'big cocks' and 'my holes.' I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if she had a secret porn career or something.

Tom was the first of the guys involved to tip over the edge. He was gritting his teeth and groaning, trying not the maintain eye contact with Matt as they worked just as hard to 'not make it gay' as they did to have sex with Tiff. Still, he groaned, and then let out a whimper. "I'm gonna- gonnaaaaa..."

"On my face, you fuck," Tiff growled. "Put it all over my face."

Tom pulled out of her and dropped to his knees, quickly stroking his cock and unloading with a lord, wordless groan. Later, on the video, I would see he actually dropped a pretty big load in Tiff's mouth and across her chin. For a facial, he did a pretty shit job though.

Matt was still balls deep in Tiff's ass, and now that the DP wasn't happening anymore he moved Tiff around, laying her down more. She groaned in appreciation as she was able to put her weight on her back. Matt grabbed her legs and pushed them together and back, folding her almost in half so that he could keep ploughing into her ass in a more missionary position.

"Fuck, yes, get all of that long fucking cock inside me," Tiff moaned. I wasn't even sure if it was for the camera or not. "Rearrange my fucking gots, you big dicked cock."

That made Sarah smirk and giggle, and after one more pan across her sister's ravaged and mostly naked body, and a view of Matt's cock in her asshole, Sarah finally stopped videoing. "Alright, bitch. You're down a cock, so you can pick another name."

"Fuck, OK," Tiiff panted. She found the bowl beside her and drew out a name, and then smirked. "Hah! Sarah."

"Remember, no doubling dares," Sarah told her sister. "So you can't just tell me to take a DP."

"Fine," Tiff said. "Is John hard right now, or no?"

"He is," Miranda called, and slowly pulled off of me to show that my cock was standing hard and at attention. I groaned as she left, and let my legs fall back down. I think I actually felt one of my hips crack like a knuckle.

"Good," Tiff said. "Sarah, go get the last cock at this party in your ass."

I didn't hear Sarah's answer, but she started standing up. "Miranda," I said. "You sure you don't want to-?"

"It's fine," she said, and came beside my chair and leaned down to kiss me. "It's actually kind of hot that I got you so close, but we're saving your first orgasm with me for later. And we'll have plenty of time to make up for it."

"Excuse me, babe," Sarah said, striding up to the chair and quickly straddling me. "How was he?"

"Excellent for what we could do in that position," Miranda said, grinning down at me. "You sure you're ready to take him in your ass?"

"Are you kidding?" Sarah asked. "I had Matt up there. No offence, John, but he's got you beat hands down in the size department."

"Hey, I noticed," I said. "No offence taken. I can't believe your sister is handling it like she is."

Sarah smirked. She sat on my sternum for a moment, her flushed pussy just inches from my face as she got her feet and legs into the position she wanted, then started backing her ass towards my cock and leaving a slimy trail of her arousal down my stomach. "Hah, I can. Tiff is a fucking slut."

"Takes one to know one," Tiff called over from where Matt was starting to really rail into her ass.

Nicole had come back over as well, and I noticed that she and Miranda were both watching with interest as Sarah reached back and handled my cock into position. "Ever had a girl's ass, John?" Sarah asked me.

"No," I chuckled. "This might be surprising to you, but there aren't that many people like you and your sister."

"Their loss," she shrugged. Then she backed up a bit more, and I felt a lot of pressure and then a squeezing moving down my cock head as I entered her ass.

"Fuuuck, Sarah," I groaned. "That's-"

"I know," she grinned sloppily. "Fuck, you're bigger than I thought back there."

"God, that looks hard," Miranda said, watching as my ass entered her friend's ass from about a foot away. "But you kinda make it look easy, Sare."

"I would have thought if you were an anal queen we would have heard about it by now," Nicole said from the other side.

"I'm actually not," Sarah grunted, thrusting her ass back a bit to take more of me. "I mean, not with other people. I like playing with my ass when I'm alone, but I haven't really fucked many guys with it. I guess tonight it's fair game though." Sarah pulled back a bit, then drove deeper until she was almost sitting her ass on my lap. Her eyes rolled back in her skull for a moment and she groaned happily through a gritted-teeth grin.

"Sarah, I'm not going to last long here," I grunted. "Miranda was edging with me."

"OK, OK," Sarah panted a bit. "Nicole, can you go get me the bowl?"

"Sure," Nicole nodded, and went to get it from beside Matt and Tiff. Tom was currently still panting and trying to catch his breath as he stroked his cock, hoping to get it up again.

"I just want to-" Sarah flinched, and then without raising off of my cock she rotated around like she was screwing me just a bit deeper into her ass until she was in reverse cowgirl. She put her feet up on the frame of the deck chair and her hands back onto my chest. "Fuck, yes. Right there, that's good."

"I'm- uuuugh-" I groaned.

"It's fine, baby," she said. She lowered her back to mine, and grabbed my hands and pulled them around to her front to grab her tits. She raised her hips and slowly lowered them, and then did it again, fucking me with her asshole. "Put one in me and stay hard, and we'll keep going."

"Fu-huuuuck," I groaned, and looked at Miranda as I started to come inside of Sarah's ass. Miranda was biting her lip and fingering herself as she knelt next to us, and when she saw I was orgasming she leaned down and kissed me. My come rocketed out of me, painting the insides of her ass like she was a house in need of three thick coats.