The Bribe


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"But the deal was for my anal cherry," Mandy frowned. "We haven't done that, yet. Or anything else. You're not going to welch on our deal, are you?"

"Of course not," I answered quickly. "I'm just saying, I'll help you with the Trig without you having to fuck me. I don't want to push you."

"Push me?" she iterated, surprised. "What makes you think it's pushing me to let me do something I've wanted to do since I first saw you with a hard-on? I don't think you get it, Steve. I like sex, and the idea of sharing something with you that I've never done before is very, very exciting. I've had you in my mouth. I'd like you in my pussy next, before we get to my ass."

Okay, so I can be dense sometimes. Really dense. I really did believe that she was coming on to me because she was desperate about her grade. I never figured she'd actually want to have me up her ass. But I was still going to make it her choice. Less guilt that way.

"It's still your choice, Sis," I told her. "You're driving this bus. Tomorrow morning we hit the books and I'm going to be a real rat-bastard taskmaster, but you'll pass your class. And probably never speak to me again. But to be straight here, I love you too much to hurt you or guilt you into anything you don't want to do. So you're in charge."

"The Sub is always in charge," she smiled. I had no idea what she was talking about.

"So, can we fuck our brains out?" she asked.

"You're not too wiped out from prior activities?" I asked. It was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Mouth in motion before brain engaged.

"What prior activities?" she asked, very suspiciously. "You can't mean the shower, because that was yesterday."

"Um..." I stalled. "What day is it?"

"It's Friday night, Steve." She shifted into her no-bullshit mode. "What prior activities?"

"Well, I just kind of figured Mom might have worn you out," I told her, deciding that delaying the inevitable was a bad idea. "Like I told you before, I don't want to hurt you."

"You sonofabitch," she started to bristle. "How long have you known what's going on?"

"I don't know what's going on, Mandy," I tried to explain. "There's been a whole lot of innuendo and stuff since I suggested sex with you, but I don't know anything. Except, I saw you and Mom just now when I went looking for you. That's it. I don't know anything else. And I don't even know that, if you don't want me to."

She regarded me coolly for several moments before she answered.

"You have been the epitome of the Good Son and the Revered Big Brother, Steve." She measured her words carefully. "There's no reason for you to get corrupted by your Evil Little Sister. I want you, and I want you bad, but like you said, I don't want to hurt you. I also want to pass Trig, and when you suggested sex, even jokingly, it looked like the golden opportunity for me to get what I wanted and keep you safe. You're a fucking genius, Steve. There's no reason for you to come down my Dark Side path."

I sat on my first impulse. Then I sat on my second. She kept looking at me.

"Actually, there is a reason," I finally told her, "and it's because I love you. Always have, even if we fought tooth and nail. And I love Mom, too, and Dad. I'm not going to upset the applecart. I'm not going to say Word One to anyone about this, other than you. You're the one I have the deal with."

"Then move over," she told me, stripping off her T-shirt and shorts. "I want you to fuck me silly."

I suddenly realized I wanted her more than any girl or woman I had ever known. Totally irrational, but there it was. And after seeing Mom drive her nuts, I was going to give her no less. She was going to cum a helluva lot before I fucked her in the ass. I started mentally running through everything I remembered a girl liked. She kind of distracted me with another one of those kisses. The I-own-you kind.

I was rock hard by the time she let up on the kiss. She didn't waste any time playing with me.

She went back down on me with a vengeance and started driving me towards the inevitable. Except, that's not what I wanted this time, and from what she had said, she didn't either. So I slowly pried her off of me.

"Nnn-nnn," I told her when she looked up at me. "My turn."

I eased her onto her back and slid down so I was between her legs, looking at one beautiful shaved pussy. I love the contours and textures of the female genitalia, breasts included. There's something flower-like to me about the inner and outer labia, kind of like an orchid, with all kinds of neat things hidden inside. One of my most favorite things to do was to start with the anus and lick and probe my way up to the vestibule, then the urethra, then the clit, then work my way back down again, taking my time and paying wet, sloppy attention to everything on the way by.

Apparently Mandy loved it, too.

"Oh, my God, Steve!" she moaned as she tried to keep her writhing under control. "Where the hell did you learn to do that? Whoever she was, I want to send her flowers!"

I smiled but I didn't laugh. My mouth was busy. I paused at her anus to give her a very thorough rim job with a bunch of penetrating anilingus thrown in. My tongue is moderately long... long enough to do a decent job of ass fucking with it. I had her really squirming when I moved on to do the same thing to her pussy. Sucking on her labia and probing with my tongue cranked her squirming up a notch. Butterfly flicking her urethra got a similar reaction.

Her very engorged clit stuck out kind of like the tip of my little finger. Big enough to suck it into my mouth a give it a sort of blowjob, flicking the tip with my tongue. That was hitting the jackpot.

"Oh, God, Steve!... Oh, God! Oh, Fuck!... Oh, fuck, you're gonna... Oh, God, I'm gonna... Oh, fuck! Oh, FUCK! OH, FUCK!!! CUMMING!!! CUMMING!!! Oh, FUCK CUMMING!!!"

I'm sure Mom heard that, all the way down the hall. And I knew that if I kept going, Mandy would trip over again. So I stuck two fingers in her cunt and went for the G-spot. And found it, no problem.

"OH-MY-GOD, OH-MY-GOD, OH-MY-GOD, OH-MY-GOD!!!" she cried out again as she was moaning and groaning and bucking and thrusting under my hand. "OH FUCK!!! CUMMING!!!"

Then she fell off into unintelligible moaning and groaning and mewling and almost sobbing as wave after wave slammed through her and her belly convulsed with the orgasms. She reached down and grabbed the hair by my ears and held on like she was riding a horse with its mane.

"FUCK-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK!!!" were the next actual words out of her mouth when her body took a break between cums and she tried to catch her breath. "Oh, God, Steve!... You're going to kill me!"

"Nnn-nnn," I disagreed, then lifted off her clit long enough to tell her, "not until after you've passed your Trig class." Then I went back to seeing how many times I could get her off before she passed out.

She stopped me before that happened.

"Please, Steve..." she virtually whimpered. "Please fuck me! Please..." I eased up and looked down on her. "Please... Master..."

Wow. There was that Master thing again. I really wished I knew what was going on in her head right at the moment.

"Please, Master..." she whispered. "Please fuck my cunt with your big, hard cock! Please fill me with your cum! Please, Master... make me yours..."

Okay, now I was officially freaking out. "Mandy?" I asked. "Are you okay in there?"

"Please, Steve..." she whispered a little louder. "Please fuck the hell out of me! Please..."

To this day I'm not sure, but I was hoping there was enough of Mandy in there that doing what she was begging for was a good thing. I spread her legs around my thighs, lined up on her cunny and plunged in.

"OH! FUCK! YESSSSS!!!" Her scream led me to believe I was doing something right.

That was about it for rational thought on my side because I became acutely aware that her hot, tight, wet, pulsing pussy was massaging me like a milking machine. Never mind how I know that. I was going to blow my load in about 2 seconds flat.

I had no idea if she was protected. I know I sure as hell wasn't. Pulling out became a very good idea. Except she wouldn't let me. She hooked her heels behind my butt and held me in.

"Mandy, I've got to pull out," I told her and I know I sounded desperate. "I'm not going to last. You feel too good. And I'm not safe..."

"You stay right there and fuck me, Steve!" she demanded. "I meant it. Fuck the hell out of me and cum in me! I want you to fucking own me!"

"Mandy, I don't..."

"Steve, shut the fuck up and FUCK THE HELL OUT OF ME!!!"

"Mandy, I..."


There wasn't going to be any more debate. I was going over regardless. So I relaxed and let it happen, let the massive shock wave of the orgasm hit and relax into the bliss as I pumped rope after rope into my kid sister.

"Oh, God, Yes!!!" she sighed. "Finally!..."

I was too wasted to say anything. I was wiped out and shaking the same way she'd done to me with the blowjobs. I started to pull out but she still wouldn't let me.

"Where do you think you're going?" she asked as she dug in her heels.

"I just came, Mandy," I told her. "Hard. I'm shaky. I was going to lie down next to you."

"Stay there," she told me. "You'll be back up in a minute. If you need to lie down, lie down on me. I can take your weight, no problem. See? I've even got a couple of really nice pillows here for you."

She had beautiful breasts and I was still worried about crushing them.

"I'm not going to be back up in a minute, Sis," I told her, still holding myself up on my hands and knees. "I may have decent recovery time but I'm not some kind of Stud."

"You are now," she smiled. "Just lie down on me, stay in me and rock gently and give it a minute."

I was suddenly suspicious. "What do you mean, I am now?"

"I spiked your lasagna with some of Dad's Cialis," she smirked. "Should be working pretty well by now."

"You did what?" I wasn't believing this. "What 'Dad's Cialis' are you talking about?"

"Dad takes daily Cialis for his ED and his BPH," she explained. "I just put a couple of them in your food. You should get your erection back in about 5 minutes or so. He does. With you being younger, it may be even faster. I kind of figured it had been so long for you that you might cum right away. I want you to fuck my pussy some more before you fuck me in the ass."

"How much did you cube me with?" I asked, now wondering if I had to worry about a heart attack or something.

"I didn't 'cube' you," she told me. "You don't put Cialis in sugar cubes. I laced your lasagna with it. Two 5mg Daily pills... that's like 10mg total. A really mild dose. But enough you should stay hard. And maybe get a headache."

"See?" she went on, rocking against me. "You're getting harder already." And damn, she was right.

"So c'mon, Steve," she smiled. "Make me cum as hard fucking me as you did fingering me."

I will admit I felt wonderful, sheathed by her hot cunny. And I was getting hard again, almost painfully so. I started rocking into her again and she kept pushing back until she finally grabbed my wrists and pushed out, making me fall on her.

"Oh, God, that's better," she murmured, wrapping her arms around my neck and not letting me up. "I love the feel of you against me. You're so big and powerful and dominating... I love it." She was sloshy with her lube and my cum, and sliding in and out was heaven.

"You like doggy-style?" I asked as we pumped away. She broke out in a huge grin.

"Arf! Arf!" she yipped, then let go of me, pushing me up to change positions. As soon as I was off her, she turned and got up on her hands and knees, dropped her shoulders to the bed and stuck her ass way up in the air. I have never been presented with a more luscious, beautiful target in all my life.

I knelt in behind her and eased my cock against her very wet lips. Easing in was no problem, so I just went for it, as deep as I could, moderate rhythmic thrusts, bearing down so my cock was hitting her G-spot and sliding past her cervix. Her groans became moans, became cries, and right as she started to cum, became a howl. Not sure how else to describe it. One long, loud moan that kept rising in pitch until she was threatening to go ultrasonic. Then she went over.

"Oh, God, YES!!! Oh, God, YES!!! Oh, God, YES!!!" she kept saying, over and over and on each "YES!!!" she'd slam back into me. And then she started speeding up and I tried to keep up with her.

"YES! YES! YES...YES...YES... YES-YES-YES-YES-YEEESSSSSSS!!!" And the weirdest thing happened.

She peed the bed.

Or at least, it seemed like it. She was cumming her brains out and there were steady squirts of liquid shooting down between our legs in time with her orgasmic pulses. I'd never seen anybody go incontinent like that before. But I sure wasn't going to stop the jackhammer fucking to gawk at it. I could wash the sheets later. The mattress, I wasn't so sure about.

"Oh, God, fuck, yes! Oh, God, fuck, yes! Oh, God, fuck... there! There, there, there!!! Oh, fuck, yes, Steve! Right there, right there, right... Oh... My... GOD!!! OH... GOD... CUMMINGGGGGGG!!!"

And again, a half a dozen squirts as I felt her cunt clamp down around my cock like she was going to tear it off. I kept it up and so did she. We probably did five or six more like that... a long build up with a bunch of mini-cums and then a huge one with the squirting. Eventually, my back was starting to rebel so I slowed up to let her catch her breath and let my muscles calm down.

"Oh, my God, Steve... mercy!" she finally pled. "I can't keep cumming like that! I'm a cock-whore and I want to, but I just can't take it anymore..."

"You're not a cock-whore, Mandy," I told her as I calmed down. "You like pussy, too."

"Okay, so I like it all," she admitted. "Same diff. Right now, though, I want you in my ass."

I really did have to ask again. This was big. This was her anal cherry. "Are you sure? You don't have to, if you don't want to."

"Steve, I'm giving you my ass so you can save it," she told me. "So fuck me in the ass. Take my cherry. Enjoy the hell out it. I know you'll earn it. Besides..." and her voice dropped to a whisper, "I like it when my Master uses me for his pleasure. I want you to do it, Steve. I want you to fuck me like you own me."

I was filling out a whole pad of mental notes to ask her about this whole Master and being owned thing, but right then I realized I needed to go through with the deal. And then make good on my part of it.

I eased my cock into and out of her pussy a few times to get it slathered with lube. Then I probed her pussy with my fingers and brought what I could out to smear around her anus. When I had her as lubed up as I thought I could, without going and getting the Vaseline, I started easing the head of my cock in to her virgin ass.

"Please be gentle, Master," she whispered as I eased in. "Until we know what I can take. Please?"

I decided to be a little raunchy and see if that was okay.

"Of course, you tantalizing little cum-bucket. I will eventually get my entire schlong deep in your ass and give you a hot cum enema." I heard and felt the catch in her voice and the excited increase in her breathing. I was really going to have to talk to her about these fantasies.

In the meantime, I had to get my cock into a very, very tight ass.

"Have you had anything up your ass, Sis?" I asked. I figured she must have done some kind of playing around, with somebody. "No dildos, no vibes, no cucumbers?..."

"Nothing bigger than a doctor's finger," she told me.

"You're kidding me!"

"Nope," she sighed. "You're the first. And you are fucking huge!"

I shut up and concentrated on getting my cock in her. It took a lot of long, slow rocking and gentle stretching, but at last my glans popped past her sphincter and I heard a long, low moan from her.

"God, Steve..." she sighed. "Does that mean you're in? Or do I have to stretch a lot more?"

"A little more, but it will be easy for you," I told her. "I'll wait here a moment while you adjust to me. Tell me when you want the rest of it."

She eased back against me, pushing a bit, like testing the waters. She finally decided that was enough testing.

"Okay, Steve, fuck me. All the way. Own me. Make me cum like the dirty cock-whore cum-bucket I am. Make me beg for your hot seed deep inside me!"

I was getting a very condensed education in her expansive vocabulary. It was actually kinda cool.

"As you wish," I told her and started stroking. Surprisingly, things ramped up very far, very fast right after that. She easily stretched the rest of the way to accommodate me and it was half a dozen strokes later that my balls were slapping her pussy.

She'd started out quiet but her mewling was getting louder, punctuated by moans and groans when I bottomed out. Then the verbal encouragement started.

"Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Right there! Oh my God, right there! Oh fuck that's intense! Jesus H. Bald-headed Frog, that's intense! Oh, Motherfucker! Oh, yeah, Steve, fuck me! Fuck me! Oh, God that's good!"

And so forth. I'd never had a talker like her and I was enjoying the hell out of it. I was also enjoying the hell out of the idea that I'd gotten her anal cherry and she seemed to like it! It wasn't long before she hit her first anal orgasm, and Christ, did she go over big time! That moan/howl thing came out of nowhere and she went right over the top.

And I thought her cunt muscles were strong! Christ, I thought she was going to cut me right off!

"Ohhhh... Myyyyy... Fuckinnnggg... GOD!!!" she wailed. "CUMMINGGGG!!!"

She was spasming and thrashing and moaning and groaning and cumming all over the place. I was having to hold onto her hips to make sure she didn't fall off the bed. Then all of a sudden, she collapsed with me still buried balls deep in her ass... and started laughing.


"What the fuck?" was the best I could do.

"Oh, my God, Steve... this is so funny! I'm cumming my brains out from being fucked up the ass! I don't believe it! I'd heard you could cum like that... I just didn't know I could..."

"You think that's funny?" I asked. "Try this on for size..." and I started another long, hard, pounding fucking and she went right back over the top, several times. Eventually my self-control went the way of the dodo-bird. That is, it disappeared.

"Oh, fuck, Mandy..." I told her. "I'm gonna cum! Are you really sure you want..."

"Shut the fuck up and cum in my ass... Sir!"

"Oh, God..." I moaned, feeling my balls pull up. I hadn't cum twice in this short a time since I was thirteen. "Oh, fuck, Mandy! I'm cumming!!!" For the second time in less than an hour I unloaded my cum into my sister... this time into her hot, pulsing ass.

"Me, too!!!" she cried out and came on me again, incredibly hard.

For my part, I was cumming so hard I was getting the twinkly little lights around the edges of my vision and everything started to shake.

"Oh, fuck, Steve!" she cried out again. "Hold on to me! Hold on to me! Oh, fuck!!!..."

She started shaking, too, and there just wasn't any way I was going to hold both of us up, so I picked the side with more room and toppled that way. We landed spooned together and I was still docked in her. It took some time, but we both managed to calm down and I ended up just holding her, our sweat running off of each other, both disheveled and exhausted. And I was still hard and I was still in her ass.

"How long does this Cialis shit last?" I asked. We really needed to get some sleep before the tutoring started in the morning.